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Section 516 is very expensive

Ye Shiguan saw Zhao Qingguo and others entering a shop, and was about to follow them in, but was pulled back by Bai Hao.

Ye Shiguan didn't understand: "What?"

Bai Hao pointed to the shop and said to Ye Shiguan: "Don't be in a hurry, let's take a look first."

Ye Shiguan stopped and stood outside the door looking into the shop.

As soon as he stood firm, he heard a sharp and harsh voice: "It's very expensive."

Zhao Qingguo didn't seem to hear the bitterness in the other party's tone and said, "I would like to ask, how much does this kind of long skirt cost?"

Still that sharp voice: "He asked how much it costs, do you know?"

Several voices answered at the same time: "It's very expensive..."

That voice was sharp and harsh.

Only then did Zhao Qingguo react and stood there awkwardly. However, several translators who came with him who knew Camel language were already feeling uncomfortable and wanted to escape.

Bai Hao seemed very calm.

Ye Shiguan sighed and said: "Their system, their values, are snobbish, profit-oriented, and inherently unequal."

Bai Hao didn't answer this and pushed the door open directly.

The moment Bai Hao entered the door, several salesmen walked towards Bai Hao, looking at each other with hostility.


Just based on Bai Hao's clothes and aura, they were convinced that this was a wealthy guest who came in at this time.

But who would have thought that Bai Hao waved to Zhao Qingguo: "Qingguo, let's go."

Zhao Qingguo lowered his head, and several translators also hurried out. They felt that Bai Hao's appearance was to save the situation.

It's a pity.


Bai Hao is here to cause trouble, but not now.

Bai Hao just stood at the door, holding the door open for Zhao Qingguo and several translators. After they came out, Bai Hao followed them.

Only a few salesmen were left standing there with surprised faces.

Right next door, Bai Hao entered the store first.

It was not the clerk, but the manager who came to greet me directly.

Those who can make luxury brands understand what custom-made clothing is.

What is an extremely high-end luxury brand, or an independent brand of custom-made clothing?

This is what Bai Hao has.

But he was very confused. Such people would not come to their store. Their store was not worthy of this person's consumption level.

Bai Hao stood in the store, holding a black card between his two fingers, and said to the store manager: "I'm here to spend money. I have to spend a lot of money. I want the best."

"Please, please, please sit down quickly."

Bai Hao pointed at Zhao Qingguo: "They need your enthusiasm."

All the clerks mobilized and surrounded Zhao Qingguo, several translators, and Ye Shiguan.

Ye Shiguan originally wanted to refuse, but Bai Hao gave him a reason why he couldn't refuse.

There will be a very important customer coming, and we need to be decent. Even if we go back and hang the clothes in the office for storage, we will need them tomorrow.

It was a completely different shopping experience than before, and the smiles that disappeared from the faces of the translators gradually returned.

Bai Hao was just laughing on the sofa and watching with a cigar.

If it feels right, stick out your thumb.

A real big purchase.

It needs to be accessorized with some simple small jewelry. There is no need for a store at all. The clerk from the jewelry store a few hundred meters away will come with a box and make accessories here. There is also a watch store that will come with a box of watches.

For selection.

Big purchase.

When it was almost over, Bai Hao came to the store manager: "Without offending, can you tell this friend of mine the truth about your passion?"


The manager came to Zhao Qingguo and said bluntly: "This is a distinguished guest with sufficient spending level. Our enthusiastic service will earn us enough commissions, bonuses, and even tips."

Bai Hao took out a fifty-dollar bill and put it in the manager's hand: "Thank you for your service."


If you have money, you will naturally say more.

The manager told Zhao Qingguo a lot about their hard work, their happiness at work, their work choices, and their helplessness.

Zhao Qingguo couldn't fully understand what he heard, but it was an eye-opener.

Ye Shiguan listened very seriously.

What is a market economy?

The supply and marketing cooperative sells goods, sells more and sells less, whether the customers are satisfied, etc. The wages are basically unchanged.

So, when wages are variable, if the service is good and enthusiastic enough, it will attract customers and increase sales, then you will earn more. In this case, is it good or bad?

Good, the sales staff are more enthusiastic about their work.

Bad, could someone take advantage of the loophole and do something?

So, should there be a corresponding management system and supervision system?

Suddenly, Ye Shiguan felt that in addition to building a building, this super mall also needed to establish a whole new set of processes and rules, which was completely indispensable.

Recalling my experience of working part-time while studying abroad, I mostly worked part-time jobs. It seemed like I got tips but no bonuses.

So how to learn from it?

Bai Hao seemed to see what Ye Shiguan was thinking: "An Xin, John McClain is the expert."

"This is great."

"The vice president of Wowoma will also come. Later I asked him for a copy of their relevant management methods. Although the situation in Beautiful Country is different from our Xia Country, we can learn from it in managing this kind of thing."

Ye Shiguan agreed: "Yes, this is it. With this, we can avoid many detours."

While the two were chatting, the packing had been completed, and the translators’ arms were covered with various bags.

The manager specially sent it to the door and said: "Next time, your friend can come to me directly. No matter what he needs, I can help him." After saying that, he handed a business card to Bai Hao with both hands.

Bai Hao took it and said with a smile: "Throw one into each of their bags, don't you mind."

"Of course, of course." The manager immediately put his business card in everyone's handbag.

After leaving the house and walking on the street, Zhao Qingguo suddenly said: "I am really touched."

Bai Hao tilted his head: "Go back and write two thousand words about your experience, and then cooperate with the construction and management of the new supermarket to create processes and systems. Now..."

Ye Shi watched everyone carrying big and small bags and said, "Go back?"

"No!" Bai Hao shook his head and pointed to the store that Zhao Qingguo had just visited: "Go in, and they promise not to recognize you. Tell them that they have missed out on a lot of commissions."

Ye Shiguan laughed: "Nonsense, childish."

Bai Hao also laughed: "It's just childish."

Zhao Qingguo was too embarrassed to go, but Bai Hao definitely wouldn't go.

However, in the translation, a few girls really ran away, walked around the store, held up the big bags and small bags in their hands, and really said what Bai Hao said: "How much commission have you lost.


"A normal heart!" Ye Shiguan said, "Keep a normal heart and our clerks should have higher quality and moral character."

Bai Hao responded: "Of course, because we are Xia people."

This chapter has been completed!
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