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Chapter 142 Wufu vs Zombies

"what to do?"

This is a difficult problem before Mu Ying.

Judging from the number of these light spots, there are at least 300 zombies hiding underground in this manor.

And there are still some scattered around, about five hundred of them.

These are not five hundred pigs that can be slaughtered by them, these are five hundred extraordinary beings.

You must know that in the Tiger Camp under his command, there are less than twenty extraordinary people who have truly reached the ninth level of martial arts.

If those zombies were really provoked into a riot, hundreds of his brothers would probably suffer heavy losses.

"Batalion Commander, our brothers are all equipped with firearms and thunder. Can't these zombies be destroyed?" asked a subordinate in the Tiger Camp.

"no way!"

"Although these guys move slowly, they can indeed be called iron skin and bones."

"The power of current firearms is still too small and cannot cause much harm to them."

"What's more, there are a few old Zongzi inside. We still don't know how strong those guys are!" Mu Ying shook her head.

Although he said this, if he were really asked to retreat now, he would not be willing to do so.

The task Zhu Yuanzhang gave him was to investigate the strength and methods of these zombies, but now he still knows nothing about it!

"Xiao Liu, take people to prepare good horses for our retreat, and prepare a carriage."

"Remember that the horse pulling the carriage must be a good horse that has been fed with spiritual grass."

"Old Ma, please bring some brothers with me into this village!"

"Let's create a little trouble and try to lure out an old rice dumpling. If we can bring back a Manchu Emperor, we will have achieved great success this time!" Mu Ying said with an eager look on her face.

Hearing what he said, the men in the Tiger Camp suddenly looked at each other.

Are the Manchu and Qing emperors now starting to argue?

Mu Ying didn't explain much about this.

From the various secret files left by the Manchus in the Forbidden City, as well as the accounts of the princes in the city, it can be determined that since Qianlong, most of the Manchu princes, Baylor, and even some high-ranking Manchu officials would devour ghosts and gods, and then secretly transport them to

Northeastern Burial.

It can be said that every zombie here is basically a Manchu noble.

Among them, the most precious ones are naturally the Manchu emperors headed by Qianlong.

It is said that the methods used by these emperors to take ghosts and gods were secret, and the zombies they turned into were also the most powerful.

This time Mu Ying did not expect to capture Qianlong for research, but it would be a great achievement to capture Jiaqing or Daoguang!


Zhuangzi's door was gently pushed open by Mu Ying.

Inside is a huge courtyard with many gloomy houses on both sides.

The whole environment here looks quite desolate, the yard is overgrown with weeds, and there is no one to guard it.

Mu Ying's nose twitched slightly, and then she couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly.

The smell of blood, there is a very strong smell of blood here.

"Is anyone there?" he shouted loudly.

Naturally no one responded to him.

But the moment he led the people into the courtyard, relying on the intuition of a ninth-grade martial artist, he immediately felt that something was staring at him.

And there is more than one look.

“It’s interesting!”

Mu Ying grinned and said, "Brothers, let's take action!"

There were a total of five people following him this time, all of whom were top-notch experts in the Tiger Camp.

At this moment, following Mu Ying's order, the six people, including Mu Ying, clearly divided their responsibilities, and walked in groups of three towards the room next to them.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Soon there was a huge noise in several rooms. After a lot of fuss, several people came out holding broken tables, chairs, doors and windows, piled them into a pile, and then were lit by Mu Ying with fire sticks.

Looking at the raging fire, Mu Ying grinned.

"Continue to demolish everything that can be demolished here!" he shouted loudly.


The moment he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around him.

The wind came suddenly and contained an extremely cold air. It blew over the fire and directly blew out the raging fire that had just started.

Moreover, in the originally sunny sky, suddenly a large cloud of clouds came out of nowhere and actually covered the sun.

In an instant, the entire manor was shrouded in shadow.

Mu Ying felt as if the temperature around her suddenly dropped several degrees.

"It's amazing, it can actually affect the celestial phenomena to a certain extent!" Mu Ying became more vigilant.

He knew it must be the old Zongzi down there who was causing trouble.


Suddenly, a door nearby was pushed open suddenly.

A zombie with a face as golden as paper and wearing Manchu imperial robes stood at the door and stared blankly at several people.

"Boss, don't tell me, this thing looks really permeable!" Someone beside Mu Ying quietly swallowed.


"Whether he is a human or a ghost, I will kill him!"

"Go ahead, get him!" Mu Ying shouted, the standard saber at her waist suddenly unsheathed, her true energy filled the blade, and she slashed towards the zombie in front of her.

He is currently majoring in the "Hegemonic True Skill" which has begun to be promoted in the military.

The zhenqi produced by this set of exercises is extremely powerful, and it is the main killing blow. Now he can cut even the standard armor in the army in half with a single blow of his full strength. He still doesn't believe that this zombie can take his own blow and not escape unscathed.


"Tsk!" The saber attached to the zhenqi struck the zombie's arm, and it sounded like a raging fire cooking oil, making a sizzling sound.

