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Chapter 564 The chef invited to the banquet

After the waiter left, Yan Huaiwen patiently smoothed the notebook.

The moment he wrote and put the ink down, he thought of many things.

Thousands of thoughts finally turned into two clear lines of small words:

My younger brother Tianyou, Zi Xiangheng settled in Guanzhou and took three exams the following year and passed them all.

My brother Tianyou is ranked first, I am very happy!

Yan Huaiwen looked at it for a long time, with a little smile in his eyes.

He didn't add any more pens. When the ink was dry, he gently closed the notebook and returned it to its original position.

As soon as Yan Laoer entered the village, people standing on the arrow tower saw him.

Shouting: "Yan Lao'er is back! Village chief, Yan Lao'er is back!"

Village Chief Luo raised his eyes: "What are you calling Yan Erxiucai? I've told you so many times, why can't you remember it?"

"That's right, it's Yan Er, the scholar!" The people on the archery tower waved excitedly: "Yan Er, the scholar!" He mustered up his strength and shouted to Yan Lao Er, "Are you really a scholar? Like your brother, you will become a scholar.

La? Okay, you, Mr. Yan... no, Yan Erxiucai!"

"Yan Laoer is back? Where is he? Let me see..."

"It's Yan Er Xiucai, you can't call it wrong. His brother is Yan Da Xiucai, he is Yan Er Xiucai, Yan Lao Er and his eldest nephew is Yan Xiao Xiucai... Bah, bah, it's Yan Er Xiucai and his eldest nephew..."

"Yan Er...then what...Xiucai, have you returned to the village to hold a banquet? We are just talking about this matter and want to go to the city to discuss it with you later. Good guy, there are three of you in your family alone.

Scholars, and Liang Xiucai, we now have four scholars in Xiao'an Village, four! It needs to be lively and lively, and we should also hold a running banquet for three days, one day for each of you, it's just right."

"It's so cold outside, and there are still running tables, what can I do? If you ask me, I should go to the city to do it. Last time the Yan's shop opened, it would have been good for us to eat at that restaurant. Let my boss make the decision." Uncle Hu said.

He was very angry: "I will give him three days. We will pay for it in the village. We should pay it in the village. If we have children in the future, we will do it! I don't know if the firecrackers are expensive or not. Let's take a look around and see if we can put it all the way."

It's the best in the city. If it doesn't work... just walk for a while and play a few rings. It's high and low so that everyone knows. Our Xiao'an Village has won three talents this time, three! Yan Er is still the number one, hahahahaha! Hey

"Hey, my face is flushed. Wherever the old man goes from now on, his face will be shiny and shiny!"

Several old men stood together hissing and boasting, and more and more people gathered after hearing the letter from Yan Laoer.

As soon as the group reached the big rock in the center of the village, Yan Laoer was pulled out of the car by the villagers.

The people in the village are so welcoming!

He was so enthusiastic that Yan Laoer didn't even have the chance to say that he had brought distinguished guests back to the village...

The King of England opened the curtain and saw that Yan Huaian was squeezed into the crowd. It was noisy, everyone had their mouths open, and everyone was talking.

Yan Huaian only had one mouth, which was not enough, so he had to add two hands.

Suppress this end and raise that end.

If you answer this question, you have to answer that question.

Finally someone noticed the carriage on his side.

"Yan Er, did you invite a chef back to prepare a meal? A chef from Yongning City?" I don't know who the talented person asked this question.

The villagers surrounding Yan Laoer were completely stunned.

"The chef invited by Yongning City? Tsk tsk! It has to be Yan Laoer. He is thinking thoughtfully, isn't he? When all the people in our village go to the city to eat and no one is left to look after the house, how can we rest assured and invite the chef back?

That’s it!”

"Then we should hold a banquet in the village? Don't eat outside, it's frozen. As Uncle Song said, just a few restaurants near Yan's house are the best."

"Let's discuss it with the military camp on the border. What can we do if we can use it? They are not serious border troops, they are not a militia. The waiter has already said that they are our Huju people's regiment and Huju people's soldiers.

Their ice cover is made of frozen ice molded in our village, so do we have a share? If you don't dare to go, I'll ask."

"How can you go? It's time for the waiter to go. By the way, why didn't the waiter come back? Yan Er, where is your waiter?"

"The waiter has gone to Huju." Yan Laoer finally took the opportunity to speak again.

"I said to you guys, listen to what I have to say. We will definitely host the scholar banquet. We won't go to the city, just in our village, so as to save you guys the trouble of going back and forth in the cold weather. Well, let me introduce it to you.

This is not the chef I invited..."

King Ying came over at some point and took over with a smile: "I am the chef invited by Yan Erxiucai, Tianxianglou, have you heard of it?"

People from Xiao'an Village looked at me and I looked at you. After shaking their heads in unison, they all looked at Yan Laoer, waiting for him to tell him what kind of restaurant Tianxiang House was.

"This is Tianxiang Restaurant! It's the most popular restaurant in Yongning City. They don't do ordinary business. When customers come, they have to pick and choose whichever one is suitable. Ordinary people don't know that there is such a restaurant.

Not to mention eating it." You have to be a prince, and he can talk rightly with his mouth.

Yan Laoer opened his mouth, and his words suddenly turned around: "Yes! This is the chef I invited, and his last name is..."

King of England: "I hate the surname Shi."

"Chef Shi from Tianxiang Tower!" Yan Laoer had a smile on his face and the corners of his mouth twitched twice uncontrollably.

"Chef Shi!"

Several village elders, with bright eyes, pulled away Yan Laoer who was in the way.

"Please, please, please, what are your specialties in cooking? Don't worry, Chef Shi, just ask for anything and we will do our best to make it happen." Village Chief Luo promised.

"Are these all your apprentices? Wow! They look very energetic and energetic." Old Man Song greeted enthusiastically: "Quickly, come in and have a rest."

Even if he didn't say anything, these people would have to follow.

The prince traveled in casual clothes and only took them with him, so he had to stay close to him.

The King of England, no, Chef Shi went up to the arrow tower and looked down with great interest.

Pointing to various places, the village elders patiently explained.

Next is the Yan family. Yes, his family grows mushrooms.

Nowadays, you can pick up some frozen wild animals in the mountains. I wonder if you, Chef Shi, can match them.

There are fish in the river. If we can use them, we will catch them all alive. We can find ways to keep them with water.

Those wandering cows and sheep? They belong to our village. Let’s take them out for a walk while the sun is still good.

How many kills? This...

The village elders gritted their teeth and looked at each other.

Agree unequivocally.


Let's kill as many as we want.

What is that place over there?

It's our militia group.

The place is big enough, so we can borrow it for a banquet.

The ice cover is not cold, just put a few stoves in it and it will keep you warm. It's okay. Our village charcoal stone chef can use it as hard as you like. If your fragrant building is not enough, just squeak and I will send it to you...

Yan Laoer didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The King of England was quite devoted to his role, and he bargained very seriously with Village Chief Luo and the others about how much meat and vegetables there were, how many plates and bowls, how many people to set the table and serve, how many stoves to build...

Yan Laoer almost blinked his eyes, and he gave several old men countless glances, but none of them understood.

On the contrary, I am even more enthusiastic about "Chef Shi".

Just... outrageous!

This chapter has been completed!
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