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Section 68 Who is the wise man

Catherine thought carefully.

This is a very good plan, and most importantly, Haas's reputation will not be damaged.

But why should Jeff defeat himself?

It was rare for Catherine to even put on makeup. She changed clothes and drove out. Then she sat in the secretary's seat at the door of her father Totakhas's office. She was waiting for the fax.

Totakhas came to the office and was surprised to find that his daughter was sitting in the secretary's seat, staring at the fax machine. He stepped forward and asked, "Is there anything important?"

"I'm waiting for a fax. Jeff's. Jeff sent it to you."

"Really?" Totakhas asked the secretary to take his bag into the office, and then he also sat down and waited.

It's time to go to work, and the fax machine rings on time.

Four were issued in succession, which were four lists.

The first one, the parts list, is all Haas's own parts, as well as parts purchased from partners.

The second copy is also a parts list. The price is marked on it, but the place of origin is not listed.

The third part is the quotation for the complete machine, various common machine tools, such as manual lathes, manual milling machines, semi-automatic, CNC-assisted lathes, etc.

The last one, the processing agreement.

Any piece of paper looks nothing on its own, but when these four pieces of paper are connected together, everything becomes clear.

Totakhas made a silent calculation in his heart. According to the contents of this agreement, if he completes about 870 to 1,240 ordinary machine tools in four months, he can deliver them on time.

Deliver the goods to Ah Sanguo.

The gross profit was approximately US$5 million.

The machine tools that Meimeiguo sells to Asanguo have always been at a high price.

It is very common for an ordinary machine tool to cost close to 100,000 US dollars. Take an ordinary manual lathe. According to the description of this agreement, Totak found a piece of white paper and added the shipping of the parts.

After customs clearance, re-transportation, and shipping, etc., the net cost of one unit is about US$45,000.

Sold it to Asanguo at a discount, but I didn't receive the final payment, which was only US$85,000.

After deducting the assembly fee of US$1,500 per machine, the inspection fee of US$100, and the tools, vulnerable parts, etc. that are delivered with the lathe, the gross profit is US$30,000.

The gross profit of the CNC-assisted milling machine is as high as $65,000.

The agreement states that the quality will be supervised by technical personnel sent by Haas Company, and all quality control personnel will receive training on Haas standards to ensure the quality and the quality of Haas Company products.

Totakhas held four pieces of paper and couldn't help but glance at Catherine.

He probably guessed why Catherine cared so much.

The cooperation between Catherine and Tosiba Company definitely has its advantages. You don’t have to worry about the quality, but the price. For this batch of machine tools delivered at the end of April next year, Haas will lose a net loss of US$1.2 million. If

If the goods are not delivered, the contract compensation is only US$700,000.

But the compensation in the contract is one-sided, and it will also damage Haas's reputation.

At this point, Jeff makes this list.

Even if we spend a lot of money on training fees and personnel travel expenses to ensure quality, we can definitely earn a net profit of US$2 million.

Totak suddenly said: "Impossible. Although Jeff is my child and your brother, he does not have this ability."

Catherine said: "There is a very powerful person beside him, Totak. Do you know about the Best Buy Black Friday storm? Also, the people I sent to Xia Guo were persuaded by them to become Jeff's people. At this time, they were with Xia Guo's family.

The factory sued the pioneer of Tosiba Company.”

"Black Friday storm. Interesting, so what role does this person play in it?"

"He is the initiator of the storm."

"Interesting, contact Jeff, no, contact that person, I want to talk to him."

The call was quickly connected.

Bai Hao's fluent Mandarin with a Californian accent made Totakhas feel very friendly. Totakhas asked directly: "Young man, tell me, what do you want?"

"Dear Mr. Haas, this matter is actually very simple. Each machine can earn me and my factory between 3,000 and 5,000 U.S. dollars. Excluding transportation fees and workers' wages, it is 1,300 U.S. dollars.

The net profit is a good business. Of course, if you can pay the profit in parts, I will earn more."

Totak didn't react. Isn't cash bad?

Could it be said that parts are more valuable?

Totak asked: "Young man, are spare parts more valuable?"

"Dear Mr. Haas, please give me assembly and processing authorization."

"Of course." Totak said in his heart. Since you are asked to assemble it, you must be authorized.

Bai Hao continued: "So, even if the extra machine I assembled does not have the Haas nameplate on it, do you think I can sell it for five thousand summers more than the machine I originally produced myself?"

"Yes, you are indeed smart. Well, I agree to your suggestion and try to make the first batch of orders first. The corresponding parts will be shipped to Xia Kingdom within five days. Which port do you want to ship to."

"Shanghai and Hong Kong. I also want to ask, can Jeff handle this order? This is just a small order, and Jeff also wants to contribute more."

Totak thought for a while: "No problem, I think I will go to Xia Kingdom when the order is halfway through."

"Welcome to your arrival. Xia Guo welcomes you, Jingzhao welcomes you." After saying this, the two hung up the phone.

Catherine stood at her desk and looked at her father.

Totakhas poured a glass of whiskey, picked it up and stood by the window, looking at the striking workers who were still holding slogans in the distance. When Catherine came closer, Totak said: "If, if there is no Black Friday storm,

Without the recent high-profile incident of Xia Guo suing Wajima Tosiba Company, I would have almost believed what this young man said."

"Is this a scam?"

"No, this is true. When I say I don't believe it, I mean I don't believe that this young man only has such a small appetite. Do you know how profitable the toaster is?"

The toaster was suddenly mentioned, but Catherine paid no attention to it.

"Sorry, I don't know."

Totak said: "I have investigated and according to my prediction, the profit of the toaster may be about 40%, which is a Best Buy purchase share of 100 US dollars, and his production cost is only 60 US dollars.

.The total cost includes the cost of transportation and workers’ wages.”

Catherine never expected such a high profit.

Totakhas continued: "The previous toaster on the market sold for US$275. For the manufacturer, distribution costs accounted for 40%. The production cost of the company should be US$130.

If the profit is about thirty dollars, the workers’ wages in Xia Guo are only one-sixth of those in California.”

This chapter has been completed!
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