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Section 84: Running to a Well-off Lost Last Year

Hei Yan only wrote two words on the letter paper:


Then Hei Yan put the letter into the envelope.

"Send it for me."


Bai Hao will not be able to receive this letter for the time being.

Because after the meeting at Laobai Songhuai Village, Bai Hao was going to Qiongzhou Island.

Factory No. 9's communication satellite is less than a week away from launch, and various preparations have already begun.

The main part of the push is to take the railway from the Space City in Xiongguan, then transport it to the seaside, board the ship from the seaside, and then go to Qiongzhou. The communication satellites are built in Jingzhao. They can also take the railway, and then board the ship in Pingjiang.

Then go to Qiongzhou by sea.

Bai Hao flew directly to Qiongzhou with his technical staff.

The only person on the plane who was not a technician was Wu Qingdao.

Wu Qingdao flipped through a report and showed it to Bai Hao.

Only the two of them discussed this matter.

Nothing happened to anyone else.

Because. This is to hand to the beautiful Guohua Street the annual report of Benxiaokang Company last year.

"Master, I feel that the people in the beautiful country should be able to bear it a little higher."

"Higher?" Wu Qingdao drew a circle on the report form and then changed the number to ten percent.

Bai Hao was so cruel that he grabbed the pen and wrote "Twenty percent" directly.

Wu Qingdao shook his head: "It's too much. The loss is 20%. With such a large business volume, we still lost 20%. If I were from the beautiful country and didn't come to check the accounts, our stock price would also be higher.


Bai Hao said: "I think it will not fall, but will rise sharply. The number here is 55%. Our total assets have increased by 55%, and the factory has doubled in size.

The number of employees has increased by hundreds of thousands, and the number of interns in training is also tens of thousands."

Wu Qingdao thought seriously for a few minutes.

"Maybe, but it has to be reasonable. Let's do this. Lose less, about 15%. I'll arrange for someone to calculate an absolutely reasonable value."

These two are calculating.

Anyway, what Yi Baihao means is that Benxiaokang made money last year, but had no money. All the money was invested in expanding the factory, and then borrowed a lot of money and had to pay interest.

Including liabilities, Benxiaokang is losing money.

However, the pie of Benxiaokang has become bigger, not just a little bit bigger, directly expanded by nearly 60%, so Benxiaokang Company is still developing well.

Wu Qingdao began to read some of the rules and regulations of beautiful Guohua Street.

He is looking for a suitable way to deal with it.

In a word, there will definitely not be any dividends on Meili Guohua Street this year, but it will not affect the stock price of GR Company (the name of Benxiaokang in Meili Guohua). And it will definitely not affect the shares that will be listed on Huajie Street next year.

Renren Clothing Company, and the planned communications company.

This is no small matter.

Wu Qingdao did not dare to neglect every step, every piece of information, and every form.

If Bai Hao hadn't been too evil this time and wanted Ben Xiaokang to report a loss, Wu Qingdao wouldn't have been so cautious.

However, reporting a loss seems to be a good idea.

By the way, just when Bai Hao arrived in Qiongzhou to prepare for the launch of Factory 9's own communication satellite. The Imperial Capital, Xia Shi headquarters.

Here, in the newly built building, four floors have been occupied.

Zou Wanlong is a man who speaks like a man. He speaks like a man.

He said that Bai Hao asked Xia Shi to go from being poor to finding money to become rich now, and Xia Shi's income will always be divided half and half between Factory Nine, unless Factory Nine no longer cares about Xia Shi's affairs.

Since he said it, he will definitely do it.

Moreover, no discounts will be given.

Factory 9 launches its own communication satellite, which is only used for communication.


This has three main uses.

The first one is busy here at Xia Shi headquarters.

At this time, Xia Shi had only three channels.

Xia Shi main station, Xia TV 2, and 3 stations that just tried to start broadcasting last year.

At present, a new four-story building is occupied, and two new stations have been opened.

Zou Wanlong is personally supervising the progress.

One new platform is called Jiutai, and the other is called Xingchen Terrace.

When Zou Wanlong was inspecting, he suddenly found that the sign had fallen off: "Come here, the sign over there is not hung up properly, please fix it quickly, there are only a few days left."

"Coming, coming."

A staff member trotted over, picked up the 9 on the floor and hung it up again.

Hanging up backwards.

After hanging it up, I saw that it was Xia Shi Channel 6.

Zou Wanlong stood there and watched for a long time, then suddenly said: "Well, change the original plan. The new two stations will be called Liutai and Jiutai. This is good, they are both Jiutai anyway."

The staff didn't think much about it. Zou Wanlong was the station director, so what the station director said must be right.

Soon, the studio hall on the other floor also changed its brand.

One is six stations and the other is nine stations.

Zou Wanlong said in his heart that there was no need to inform Bai Hao about such a trivial matter. Anyway, what Bai Hao wanted was two stations, and it was Bai Hao's own business to use them.

He believed that Bai Hao had already prepared the program.

In this way, two new channels were born, Xia Shi 6 and Xia Shi 9.

All programs are provided by Factory Nine, one is entertainment and the other is science station.

After checking it out personally.

Zou Wanlong went to the broadcast room again.

He wanted to personally watch the documentary "A Bite of Xia Country" arranged and produced by Factory Nine, as well as a translated version of an old movie. This movie was selected by Bai Hao and was called "The Bridge"

He is not worried about the problem of broadcasting the rest of the films. They are all early Xia Guo films. Now they are released on TV, and there are basically no problems.

This time, Xia Guo on the Tip of the Tongue has reached a higher level in production.

With Mr. Yan personally serving as a consultant.

There have been some changes in the production, and the food is used to showcase not only the delicious food, but also the five thousand years of Xia Kingdom's heritage.

Xia Shi has made preparations and will start the first trial broadcast after the No. 9 communication satellite is launched.

As for the other two functions, they have nothing to do with Xia Shi.

Bai Hao is trying to make e-mail available in some necessary places in Xia State.

Bai Hao only imagined the last function, and it may take some time to realize it. That is, Bai Hao wanted to build a secure scientific and technological database that truly belongs only to Xia Guo.

Let’s talk about Bai Hao.

Bai Hao arrived in Qiongzhou, and this time he announced to the outside world that Bai Hao had privately built a communication satellite for himself.

This is outrageous.

Quite a bit.

But many people believe it.

Among them, the one who most believed that this happened was Bai Hao's impulsive thought, Principal Drake of Stamford.

After receiving Bai Hao's invitation to watch the launch, Drake responded very politely.

Unfortunately, he really can't leave at this time.

However, he introduced an interesting person, and this person also wanted to meet Bai Hao.

This chapter has been completed!
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