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Chapter 765 Top people

The two young masters of the Yan family came to return the gifts, and the building area where the prisoners lived was in a state of excitement.

It has been some time since I arrived in Xiao'an Village, and these people seem to have become more humane, no longer in the same mess as before.

They cherished their days living in Xiaoan Village and never wanted to return to the dark place of the quarry.

With no food to eat, no food and clothing, no warmth, every day when I open my eyes, I go to work and mine, the hand that is supposed to hold a pen is used to smash rocks and move rocks, the cracked tiger's mouth, the rough cocoon, all the things that happen if I don't pay attention.

Will be injured.

Winter in Guanzhou is so cold!

No, it’s not just winter. There is a cold spring in spring, and the autumn wind is bleak all over the place. In summer, the temperature difference between day and night is huge. Their clothes are thin and their bodies are weak. They don’t see meat all year round. Their health is getting worse and worse, and they are extremely susceptible to wind and cold.

After an illness, there are many young and old who are weak and unable to endure it.

Now they have shelter that can protect them from wind and rain, and they have work that can be exchanged for work points. The work points can be used in the village to exchange for clothing, food, firewood, medicine, and all the necessities of life.

It's all work, and the work in Xiao'an Village is not only easy, but also treats them as individuals.

Days like this are good days that they have never dared to dream about since they were exiled to Guanzhou.

Under Ma Wan's influence, I was afraid of hardship when I quit hard work, and my grades in cultural classes may still be underestimated. In arithmetic classes, I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division very well. Everyone has excellent physical fitness. Running and doing exercises every day is nothing.


"The reasons for all of you being convicted and exiled to Guanzhou are the same, and we can generalize them according to law." Yan Huaiwen said eloquently: "Whether you can deprive yourself of your citizenship or not, my father will have to carefully check the classics and carefully examine the future precedents."

Ma Wan pulled his uncle aside and told the story in a loud voice.

"Let's keep them all." Yan Xiangheng said calmly: "Brother Tian can take care of things for him and Cheng Qi, and Chen Mengqi can be a book boy."

Those people seem to be in trouble, and they were once people who were far away from us.

I then asked about the Guandao Station and Foot Stores in the surrounding villages and towns of Jingzhong City and Minsheng.

Yan Huaiwen's first reaction was that Daqi was right!

Whichever house has more, whichever house has less.

Let those seven people go home first.

Yan Yu looked at Yan Huaiwen.

The village academy will be quickly improved.

The little ones were still able to hold their own, but even if the older children were taught again, they could not help but keep their eyes locked on the bacon and enema.

In short, the main focus is sincerity, and I haven’t provided help in times of need.

We have been coveting the schools outside the village for a long time, and recently we heard some rumors that the school in Da'an Village will recruit children from the inner village to drop out. Everyone is determined to do it.

Yan Xiangheng was at a loss.

Yan Huaiwen's ears turned red and he looked at his sister.

This is what the younger brother and younger husband are missing.

It was the Yan family, the Great Scholar Yan and the Second Scholar Yan who protected them.

Officials and officials pay more attention to the cultivation of previous generations.

"Brother, which one do you think can be used?" Yan Yu asked curiously.

It was really said by Da Qi.

The more I understand, the more I understand why they are able to live as well as they do today.

The term "posterior example" is also very boring. Is it a precedent for later generations to be exiled from their country of origin, or does it refer to the later example of the Kang family?

Soon those people were found and appeared in front of the seven of us.

Yan Yu blinked happily: Look, little brother, I hate surprises like that!

I have a narrow supply of one tael and a short supply of seven taels.

"Didn't the school outside our village say before that as long as they are of the right age, they can take classes, and they will accept both girls and boys? Yes, they hold classes in the same room. Children outside our village need money to attend school. I want to read it inside.

It needs to be handed over for repair, and it must be paid quarterly every year, not every month. The specific village chief grandfather is more vague, it is a regulation set by us."

I was paying attention to my father's expression, and the obvious look of relief in his eyes made my heart go cold.

Yan Yu also hates the development of young dimensions with rules. Children from outside the village follow you and practice a lot of various skills, such as climbing trees, swimming, digging pits, and roping...

I think about how my ancestors spent a lot of time wandering around here when they were officials in Beijing.

No one asked about the girls and boys leaving school, so Yan Yuzheng took the opportunity to say a few words.

Yan Yu and Yan Huaiwen came out of the same family, and they followed the same family in front of them.

Those people noticed something and naturally focused the topic on Youya Academy.

It is the common thought of the little ones to show who they are from.

"You know, that shuxiu also includes a lunch, and the gentleman who used to teach in the school also takes care of lunch."

The former was deeply felt.

Yan Huaiwen asked a few less questions and seemed to be more interested.

The novel is special.

After all, he had been an official before, so he had no knowledge or vision.

Not even two years old, but older, he looks about seventeen or eighteen years old.

These seven cousins ​​have traveled to few places, and they can all tell the truth.

The seven older cousins ​​are, on the contrary, as knowledgeable as the two older ones.

"This junior wants to go out to study in the near future. He has lived in the countryside for a long time and is very familiar with the conditions of various academies. I wonder if any of you could give me some advice." Ma Wanfu asked for advice.

Yan Huaiwen and Ma Wan were walking home from home.

The convict officer Shao was exiled by the imperial officials, and soon there was no mention of Youya Academy.

From Yan Xiangheng to Ma Wan, the Yan family attached great importance to education in the village.

Yan Yu: Then keep them all?

Taking them away from the quarry was an act of kindness to them, and they felt guilty for taking the work points they received from working in the village!

This time, when they heard that the eldest daughter of the Yan family was getting engaged, they all agreed to send a gift to the Yan family.

A pair of cousins, similar in age, both have grown up.

As soon as he said it, no one understood it.

Although each of our families is willing to give out money to accompany the gifts, on weekdays we are willing to spend less than a copper plate. I am afraid that we still eat meat as often as the recruits in the camp.

Facts have proven that increasing skills can really build a person's self-confidence.

"General Yan, do you know if you and others like the Kang family have settled in your village?"

Yan Yu felt that since he had no intention of using others, he had to keep his attitude so low.

Ma Wanfu's eyes immediately changed when he looked at Ma Wanfu.

You guessed that no one would ask, and you had already discussed with the little brother how to deal with it.

It was Guang Yanyu who muttered to himself that those top people really have no eyesight!

Hiss! If you can think deeply, think deeply about how terrible these people are, the arrangement of those seven people is just right.

Know that there is such a thing.

Calculating the Yan family, there is nothing wrong with it. My brother-in-law is in the stage where he has not yet ascended to the throne. Your father has just emerged as an eighth-grade military general. The court has always placed great emphasis on civil service and military affairs. Those are all civil servants. When I see your father

, the eyelids are all covered with a clip.

Yan Xiangheng met several people who had returned with Heng'er and Daqi.

Qianli immediately realized that Daqi had spoken for you.

It was not mentioned that the children in the family had no experience of studying at Ya Academy, so Yan Huaiwen and Yan Yu paid close attention to them and rarely glanced at them.

Especially the older generation of children.

The Yan family left a thorn in the side.

Those prisoners were full of evil intentions, but we simply stated them clearly. We only had to mention a few words, and we could naturally follow them and slowly understand our intentions.

The children in Da'an Village look so energetic when they go out, they look like they are in their early years.

Yan Xiangheng tested a few sentences.

Even Yan Huaiwen was surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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