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Chapter 792 Asking for a name

No man can resist the temptation of a good car or a good horse.

Soaring speed, dual psychological and sensory stimulation, extremely addictive.

Yan Laoer gradually discovered the joy of horse riding.

Completely surrender your body and mind, and the only thing left is to enjoy the happiness of wind and speed.

Of course, father and daughter Yan Laoer and Yan Yu have a lot to talk about how to avoid inner thigh pain.

One said to put a leather pad on it, another said to stuff some cloth...

On this day, another three-bow crossbow bed was successfully tested.

Xiaoan Village was filled with joy.

This crossbow bed is the hard work of the people of Xiaoan Village.

It was the first aircraft they successfully built from scratch.

When all links are broken down and everyone performs their own duties and uses unified standards to make certain utensils, production efficiency is improved to the highest level currently achievable.

Yan Laoer rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Dad, go up and say a few words." Yan Yu whispered and nudged him.

"Ah?" Yan Laoer looked at his daughter.

The two people had a conversation with their eyes.

Yan Laoer: Is this the same as two sentences?

Yan Yu: Dad, come on!

Yan Laoer: I take chicken blood every day, are you so stupid?!

Yan Yu: Extraordinary times are very serious, go ahead!

Yan Laoer went up.

It’s still the big rock in the center of the village.

His daughter is not tall enough, so she likes to stand up and shout.

Yan Laoer rarely comes up.

Stopping at this moment, don’t tell me, I really feel that way.

This passion and ambition came to me instantly.

"Everything is afraid of having a beginning!" Yan Laoer, who had been brewing for a long time, shouted loudly: "As long as there is a first time, there will be a second time, and a third time. Our crossbow bed is finished. What does this mean? What does it mean?

As long as we are willing, I can make as many crossbow beds as I want!

This was used to defend the city a long time ago. It was very powerful. We have all seen its power with our own eyes. We sent them all to Huju to kill the rebels and kept them until they screamed!"

"General Yan! If you are hit by an arrow from this crossbow bed, you will not die? If you die, why are you screaming?!" Sun Erdan was laughing and hooting from below.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone burst out laughing.

That's the truth.

With each test shot, whether it was removed from the top of Xizhou City or imitated by them, it was so powerful that it could hit anyone without dying.

It is precisely because of seeing this with one's own eyes that the tight strings in the hearts of the people of Xiao'an Village have been slightly relaxed.

The simple smile on his face at this time comes from his heart.

Yan Yu also went up quickly.

He said loudly: "Your Majesty knows what we are doing in the rear. He told us to remember the merit and reward him in the future! Everyone has seen those things we brought back last time. They are all rare things and come from the south.

The merchant exchanged money and grain, which is more than the reward we originally deserved. When I read out the name later, I will go to the military camp in the dark, bring my own bag with grain, pay for my work, and share the money and grain!"

Wherever there is profit, businessmen who dare to take risks are indispensable.

They were holding on to important items such as grain, intending to take advantage of the war to sell them at a high price.

I didn't want to transport the grain to Guanzhou Prefecture until I received the news. The imperial court had already distributed the supplies and they were on their way to Guanzhou...

Aren't you always procrastinating on things?

Aren't they depriving the Guanzhou frontier troops like a stepmother?

No, the princes in Beijing don’t have any ideas to create a stumbling block for the King of England?

Once the news was confirmed, the price of grain dropped instantly, but the Crown Princess took the greatest credit for being able to successfully purchase the grain from the grain merchants.

The Crown Princess stood firmly behind her husband and father-in-law and became the biggest sponsor.

The things that Yan Yu brought back from the King of England were just a ride on this ride. After all, even if the Crown Princess was rich, she still had enough banknotes to pay the bill. The steward of the Crown Princess's dowry still suggested that she use part of the property as payment and keep it.

Enough cash to deal with this rebellion against the king that will end in unknown time.

It must be said that the imperial concubine's move was very satisfying to the Guanzhou Army.

They are not afraid of fighting, but fighting on an empty stomach is not a pleasant experience.

The logistics supply of the Guanzhou Army has always been a big problem, and it was stuck. Suddenly, they found out that they had such a concubine who was generous and generous with wealth. The whole army was very fond of this concubine who married from the south.

Without any worries, the Guanzhou Army held on firmly in the city defense battle with the rebels attacking three times a day.

The Guanzhou army defending the city suffered heavy casualties, and the rebel army who attacked recklessly did not fare much better.

The anti-king wanted to fight for some losses and take Huju City with a quick attack but failed.

They had no choice but to call a truce and reorganize the army.

In the past few days, the main focus has been on projectiles from archers, supplemented by rockets, and harassment.

But the Guanzhou side did not dare to relax for a moment.

The attacking side always has the initiative, while the defending side can only passively withstand the attack that will come at some unknown time.

Yan Yu's thoughts wandered for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she heard her father say:

"...We are safe in the rear, but we cannot be deaf or blind. We have been asking about the news about Huju. We heard that the imperial army in Xizhou fought hard with the Xirong who entered the pass. The imperial soldiers did not fight with them.

I have fought with the barbarians outside Guanzhou, but I don’t have enough experience and have suffered some losses. I want to see what is going on. If the imperial army cannot stop Xirong, let the barbarians come to our Guanzhou. Then they will merge into one and work together.

If you attack us, it will be difficult for us to hold on!"

Yan Laoer is still the same Yan Laoer, frank and straightforward, and will not leave the villagers in the dark and completely unaware of the situation.

He will praise the good aspects, such as the three-bow crossbow bed, which is really amazing, and will also express his worries.

"Then go! We'll go with you!"

The men in Xiaoan Village responded one after another.

"Look at it, Beirong is fierce, and Xirong is definitely not a good bird. Let's go and hug him, and we will know for sure."

Yan Laoer nodded and said seriously: "That's what I thought about it. If you think it's right, we'll go. In addition, our hometown is suffering from drought, so many people are running here to catch up with the war. There is no place for cats to hide."

Yes, let’s go as far as we can and see if we can help the fellow villagers.”

When he said this, the people in Xiaoan Village felt the same.

After fleeing famine and coming to Guanzhou, they had a pretty good life as a child. Why don't they miss their relatives back home and have long thought of ways to deliver letters to Qishan Mansion.

The rebel Wang Yi went to the army, worried about his own safety, and even more worried about whether his relatives in his hometown would defect to him because of their letters.

If they really came here because they believed them, and something happened on the way, they would really regret it to death.

It's better to stay at home.

Drought, uh, war...

The people in Xiaoan Village were thinking in a mess.

For a moment I didn’t know which one to choose better.

Yan Laoer said again: "We have serious errands to do now, so we can't leave the camp without authorization. I'm going to deliver the crossbow bed to Huju today. I need to get a name for myself."

"Dad, you can go over and ask if you can bring over the ones who broke down their catapults." Yan Yu remembered it and said.

Watching the replay together, Yan Laoer wondered: "What do you need it to do if it's broken? It can't be repaired."

"The wood is really good. Let's take it back and modify it. It would be great to make a small catapult or crossbow bed. If it doesn't work, we can split it into gun shafts and arrow shafts. It's better than burning a fire with them."

Yan Yu really can't see any waste.

This is also true for her father, Yan Laoer.

Hearing this, he suddenly realized what he said and felt deeply convinced.

"Zhong, I'll go get it."

This chapter has been completed!
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