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Chapter 116: Emperor Meiji: If I try my best, Japan is invincible

"Dig quickly!"

"Akito's cannon is not a vegetarian."

"If you want to deal with artillery, you have to dig deep trenches and build positions. As long as the positions are there, those people's cannonballs and muskets will be useless!"

In Keelung Port, Taiwan, more than 3,000 Japanese were digging deep trenches and setting up positions.

And their supervisors are more than a dozen British ghosts.

On a high slope in the distance, Emperor Meiji, who had just taken office, was here in person, accompanied by envoys from the United Kingdom and France, who were watching this scene from a distance.


"The Japanese are indeed more useful than the Qing people!" British envoy William looked at this scene with satisfaction.

The people of the Qing Dynasty were all a group of arrogant and cowardly cowards, with their eyes always fixed on their foreheads, and they would not let go of their dream of going to heaven.

Hard to tame.

But the Japanese are different. These people are more humble. As long as you defeat them, you can immediately use them for yourself.

He helped the emperor overthrow the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate, and the emperor immediately reciprocated and helped them send troops to attack Taiwan.

As long as they can occupy Taiwan, they will have a larger military base. If they work hard for a few years, the glory of the Royal Navy of the British Empire will surely be written in the Far East again.

But the premise of all this is to block those Akito who bite like mad dogs.

Although Taiwan is still in the hands of the Qing government and has nothing to do with those Ming people, after learning that Japan suddenly sent troops to capture Keelung Port in Taiwan, it is difficult to guarantee that they will intervene.

Those people have become more and more domineering throughout Southeast Asia in the past two years.

"However, those Akito have nothing to be afraid of!"

"The British Empire couldn't conquer Guangzhou back then, and now they can't conquer Keelung either."

"This time, in order to deal with Akito, Britain and France spent a lot of money. The newly developed cannons and muskets were sent to Japan without any reservation. Many advanced factories were even invested by Britain and France.


"After all, Japan has a lot of money, and these things can be rewarded."

"The result of this is that in addition to these 3,000 soldiers who are the vanguard, there are more Japanese who are training behind them to ensure that the Chinese will kill as many as they come!"

"And just to be on the safe side, I brought a secret weapon this time. If I use it, I will ensure that the Japanese are not afraid of death."

When William thought of this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he was full of confidence in this strategic deployment.

"Commander, Keelung Port is ahead!"

Two days later, after receiving the news, Chang Yuchun slowly approached Keelung Port with the Ming Empire Navy.

"Boom!" A cannon sounded.

Emperor Meiji's majestic voice sounded in the port.

"This place has been occupied by our Japanese Empire. People from the Ming Dynasty are not allowed to go closer than three miles to the coastline, otherwise they will be bombarded!"


"Fire me, start with the motherfucker!"

How could Chang Yuchun understand the Japanese nonsense? With one order, the fleet quickly lined up and the naval guns began to rumble.

But soon, Chang Yuchun couldn't help but frown.

Although the opponent did not have many forts, their positions were extremely sophisticated, with trenches crisscrossing them and their personnel dispersed. The power of the artillery was greatly reduced for a time.

Cannons were first used on European battlefields, so they naturally knew how to reduce the power of cannons.

After all, today's cannon shells basically use black powder. Before the invention of smokeless gunpowder, the power of the shells was limited. Unless they happened to fall into a trench, they would have basically no lethality.

"Haha, Akira stopped shooting. It was because he was intimidated by the mighty army of the Japanese Empire!" Emperor Meiji laughed exaggeratedly.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, please do not take it lightly. The Ming Dynasty's infantry is also very powerful. When they saw that the naval guns could not perform any feat, they would definitely use infantry to land." The British man next to him reminded.

"Don't worry, our samurai of the Japanese Empire are invincible!"

"When it comes to desperate efforts, people from the Ming Dynasty... can't do it!" Emperor Meiji shook his finger disdainfully.

"Try their defense capabilities first!"

Chang Yuchun looked through the binoculars and said with a smile: "Let our special forces prepare for landing operations!"

"Tell them that as long as they conquer the opponent's position, not only will they be sent back to Japan, but each of them will be given two thousand yuan in treasure notes!"

Following Chang Yuchun's order, small boats were soon released from the warships, with two or three Japanese people sitting on each boat.

These people were arrested by Zhu Di for inciting rebellion in the Japanese country in the early Ming Dynasty. He originally wanted to kill them directly, but after all, these people were samurai, and because the mines here were short of people in the late Qing Dynasty, they were sent here to mine.


