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Chapter 576 A group of strong men

Yan Yu read the letter written by her father on the donkey's back.

The King of Qi is not a good man...

The sky-high price of coal? Haha, then don’t blame her for being rude!

Yan Yu pulled the reins, and the donkey quickly came to a halt with small steps.

She has good eyesight and can already see the two groups of people converging from this position.

Undoubtedly, this situation adds some difficulty.

But it’s not too much.

It's just a trade for a batch of coal. What kind of elite troops can be sent to strengthen the general?

She waited where she was for those who were chasing her, not even worrying that the Xizhou and Beirong groups would discover their whereabouts.

By this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired.

"One team will circle around and cover from behind."

"The three teams are divided into two routes, and the left and right sides are blocked."

"The second and fourth teams will follow me and charge head-on."

Yan Yu's neat command prevented everyone from breathing, and continued: "Everyone, change your swords and sticks!"

Everyone immediately started switching.

The wind and snow were howling and flying, beating on their backs without stopping.

In such a heavy snowstorm, the effectiveness of bows and crossbows is inferior to that of swords and sticks.

Yan Yu felt the push behind him and smiled. It was a tailwind.

The enemy is disobedient and I am submissive, she thinks it is a good omen.

"Everyone, remember what I'm saying now. The two convoys in front include people from Xizhou and Beirong. People from Xizhou can be injured but not killed. As for Beirong..."

She growled word by word: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When the last word "kill" came down, Yan Yu took the lead.

All the people in the militia were unfamiliar and ran in their own directions according to the instructions.

"No, the enemy is attacking!" The soldiers responsible for escorting Xizhou discovered this group of enemies coming in the wind and snow first.

The reason why it was confirmed so quickly was because the other party didn't even bother to say hello, and just rushed into the formation without any martial ethics...

We and the enemy are instantly clear.

Yan Yu has no interest in Xizhou people.

As long as it doesn't interfere with her business, she doesn't have to take action.

But unfortunately, the Xizhou Army itself does not have this awareness.

"Form up! Form an formation quickly!"

Hearing that group of Xizhou soldiers shouting like this, Yan Yu's fists became hardened.

"I'm looking for money. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Her voice was still soft, mostly muffled by the wind and snow.

"Uncle Qi, Fifth Uncle Qi, help me shout together." Yan Yu said immediately.

Qi Da and Qi Wu were close to each other, and they focused most of their attention on Yan Yu. They heard the truth and shouted in a rough voice: "We want firewood, and if we don't want to die... get out!"

This shout of the word "go" was shocking and deafening!

If Yan Yu hadn't been carrying an iron rod, he would have rubbed his ears, so shocked!

But what the hell is firewood for?

She shouted here, but her speed did not stop.

Like lightning, the donkey rushed into the ranks of the Xizhou Army in an instant.

Really, these Xizhou soldiers were completely confused.

I have never encountered such a tough enemy.

You don't even stop, you really dare to charge!

The donkey was still two feet away when he jumped up.

Yan Yu followed the trend and did a 360-degree swing.

I didn't dare to withdraw my strength, for fear that the swing would not be round.


The sound of swords and sticks clashing and killing each other.

There was constant resistance coming through the iron rod, and Yan Yu felt that it was not safe. After one round, another round came...

The huge force shook Xizhou Bing's hands and arms to the point where he couldn't hold on to several knives and fell to the ground.

The whole body was cleared at once.

The so-called formation is like a joke.

Where is the array? Where is it?

The few people who dropped their weapons were beaten with sticks, arms and legs by the people from Xiaoan Village who were chasing after them.

While knocking, he shouted: "Don't move, do you hear me? If I tell you not to move, I'll cut you if you move!"

"Who are you? Do you know who we are? We..." The soldiers who were knocked down were beaten so hard that they couldn't even squat down. Only those who lay down honestly would not be beaten. Whenever there was any sign of getting up, they would be beaten.

Been chipped.

Before he could finish speaking, he was hit again.


This time it was a slap on the butt.

Hiss! It hurts!

Ertie said fiercely: "Shut up! We only care about coal, no matter who you are!"

He followed what the waiter said, so he felt that he was right.

"Which hilltop are you from?" The man still refused to give up.

Judging from their clothing and weapons, this group of people is not a regular army, but more like bandits.

"If you keep talking, I'll knock your teeth out!" Wang Dalong stabbed the stick in front of the man with such force that it stirred up a cloud of flying snow, confusing the man's mouth.

A group of half-grown children slowly took over the place.

He stared unblinkingly at the defeated Xizhou soldiers on the ground.

The front guy is still throwing people away.

They were all told to stay in a prone position and were not allowed to move or speak.

Anyone who misbehaves will be beaten with several sticks immediately.

No matter how hard I stab the head, it will be honest.

They can only judge the situation by sound.

From what I hear, this group of strongmen seems to be at war with Beirong.

The militia still had some concerns about the Xizhou Army.

But against the Beirong, he was really going to die!

Qi Da slashed at him with his stick, and Beirong on the opposite side used his knife to block it. His hands were so broken that he couldn't stand firmly and kept retreating.

Yan Yu looked around, and out of the corner of her eye she saw the man retreating behind her.

He made an almost silent snap of his fingers with his left hand.

The donkey's eyes seemed to be illuminated by light, and synchronized with the light were its two hind hooves.

A kick was sure to hit Beirong hard in the back of his heart.


The man was kicked away and knocked down.

Never got up again.

Qi Da chased after him and kicked him along the way. After confirming that he was really dead, he looked towards Yan Yu's side.

I saw two shameless Beirongs attacking from both sides.

Qi Dali became angry immediately.

Teng Teng Teng rushed over in several strides.

Before anyone arrived, the iron rod in his hand was thrown out first.

It's stabbing that person in the heart.

What a scream.

Qi Dada's fist as big as a copper hammer followed closely.

Bang bang bang bang hit that person hard.

Yan Yu swore that in the increasingly louder sound of wind and snow, she really heard the sound of bones breaking, clicking, clicking, accompanied by the sound of continuous spurting of blood.

Although they are enemies...but, it's really miserable!

She followed suit and the iron rod in her hand flew out without any warning.


Awesome, hit me in the head!

A short knife was sent out silently, while the man was dizzy, and it was thrust straight into his throat!

The slight feeling of blockage is almost negligible.

The dagger was retracted, and blood beads rolled down.

The snow is white and dyed bright red, and the red beads on the blade are gone.

Color conversion, only in an instant.

Yan Yu watched the man fall slowly, and time seemed to slow down at this moment.

There was indifference in her eyes.

She is in awe of life.

But this does not include Beirong!

His eyes glanced at the Beirong slaves who were dragged away by the boy scouts in the distance.

Yan Yu only felt firm in her heart.

Beirong, damn it!

The donkey suddenly turned around.

Yan Yu looked over coldly and saw a desperate Beirong trying to sneak attack her from the side.

She grinned at him.

Suddenly he got off the donkey, picked up the iron rod on the ground, and pulled the reins from under the donkey from one side to the other, seamlessly forming a stick.

Beirong's legs were swept away and he was immediately half shorter.

Yan Yu hit back with another stick.

Man, fell down in the snow.

A few teeth fell to the snow, and were quickly covered by the wind and snow, leaving no trace.

This chapter has been completed!
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