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Section 865 The old man is here to argue

If you can't catch the train that night, the railway will arrange accommodation for you.

An hour later, the train station.

The man saw a familiar face.

Lao Zhou.

Also, many companions.

Originally, I was still nervous and fearful of the unknown future.

At this time, there is a sense of joy that everyone is heading towards a better life together.

How much influence does Mr. Yan have?

In just one night, in the imperial capital alone, people rushing to Beijing occupied a carriage.

Lao Zhou, who has been riding a coal-delivery tricycle for several months, is having a blast tonight, making smoke and flowers.

"Lao Zhou, it's over?"

"What's the matter? My mother-in-law bought this for me to ask for help. I can't use it now. Let's try it."

Many people took it with a smile.

Someone said suddenly: "I heard that there is a girl in the Ninth Factory who is just twenty years old. She has a two-bedroom dormitory for singles, a high-end car that even our director can't fit in, and several real...

A bonus of 10,000 yuan.”

As soon as these words came out, many people fell silent.

Someone else said: "Ninth Factory, no one wants to add his name to your research report. If you leave it to us, the girl will probably receive a fifty yuan bonus, and the research will have nothing to do with her."

"What does the girl doll study?"

"I heard it's the Riemann Hypothesis."

Several people jumped up: "How many percent has been studied? Is it more than 37 percent?"

"I don't know. Although the Jiuchang Copycat Conference is not kept secret, very little news has spread. It was a nephew of mine who gave me a few words."

At this time, a man sitting in the corner said: "Forty percent."

"What, what did you just say?"

"I said, that girl has studied the Riemann Hypothesis to 40%."

With one word, the entire carriage fell silent.

The first thing they think about is not how talented the person is, but what kind of academic environment there is that allows people to calm down and carry out research to this level.

Only people who are not influenced by the outside world and are not bothered by various trivial matters in life can devote themselves wholeheartedly to research.

No one chats anymore.

Some people started to check their papers, and some people started to study.

When night fell, the captain personally led people to push the cart over.

Each person is provided with meals, drinks, two bags of snacks, and even a pack of cigarettes per person.

It's not bad, it's not particularly good, it's about 70 cents a pack of cigarettes.

Someone took the cigarette and asked: "Comrade Commander, do you know the Ninth Factory?"

The conductor smiled: "I don't know, but I know that Factory No. 9 is researching a new railway, hoping to reach 200 kilometers per hour."


"Really, from Jinling to Lin'an, Lin'an to Pingjiang, Pingjiang to Jinling, Lin'an to Mingzhou."

Speed ​​200 an hour.

Today, the average speed of trains is forty-eight kilometers per hour.

Two hundred an hour!

This data shocked everyone in the car.

The conductor continued: "It sounds very exciting. You are all scientists. You should know better than me how difficult this is. Just for such seemingly simple things as bearings and wheels, there are more than 200 of them on our railway.

I have been studying it day and night for half a year, but it still has not met the design requirements. The other things must be more difficult."


Everyone looked towards where the voice was coming from.

Someone stood up: "It's not very difficult, it's almost impossible to break through. When the speed reaches 200, steel has to be rolled hundreds of millions of times without changing, which is almost impossible to achieve. In terms of materials, hydrogen

The content must be less than 2 parts per million, so the casting equipment alone is a huge barrier."

"Besides, there are no cracks in high temperature or high cold. Wear resistance, toughness resistance, etc., hundreds of index indicators, it is... a great challenge."


That's right.



Factory No. 9 started from scratch and built a five-axis machine from zero to one in three years.

It seems that life has a purpose.

It’s not too late to put away the wasted years of ten or more years.

Bai Hao knew about this plan already in the early morning of the next day.

Because, the first batch of people have already arrived outside the No. 1 North Gate of Jiuchang.

This time, the scale of Fu Qiang's recruitment is even higher than the last time, and the level is higher. No one who has graduated from a first-class university or has participated in several years of research dares to stand at the door.

Dare to stand here.

They all have real knowledge.

fifty thousand!

This is Yan Lao's goal.

Within half a year, 50,000 people were recruited, tripling the number of senior researchers in Factory 9. It reached a record number of 70,000 people. Of course, if there are many outstanding people, Mr. Yan would not mind accepting them all.

This salary expenditure is nothing compared to the research funds invested by the Ninth Factory.

This time, Bai Hao was not asked to pick up the newcomers. Bai Hao was very busy and had many things to worry about. Mr. Yan did not intend to let Bai Hao worry about such trivial matters.

However, Zhao Qingguo must be there.

Fu Qiang must be indispensable, and of course Fu Qiang's assistant Lu Qiao.

Standing outside the No. 1 gate of Jiuchang North, Mr. Yan praised Fu Qiang: "Fu Qiang, if you hadn't worked hard to enclose the land and build houses, I don't know how you would have accommodated these people. By the way, why do you keep

Building a house."

Fu Qiang thought for a while: "I'm going to find a way to reorganize people, but I don't have as big a hand as you. Don't be angry if you just gossip. Someone called just now to ask why we poached the Imperial Precision Instrument Research Institute.

I haven't thought of how to reply yet."


After Fu Qiang reported a name, Mr. Yan took out the Lingling Bell from his pocket and rang it directly.

Without waiting for a reaction, he started scolding: "Are you blind? Just those few people don't publish a few research reports every year and publish high-end papers every year. Since they are the first signature on the report,

Aren't those guys the backbone? What do you mean we poached the backbone? What we found are useless useless people."

"If you are not convinced, I, Yan Huating, am waiting for you to argue."

The other party was silent.

Some things are embarrassing to reveal.

Mr. Yan hung up the phone directly, and then said to Faqiang: "Don't be afraid, I can't accept people from those places where everyone is upright. Those places where filth is hidden, I will give it to those who are filthy."

An untainted person and an elegant academic environment.”

"Old Yan, that's well said."

Countless people began to cheer.

But Mr. Yan stepped forward with a straight face: "Don't make any noise, this is the alchemy furnace. Whether it is real gold or not, you can see the real seal under the blazing flames."

The newcomers began to receive daily necessities, accommodation, and canteen cards and access cards for the four districts.

It doesn't take five minutes to enter the laboratory.

Shocked all the newcomers.

There are no graded laboratories. In the Ninth Factory, Grade C is the lowest. These are not even graded. They are mainly for assistant researchers to study and have been used for auxiliary research. Even if there are tasks, they are still those that are not considered high-end research.


Yesterday, I saved a chapter for myself.

I originally thought I could save one more today.

As a result, it got stuck.

The condition is ridiculously bad.

Not only did I not save one more, but I ended up using the ones I saved yesterday.


This chapter has been completed!
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