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Chapter 678 Setting up the venue

Yan Yu's trip to the palace to pick up Miss Mu went smoothly.

Could it be okay? Her teacher was almost waiting at the door. As soon as she arrived, she didn't even take a few steps in before being blocked by her teacher.

She didn't even have the time to go in and see her godfather.

"Teacher, did something happen in the palace?" Yan Yu asked.

It felt like her teacher was hiding from the plague and just wanted to run away.

Miss Mu glanced at her and said calmly: "Everyone in the house knows that you saved the King of England. Do you want to go in and be surrounded by people like monkeys?"

Yan Yu waved her hands in fear: "No, no, the teacher loves me, and I don't want to be a monkey."

Then her teacher said again: "The young master in my house has been making trouble for several days and has not had a proper meal. He said he is looking for his younger brother from the Yan family."

"What is he looking for me for?" Yan Yu was puzzled.

"I want you to come into the house and study with me." Mu's words were concise and to the point.

Yan Yu: "No, teacher, the imperial concubine sent someone to invite you... for this matter? Teacher, please don't agree! I'm busy. Spring plowing will start soon. My uncle and father have official duties to attend to.

The eldest brother has also been sent out, and the eldest sister wants to open a shop. It is up to me to take care of everything at home. If I go to the house to accompany the young master, how will my family land be organized? Teacher, our Guanzhou will focus on this season's harvest..."

Ms. Mu interrupted her decisively. This child was too eloquent.

"Master knows that, so I will reject it for you."

Although she had only been in Guanzhou for a short time, her many years of experience as an official still made her aware of something.

The King of England is the eldest son of His Majesty the Emperor.

No matter how popular he is, he still has the power to fight for dominance.

What's more, Guanzhou seems to be barren and impoverished, but the aspirations of the people and the atmosphere of the officialdom are vastly different from those in the capital.

After the great victory against Beirong, His Majesty summoned the King of England to Beijing, which was an obvious signal.

He also manages the affairs of Leshan Prefecture.

The weight of the King of England in Your Majesty's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

The battle for storage has always been extremely dangerous.

A momentary love may last forever.

The Yan family settled in Guanzhou. Yan Huaiwen first served as Huju household secretary, and later became a staff member of the British king. He was involved in the Beirong war and Leshan Prefecture. The waiter was endowed with supernatural powers and was a loyal, brave and filial child. He was rescued

The King of England, who was ambushed and trapped, was praised for his unparalleled courage.

Because of her contribution, the King of England rewarded her father, Yan Huaian, with the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Banner, and Yan Xiangheng, who was appointed Fengming as a scholar.

The entire Yan family was given important positions, and the second son also worshiped Wang Deshan as his righteous ancestor. He was already deeply involved with the British royal family.

As a teacher who became a primary school student, he naturally had to plan for her future.

If the King of England fails, everything will stop.

But if the King of England...the young prince of the prince's palace is the son of his step-concubine, and the princess of England who is currently away from the palace to recuperate is not a peaceful person.

The waiter should avoid these people and things if he can.

Ms. Mu has never been to Xiaoan Village.

I was listening to Xiao Er and his village all the way.

Yan Yu wanted to let the teacher know about her work plan for the next period of time, so she talked about farming in detail.

Ms. Mu saw through her carefulness.

"You don't want to give your teacher too much homework?"

Yan Yu smiled flatteringly, showing two neat rows of white teeth.

"Teacher, spring plowing is important, and students are really busy!"

Ms. Mu hummed and nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement, but her next words made Yan Yuga speechless.

"As a teacher, I also have some experience in agriculture. It is not as good as you and me, master and apprentice, who can teach each other and apply what they have learned."

Yan Yu: What? My teacher is so versatile?

It means not only taking classes, but also combining theory and practice?!

Yan Laoer plans to hold the trade fair in the evening.

Looking at beauties under the moon, the more I look at them, the more beautiful they become. Well, what, not only the beauties, but also the skin.

The moonlight is hazy, the frost is cold, and the atmosphere is amazing!

It definitely makes the Maomaos look as expensive as they are.

He repeatedly checked the venue and felt that something was still wrong.

What's wrong?

Yan Laoer slapped his forehead.

"Kangda, hurry up and find some paper and pen to write some big characters."

Kang Yinli ran over and asked humbly: "Dong Weng, what word should I write?"

"Just write: Welcome to the first North-South Fur Goods Exchange and Exhibition Conference in Guanzhou!"

Kang Yinli:......

I can write every word, but every word sounds unfamiliar.

Yan Laoer: "If you are asked to write, just write."

"Oh, okay!" Kang Yinli agreed and turned around to find paper and pen.

Yan Laoer felt uneasy after thinking about it, so he chased after him and said, "It's best to use red paper. Cut them all into the same size. Find a rope to hang them up."

"Hanging in the air?" Kang Yinli asked.

"That's right! This makes it eye-catching and ensures that people can see it at first glance."

After all the rope characters were hung up according to his requirements, Yan Laoer was satisfied.

Don't tell me, the Chinese characters written in Kang are really good.

Kang Yinli also realized the benefits of this banner.

Almost everyone will stop and take a few more glances when they see it.

And the five words “Guanzhou First Session” are even more evocative.

How can we generalize to Guanzhou? There must be something to rely on.

After the first session, there will inevitably be a second and third session...

Will all fur goods in Guanzhou be sold according to this example in the future?

Yan Laoer didn't expect that much at all.

This is the result of decades of living environment and habits. I only know how to write, and I don’t want to think about why I write like this.

He was doing whatever he was supposed to do, and he was still looking for gaps and omissions.

"Only the leather is a bit thin. Hu Er, go and fetch us the cattle and sheep, tie the other end, and keep it as far away as you can to see."

Hu Er didn't talk nonsense, just greeted a few people and left.

Yan Laoer was still mumbling: "What if someone wants to buy live cattle and sheep? It's perfect to buy them back with both skin and meat!"

Connected at one point, connected everywhere.

Yan Laoer glanced around and shouted: "Hurry up and tell the shopkeepers to bring whatever goods are in the shop. Over there, set up a circle of tables and tell them to sort them out to look good and pick out the high-quality ones.

It’s decent, don’t cover up and put everything up, we have to maintain our high-end aura!”

"By the way, for the food stalls on the street, let them set up here at night, and leave a row of open space for them on the other end, facing each other, one by one."

"Buy more lanterns and hang them all to look good!"

The snack street has been renovated, so it’s boring when there are not many people.

"Shout on the main street of the city, tonight after the exhibition here is over, the barn will be opened and everyone can come in. We are making such a big noise that my family doesn't even know what to say. Everyone comes.


Yan Laoer raised his head again, pointed to the word in the middle and said, "Pull off the word 'skin' and don't want it anymore!"

If Kangda raises its head, leather goods from the north and the south will become goods from the north and the south? That's okay.

But those words were glued to the rope with glue.

If you remove a word, won't there be an empty space in the middle?

Just when he was about to remind him, his boss rushed over to instruct him personally to hang the furs.

Kangda could only ask someone to pull him down first.

"Have you invited anyone back? Is there anything you can't tell me?" Yan Laoer is so worried and petty. He has to ask about everything because he is afraid that the fair will not go well and he will miss the important event of spring plowing.

At this time, I really miss his daughter so much.

He rolled his eyes and had another idea.

"Qi Si, you ride my donkey back to the village and tell the villagers about the excitement here. Anyone who wants to come can come. If you can't make it home in the evening, we'll stay in the barn."

This chapter has been completed!
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