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Section 372 High-end shops

The store began to display the second famous product.

A motorcycle shell, a 28-inch large screen, a fully simulated motorcycle game that can be played while riding on the motorcycle.

Even if what was displayed on the screen was not real at all, it was a pseudo-3D version of the motorcycle game from RTT, and the price tag was US$10,899. Twenty-seven sets were ordered on the spot.

The third thing.

Bai Hao also likes this thing, but it is too expensive. If he buys it home, his father will beat him up.

**L audio.

High-end customized version, starting price is 180,000 US dollars.

Bai Hao took a closer look. Four nails cost several hundred dollars, and one thread cost several thousand dollars. It smelled so good, I really wanted it.

But if you buy this thing yourself, will you be beaten to death?

You know, 180,000 is just the starting price, and basically doubling it is normal operation.

Buy a set at such a price.

Bai Hao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Now, my father Zhang Jianguo’s salary is only a few hundred yuan a month including bonus, well...

I estimate the salary will be several decades higher.

The last thing is Bai Hao's Twenty-Eight TV, but it's not.

Why say no.

Because the picture tube is a 28-inch one, but the rest of it is not. It needs to be paired with a full set of home audio, and the audio is from Fuguonuopu. Then, it should be paired with a luxurious TV cabinet.

Then, the casing of the TV is inlaid with gold.

The remote control is encrusted with diamonds.

Pure TV, $8999.99.

Complete set.

Starting with $20,000.

This store also sells washing machines, refrigerators, ovens and other household appliances.

But who cares about this if you are rich?

They don't cook.

Therefore, electrical appliances for enjoyment are placed in the foreground.

The rich people's action of throwing away their cards was really cool. The number of TV sets already booked exceeded 500, which was only a few years old. Even the stereo worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, there were several people ordering it.

Bai Hao stared at the set of speakers, very tempted.

That thing, playing Yungong Xunyin, must be enjoyable.

Apart from being expensive, there are no drawbacks.

At this time, Junichiro Xiaoquan walked up to Bai Hao. Bai Hao glanced sideways, turned around and cupped his fist: "Mr. Xiaoquan."

"Shiro-kun." Junichiro Konu responded politely.

Bai Hao smiled and asked: "There is a knife. Mr. Dog will give me a few knives. Isn't that thing beautiful?" Bai Hao was referring to BM's new portable computer.

Junichiro Xiaoquan did not answer, only said: "Give Mr. Bai a way to make a fortune."

"I like getting rich."

Junichiro Kogu said: "After the emergence of the transistor, the beautiful country vigorously developed transistors, and we in Japan did the same. But there is another technology that has a more magical performance in audio. Unfortunately, we in Japan and Japan are developing transistors.

This technology has been lost. At this time, the pinnacle of this technology is in the Bear Country, and your Xia Country also has good technology."

Junichiro Kodachi pointed at the TV set and home appliances.

Tube amplifier!

Bai Hao knew something about it. This thing cost a lot of money, and only audiophiles could study it. They could hear very subtle differences in sound and color.

While Bai Hao was thinking, Xiaoquan Junichiro said again: "This time, we lost again, but not to you, but to the beautiful country's consortium. This is a conspiracy. I feel that there will be something more terrifying.

Things happened. It is obvious that our Japanese TV sets will soon be restricted, and increased tariffs are a certainty."

Bai Hao didn't answer.

He knew that things were more terrifying than Junichiro Konu's prediction.

There is one thing that is expected to happen soon, or is happening right now. That is the legendary Plaza-Protocol.

Junichiro Xiaogu continued: "Mr. Bai, there is a poisonous snake observing you in the dark. We, Tosiba, can kill it for you. We require the exchange of data."

"Poisonous snake?" Bai Hao asked doubtfully.

Junichiro Xiaoquan whispered: "In the Yiwan area, your Ben Xiaokang Company has blocked their financial path. They are now beginning to consider transformation and follow the footsteps of us Japanese people to develop in the direction of science and technology. At the same time, they are ready to start investing in your territory.


Bai Hao got close to Junichiro Xiaoquan: "You are really a smart man. I admit that I took advantage of the beautiful Chinese people when they attacked you. Then, you support my Qin Kedian and suppress Yiwan's Yiwan.

If you are a company of the same type, I will exchange lithium battery data with you."

"I will ask the board of directors for instructions."

Bai Hao thought for a while and said again: "Beautiful Chinese, it's not Tosiba who wants to suppress you, but you."

After hearing this, Junichiro Xiaoquan bowed ninety to Bai Hao: "Thank you."

Bai Hao's words were not a prophecy, they not only happened before his rebirth.

At this time, it is also happening.

In the capital of the beautiful country, a treatise called President-President Economics appeared. This treatise is a mixed product of economic theory, Kay's theory, monetary theory, and supply theory.

At the same time as this discussion emerged, three new reports also appeared.

One is that Japan has become the world's largest creditor nation.

On the other hand, the Japanese consortium’s Black Friday failure in the beautiful country made the Japanese consortium very unhappy. They remitted huge amounts of money to the beautiful country, clamoring to buy the entire United States and reshape the market structure.

The last one, the outflow of capital from Beautiful Country is low and the inflow of capital actually means that there is too much money coming in from Japan.

This turned the beautiful country directly into a net debtor country.

The beautiful country came up with a very clever method, which was to devalue the U.S. dollar of the beautiful country, and then sign an agreement with Japan, Japan, Gaul, Bunker, etc. to let their exchange rates appreciate.

So, let's have a meeting.

The beautiful country started planning and summoned Japan Island, Fu Kingdom, Gaul, and Bunker to come and have a small meeting.

Bai Hao has nothing to do with such a big thing.

However, Bai Hao and Wu Qingdao had already exchanged almost all of the little money they had into Japanese coins, and even bought many houses on Japanese islands.

As for Bai Hao, after attending the opening of a new store, he came back without buying anything.

Everything is too expensive.

Is a TV set with gold a super TV? Does this thing have any practical significance?

Bai Hao said that he is still a poor man struggling to escape the poverty line, so he must pay attention to frugality and not waste.

By the way, Bai Hao returned to his residence.

The staff told him that it was quite important that someone called him today.


Could it be...

There's something wrong with applesauce.

This made Bai Hao very nervous and he quickly made a phone call.

After communicating with each other, Bai Hao learned that Wowoma wanted to purchase kimchi, the layer of material wrapped in fried kimchi, and Xia Kingdom's Shu spicy sauce.

Bai Hao explained: The real purpose of his show was to sell TV sets and promote the new merged company.

Not selling kimchi.

Chapter 372: High-end Store

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