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Chapter 122 Who gave you the confidence of His Excellency the Emperor [asking for a monthly ticket]

The Tianjin religious case, which was instigated by Mu Ying and caused a sensation throughout northern China, is over.

All those involved in child trafficking were arrested, including seven Frenchmen and one Tsarist Russian.

These people were sent to the execution ground by Chang Yuchun in front of everyone and sentenced to death.

All the great powers watched the whole process quietly, and no one dared to jump out to object.

Everyone understands that doing so has no effect except humiliating oneself.

The so-called diplomacy and the so-called politics are just a continuation of the war. Under the premise that the Ming Dynasty patrolled the Bohai Bay with strong ships and cannons, let alone they are unreasonable, even if they are reasonable, they can confuse right and wrong and call a deer a horse.

This is the cruelty of politics.

"Are you going to kill us as well next?" After all these people were executed, Storov saw that Chang Yuchun still had no intention of letting them go, and his heart began to sink.

"Haha, of course not."

"My Ming Dynasty has rules. People like you who carry weapons and trespass into our country's territorial waters are usually sent to the mines for mining."

"By the way, there are also these generals!" Chang Yuchun pointed to the French guys next to him.

"If I remember correctly, France and Britain have relatively good relations now. Maybe you can see a few acquaintances after you go in."

"And you...!"

Chang Yuchun looked at the ministers from various countries who had been "invited" by him.

"Next, my people will conduct a thorough investigation of Tianjin City, including the concession, and your embassy."

"If everyone goes about their business in a safe and sound manner, then of course they can sit back and relax!"

"If someone dares to commit an offense, we will treat him equally regardless of whether he is a Chinese or a foreigner. Then don't blame us for being cruel and ruthless."

"Of course, you can rest assured that I, Ming Dynasty, have always been a place of truth and rules. I will not confuse right and wrong, let alone slander you out of thin air!"


All the foreigners present looked a little ugly when they heard this.

Few of those who dare to travel thousands of miles to do business in the Far East are honest, and they have secretly done many things to bully men and dominate women.

Especially on the Chinese side, the Qing government did not dare to control them, and their own governments secretly protected them. Naturally, they were all very bold.

But now, it is obvious that Daming is no longer prepared to coddle them anymore.

"What? Do you have any opinions?"

Chang Yuchun saw that several of them had ugly faces and opened their mouths to say something, then he looked sharply and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't dare!"

Under Chang Yuchun's intense gaze, these people finally did not have the courage to talk to him about any international rules.

After all, Chang Yuchun's name is now not only well-known among these foreigners, but it can also be said to be well-known.

The glorious deeds of China's barbaric naval marshal, who cut off the head of a British envoy in public over a disagreement in Japan, have already been widely spread among foreigners.

Everyone felt that it would be better not to argue too much with this irascible Chinese naval commander for the time being.

If you don't argue, you might still be able to survive. If this person is really annoyed by the argument, then he would dare to kill someone now.

Soon, three days passed quietly.

Chang Yuchun fulfilled his promise and killed the entire Tianjin city from the inside out.

From bullies and hooligans who commit crimes on the streets, to bullies and gangsters who dominate men and women, to officials and officials with thousands of acres of fertile land, as long as they break the law, Chang Yuchun has no sympathy at all.

Coupled with the foreigners who were almost wiped out in one fell swoop, the entire Tianjin was about to be killed like crazy.

However, such killings did not have any negative impact on the city of Tianjin, and it even became more prosperous than before.

Especially after Chang Yuchun made it clear that Ming Dynasty would not leave again this time, nearly 70% to 80% of the people even started to take the initiative to cut off their braids.

"They offended everyone!"

"I only flattered those mud-legged people, but those mud-legged people gave them endless help!" Zeng Guofan was also in Tianjin these three days, and he watched the killing process helplessly.

After all, others are in prison and can have close contact with the criminals who were caught by Chang Yuchun.

He could see clearly that Chang Yuchun was not killing someone randomly.

He kills everyone with justification, regardless of their background or origin, let alone the consequences of killing this person.

In his case, as long as he commits a crime, he should be beheaded, and there is no second option.

There are no worries, no tactics, and no compromises. It is terrifyingly cold.

It was not until this moment that Zeng Guofan truly understood Zhu Hongwu's governing policy.

In other words, he also understood these principles before, but never took them to heart. But now that he is in prison, he has to lower his proud head and bend down to see things.

But although he understands, even if he had to start over, he would not choose this path.

Because he is a member of the privileged class, and everything about him comes from this class. If he chooses to betray, the people of this class will tear him to pieces.

"I now really believe that this person is the resurrected Emperor Hongwu!"

"Perhaps this is the charm of the founding emperor!"

"But there has only been one Zhu Hongwu since ancient times!" Zeng Guofan sighed with a wry smile, knowing very well that with the character of Emperor Hongwu, he would never survive.

It is better to pray for death than to wait for death.

"Bang!" he thought, and bumped his head against the wall next to him.

Zeng Guofan is dead!

Zeng Wenzheng, who was originally the first of the four famous ministers of Wanqing in history, died in a prison in Tianjin.

When Chang Yuchun heard the news, he didn't express much.

