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The fourth and fourth quarters are good enough

Since she can make money, it is obvious that this Takeda girl has a good way with wealthy Japanese people who are stupid and have a lot of money.


Heixu said directly: "I can ask three masters to make the three pots themselves, and then ask their apprentices to make them and give them guidance."

How much is this worth?

Just now, one pot cost 100 million Japanese coins. Where is this master pot?

Three hundred million!

Just three pots, with a total value of over one billion Japanese coins.

The entire conference room's jaws dropped to the floor.

Who dares to think.

That year, Tosiba's troubled business was to sell a five-axis machine for one billion Japanese coins.

A pot can support a five-axle.

Where are we?

Who are we?

Is my brain still normal?

Are we discussing pot in this meeting?

Both the people from the boiler factory and the local leaders at Youlang were confused.

Even steel ball and steel ball factory workers feel their heads are buzzing.

Next, nothing will happen to Bai Hao.

The free-spirited Heixu really treats the Japanese as human beings and tramples on the intelligence of the wealthy Japanese people as if they are dogs.

Bai Hao quietly opened the lid of his teapot. There was a small mark inside, which was written in ancient Chinese characters. You could see clearly that the first character was "Gu".

Damn it!

Bai Hao carefully placed the pot on the table, and then moved the documents and other things away.

This pot, together with the matching cup, was placed before his rebirth, and it was worth the five rooms in the second ring of the Imperial Capital!

There is still enough money for decoration and home appliances.

As well as permanent property fees, water and electricity bills.

When Heixu was discussing how to develop the rice cooker business in Japan, Bai Hao's head was full of rice cookers.

Go back or stay.

Reluctant to go back.

Keep it, this thing is too expensive, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain.

Don't let the difficult things go.

However, Bai Hao didn't have to worry about the meeting, and everything went smoothly.

There's no need to stay up late, everything was discussed in two hours. If the black cloth hadn't been a bit too distracting, the meeting could have been completed in a little more than an hour. It was just a few things.

By the way, Bai Hao is busy with work.

A group of little girls are really having fun. They have never had such a generous pocket money. On average, each person is given an allowance of ten yuan a day.

Although the eldest sister didn't mention it, Chu Junlan gradually understood it.

The Japanese who were living a good life sent Maizi Higashiyama here, but they didn't mean well.

Of course, this is a guest, so we have to be polite.

However, if you can strike, you will never show mercy.

The imperial concubine pool competed in table tennis, twenty-one to one.

Considering that we can save some face for our foreign friends, we will give up a point.

Qianling, I went horse riding.

Higashiyama Maiko sat on the horse and shivered, while Chu Junlan almost flew up while riding.

Outside the Terracotta Warriors of King Qin, he competed in archery.

Higashiyama Maiko is also a member of the archery club at her school, and she is good at shooting ten-meter haystack targets.

Chu Junlan directly moved the target fifty meters away, using a recurved horn bow.

Than cooking.

Chu Junlan grabbed a live chicken, picked up a knife and started to trim it.

Higashiyama Maiko didn't even dare to open her eyes.

than calligraphy.

Higashiyama Maiko can't do it.

For the last time, Chu Junlan showed off her strengths, model airplanes. Higashiyama Maiko knew nothing about it.

So, when Bai Hao was having a meeting with Yuzuki Natsuki, Higashiyama Maiko decided to have a face-saving competition, and she had to learn.

She is first in her grade.

Ask each other questions.

Chu Junlan directly listed a question that could only be learned in college. When she was making model airplanes, Yang Liu corresponded with her many times and taught her too many things.

Higashiyama Maiko has never felt so bad.

I am the darling daughter of heaven.

The school I was in in Wajima was the most dazzling one in the school. I would be the center of attention wherever I went. I was in school just to make myself look like an ordinary person. I had professional tutors to do my daily homework.



Higashiyama Maiko staggered when she walked, and her eyes had lost their sparkle.

Jiujing's husband helped Higashiyama Maiko back to her room to rest, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

In the living room, Yang Liu asked Chu Junlan: "Is it a bit too much?"

Chu Junlan looked murderous: "Let's see what other skills she has. My riding skills are already very poor. My mother can ride a horse and run at the age of seven. She can ride and shoot at the age of ten. She can herd hundreds of sheep by herself."

.My dad is from the Imperial Calligraphy Association. Now, they are all busy. If I don’t learn how to cook, I will probably starve to death.”

"Also, than grandpa. My grandpa killed so many little pirates in the past, and he also wore flowers on his shoulders. I still have more powerful ones that I haven't shown yet. If she is not convinced, roll up her sleeves and fight, I will let her fight with one hand.


Willow can see it.

Higashiyama Maiko shattered Chu Junlan's self-confidence into pieces, and then she put it in a millstone and ground it several more times until it turned into powder.

This poor girl will probably have psychological shadow for many years to come.

Yang Liu was somewhat sympathetic.

But girls like Hao Guojia and Hei Xijia are heartless and just feel happy.

This is not something that needs to be kept secret.

Several guests who came here had also heard about it.

How they feel...

It's so enjoyable.

For this reason, Katsura Masao and Fujita Isamu asked the master chef of the Ninth Factory to prepare some side dishes and had a drink happily.

But Gui Zhengye said: "Ogi-san, I have thought about it seriously. I think I would lose if it were me. I feel like I might not be able to solve that math problem in college."

Gui Zhengnan put down his glass: "You must have a sense of awe. The Xia Kingdom has a long history, a vast land and abundant resources, and has produced many heroes for thousands of years. You must have the awareness to lose when you lose, and you must have the humility to win. I can guess what President Dongshan is thinking.

Yes, but he thinks highly of himself, and he also thinks highly of his Dongshan family."

"Yes." Gui Zhengye agreed.

Fujita Isamu said: "I just hope that we can become a member instead of becoming a consumable like being used by Tosiba. I carefully studied the game Bai Jun mentioned. It is very difficult. What we have now

Technology and hardware require a big breakthrough."

Gui Zhengnan shook his head: "This is not a problem, this is also the reason why we came this time."

"Please Gui Zhengjun to clear up my doubts."

"You have forgotten that Mr. Bai shipped a whole ship and hundreds of containers from the beautiful country, all of which were obtained from Tosiba's industry. Think about the 28-inch TV. President Yamauchi was willing to listen to Tosiba

Ba’s order was based on Tosiba Semiconductor’s technology, but now we will also have it.”

"I see, I didn't expect that."

Katsura Masao poured a glass of wine for Isamu Fujita: "During the Warring States Period, it was a wise choice for the Hosokawa family to join the Oda family. During the Three Kingdoms period of the Xia Dynasty, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao were generals, but they were also generals to join. The strong are the only ones who surrender.

Worth following.”

Gui Zhengnan only said half of what he said.

The other half is the successor of the strong. If it is weak, the result will be another.

This chapter has been completed!
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