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Chapter 150 Bismarck: I hit a loneliness

History tells us that when a big country wants to find fault with another country, even the air it exhales will pollute the environment.

This sentence applies to the United States, which has become the world's hegemon more than a hundred years later, and it can also apply to today's Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang is actually a person who doesn't like to reason.

Not to mention the enemy.

Therefore, at the same time that the war on the European continent was intensifying, cargo ships sailing from the Southeast Ocean to the United States were suddenly seized and censored in large numbers by the Ming Navy.

The reason is that it is suspected that these cargo ships contain smuggled weapons.

This is not nonsense. The weapons produced by the Ming Dynasty are no longer weaker than any other country in the world.

Many of the custom-loaded metal bullets and breech-loading rifles that shined on the European battlefield were developed and designed by the Ming Dynasty.

It is not impossible for the defeated slave owners in the southern United States to smuggle weapons from the Ming Dynasty to the United States and fight the Yankees again.

This is very reasonable.

Even in the international community, no one can take this matter and blame Ming from the moral high ground.

And what was found during this review really surprised Zhu Yuanzhang.

These Americans are really brave.

How dare you secretly purchase slaves from Southeast Asia and bring them to the United States.

Moreover, two people from Ming Dynasty who were abducted and trafficked were found among them.

This is simply sensational and audacious.

After Zhu Yuanzhang received the news, he was immediately furious.

"How can we, the people of Ming Dynasty, be enslaved by Western barbarians like you?"

"This matter must be explained to Daming!"

The Ming Dynasty naval fleet, which was currently roaming the European battlefield, soon received an order to temporarily abandon the European battlefield and directly set off to fight in the United States.

After Chang Yuchun received the news, he grinned and waved his hand, and the entire Ming Navy set sail.

The Americans who were watching the excitement were dumbfounded.

These people from the Ming Dynasty are too tough!

Just for two ordinary people, even a battleship was sent over.

As for that?

U.S. President Johnson's first reaction was to send an envoy to explain the situation and solemnly expressed his willingness to pay a certain amount of compensation.

After all, the United States has just experienced a war, and the country is in a state of crisis, and it really does not want to conflict with the Ming Empire on the other side of the ocean.

Chang Yuchun said that he did not accept the so-called compensation. What the United States needed was to release the Ming Dynasty's fleet and let the Ming Dynasty send its own troops deep into the United States to check whether the capitalists still had the bad behavior of enslaving Chinese workers.

Naturally, the United States flatly rejected such excessive demands.

After receiving a clear rejection from the United States, Chang Yuchun directly declared war on the United States.

The first maritime war between China and the United States broke out.

After three days and three nights of fierce fighting with the Ming Dynasty, the American fleet was defeated and forced to withdraw.

The United States sent representatives to seek peace with Ming Dynasty.

Chang Yuchun put forward conditions.

"First, the United States must accept the Ming Dynasty's military garrison."

"Second, the capitalists in the northern United States seriously enslave workers and violate the spirit of humanitarianism. They must provide workers with better benefits and treatment. During this period, Ming people must fully compensate for their losses, and those who are willing to return must be given gifts to leave the country."

“Third, the United States brutally killed native Indians and enslaved black people in large numbers. This is an immoral act. Black people should be given personal freedom and the right to establish a country in North America, and at the same time, at least one-third of the land of the Indians should be returned.

Let it likewise establish its own state."

After hearing these three requests, Johnson almost suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

He carefully read the three conditions written in black and white by Chang Yuchun again, and then tore them into pieces with a stabbing sound.

"Damn Akito, what qualifications do they have to make such exorbitant demands!"

"They are too lenient. Those black people are slaves we bought from Africa with real money. What does it have to do with them?"

"Are there any Indians left in North America? Aren't they all killed?"

"Oh God! Give those yellow-skinned monkeys one-third of the land. What a fantastic request."

"Very well, since the Ming people are not sincere, let's start a war. Do you think our great America will surrender?" Johnson's roar echoed through the White House.

Then the second war between China and the United States broke out.

Chang Yuchun began to blockade several major ports in the United States, bombarded its coastal cities, and launched attacks on ships sailing along its coast.

