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Chapter 114 Historical Celebrities: Fang Xiaoru

"Biao'er, this small world is no small matter. If you don't grasp it, it will probably cause our Ming Dynasty to fall into chaos!" On the way back to Nanjing, Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

Zhang Tianzhen, who has obtained part of the immortal inheritance here, can cause such a big disturbance. If the things here spread to the world and are obtained by those wild immortal cultivators, the consequences will be disastrous.

"My son knows this, so I put away some powerful spells before those researchers came in."

After all, these spells are all attack types and have no effect on researchers.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but grinned.

"Not bad!" he commented.

"Cultivation of immortals has a long lifespan and many methods, and the more advanced they are, the more they have no desires and desires. From those people in this small world, it can be seen that when they reach higher levels of cultivation, even their seven emotions and six desires are reduced, and they think in their hearts

There is only one eternal life. If a country allows such a group of people to be in power, it is not a blessing to the country."

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he glanced at Zhu Biao: "Biao'er, we also need to be vigilant about this. Our identity is first the leader of a country, and then the extraordinary. But we must not put the cart before the horse."

"I understand!" Zhu Biao said quickly.

"From now on, the national army will still be dominated by warriors. Let the immortal cultivators just let them stay in the Academy of Sciences and do some research work!"

"That's the best place for them."

Hearing this, Zhu Biao nodded in agreement.

It can be seen from this battle that Wufu is indeed the most suitable extraordinary person for the battlefield. He can adapt quickly no matter what type of enemy he faces.

If firearms are further developed in the future, and warriors are equipped with powerful firearms to increase the attack range, or even use armor that can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, the scene will be exciting to Zhu Biao just thinking about it.

Soon, three months passed quietly.

All kinds of spells and formations in this small world named Base No. 1 by Zhu Biao have been transferred to the Sumeru Illusion World.

As for the small world itself, it can be used as a training ground in the future.

It is isolated from the rest of the world, and there is also a spiritual gathering array set up by ancient Qi practitioners to increase the concentration of spiritual energy. It is a perfect training ground for special forces to conduct closed training.

And the Academy of Sciences, which had received various formations and talisman inheritance in the small world, also began to glow with new vitality.

An extremely important scientific experiment is being conducted in the Academy of Sciences at this moment.

A strange car with four wheels appeared in the square of the Academy of Sciences. Zhang Changshang from Tianshi Mansion sat on it nervously.

"Your Highness, I'm starting!" He rubbed his hands and said.

"Okay!" Zhu Biao nodded equally expectantly.

Zhang Changshang stretched out his hand and lightly pressed a button. Suddenly, the strange car began to tremble slightly, and then began to move forward slowly.

There is no much noise and no exhaust. This is a purely natural and pollution-free psionic drive car.

To be precise, this should be regarded as a magic weapon. The materials used are all spiritual materials. There are magic circles engraved on it. Its core is a spirit gathering array. The spirit gathering array provides spiritual power and then drives a series of mechanisms to rotate.

, ultimately driving four wheels.

The biggest difference between this vehicle and the traditional magic circle is that this is a magic weapon that ordinary people can control.

Although it is driven by spiritual power, the entire process is automated. If the spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array is insufficient, you only need to replace the spirit gathering array, or stop and wait for a period of time.

To be honest, it is not easy to make such a magic weapon. What troubled the Academy of Sciences the most before was the material.

They couldn't find suitable materials to depict the spiritual formation.

This problem has been solved in the inheritance of various materials compiled in Base No. 1.

The spiritual materials for refining armor in the Immortal Dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty were engraved with spiritual formations.

And this also applies to the manufacture of this kind of magical vehicle.

"How much mileage can this car run?" Zhu Biao asked.

"I can run almost three hundred miles every hour."

"When this car is filled with spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array, it can run at full speed for six hours without stopping." Zhang Changsheng said with a smile.

"If I drive this car into a different world without spiritual energy, can it be used?" Zhu Biao asked again.


"Just bring a few more spirit-gathering array disks. Although in a spirit-free environment, the spiritual energy will continue to overflow, the spirit-gathering arrays studied by those Qi practitioners are very powerful. If you want to let the spiritual energy in a spirit-gathering array

It will take almost a month for everything to spill out."

“This thing is great!”

Zhu Biao's eyes flashed with admiration. If this kind of magical vehicle could be produced on a large scale, the Ming Dynasty would have jumped directly from the steam engine age to the electrical age.

No, it should be said that this is a brand new era.

"What are the problems currently plaguing the mass production of this kind of magical vehicle?" Zhu Biao asked again.

"The manpower and material resources required to build such a car are too expensive."

Zhang Changsheng said with a bitter look on his face: "Everything on this car is made of spiritual materials. In addition, it cannot be produced with molds. It requires a blacksmith to forge it part by part."