To be honest, he didn't care whether Zeng Guofan died or not. He originally wanted to take this man back and hand him over to His Majesty, but since he wanted to seek death, he could only do it.

He was just a warlord leader representing the gentry class, but Chang Yuchun didn't take him seriously yet.

The next few days.

Those foreigners in Tianjin who had escaped death at the hands of Chang Yuchun began to evacuate one after another. In just two days, every foreigner in the entire Tianjin Concession was gone.

Such a Tianjin without foreigners even made ordinary people feel uncomfortable for a while.

"A storm is coming!" Mu Ying stood beside Chang Yuchun and sighed softly.

"Brother-in-law, just kill all these people!"

"The dogs are running away at this time. They are obviously preparing to use troops against us!" Lan Yu naturally saw what the evacuation of these people meant.

"Foreigners call our Ming Dynasty a tyrannical country, and call Your Majesty a tyrant!"

"But we can't think so ourselves!"

"You can't kill people casually."

"No matter who I kill, I must do it with reason and evidence!"

"After all, if we don't abide by the rules we have set, what are they called rules?"

Chang Yuchun spoke with emotion.

To be honest, Zhu Yuanzhang had told him this truth many times, but it was only in the past few years that he gradually realized it.

If he had relied on his original character, he would have slaughtered all the foreigners in Tianjin City long ago.


"They are just not used to the newly rising Ming Dynasty. Once this battle completely convinces them, they will naturally come back and act according to our rules!" Chang Yuchun said with a sneer.

Western countries are indeed preparing to mobilize their troops for another eastern expedition.

After all, Ming Dynasty rose too quickly and its attitude was too tough.

No Western country is willing to see such a powerful country appear in the Far East.

They want the country to break up and become several smaller countries.

They also hope that these countries will always be in war and continue to exist as dumping grounds for their products and import bases for raw materials.

In order to achieve this goal, Western countries have spent a lot of money this time.

The scale of this expedition was so large that the number of participating countries was rare in history.

It was led by Britain and France, and participated by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Tsarist Russia and Portugal.

A combined fleet composed of more than 200 warships launched the Eastern Expedition together.

These battleships are now all ironclads, which are far different from the Royal Fleet of the British Empire back then.

And in order to ensure that the Ming people were defeated in one battle.

In addition to the navy, France also formed an expeditionary army of 12,000 people, preparing to attack Vietnam first, and then directly enter Guangxi to threaten the Ming Dynasty's rear.

In addition, the Russians have mobilized more than 100,000 troops on the northeastern border at the same time, and they may move south into the Northeast at any time.

"This is a battle related to the future of our Japanese Empire!"

"If we cannot suppress the rise of the Ming Dynasty, Japan will always be a small vassal country and will always be inferior to others."

"Besides, we were defeated by Mingren before. In order to wash away the shame, we must take revenge!"

"Now I have received news that the Eight-Power Allied Forces are planning to conquer the Ming Dynasty. This is our best opportunity!" Emperor Meiji of Japan showed up in Edo, gathered the people, and delivered a passionate speech.

He had already been beaten to doubt his life, but he had been hiding it for a while, for fear of being assassinated by Akito's assassins.

But I didn't expect that in less than a year, the people of the Ming Dynasty had to pay the price for their arrogance.

The joint crusade by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity for Japan to join the world's great powers.

Emperor Meiji would never miss such an opportunity.

He had already contacted the British before giving a speech, and the British had agreed to let Japan join the crusade against the Ming Dynasty, and even promised huge benefits for this purpose.

The prerequisite is that Japan must send 30,000 troops, and all of them must take the immortality potion.

In other words, the British asked Japan to provide 30,000 dead soldiers.

And that's why Emperor Meiji is here today.

He wants to fight this war by infecting the Japanese people with the spirit of Bushido and blocking the national destiny of the entire Japan for the next hundred years.

As long as we win, Japan will have hope.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen the bright and beautiful future of the Japanese Empire.


"That's so well said!"

Zhu Xi stood below, looking at the passionate Emperor Meiji above. He couldn't bear it any longer. He let out a laugh and started to clap his hands at the same time.

Emperor Meiji heard this slightly frivolous voice and instantly fell into the ice cellar.

Although he did not know the person speaking, he had already sensed the extreme danger.

Who cares about what Emperor Meiji is thinking right now? He is having fun pretending to be cool right now.

"Who gave you the confidence to feel that Edo is still under your control?"

"Do you really think that I, the Ming Dynasty, will let you and Japan go so easily?"

While Zhu Xi was speaking, he held a sword and began to accelerate towards Emperor Meiji.

"Protect me!" Emperor Meiji was shocked and turned around to run away.

But Zhu Xi has been guarding Japan for more than half a year. His eyes are almost green waiting for the Meiji Emperor to show up. How can he let him go now?

Wearing the silver-white armor given to him by his elder brother, he did not evade the muskets aimed at him. He rampaged all the way, causing countless bloody storms, and finally rushed in front of Emperor Meiji just before he was about to blend into the crowd.

A knife flashed past.

"Pfft!" A big head shot up into the sky.

Emperor Meiji still has a look of fear and disbelief on his face to this day.


"Kill the entire Edo for me!" Zhu Xi held up Emperor Meiji's head, stood on the high platform, and gave the cold command.

This chapter has been completed!
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