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Chapter 788 The rebels are attacking the city!

Yan Huaiwen thought about it and moved the names of the boys from the Wei family forward.

After adding as appropriate, a few more words were slightly revised.

Copied it once.

The handwriting is neat and rigorous, less rounded and more angular.

This battle was the first battle the imperial court had won since its crusade against rebellion.

He broke up the rebel army with 5,000 elite soldiers and led the enemy general.

If this merit list is only told truthfully, how can it show the loyalty of the British king, the bravery of the Guanzhou army, and the determination of the people of Guanzhou and Leshan to fight against the rebellion.

This military report from Guanzhou was what the old emperor wanted to see.

The King of Qi conspired to rebel. This was the suppression of the rebels by the imperial authority.

He is also a person who is determined to demonstrate.

Even though the tiger is old, it can still roar in the mountains and forests.

Xiao Ancun was nervous and busy preparing.

The villagers are not only worried that the tiger can't hold on, and the rebels will attack, but they are also unwilling to give up the village from the bottom of their hearts. Here are their newly built houses, the land full of green seedlings, and their peaceful life.

The good days are getting better and better.

The sweat shed and the hard work put in.

The young and old in Xiaoan Village are all holding back their energy.

While hiding all the money, food and good things in the house like ants moving, I would practice bow and crossbow and lift door panels to practice coordination in my free time.

Yan Yu really couldn't do anything about lifting the door panel.

There are not enough shields in the military camp, and there is no way to provide them to the villagers. The big guys don't care. They feel more comfortable using door panels.

After discussion with the village elders, the people who were assigned to be resettled in Xiao'an Village as refugees in Xizhou planned to stay temporarily in several newly built houses near the river.

Different from the rush when we first arrived, as long as there is a house that can shelter from the wind and snow, the new houses built in the spring this year are all brick and stone tile houses with solid materials. Although they have not yet been completed, the general framework is in place, and the interior of the house is not yet complete.

It's not a problem to live in a bed in this season. Just lay a layer of hay on the ground and make a mat.

Among them were Xiao Er, her godfather, and the two houses Yan Lao Er had built for his teacher.

The village elders naturally came to Yan's house to ask.

Li Xuemei agreed.

These people from Xizhou who came to seek refuge spent two days in panic, and only belatedly discovered that they had come to a rare and good place.

This Xiaoan Village is different from the neighboring villages in every way.

It's the season, and with a war about to begin, the village still goes out to recruit people.

I heard from a Xizhou fellow who lived nearby that before, the village used to pay people for work, and they could exchange some rice and grain for daily necessities with the village. Now the order has been changed, and they only have one meal at noon.

Just like that, the people who lined up in front of Village Chief Luo's house early in the morning couldn't even stand in the courtyard, so they had to queue outside the courtyard.

Don't look at it as just a midday lunch.

Xiao'an Village makes people well fed. After eating this meal and biting your teeth, you can survive the whole day.

The more difficult the world is, the more people can endure the hardship.

I don’t know what to do in the future, maybe I can save some money.

If you can eat less of the food at home, you are making money, so why do you think about the salary?

"What's your job today?"

"Plucking weeds in the field and feeding the rabbits, what about you?"

"Build a raft and net fish."

"I went to the river yesterday to do this. If I'm lucky, I can touch some shell meat."

"What about you, brother?"

"Weaving baskets and cages."

"This requires craftsmanship, but we can't do it."

"Do you think you can take us with you when you run around the village?"

"Then if they call us, I'll appreciate it. If they don't, we won't look at them any longer. If they want to run, we will run too."

"I heard that tunnels were dug in this village. Even the people in their own village dug them, and no one knew where there was an opening. We were asked to do all the work in the fields. The people in this village were not tinkering with those wooden structures.

Just when cats get up and dig tunnels, they..."

"What do you want to say? Shut up! We can inquire about this real thing? Be careful if people hear that you are an anti-military spy. The last family who inquired about it were taken away and never seen again.

Zhu Ying'er, brother, I sincerely advise you, don't be too troublesome, we are relying on others to beg for food, and if the rebels really attack us, you should rely on your ability when escaping for your life."

"Isn't this just asking, why are you so anxious? Are we the ones with bad intentions and ungrateful people? We know who is good and who is bad. If you say that, what have I become?"

"Oh, don't say a word. Go to work. Go to work. Maybe you can't beat me. Didn't the British King of Guanzhou get beaten to death by the barbarians outside Guanzhou? This comparison is better than our prince. Bah, bah, bah, compared to that wolf.

The ruthless rebel king is very powerful, and the barbarians from the west come to harm us from time to time."


"The fight is about to begin! The rebels are attacking the city!"

The man on horseback stretched his neck and shouted when he was far away.

Everyone who heard the noise ran out.

He stared at the person entering the Yan family yard without blinking, his heart beating fast.

Several village elders walked steadily and slowly.

He yelled loudly:

"Go and do whatever you have to do. Why haven't you been to Huju City before? The city's walls have collapsed and cannot be broken!"

"When you have nothing to do, go and help the blacksmith." Mr. Hu shouted, staring at this and that.

Lady Cui rushed out of her courtyard, running so fast that she almost sprained her ankle.

I finally squeezed to the front and asked questions about this and that. They all said they just listened to this sentence and nothing else.

I suddenly lost interest.

With keen eyes, he saw the father of his child poking his head out.

Push through and drag the person home.

"What are you doing out here? Have you cleaned up those dried leaves?"

"Those are all medicinal materials that can be sold for money! They sell for a lot of money!" Cui Langzhong retorted unconvinced.

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Cui lowered her voice: "If you have the ability, speak louder so that all the people in Xizhou can hear. Don't you understand the principle of not showing off your wealth? I'm just showing it off to you."

Cui Langzhong understood the seriousness and lowered his voice: "We are the ones in our family, we have to deal with it until some time."

Mrs. Cui got angry when she mentioned this: "I haven't already told you that the medicinal materials were wrapped and stored in the cellar together with the grains. The waiter carefully selected those places and made them very hidden. There were also small holes specially left.

Let the air flow, Brother Lu has done a beautiful job with the earth that was sealed by people. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it at all. You just said that you can’t let it go, because it will lose the medicinal properties..."

"It will indeed lose its medicinal properties." Cui Langzhong muttered aggrievedly, but he didn't blind himself, that's all.

"Then just carry the big and small bags. Don't count on me or my family." Mrs. Cui said with itchy teeth.

Mr. Cui was unconvinced: "I, I still have two sons."

"Ha! When the time comes, see if you can catch the shadow of our dog. I won't talk nonsense to you. I'm going to visit Yan's house and inquire carefully."

Mrs. Cui stood at the door of her house with her hands on her hips. Mr. Cui quickly entered the hospital to work with a wink.

Seeing that Gouzi's father was quite honest, Mrs. Cui became more angry.

He turned around and patted the back door of Yan's house.

In the past, the front and back doors of the Yan family were left open during the day. Now that there are many foreigners in the village, the village elders specifically mentioned this matter and asked them to take care of the door.

There is a small camp next to the village, patrolled day and night, and there are still people guarding the arrow tower, so you are not afraid of anyone causing trouble, but it is always good to be more careful.

There may be people in the neighboring villages who are acting in secret.

Because of their own experiences, the people of Xiaoan Village are very obedient to things that enhance their sense of security.

This chapter has been completed!
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