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Chapter 676 Large quantity and high quality leather goods

Yan Laoer took the people and the cattle, and as soon as they entered Huju City, they felt the enthusiasm of the shops in the city.

This was also the case when his brother first became household secretary.

He was given a sum of filial piety silver.

In comparison, Yan Laoer received a larger and more congratulatory red envelope at this time.

Those familiar old faces all smiled like flowers blooming, with honey in their mouths, and swung out compliments as if they were free.

Even though Yan Laoer was determined, he was still praised by these guys for all kinds of reasons.

"I have accepted everyone's kindness. In this way, at noon today, our Ruifeng Restaurant has arranged for everyone to come. There will be nothing missing."

He said a few more polite words and said that he still had official duties. The crowd stepped back knowingly and watched him enter the gate of the government office.

"General Manager Yan is much easier to deal with than Xue Baihu." someone whispered.

"That's right, we will have a good life in the future."

"Then do you need to go to Xue Baihu's place again in the future?"

"It's better for the county magistrate to take charge now. It should be... no need for it, right?" The person who spoke was a little uncertain.

"Let's take another look. Xue Baihu has been promoted after all. If we show more filial piety, we will gain some favor."

"It's easy to say that your family has a big business. Our business is just a hand-to-mouth existence. How can we afford such big Buddhas?"

"We'll discuss it again. Mr. Yan has made a reservation at Ruifeng Restaurant for noon. We all have the money for the table. Does anyone have any objections to this?"

"No objection, it's all old rules."

"Okay, let's see you later. Everyone, I saw that Mr. Yan seemed to be looking for us for something. When I got back, I was thinking about it. What is the situation in the city now? We all know how empty the county government's warehouse is.

, if you really want to talk things out and assign it to us, we will try our best to cope with it if we can. If it is really difficult, don't say anything unpleasant at the time, we will figure it out in private.

Those people before Mr. Yan were different. His teacher was Mr. Tian, ​​and his brother was our Huju household secretary. Such a strong relationship needs to be carefully considered and understood!"

Yan Laoer really had something to do and asked the stewards of the shops in the city.

When he came, he thought about it all the way. If he wanted to buy food smoothly, he would need more cooperation from these people.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, you must know yourself and your enemy.

And these merchants in the city are probably the ones who can best talk to the grain merchants in the south.

After all, those grain traders want to find out about Guanzhou so that they can sell the grain they have at a good price.

Yan Laoer treated the guests sincerely. Not only did he arrive at the restaurant in advance, but he also gave money in advance and put it on the account.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant was frightened and said nothing, and Yan Laoer tried his best to say it but it was useless. In the end, it was Qi Da who was able to suppress the situation and forcefully shoved the silver into the shopkeeper's arms with a straight face.

I almost got knocked down by the shopkeeper...

"Everyone, although we have only known each other for a short time, we have had quite a lot of dealings with each other. You probably know what kind of person I, Yan Er, am. I don't care about those who are false, and I don't deal with those who are false. This has been the case in the past, and it will be the same in the future.


"I'm so happy that you came to congratulate me today!"

"Come on, let's have a drink first. From now on, your business will be prosperous, I, the general banner, will do well, and our army will get better and better!"

Yan Laoer raised his head and the wine in the glass drained.

Everyone at the table drank from this cup and started chatting.

General Yan has a bright future and needs to be promoted higher.

Why, our tiger is getting better and better just because Mr. Yan is protecting us.

Mr. Yan is our lucky star. Since you came here, look at how much contribution you have made, even Beirong has killed you.

Your Majesty has a keen eye for recognizing talents, so he appointed you as the general banner. From now on, we will have good days as a tiger.

The more he said it, the more outrageous it became, and the praise made Yan Laoer blush.

Needless to say, these businessmen are really willing to flatter anyone, and they have no bottom line.

"I have always believed in one sentence: if you are good and I am good, everyone is good." Yan Laoer began to get into the topic: "We caused Beirong a lot of harm last year, and we were about to start plowing in spring. We couldn't get all the seeds, and Beirong took them away.

We have to give out more than half of the food we capture, and less than 20% of what ends up in our hands is less than 20%, including cattle and sheep."

Yan Laoer sighed heavily: "Huju is short of food!"

People present, look at me and I look at you.

Someone finally spoke and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Yan, what do you mean?"

How do you want us to apportion it?

Just say it with confidence, we will be mentally prepared before coming.

Everyone looked at Yan Laoer with a bit of encouragement.

Yan Laoer said very seriously: "I want to buy food, but I have no money."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Is this... such a big hole?!

"But I have cattle and sheep, and a batch of fine leather goods, large in quantity and of high quality." Yan Laoer glanced at everyone's faces and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you won't believe it, I've brought all the samples.


He waved his hand, and Qi Si and Qi Wu picked up two large bags from the side. The moment they opened the bags, all kinds of leathers popped out eagerly.

"I want to use fur goods to pay for food. As everyone knows, I have no other merits. I am just too honest. What if I get cheated?" Yan Laoer's eyes were very sincere.

"So I thought and thought, and finally it came to my mind." He looked at everyone present eagerly: "One person has few ideas, and there are so many of us, how can we not come up with a good idea?"

"General Manager Yan wants us to build a bridge between us?"

"We are short of food, and people have transported the food to our door. It is more convenient and considerate, so I am willing to let them earn more, but look at it, my leather goods are also rare and good. Look at this fur

Peaks, roots and roots, look at this kind again, they are all very different, they have all kinds of skins, the most important thing is, do you know what it is?"

Yan Laoer stood up, walked to the two piles of skins, picked up a piece at random, and spread it out for everyone to take a closer look.

"It's all plastic surgery, not even an eye! Last year, Xueda County Government announced that the mountain was closed, and the only people who could enter the mountain were the frontier army and the militia. What a coincidence, the skin of the militia is still here, and the skin of the frontier army is still here.


There was silence.

Everyone present except the man from Xiaoan Village was focused on eating and drinking.

No one is given for free.

Yan Zongqi's words revealed several meanings.

The government has closed the mountain, and ordinary people are not allowed in or out, but everyone knows that the militiamen braved the heavy snow to go into the mountain to pick up meat.

This is where the leather goods in Mr. Yan’s hands came from.

The colder the weather, the better the skins of wild animals grow.

The quality of this batch of leather goods can be imagined.

And none of these skins were hunted, they were all picked!


Whole skin!

Even more rare!

The corresponding value is also higher.

It can be said that apart from the inventory in the hands of a few old hunters, Huju's best and top batch of leather goods are visible to the naked eye and are actually in the hands of Mr. Yan.

Yan Laoer smiled honestly and called out: "Shopkeeper Zuo, you are an expert, will you inspect the goods for us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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