Americans have nothing to do but watch helplessly.

After a stalemate like this for half a year, the United States finally couldn't hold on anymore and sent representatives again to sue for peace.

Chang Yuchun once again put forward his conditions.

In addition to the above three requirements, the United States must cede California to Ming Dynasty to compensate Ming Dynasty for its losses in this war.

"bed bugs."

"Shameless dog!" Johnson roared again in the White House.

He had never even heard of such conditions.

"Since they are not sincere, let's continue to fight until they are willing to sit down and talk!" Johnson felt that his high blood pressure was about to be angered by these Ming Dynasty people.

This war was really baffling to him.

The cause turned out to be two ridiculous Chinese workers.

If he were to find out which son of a bitch came to Ming Dynasty to kidnap Ming people as laborers, he would definitely strangle him to death with his own hands.

"very good!"

"It seems that Americans are very tough!"

"It's time to let them really suffer a little!"

After Chang Yuchun received the American's attitude, his eyes could not help but turn cold and he looked at Li Wenzhong next to him.

Li Wenzhong arrived half a month ago.

He did not come alone. In addition to him, there were 30,000 elite troops transported by troop ships.

"Then attack their capital." Li Wenzhong was ruthless and didn't say much.

"Are you sure?" Chang Yuchun looked at Li Wenzhong.

"Lanyu had already sneaked in with the Falcons two months ago, so it's not a big problem!" Li Wenzhong said.

Chang Yuchun nodded: "I will lead the navy to storm California to create opportunities for you!"

After the two parties agreed, they started to act separately.

The third Sino-US war broke out without warning.

The Ming Navy sent Japanese death squads to storm California.

The Americans also quickly mobilized domestic troops to fight against the Ming people.

After all, they had just experienced a domestic civil war, and they were no behind the Ming Dynasty in terms of weapons and equipment. They had even invented the original version of the manual Gatling because of the war.

This powerful machine gun has already begun to show its power in war!

If Ming Dynasty did not use the psychic weapons at the bottom of the box, this battle would only be a continuous war of attrition.

This is also where Americans’ confidence lies.

The United States is big enough. It doesn't matter if it can't defeat the Ming Dynasty on the sea. They can still make money even if they don't go to sea, they just make less.

These capitalists have always been tough enough when it comes to their own interests.

After all, fighting is better than agreeing to some bullshit conditions from the Ming people.

The United States was a territory they conquered over two hundred years ago, so why should they give it to the black slaves and Indians?

Those people only deserve to be slaves and work until they die.

The two sides went back and forth, and the fierce battle continued in California.

On the other side, while the Americans' attention was focused on the battlefield in California, Li Wenzhong had quietly landed on the other side of the United States and was advancing towards Washington.

The 30,000 people who came this time were all absolute elites transferred from the early Ming Dynasty. Their lowest cultivation levels were at the Jin level, so even without horses, their marching speed was not slow at all.

Washington was originally a port city, not far from the place where the Ming army secretly landed.

In addition, the Falcon Battalion had planned its marching route in advance, and the United States was sparsely populated. Until the 30,000 Ming Army troops showed up in Washington, the other side was not aware of it.

Today's Washington is not protected by tall walls like those cities in China. To Li Wenzhong, this place is like a naked girl, waiting for his strong penetration.

Li Wenzhong was certainly not polite about this.

"Kill!" Li Wenzhong shouted loudly, and the loud shouts of killing suddenly sounded all over the mountains and plains. Thirty thousand people divided into three directions and charged at Washington at the same time.

"Those who capture U.S. President Johnson alive will be rewarded with 300,000 gold coins!" Li Wenzhong stood on a hillside and his voice echoed through the entire army.

Suddenly the speed of the charging team increased by 30% again.

Americans never dreamed that their capital, Washington, would be attacked.

From the founding of the United States to the present, this has never happened.

But something so bizarre just happened.

By the time the US military in California received the news, Washington had fallen and their President Johnson had become a prisoner of the Ming army.

This moment made the morale of the American military soar.

"Commander, we can't fight anymore!"

"Without sea control, we will always be so passive!"

"No matter how hard we fight, we will still suffer!"