This time when he was attacking Japan, Zhu Yuanzhang brought 3,000 of them to see if they could be put to any use.

"For the treasure!" The leading Japanese man tied a piece of white cloth to his forehead and looked at the distant position with firm eyes.

"For the treasure!" Everyone behind him said in unison with him.

"Give it to the bald man!" the leader ordered, and everyone rowed their boats and launched a fierce attack on Keelung Port in the distance.

As warriors, their martial arts and martial arts are in the same line as the Ming Dynasty. The revival of spiritual energy is not only effective for the Ming Dynasty, but also for the Japanese country.

This resulted in a large number of warriors within the Japanese country.

Two of these people have become warriors at the Jin level.

These people naturally have no advantage against the Ming army that has practiced the thirty-six exercises of body refining and carries firearms, but now they are in a world without spiritual energy recovery.

Even if the opponent has guns and cannons, martial arts can still play a huge role.

At least they are rushing fast enough now.

"Huh?" On the opposite side of the battlefield, Emperor Meiji couldn't help but have a trace of doubt on his face when he heard the opponent's charge.

What are these people shouting?

Why does it sound familiar?

But it doesn't matter, no matter who the opponent is, they will all be hated in front of the samurai of the Japanese Empire.

"Hit me hard!" He pulled out the Japanese sword and shouted loudly.

For a while, guns and shells kept falling on the Japanese who were rushing to land on the beach.

"Navy gun cover!"

"We cannot let our Japanese brothers fight alone!" Chang Yuchun said with a serious look on his face, suppressing a smile.

Both sides began shelling.

The battlefield was filled with all kinds of guns and the sound of fighting.

"For the glory of my Japanese Empire!"

"For the future of my Japanese Empire!"

"Give it to the bald man!"

Finally, after nearly 60% of the enemies were eliminated, the remaining people on the other side still rushed to the position.

Emperor Meiji pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist and roared ferociously.

"Long live the Emperor!" Countless Japanese on the battlefield also drew Japanese swords and launched a charge.

The two sides entered into hand-to-hand combat.


Japanese sword versus Japanese sword, the killing started to become fierce the moment the two sides collided.

Half an hour later, the plaster flag was still flying high on the battlefield.

After seeing the last Japanese man fall on the battlefield, the Ming Navy fleet finally retreated slowly and finally disappeared above the sea level.

"We win, we win!" The few dozen remaining Japanese on the battlefield hugged each other and cheered.

"We defended the glory and dignity of the Japanese Empire!" Someone knelt on the ground and cried.

"We are invincible!" someone said confidently.

"Mom, I understand the spirit of Bushido!" Someone cried bitterly.

Emperor Meiji also fought bloody battles. He looked at the remaining Japanese on the battlefield and nodded with satisfaction.

He knew very well that this was an opportunity for the Japanese Empire to become great.

Under the majesty of the Chinese suzerainty, Japan has been fawning like a dog for thousands of years.

But now that great empire is still decaying, but Japan is unwilling to continue to beg for mercy and follow them to decay.

They have a more powerful master.

As long as they follow the new owner, they will get more.

In the future, Japan will eventually become great and even trample the Chinese under its feet.

Emperor Meiji was full of hesitation and secretly made up his mind.

"These East Asians are really terrifying!" William, who had witnessed the whole battle from a distance, secretly wiped the cold sweat from his head.

He has never seen such a tragic war.

In Europe, although everyone fights for life and death, the most basic gentlemanly courtesy is still observed. This is the rule: hand over the gun and not kill.

But here, there seems to be no such rule.

"What kind of country is this!" William looked at Emperor Meiji in the distance and felt a little cold all over his body.

But in an instant, he became excited again.

It just so happens that these mad dog-like troops are perfect for dealing with the tyrant opposite.

Doesn’t that tyrant like to rely on numerical superiority?

Let them feel how powerful the Japanese are.

Half a month later.

Early Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di, who was far away in Japan, received a letter from Zhu Yuanzhang.

During this period, I only asked him one thing.


"Recruiting a large number of Japanese warriors."

"Use treasure money, land, whatever they need, at all costs to send them to the battlefield in the late Qing Dynasty, so that those crazy Japanese guys can feel the love from their ancestors."

Seeing this policy, Zhu Di was instantly overjoyed.

He was having a headache about how to deal with these samurai in Japan. These people were completely unstable, strong in force, disobedient to discipline, and indifferent to production.