"Ouch!" The zombie howled in pain, stretched out its other hand and grabbed Mu Ying's knife.

At the same time, two other zombies hiding in the shadows on both sides suddenly rushed towards him.



But unfortunately, Mu Ying also had helpers. On his left and right, two ninth-level warriors from the Tiger Camp held a knife in one hand and a small and exquisite shield in the other to resist the two zombies.

Both of them practice the "Indestructible Magic Art" which focuses on defense. Together with special shields, they formed a three-person combat team with Mu Ying that is both offensive and defensive.

This is a very practical combat mode that the brothers from the Tiger Battalion have figured out together.

It can greatly reduce casualties.

Especially after the Three Talents Killing Formation and several techniques suitable for the cultivation of ninth-grade martial artists were distributed to each of them, this battle formation model was thoroughly promoted by them.

Until now, long-term training and actual combat have made this small team fighting model almost engraved in their bones.

Just like now, Mu Ying has not thought about defense at all.

Because this is not his mission, his mission is only to kill people.

"Kill!" Mu Ying spat out the zhenqi from the saber in her hand, and with a hiss like scalding hot oil, the zombie's hand that grabbed the blade of his sword bounced away, and then he slashed at the zombie's arm again with a powerful and heavy sword.

wounds on.

"Roar!" The zombie roared and tried to dodge, but in Mu Ying's eyes, his movements were as slow as a baby's.

"Poof!" This knife went down without any hindrance and directly cut off one of the zombie's arms.

"Haha, did you see it?"

"Martial arts are the only ones that are invincible. What monsters and monsters can stop me from striking out with my sword!"

Mu Ying shouted loudly and was about to pursue the victory and kill the zombie completely.


Suddenly a piercing howl sounded in the distance.

This voice seemed to contain some kind of magic power, causing Mu Ying's movements to freeze suddenly.

At the same time, another black shadow swooped over very quickly, and with a gust of fishy wind, it clawed at his head.


When Mu Ying reacted, it was already too late to avoid him, but he didn't need to hide either.

Because he and his two other teammates had always kept the three-talent killing formation activated.

The Qi of the three of them has always been connected with each other.

As Mu Ying shouted loudly, the aggressive and domineering Zhenqi suddenly transformed into the Zhenqi produced by the two teammates' Vajra Indestructible Magic Kung Fu.

"Dang!" The sharp claws grabbed Mu Ying's forehead, but there was only a sound of gold and iron, and it did not cause any substantial damage to him.

It was only then that Mu Ying finally saw the true face of the guy in front of her.

He is tall, with a haggard face, wearing a dragon robe, and his aura envelopes everyone. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

"Here comes the idea!"

"Fuck him!" Mu Ying's eyes lit up, her whole body's energy turned around again, she unleashed her domineering power, and slashed at the guy in front of her with her sword.


What surprised Mu Ying was that this guy was not slower than him at all, and his body was harder than the guy just now. He slashed at him with a knife, but was blocked by the opponent with his arms.

"Who are you?" the other party said in a low voice.

"your dad!"

Mu Ying cursed angrily, and the sword light in her hand almost turned into a web of swords, directly covering the opponent in it.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing kept ringing.

"You are seeking death!"

"Don't stop him yet!" Even though the guy on the opposite side was made of copper and iron, he couldn't withstand Mu Ying's hacking, so he let out an angry shout.

Hearing this, Mu Ying's heart trembled. He who was attacking fiercely shrank back, and together with two other teammates, he retreated from the room.

And at this moment, that weird roar sounded again.

But this time Mu Ying was on guard, and her true energy filled her whole body, directly weakening the opponent's influence by nine levels.


"The situation is not good!"

Another three-person team outside also encountered zombies, and there were more.

At this moment, seeing Mu Ying and the others finally withdrawing, they couldn't help but speak.

"It's indeed a bit irritating!" Mu Ying looked at the crowded zombies in the surrounding rooms, and then glanced at the old zombie who attacked them just now, with a serious expression on her face.

This old guy is even three points stronger than him and is very difficult to deal with.

Coupled with the guy in the dark who can only make people feel trance-like, these zombies are even more difficult to deal with than he expected.

"It seems that it is impossible to capture the Manchu emperor!"

"But this time I have found out some of their details, so it's not all without success!"


Thinking of this, Mu Ying gave an order, and the six of them galloped away quickly.

Except for the old zombie, the rest of the zombies were only at normal speeds and couldn't stop them at all.

This allowed the six people to leave here smoothly.

Before the six people left, they even got two ordinary zombies, tied them with chains, and dragged them out.

"Father, let those people run away!"

In the deepest part of the crypt, Lao Zang, who had fought with Mu Ying before, stood respectfully in front of Old Man Shiquan and reported.

"No problem, just some clowns!"

"If it wasn't daytime, how could we allow them to be so rampant!"

"Wait a little longer. When I have swallowed enough blood food and can come out of the coffin freely, it will be time for us to take back the foundation of the Qing Dynasty."

This chapter has been completed!
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