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Chapter 601 Reporting Work

"What do you think Huju is doing with so many sledges? Are there still cinders in Xizhou?"

"That's not possible. When we come back from the village, there won't be much cinders left in the coal yard, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is another coal mine? How is that possible? Even if there is, why should Xizhou let us Guanzhou people go and do it?"

"I heard that Huju doesn't have enough food, so he has to buy food from another country. He can't wait for the snow to melt, so he will leave soon."

"What you all said is wrong. I'm just asking here. I said that our prince wants to compete with Xizhou for the territory of Leshan. You didn't notice that there are more and more border troops on the street. They are going to Gu Fengshou."

If we don’t protect everything, we will have a fight with Xizhou!”

"What is there to fight for in Leshan? I really don't understand why our prince is spending so much effort. It's not like we don't have mountains in Guanzhou! Hey! Isn't that all there!"

"I don't know what the big shot is thinking. In short, we can do whatever we are asked to do. It is not easy to find work at this time. The coal given by Huju can be sold if it is not used by the family. This is no different from giving copper coins!"

Mr. Tian walked around, looking at this and touching that, nodding his head.

Although he looked calm on the outside, he was heartbroken.

With so many people from outside the city staying in Huju, a lot of coal is consumed every day.

These are only people from outside the city, not counting the local people.

The Huju people naturally trust the government. The latter will not exchange money in kind for the time being, but will keep accounts.

The work he does is more complicated, such as sewing leather clothes, making reins and straps... making dried meat and marching rations!

The latter two types of people in border towns are familiar with them, and almost every household knows them.

Everyone was silent, knowing in their hearts that a war was about to begin!

The government agencies assigned different tasks, and they knew that this matter had to be kept secret and could not be talked about.

Two days before Xiao Yaer's 100th day, Yan Laoer hurriedly hurriedly and finally rushed back.

Before he could have enough intimacy with his wife and daughter, he was called away by someone from the palace.

First, the prince came to see him and reported in person a series of tasks he had done following the prince to Xizhou.

Then I went to see the Crown Prince and reported in person a series of work I had done in Xizhou after the Crown Prince left.

Then he went to the general accounting office of the palace. Yan Laoer said he was tired at first, but he regained his energy, took out the accounts he had kept, and reported the work with a very correct attitude...

The general accounting office is here to arrest people for work.

The army has not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Guanzhou must send out troops on its own and prepare all military needs by itself.

The accounting room of the palace was in chaos.

It's the right time to employ people, and it's just the right time for Yan Huaian to come back!

When faced with the ledger, the general ledger kept his expression straight and resorted to dragging his feet.

"Manager Yan, I will accept the account book first. It will take some time to check the records on it. After the settlement is completed, I will write off the account with you." He changed the topic and said: "The government is busy at the moment, and there is an errand that is very important.

I have to go to Guan Yan personally."

Yan Laoer was a little reluctant to accept this conversation, but he was holding his account book and reimbursement, and he really had a hand in his grasp.

I had to hold my nose and ask, "What's the errand?"

"Huju has a batch of coal that he wants to hand over, and he has to cover it up quickly." The general accountant said.

"Coal? Where is it? How much is it?" Yan Laoer asked.

The general accountant handed him a note.

On it is written the location and quantity of coal.

Yan Laoer knew it as soon as he saw it.

This is the batch of coal that was stolen from Xizhou and Beirong.

The two coal-carrying convoys before and after were both won by his daughter. Yes, that's the number. There is a big difference.

"Why haven't you been brought back?" Yan Laoer is not a fool. Once he thought about it, something was wrong. The general accountant even told him to hurry up. What? It's not easy for others to go, so just wait for him, Yan Laoer?

He still had to go and kiss her... He asked himself that he had never shown such an open face.

What does he have? His teacher is Mr. Huju.

Is his eldest brother Huju Hushu?

To say that no one else can do this, but only him can do it, then...the stuck joints are probably because these two people didn't run away.

"The two people before and after received their errands, but both returned without success." The general accountant looked incomprehensible, and looked at Yan Laoer with a somewhat complicated look.

The first time, the man thought that he didn't need to bring many people with him, and since he couldn't draw attention to himself, he acted quietly. When he got to the place, he asked the Huju government office to cooperate and borrow some carriages and horses to transport the coal back.

But I don’t know if Hu Ju was offended by his words or actions.

The Huju government office refused very simply!

The man couldn't help it, so he returned alone. He was so angry that he reported Hu Ju's evil behavior.

The latter learned his lesson, and Yu Yongning prepared all his chariots, horses, and manpower, and kept a low profile, avoiding official roads and taking detours. But in the end, he didn't even come back...

Hu Ju left all the chariots, horses and men behind!

It’s simply unreasonable!

It's you who want to hand over the coal, and it's you who are withholding it now.

What kind of trouble are you Huju trying to make!

The general accountant is worried, but Yan Huaian is back.

"You're back? Why have you been gone so long?" Li Xuemei asked softly while patting little Ya'er to sleep.

Yan Laoer washed his head and face, wiped his hands, and moved towards the kang after his body had warmed up.

He replied in a low voice: "Why don't I come back early? The prince and the prince want to ask, fearing that there is someone on the other side of Xizhou feeling."

Yan Laoer told him about the errands assigned to him by the general accountant, and then said: "The people who are busy with me today, except for the waiter and her godfather, have to meet the few people in the palace who have the final say."

"Did you also meet the Crown Princess?" Li Xuemei raised her eyebrows.

"I see you." Yan Laoer nodded: "But it's quite far away, and I didn't take a close look."

Li Xuemei asked in a low voice: "What does the Crown Princess want from you?"

"It's about our daughter." Yan Laoer said: "The teacher invited for her is coming soon. The road is not easy to walk. The walk is slow, so the people from the capital behind will catch up. It will take three days at most to enter Yongning City.


"Are you getting together with the officials from the capital who came to deal with the private mines in Xizhou? Why don't you go directly to Xizhou? What are you doing in Guanzhou?" Li Xuemei asked curiously.

"The imperial court sent two groups of people. The first group was for the private mine in Xizhou. It was said that the person in charge was named Luan. The matter of the private mine was reported and was under the control of the Ministry of Industry. This Lord Luan was the worker.

Minister of the Ministry, third grade, professional counterpart."

Yan Laoer continued: "There are more people in the latter group. The person in charge is also a prince like our prince and King Qi. King Wu is still our prince's younger brother, but they are royals. They are not often seen on TV.

Acting, that's what it's like for brothers. The British king has been in Guanzhou for many years, and his feelings are probably average. Anyway, I didn't notice how much the people in the palace welcomed the King of Wu. Speaking of which, they were all average. At the same time,

There were also several high-ranking officials coming...

The two princes competing for Leshan Mansion seemed to be quite a big deal! They left the capital later, and first caught up with Master Luan who was in front of them, and then they caught up with the group of teachers who hired our daughter.

People in the palace said that Master Luan is going directly to Xizhou, and King Wu and his party will first go to Guanzhou, then go to Xizhou, and finally stay in Leshan..."

This chapter has been completed!
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