Unexpectedly, my father who was far away in the late Qing Dynasty came to me with a good idea.

"I hope these guys can die there well and never come back again!"

"The future of Japan no longer needs warriors, it only needs women, children, land, silver, and gold. These are enough!"

Soon the Japanese generals, daimyo, and even the emperor received recruitment tasks sent to them by Zhu Di.

When a person is recruited, he will be given three thousand treasure notes immediately. In addition, if he dies in battle, he will also be given a pension of two thousand treasure notes.

Such favorable conditions made these miserable Japanese nobles suddenly widen their eyes.

Even the two emperors were breathing heavily.

The Ming Dynasty was powerful and wealthy, which is the common understanding of all Japanese nobles including them today.

Ever since Zhu Di captured Nagasaki, in the past two years, merchant ships from the Ming Dynasty have been non-stop every day, bringing countless good things.

Silk, porcelain, and even various agricultural tools for farming, iron pots... These are all good things that are in great demand in the Japanese country, which is extremely short of materials today.

Although people in the Ming Dynasty only accepted treasure banknotes, they could exchange their silver for treasure banknotes!

Ten taels of silver can be exchanged for a hundred yuan of treasure banknotes. Such a good thing made the two Japanese emperors laugh out of their dreams.

But now, a samurai can exchange five thousand treasure notes. This is simply pie in the sky!

"As for coming back alive?"


"If the person really comes back, won't there only be three thousand treasures left?"

They simply won't let this happen.

Zhu Di didn't need to worry about it anymore. Soon these nobles gathered a large number of warriors from their own jurisdictions and sent them to Zhu Di, which even far exceeded Zhu Di's mission.

"There are too many people!" Zhu Di frowned slightly.

"Not much, not much!"

"Especially the first ones, they are all powerful warriors."

"In addition, there are several powerful warriors in my house who are as powerful as your Huajin Grandmaster. As long as the price can be increased, everything can be easily discussed." A Japanese famous man walked up to Zhu Biao and spoke in a flattering voice.

Zhu Di raised a smile on his lips and said, "Okay, I also want a powerful warrior!"

"Ten thousand melting energy, thirty thousand transforming energy. If you are gifted, I will give you one hundred thousand!"

Nowadays, in the Japanese country, due to the popularity of muskets, the status of samurai has plummeted. After all, after decades of practicing martial arts, who would still want to practice martial arts if they can't stop a shot.

After all, the higher the cultivation level of the warrior, the more food he can eat, which requires a lot of money.

It's different when you switch to a gun.

Simple, convenient and practical.

Now that they heard that Zhu Di was willing to hire powerful warriors at such a high price, these Japanese nobles could not help but begin to breathe quickly.

This is all money!

Seeing the shining eyes of these people, Zhu Di didn't feel it was a waste.

After all, the treasure banknotes are just a pile of paper in the final analysis. These Japanese nobles are not coming to buy things with their treasure banknotes.

Especially arms.

Those things are not cheap.

Now, under Zhu Di's deliberate guidance, the Japanese state is becoming more and more chaotic.

Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of treasure banknotes will be burned in one battle.

What is he afraid of?

As for how much money the Japanese nobles gave to the warriors, that was not his concern.

He only explained one thing: if these people dared to rebel, the Japanese nobles who provided the warriors would be jointly and severally liable.

Then don't blame Zhu Di for being cruel.

Soon, the first batch of 10,000 Japanese people were put on steamships and sailed to the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, in Japan at the end of the Qing Dynasty, infected by the spirit of Bushido, 15,000 newly trained Japanese embarked on a ship to Taiwan.

Two months later.

Chang Yuchun's naval fleet arrived at Keelung Port in Taiwan again.

"These people from the Ming Dynasty still dare to come. It's really unbelievable!" A trace of disdain flashed in William's eyes.

Compared to a few months ago, they have already established a firm foothold in Taiwan, especially Keelung Port, which has been built to be impregnable.

No matter how many people the tyrant sends this time, they are all destined to die.

"We can't delay this time any longer, we must drive the Japanese out of Taiwan!"

Chang Yuchun looked at the subordinates below and continued in a deep voice: "Not only that, your Majesty's intention is very clear, he wants to fight back to his hometown in Japan!"

"Those Japanese are mad dogs. Compared to the British and French who are far away, these mad dogs at our doorstep are the greatest threat to China."

"This time we must beat them to death with a stick!"

This chapter has been completed!
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