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Section 93: Bai Hao, the Bad Elder Brother with No Good Leads

Zhang Jianhua was right. Bai Hao had indeed borrowed people. Each factory had borrowed at least thirty skilled workers with level 6 or above. A total of more than one hundred people had been borrowed. Including the two hundred people brought by Zhang Jianhua, there were another two hundred people.

Together with 500 ordinary workers and young workers, it can be completed by the end of April.

Qinzhou cannot borrow too much, as it will affect the original production tasks of these large factories.

Bai Hao gave Zhang Jianhua a cigarette: "Uncle, why are you so young and you became the director of the factory before you were even forty?"

"I went to college."


"Really read."

"What major?"

"Industrial design and application major, Baishan Songshuizhou University. Later, I studied again, and I am an on-the-job graduate student."

"Awesome." Bai Hao really didn't expect that Zhang Jianhua, who looked rough like an ironworker in front of him, actually came from a famous university. Baishan Songshuizhou University's heavy industry majors were definitely the best in Xia State.

Bai Hao asked again: "How many college students and how many eighth-level workers are there in your factory?"

"What are you doing? You want to poach people."

"Let's work together and start a small business."

Zhang Jianhua thought for a while and finally said: "Our factory has about 260 college students, plus college and high school graduates, and 36 eighth-level workers under the age of 50. It's really a head-to-head comparison. Our factory has high-end

The ratio of talents is higher than that of industrial and electrical engineering. For a large industrial and electrical factory with more than 20,000 people, it depends on whether college students and college graduates can get enough for 500."

Bai Hao grinned mischievously: "Our ninth branch factory has three workers and one factory director. We have seven undergraduates, sixty-nine graduate students, and thirty-seven PhDs. You can't talk about the ratio with me.


"Blow it."

Zhang Jianhua would never believe it to his death how a factory could have such a high proportion of college students.

Even a research institute cannot achieve this ratio.

Bai Hao had basically asked enough questions. He took out the wine and poured it for Zhang Jianhua. Before the wine was poured, Li Dong rushed over and grabbed Bai Hao: "Silly boy, what are you doing here? Hurry up and go."

Kowtow, then receive the red envelope for the correction fee, and hurry up."

"No, isn't the correction fee given in red envelopes?"

"Go away, you are a junior, okay?" Li Dong nodded towards Zhang Jianhua, who smiled and motioned to pull him away quickly.

Kowtow and receive red envelopes.

It was only five yuan, and Bai Hao looked disgusted.

Yang Liu was quite happy, her red envelope was eight yuan.

Lu Min, Lu Ming, and Zhang Xiang were the happiest. They were stupid and knew nothing. They could laugh all day long when they saw two yuan or one yuan in red envelopes.

The wedding lasted for most of the day, and people started to leave around four o'clock in the afternoon.

No one knew how much the wedding cost, but few people gossiped.

Zhang Jianguo raised five orphans by himself. As the eldest son, Bai Hao, no matter how much money he spent, only some people would say yes. This is called filial piety and gratitude.

Some people are jealous of Bai Hao and why he has foreign friends who pay for his wedding, but they can only feel sad.

Go back to the two-bedroom house.

However, some people came over to have a bit of fun, and by about five o'clock, most of the people were gone.

Zhang Jianguo sat on the chair, his palms sweating nervously, and he didn't know what to say. Bai Rui was writing down the gifts in a small notebook at the side, recording in detail that those who received the gifts would have to repay the gifts when there were weddings and funerals at home in the future.

Baishan gave Zhang Jianguo money, but Zhang Jianguo didn't want it.

He gave Bai Rui a dowry money of 3,000 yuan, but Zhang Jianguo didn't accept it and asked Bai Rui to keep it by herself.

Seeing Bai Rui wash her hands after writing down the accounts, Zhang Jianguo became even more nervous. He stood up and said, "Haozi has gone to accompany the foreign guests. The four little ones at home are at home. I don't feel at ease, so I went to take a look."

"Let's go together." Bai Hao was actually very nervous.

There is a courtyard, in front of the building and behind the building, just a few steps away.

Entering the house, Yangliu was also settling accounts.

To be honest, Bai Hao was shocked today. She had thought that Bai Hao's wealth was very, very high a few days ago. She dared to say that today's wedding would be something that no woman would ever forget.

But when he saw Yang Liu's account book, Bai Rui turned to stone.

One, two, three, four, five, six. Six digits.

This is not a math problem, this is a ledger.

In the imperial capital, a household worth ten thousand yuan is a sign of great wealth. Bai Shan's lifetime of hard work, plus Bai Rui's salary over the years, can only save more than three thousand yuan.

Here it is six digits.

"Second girl, what kind of account is this?" Zhang Jianguo was also curious.

Yang Liu wrote down the last few notes before answering: "The boss carried a few bags of money when he came back from Yangcheng. We handed the money to Gongden and later transferred it to the Ninth Branch Factory. The Ninth Branch Factory deducted 30% to pay the workers' wages, and then the deal was completed.

The money for labor insurance and medical treatment was paid to the industrial and electric power plant, and there was also 20% of the contract management fee for the industrial and electric power plant, and another 10% was retained to be distributed next year. The ninth branch factory received 650 per set, and the rest was paid to the boss

The accountant of Jiufen Factory was sent by the Industrial and Power Plant. The money was spent and I issued an IOU."

I have heard of factory workers giving IOUs to the factory.

This is the first time I heard of a factory issuing IOUs to its employees.

But the IOU is real.

Before Bai Rui could be shocked, Yang Liu started to complain: "Dad, the boss is dishonest. He has never received a salary from the Jiufen Factory since he came back, and he spent a lot and ate well. He must have hidden the money, and he didn't

Less, at least several thousand yuan. You don’t care, this will never work.”

Zhang Jianguo thought for a while: "I know that Best Buy in the beautiful country gives Haozi 298 yuan every week. I heard that it has gone up again, close to 400 yuan."

When Yang Liu heard this, he exploded: "Dad, you don't care. Four hundred a week is one thousand sixteen a month. In two months, he didn't even pay a penny to the family."

After Yang Liu finished shouting, he suddenly thought of Bai Hao's presence.

Thinking about it again, Bai Hao is a new mother.

Logically speaking, she should hand over the account to the new mother, and Bai Rui will take care of the family's accounts from now on.

But Yang Liu is not so trustworthy to Bai Hu, after all, she just got married.

Let’s not talk about whether Bai Hao is reliable. The question is whether he can handle the accounts. If he is like Bai Hao, he will not be able to survive this day.

Bai Hao guessed the reason why Yang Liu suddenly stopped talking, and said: "I'm not good with numbers, but I know that Bai Hao's money may be much more than the handsome national salary. As for what kind of money it is, I don't know.


"Ah!" Zhang Jianguo slapped his thigh: "I understand."


"Haozi said when he went to Yangcheng that he was going to sell patents."

Selling patents, Bai Yi instantly understood: "He may not be selling patents. In the toaster export contract, there is a deduction collected by an agency in Xiangjiang, which is 20 cents per unit. At present, the toaster exports are estimated to

There are 700,000 units. There are also waffle machines, and there are also patent fees."

Yang Liu slapped her abacus and stamped her foot: "Dad, I will lead the three little ones to bad ways."

Bai Rui did some mental calculations and realized that it was another six-digit income, and it was still a US dollar.

This chapter has been completed!
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