"Purely made by hand!" Zhu Biao couldn't help but vomit.

"Then continue to recruit weapon refiners. This kind of car can be produced by manpower first. If the cost is high, just bid higher. Anyway, there are many rich people in Ming Dynasty now!"

"I think those nobles and gentry sons should be very interested in this thing." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

This thing is much more practical than those luxury goods. Zhu Biao believes that the wealthy families who have gained dividends from the continuous reforms of the Ming Dynasty are not short of this money.

It's better to let them buy a car and drive it back than to get some offensive magic weapons or something.

"Also, don't keep your eyes on the spiritual materials!"

"Iron can make steel, but can other ordinary materials also change under special circumstances?"

"Your mission is to find this special mortal material, replace the spiritual material, reduce the cost of this kind of car, and then use industrial assembly lines to produce some parts as much as possible."

"Industrialization is our direction!"

"The core of industrialization is efficiency, you have to understand this."

"Also, the research direction of spiritual power must be combined with science and technology, and they must promote each other."

"Yes!" Everyone behind him nodded quickly.

After returning from the Academy of Sciences, Zhu Biao returned to his palace to continue handling government affairs.

It is now the twelfth year of Hongwu.

What officials from various places now report most often is asking the court to build roads.

Guangdong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Henan, and other provinces all hope that the imperial court's second railway plan can pass through their provinces.

The reason for such changes is because of the demonstration effect of the first railway.

The first railway in Ming Dynasty was officially completed three months ago.

In order to meet the construction deadline, this railway was built in sections and at the same time.

In the past four years, Zhu Biao spent money like water. If it weren't for the continuous input of money from Japan and the blood transfusion from the late Qing Dynasty, this road would really not have been built.

Even so, it took four years to complete it. Even if it weren't for the weight-reducing talisman of the immortal cultivator and the help of a large number of warriors in the army, it would not have been possible to complete it in four years.

Not to mention anything else, just crossing the two natural chasms of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River is an impossible task.

But the changes brought about by the resurgence of spiritual energy have made this impossible possible. The application of weight-reducing talismans has allowed an ordinary person to hold ten thousand pounds of steel.

The widespread popularity of steam engines also greatly improved the efficiency of iron-making workshops.

This railway has been in operation for three months now. Every day, steam engines emitting black smoke go north and south along the railway line. All areas along the way can feel the profound impact that such a railway has had on the local area.

Local officials are not blind. Seeing the various benefits of railways, they naturally want to get a piece of the pie so that railways can be opened in their jurisdictions.

After all, the promotion of officials in the Ming Dynasty now has strict performance requirements, similar to Zhang Juzheng's examination method. If you do not have political performance as a local official, it will be very difficult to be promoted.

And if there is a railway in the jurisdiction, the local economy will be revitalized, and political achievements will simply be in vain.

"The planning of the railway is the matter of the Railway Bureau, which has its own regulations from the imperial court. Please do not send such memorials to me in the future!"

"However, local yamen can also set up their own railway bureaus. At that time, the railway bureau of the imperial court will be upgraded to the general bureau to govern the local areas."

"Whether local governments are building roads or railways, they can be planned by the Railway Bureau and then submitted to the General Administration for approval. In principle, the court encourages this behavior."

"As for the funds for road construction, local governments can borrow money from the Royal Central Bank, or they can issue stocks to wealthy households in various places to raise funds. The imperial court does not care."

"But one thing to note is that local roads can be built, but if you want to build banknotes on the road, you need approval from the Ministry of Revenue!"

"This is not allowed to be built privately, do you understand?"

"Yes!" When several junior Hanlin officials in the Hanlin Academy heard Zhu Biao's words, they immediately began to write down his orders one by one, and then went to contact the six officials from the outer court.

Zhu Biao glanced at one of the young men.

The era entered the middle period of the Hongwu Dynasty. Although the times were completely different, those figures who had shone brightly in the original history still began to gradually appear on the big stage of history.

Fang Xiaoru.

His name is absolutely famous in the history of Ming Dynasty.

Because he is the only scholar in history who was executed by the Ten Tribes.

If we say he was a traitorous minister, he remained unyielding until death and showed no weakness in the face of Zhu Di's butcher's knife. If we say he was a loyal minister, Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunwen lost his position as emperor due to his series of policies.

It can only be said that this is a person who is ignorant of reading.

Zhu Biao had no special feelings for this person and would not deliberately make things difficult for him, because history had completely changed. He would probably no longer have a son like Zhu Yunwen, and the Ming Dynasty would not have an emperor like Emperor Jianwen.

Naturally, Fang Xiaoru can no longer be a minister who cares about life.

How far he can go in the end can only depend on his destiny.

"Go!" Zhu Biao glanced at Fang Xiaoru again and sent him away with a wave of his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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