"Let's have serious talks with the people of the Ming Dynasty again!" a member of Congress said.

They have been fighting with the Ming people for more than half a year. Their domestic business has plummeted due to the Ming people's blockade. Coupled with the continuous investment in the war, many people have found it unbearable!

"Okay!" US Army Commander-in-Chief Eisen could only nod although he was reluctant.

Although he is the commander-in-chief of the US military, the US military is not in his hands.

He could only abide by the decisions of Congress.

It has been more than half a year since the first time Chang Yuchun led the Ming Navy to arrive in the United States.

The two sides fought and fought, and finally sat at the negotiating table again.

This time the Americans finally put away their arrogance and began to seriously consider all the conditions proposed by Akito.

"We can give Ming people the right to live in California, but Ming troops are not allowed to log in."

"We can also thoroughly investigate the use of Chinese workers in the country and ensure that they all return to the country or come to California."

"But if you want to station troops in the United States, give land to black people and Indians, and allow them to establish a country, we will never agree to such conditions!"

The American representative spoke firmly.

"You must agree to these two conditions!"

"This is the most basic humanitarianism. We, the Ming Dynasty, are a country of etiquette. It is impossible to watch you barbarians enslave Indians who are also of the yellow race."

Chang Yuchun said in a deep voice.

The Americans did not relent at all.

The negotiations were forced into a stalemate period.

But Chang Yuchun could see clearly that these Americans did not want to continue fighting.

Soon, after rounds of negotiations.

After repeated pressure from Chang Yuchun, the Americans finally compromised and agreed to set aside a piece of land for the Indians to live in the south.

As for the black people, they would rather repatriate them all to Africa than allow them to establish a country in North America.

Chang Yuchun reluctantly accepted this. After the Indians established a country, the Ming Dynasty could provide assistance to them, so that North America would no longer be dominated by these white people.

Moreover, Daming also obtained the right to reside in California.

Don’t underestimate this right of residence.

The current state of California in the United States is not very developed, with a total population of less than 10,000 people.

The Ming Dynasty has nothing else but a large population. In the future, the Ming Dynasty can carry out large-scale immigration here. When the people of the Ming Dynasty reach 300,000 people here, California will naturally belong to the Ming Dynasty.

Even in the future, Ming Dynasty can use California as a fulcrum to encroach on the entire American continent bit by bit.

Of course, these things cannot be accomplished overnight, they need to be done slowly and step by step.

As for the black people... To be honest, Chang Yuchun is not interested in these black people. He mentioned it in passing before. Now that the purpose has been achieved, let them die!

[Conquer the United States: 51%]

Seeing more than half of the conquests in the list, Chang Yuchun nodded with satisfaction.

After reaching this progress, he finally successfully completed this mission of conquering the United States.

Next, you just need to work slowly and apply pressure from time to time, and the degree of conquest will naturally increase little by little.

He has done this kind of thing in Japan and the UK, and now in the United States he is very familiar with it.

On the other side of the European battlefield, Germany and Tsarist Russia, who had been fighting fiercely for two years, finally ceased fighting.

They finally discovered a problem.

It seemed that neither of them could kill the other. After fighting for a long time, they first destroyed the Austro-Hungarian Empire next to them.

Due to social turmoil within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, wars continued, and it was a patchwork country. More than a dozen ethnic groups in the country had been revolting since the founding of the country.

Now, because the Austro-Hungarian Empire launched a war, the internal conflicts have been further aggravated, and it has directly disintegrated into four or five countries, including Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

This time, Germany and Tsarist Russia stopped fighting and began to eat up the large tracts of unclaimed territory left by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

But when they came back to their senses and looked at the world, they suddenly discovered that the world structure had undergone major changes.

Britain and the Ming Dynasty signed a peace declaration, and even allowed the Ming Dynasty to station troops. The United States was also beaten to death by the Ming Dynasty, and even agreed to such an outrageous thing as allowing the Indians to establish a country.

This is simply incredible.

Bismarck of Germany and Alexander II of Tsarist Russia all looked at each other.

Together they fought tooth and nail to fight loneliness on the European continent, but the Ming people took all the benefits.

This chapter has been completed!
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