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Chapter 138: Fifteen Years of Hongwu

In the end, only one Shi Yongyi chose to return to the mountain gate.

Zhang Changshang and Pingan both stayed in the Academy of Sciences. They passed on their positions as masters of Longhu Mountain and Gezao Mountain to their disciples, and they were willing to continue to stay in the Academy of Sciences.

In this regard, Zhu Biao did not treat them badly.

He also made an internal rating for the Academy of Sciences. His official title is Bachelor of Science, and his grade is the same as the Hanlin Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. They are all in the fifth grade.

And if you are willing to be transferred as an official, you can also go out to serve as a senior official.

Their treatment is also the same as that of Hanlin bachelor's degree.

Of course, in the current Ming Dynasty, whether it is a bachelor of Hanlin or a bachelor of science who goes out to serve as an official, it is impossible to directly serve as the top leader. They will first serve as auxiliary officials in various places to gain experience, and only those who are capable will be promoted to official positions.

In addition to bachelor's degrees, the Academy of Sciences also has the position of academician of the third rank, and the position of dean of the second rank.

Since then, the Academy of Sciences has even surpassed the Hanlin Academy in terms of official rank alone, and is on par with the Six Ministries.

Along with the reform within the Academy of Sciences, the various levels of academies under the imperial court were also reformed. In addition to studying a subset of classics and history, they also added a science subject.

Zhu Biao has been planning this reform for several years, and the preparations have been completed. Now it is a matter of course to directly propose it while taking advantage of the internal reform of the Academy of Sciences.

From now on, if students from social studies, county schools, and government schools want to pass the examination, they must pass the science subject credits.

For the next higher level of Taoism, there are separate examinations for literature and science, and they are admitted separately. Those who pass the examination are collectively called Jinshi.

Excellent scientific scholars can even directly enter the Academy of Sciences.

And even if you can't get into the Academy of Sciences, don't worry, they will be assigned to various places to become grassroots officials just like the liberal arts scholars.

This reform was not insignificant. Even if it was placed in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, it would have been earth-shaking and earthquake-level in the later period.

Because this is tantamount to diluting the chances of serving as officials after passing the imperial examination.

However, the implementation of this decree was very smooth, officials at all levels cooperated very well, and the whole process did not cause any disturbance.

This made all Zhu Biao's follow-up plans come to nothing.

He was originally planning to kill a group of people severely to boost the dignity of the imperial court!

After investigation, he realized that the reason why most officials easily accepted such reforms was because of Lao Zhu, who had not been seen for a long time.

In the past few years, these officials were brutally killed by Lao Zhu.

It has just been two years of comfortable life as a prince overseeing the country, and no one wants Lao Zhu to come back so soon.

If Lao Zhu came back in anger and continued to govern because of some mistakes, then 80% of the officials in the world would probably feel a chill in their necks.

After all, this New Deal was promoted by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

History has fully demonstrated that those who dare to contradict Lao Zhu may still survive, but if they dare to confront His Royal Highness, there will definitely be no good consequences.

Lao Zhu protects the calf very well.

After figuring out the reason, Zhu Biao was dumbfounded.

Co-author Lao Zhu has not shown up for several years, but it can also provide him with huge help!

This kind of power is truly unparalleled.

The fifteenth year of Hongwu.

This year was an extremely special year in history.

This year Queen Ma fell ill and died.

The only person who could stop Zhu Yuanzhang from killing people died, which made Zhu Yuanzhang grief-stricken, and he became more and more cruel from then on.

The killings also became more and more violent.

Zhu Biao now feels that the main reason why Lao Zhu behaves this way is because of his growing insecurity.

As he gets older, he feels increasingly unable to control this huge empire, so he can only kill people to scare everyone.

And now, it is also the fifteenth year of Hongwu.

But this year passed uneventfully, Empress Ma was healthy, Zhu Yuanzhang still felt that he was in his prime, and Zhu Biao's reform and education was proceeding smoothly.

The entire Ming Empire is prospering and getting better every day.

This made Zhu Biao feel for the first time a huge sense of accomplishment that history had truly been changed by him.

"Your Highness!"

"There's good news!" Zhu Biao, who was handling government affairs in Xumi Fantasy Realm, couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the voice. He raised his head and immediately saw a tall, muscular, dark-faced man wearing a royal uniform and walking in quickly.


This is Jiang Yu, the current imperial guard of the third rank.

In the original history, this was the second commander of the Imperial Guard after Mao Xiang. It was he who initiated the Lan Jade Case, implicating the First Duke, the Thirteenth Marquis, and the Second Uncle, and executed 15,000 people from the entire clan.

, and almost captured all the generals who conquered the world.

Of course, in the end he met the same fate as Mao Xiang. In the end, he was regarded as an accomplice of Lan Yu and was killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, which brought a successful conclusion to the Lan Yu case.

Now of course these things cannot happen again.

But the people who should have shined brightly will not be buried just like that.

This is true for Sapphire, and the same is true for Jiang Yu.

