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Chapter 553 Scouting Eagle

Yan Yu found the general accounting room.

"Why not go to Xizhou to buy coal?"

Firewood cannot burn for a long time, and the quantity of charcoal is small and the price is high. It is not just these two things that can be burned for heating. There is also coal that can be supplied in large quantities.

"The roads are blocked by heavy snow, and coal from Xizhou cannot be transported in," the general accountant said.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment.

I secretly blame myself for not fully converting my thinking.

Yongning City is paved with bricks and stones, making it difficult for carriages and horses to travel, let alone outside the city.

"Have you seen my sledge? If it is bigger, maybe it can be used? Walking on the snow is much easier than ordinary carriages and horses."

Yan Yu did not give up. If he could buy enough coal, he could greatly ease the heating pressure in Guanzhou.

The Crown Princess is rich, and the big families in the city are willing to pay. As long as the problem is not about money, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Ignoring the general accountant's resistance, she dragged him to the door.

"Hold on, come here!" Yan Yu shouted loudly.

The general accountant then pulled back his sleeves, thinking to himself that Mr. Wang, the godson, had grown up with everything he had, how could he be so strong!

So angry! I have never pulled a child...

Could it be that after my hair is thinning... my body and bones are no longer strong?

Gouzhu ran over from a far corner, the little sledge he was pulling almost flying.

Wagging his tail happily.

The dog head patrolled back and forth between Yan Yu and the general accounting room.

"Please take a look at the general accounting room." Yan Yu pointed with her little hand.

Gou Zhu understands, this needs to be shown.

It turned half a circle flexibly, and the sledge behind it drew an arc on the snow.

The small sledge stopped steadily in front of the general accounting room.

"Make the board bigger and wider, and make the side guards higher to prevent coal from scattering. It's a long journey, so it's best to pack it in bags to avoid throwing too much weight along the way." Yan Yu said seriously.

The general accountant said in his heart that Yan Xiaoer knew quite a lot, and he also knew that coal transportation costs a lot of money.

He circled the sledge twice.

"There is no precedent for using sledges to transport goods to and from Guanzhou..."

"Just tell me whether it's feasible or not. There's no precedent for this heavy snowfall this winter." Her face tightened and her expression was serious: "General accountant, our family is in the charcoal business. How much can a charcoal farm produce in a day?"

Tan knows best. Even though every house is burning day and night, it is still not enough, and there are still gaps. We are not just in charge of Yongning City, the entire Guanzhou is the prince's fiefdom, who can be left behind!"

Before entering the palace as an errand, Yan Yu could only see the two cities of Huju and Yongning in front of him.

She didn't care much about Gu Feng. Just like Hu Ju was her master's concern, Gu Feng's eldest father had to worry about Gu Feng's affairs.

But after staying in the accounting room for a long time, I realized the prince's difficulty.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. There are no cities in Guanzhou that are not the people under the rule of the prince.

Everyone needs to be taken care of and saved.

Official documents from various cities flew in like snowflakes.

Her godfather said that the letters she wrote to the prince in private made her cry loudly and shed blood every word.

One is more pitiful than the other.

Her master… is also among them.

The letter was written with emotion and reason, touching the heart, and painfully recounted the difficult situation of Huju:

Beirong did not defeat them. They were running out of food and did not hesitate to borrow money!

But the cold disaster... they fell, they couldn't survive, they really couldn't bear it.

Countless people died!


The city is full of mourning again, and every family is mourning...

The godfather commented that the other cities were not as sincere and sincere as her master's writing, and were slightly inferior.

"Xizhou has always transported the coal, and the losses on the road have also been borne by Xizhou..." the general accountant muttered.

Yan Yu understood that the labor inside and outside and the losses on the road originally belonged to Xizhou. If they had to pick it up themselves, others might not give them a discount.

She wanted to say, what are you afraid of? General accountant, we have money now, why are we still so fussy...

I finally swallowed it.

"General Accountant, the price is easy to negotiate. The price of charcoal in the city has gone up so much. Even if Xizhou raises the price for us... it's not unacceptable." She deliberately muttered in a low voice: "In the end, no one's life matters.


The general accountant's heart trembled.

After looking at her, his brows relaxed and then tightened.

As a person who proposes ideas.

Yan Yu saw what preparations for cross-government large transactions are.

First of all, you can't just bring money there.

If you catch someone off guard, they will catch you off guard.

Mining coal mines requires a lot of manpower. There are coal mines and iron mines in Xizhou, and a fixed quantity must be transported to the court on a regular basis. In addition, there is coal and iron that can be traded with other governments.

Iron is expensive and coal is cheap. I wonder which one Xizhou will choose and work hard to dig out.

With mining being done year by year, Xizhou should have stocks.

But with the weather this year, people have to save enough for their own use first, and then sell the rest at a high price.

Yes, Xizhou is also cold, and the climates of Guanzhou and Xizhou are not much different.

The British Prince's Mansion must first send someone to Prince Qi's Mansion for a friendly exchange.

Express your intention to buy coal, and then discuss the price, total amount, and the time and amount of each shipment.

Such a large transaction cannot be shipped at once, and the delivery time will be very long.

The demand in Guanzhou is urgent, and we cannot let Xizhou delay delivery until spring.

Determining the delivery time is very critical.

All of this must be completed before the people sent to negotiate set off.

The two governments are far apart, making it inconvenient to transmit information.

The people sent to Xizhou must have autonomy and be very clear about the upper and lower limits of this transaction.

Even subsequent payment methods must be planned in advance.

There is also the problem of being unable to transport goods from Xizhou to Guanzhou due to heavy snow and road closures. Yan Yu’s idea...

Implementation also requires the cooperation of many parties.

At this moment, we cannot mobilize civilians, we can only mobilize the city army...

There are also large sledges. The accountants feel that it is faster to dismantle the frame directly, and just remove the wheels and make slight modifications, which saves time.

Where do the cars come from? They need to be allocated by the government from various places...

There are also animals pulling sledges...

Coal transportation route...

Yan Yu:……

Quietly retreat.

It was not Yan Yu's intention to leave work early, although she couldn't do much to help.

She can do some writing and calculation work, but how can the accountants trust her?

After leaving the palace, Gou Zhu took Yan Yu and went straight out of the city.

One person and one dog came to a remote place, and the goshawk that had been hovering here for a long time flapped its wings and flew down.

The paws firmly grasped the guardrail of the sledge and chirped softly as a greeting.

Yan Yu smoothed its feathers, and the goshawk nuzzled her gloves affectionately with its beak.

There is some expectation, some excitement, and some uneasiness that is hard to suppress.

She asked the goshawk to detect the movements of Beirong on the other side of the mountain.

Today, the Scout Eagle is finally back!

Yan Yu pointed to an empty snow field and ordered to the goshawk:

"Target group: Beirong."

"Number of split screens: 8"

"Double speed playback."

Eagle eye projection.

There are eight slightly blurred split screens on the snow, and different images are played quickly...

This chapter has been completed!
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