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Section 182 I didn't say anything, that's your guess

Bai Hao.

Social Oxcrats character.

Soon, I exchanged business cards with half of the people here.

The first-class stewardess was about to cut fruit. A CEO reached for an orange. Bai Hao said, "The one next to it will be sweeter."


"Because the chrysanthemums are still there but the oranges are sweet."

It was cut open on the spot, and Bai Hao's prediction was accurate. Several other people who had not yet exchanged business cards also came over curiously. Someone pointed at the pear and said, "That will only taste better."

"The chrysanthemums are small, but the pears are good."

Ugh, cake seller!

"Handsome young man, what else, how to choose this one."

"For grapefruit, round and chubby ones are good, but pointy ones are not."

"Peach, pointy ones are good, round ones are bad."

Then came the ancestral magic skill. Bai Hao picked up a watermelon and knocked it, then knocked it together, then looked at the chrysanthemum of the watermelon, and decisively placed one in the middle: "It's watery and sweet."


These EOs and KOs in the first class cabin, I started to take a notebook and prepared to go back and find an opportunity to show off.

Especially regarding the three sounds of the watermelon: "dong dong", "dang dong", and "dang dong", the watermelon in the first class cabin was knocked again and again.

"It's amazing, the magical Xia people."

"It's passed down from our ancestors." Bai Hao smiled modestly.

Many people began to use newly learned techniques to identify fruits. A very young Japanese stood next to Bai Hao: "But Mr. Bai?"


"I am Shuxia Daji."

"Hello, Mr. Dazhi, I am Bai Hao." Both of them spoke in Xia Mandarin, and their voices were not loud.

Under the tree, Dazhi pressed a watermelon with one hand, seemingly exchanging fruits with Bai Hao, but said, "I want to know the extent of Tosiba's damage this time."

Bai Hao thought for a few seconds and replied: "I don't want to say it, I can't say it, and I don't dare to say it."

"Thank you." Shuxia Dazhi thanked him. He believed that he got enough information from his question. Bai Hao's answer had profound meaning.

Shuxia Daji asked the second question: "Mr. Bai, who is your boss?"

Bai Hao looked around and saw that no one was paying attention here, and then replied: "My boss is a family member of Solace."

This answer made Shuxia Daji's expression change instantly, but after all, he was also a person who had experienced strong winds and waves, and he returned to normal in just a second.

Shushita Daji picked up the wine glass: "I am friends with many people in the Sijing Group. I wonder if I can contact you and sit down for a drink?"

This question.

Bai Hao has already made plans in his mind. I believe you are friends, and many businesses will be intertwined in the future. But it does not mean that you are advancing and retreating together. If it is really a pair of pants, Junichiro Xiaoquan should know who Natsuki is.

That slap in the face, even if it was an act, was not that way of acting.

Bai Hao smiled: "I'm young, and there is a saying in our Xia Kingdom that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and it will never look back until it hits the south wall."

Shuxia Daji just smiled and took the initiative to give Bai Hao a message: "I'm going to the Free City to give a gift. It's a hundred times more expensive than that one. Also, that amount is Xia national currency, not a U.S. sword."

That, of course, was the floppy disk for Bai Hao.

More than one million Xia national coins, so cheap.

But through this sentence, Bai Hao understood.

It may not be the otaku consortium, but it may be that Shuxia Company saw the crisis coming, and while hugging the beautiful country's father's thigh, he took the opportunity to bite his own accomplice.

The most important point is that Shuxia Dazhi changed his surname after getting married.

In Wadao, compared with the ancient times of Xia Kingdom, a man changing his wife's surname is far more than a simple matter of marrying into his wife.

Therefore, Bai Hao also has reason to suspect that this is just some kind of personal ambition of Shuxia Dazhi, not Shuxia Company, let alone the Zhaiyou Consortium.

The two touched their wine glasses and exchanged their contact information in the beautiful country.

Seeing that the address left by Bai Hao turned out to be a small manor in Beverly Hills, Shuxia Daji had a smile on his face that he still understood.

All the estates in Beverly Hills, for people like them, they know very clearly whose property they belong to.

This is obvious.

The address given by Bai Hao belongs to Solace's manor.

The Solace family is truly one of the three giants on China Street.

Bai Hao smiled and said nothing.

Be honest with yourself.

Jeff Haas was a member of Solace's family. The manor was temporarily vacant, so Jeff lent it to himself for a few days, just a few days, because one of Jeff's own villas was being renovated due to leaks.

As for what Mr. Shuxia Daiji thinks, Bai Hao thinks it's better not to influence other people's thoughts.

However, Bai Hao was a little confused.

Isn't it too generous to give such a big gift just to meet you and ask three questions? Is there any follow-up?

As expected.

Shuxia Daji then gave Bai Hao a tie clip.

Beautifully packaged, gold-plated tie clip.

When Bai Hao was about to open it, Shuxia Dazhi said: "This consul clip is suitable for blue ties. You need to buy a new tie. Bai Hao smiled and put away the tie clip."

After that, Shuxia Daji never took the initiative to talk to Bai Hao on the plane.

Late at night, after a sixteen-hour flight, the plane landed in the beautiful country of California.

Bai Hao, I have no luggage and only a passport.

After leaving the airport, I called a taxi and went straight to Beverly Hills. Before his rebirth, Bai Hao had been here. Looking at the streets here now, he felt they were even more beautiful than when he came here before his rebirth.

Because at this time, it's still quite new.

Before I was reborn, this place was already very old, and the beautiful Chinese people didn't seem to like to renovate the streets, but only renovated their own stores.

Ten years ago, the beautiful country had already commercialized mobile phones, which were as big as two bricks.

At this time, the pager business in Beautiful Country was quite extensive.

When Bai Hao arrived at the manor, the housekeeper was already greeting him at the door. Bai Hao had called him at the airport and also paged Jeff to leave a message.

The manager was very polite when he greeted Bai Hao: "Dear Mr. Bai, Mr. Haas asked me to tell you that he has a cocktail party to attend. He will return here from Free City tonight. He has prepared for you for five consecutive days.

For the party, we specially invited several famous singers and celebrities."

"Thank you Jeff for me. If you can, I think I need to take a rest. Jeff's plane has landed, please wake me up."

"Of course, please come with me. The room has been prepared for you."

Jeff is not poor, and the manor is where he entertains his friends. It is also a place for parties and carnivals.

Of course, the most troublesome thing about staying in a hotel is that some special guests come and go to discuss confidential matters, which is not as convenient as a manor. You can invite many people in the name of a party.

Back in the room, Bai Hao immediately opened the gift box of the tie clip, took out the tie clip and started to open the box.

This chapter has been completed!
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