Nowadays, the scale of Jinyiwei is getting bigger and bigger, and the internal competition is becoming more and more fierce. There are several people who can threaten Mao Xiang's position as the commander of Jinyiwei, and this Jiang Qing is definitely the strongest one among them.

This man has great martial arts skills and is now also a ninth-grade martial artist. He has just passed the 14th floor of the Martial Saint Tower. He is considered a rare rising star among the Jinyi Guards.

Moreover, this person's ability to do things was first-rate. He did everything Zhu Biao asked him several times very beautifully, and he was very much in line with Zhu Biao's wishes.

"See Your Highness, the guano island that Your Highness asked Wei Chen to look for, Wei Chen has found it!"

"How far is it from my Ming Dynasty?" Zhu Biao was shocked when he heard this and asked quickly.

"There are two in the South China Sea, and there are more farther out in the sea."

"Weichen has brought a map. Your Highness can check it carefully!" Jiang Ying said.

Zhu Biao took the map and looked at it one by one. Soon he saw the world-famous Guano Island located near South America.

It is said that the guano there is piled up like a mountain, and the small country that occupies the island does not have to do anything but sell guano and can live without worries for a lifetime.

"Is there anyone on that island now?" Zhu Biao asked.

"No, they are all seabirds and some sea beasts!" Jiang Ying said.

"Very good, then the ownership of these guano islands now belongs to the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

These bird droppings are the highest quality fertilizer. Before mass production of chemical fertilizers is possible, this kind of thing is indispensable if you want to increase the yield per mu.

With the guano and the improved seeds just developed by the Academy of Sciences, if the two things are promoted at the same time, the entire Ming Dynasty will no longer have to worry about food.

"I have established a new government-operated steamship fleet and recruited a large number of workers to haul guano from overseas to my country and make it into fertilizer for sale."

"You will be asked to lead them when the time comes." Zhu Biao said with a smile.

"I will obey His Highness's will!" Jiang Ying said.

"Okay. You have made great achievements this time, go down and receive the reward!" Zhu Biao said with satisfaction.

In the future, Jinyiwei may be expanded again and its responsibilities will be subdivided again.

Zhu Yuanzhang mentioned to him that Mao Xiang would always be with him in the future, and his main focus would be on conquering other worlds, while this world needed to find another suitable commander of the Jin Yiwei.

Zhu Biao felt that Jiang Yu was very suitable.

After sitting at the table and pondering for a moment, Zhu Biao suddenly said: "Go and inform the Prince of Zhongshan and all the young masters from the noble families that my Highness will be entertaining guests for dinner at Linxian Pavilion tomorrow, so that they must all be present. If

When they asked the reason, they were told that His Highness had a fortune to give to everyone."

"Yes!" someone responded, and then there was no more sound.

The guano business was huge and profitable for a long time.

Relying solely on the imperial court would be too slow to achieve results.

Rather than leaking the news to the private gentry and letting them make money, it would be better to give it to these old brothers who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the world.

To be honest, these people are basically from a poor background like Lao Zhu and belong to the newly rich class.

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely talented and prospered as emperor, but these people were different.

When it comes to marching and fighting, they are naturally equal to each other's veterans, but when it comes to running a household, they are a bit inferior to Lao Zhu in terms of skills.

According to Zhu Biao's understanding, there are several distinguished families who cannot accumulate wealth due to poor management of the family. In addition, money is spent like water, and now it is almost a problem to even support the family.

Several generals even went to Lao Zhu to borrow money while licking their faces.

The result was naturally that they were scolded by Lao Zhu, and then Empress Ma came forward to invite their female relatives into the palace and secretly gave them a sum of money each.

But when talking about these people with Zhu Biao, Lao Zhu's expression of hating that iron cannot become steel comes from the bottom of his heart.

But as an emperor, it was impossible for him to teach these people step by step how to run a family, let alone how to make money.

After all, Lao Zhu doesn’t understand things like making money.

There are many such generals in the Ming Dynasty today. Zhu Biao knew that if he ignored them, it would not be the solution in the long run.

Now, because the imperial censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate under Liu Ji are all watching like hungry wolves, and the war has just stopped for a few years, they still have some spare money in their hands, and they don't dare to stretch their hands yet.

If they wait until they really have no money, these people who have been decisive in killing and daring all their lives will definitely be corrupt and pervert the law like in history, and use their power to rob and plunder.

When the time comes, you don't have to think about it to know that Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely go on a killing spree.

This is not what Zhu Biao wants to see, and it will indeed chill the generals.

And if you give them part of the guano business, everyone will be happy.

When you have money in your hands, you will naturally no longer need to engage in corruption and bribery.

This will also allow the generals who followed Lao Zhu to fight in other worlds without any worries.

Of course, if you have reached this point and there are still people who dare to be greedy, don't blame Zhu Biao for being ruthless.

Under the current supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zhu Biao believes that no matter who dares to reach out for corruption, he will be caught 100% of the time.

This chapter has been completed!
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