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Chapter 186 Nuclear Peace Era

[Mission: Educate all nations] [Introduction: Brilliant China, Confucian Nine Tripods rule the country, all nations come to court, and educate the world with etiquette] [Progress: 88%] Three [Mission countdown: twenty years] [Mission reward: three fixed space passages

】[Note: The fixed space passage allows ordinary people to pass through] After glancing at the system tasks again, seeing that everyone was silent, Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "We know what you are worried about. After all, the population is still not enough, even if we defeat it, we can't occupy it."

Don’t worry, we already have a solution to this problem.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said this because of the newly created second mission.

Once this task is completed, three space passages can be established for ordinary people to pass through. At that time,

Then we can move the people of the Ming Dynasty in the Jiajing plane here in large numbers.

Preliminary estimates suggest that at least 500 million people from Southeast Asia and Central Asia could be transferred there.

Such a huge population allowed Zhu Yuanzhang to calmly arrange the development of the entire main world.

"What you have to do next is to do your best to mobilize resources across the country and do a good job in the logistics of this battle."

"In modern warfare, fighting is all about logistics. As long as the logistics are done well, the rest is not a problem."

"I hope that we will strive to clean up all the remaining divine kingdoms and gods in the entire main world in the next twenty years without leaving a trace." Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

"Yes!" Zhang Juzheng had obviously made his decision after hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang meant. They looked at each other. Although there was still some helplessness in their eyes, in the end they could only nod respectfully and agreed.

Zhu Yuanzhang now rarely interferes in the internal government affairs of the Ming Dynasty.

But as long as he decides to intervene in something, no matter who he is, he can only obey without any room for rebuttal.

Soon, three months passed.

After the cabinet meeting finalized the ideas, the entire Ming Dynasty began to operate like a high-speed machine, mobilizing the resources of the entire country to do sufficient logistics work for the troops on the front line who had begun the expedition.

Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized a total of two million troops for this expedition.

from... ...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 1/7), click on the next page to continue reading.

Conquer the world on both land and sea, all the way from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, killing as many strange beasts as possible in the sea.

In addition, it goes directly westward, first hitting Central Asia, and then radiating from Central Asia to Europe and Africa.

The specific strategy is still the same as before.

First, use a small group of elite special forces to snipe and kill the envoys, and then use heavy firepower to clear the ground.

This strategy was very effective. Those divine envoys had absolutely no room for resistance and were tightly controlled by the Ming Dynasty's new army.

Even later, when the Ming Dynasty's new army airborne paratroopers came out, the entire Western Kingdom of God suffered even more.

The Ming Dynasty's special operations forces, headed by the Tiger Battalion and the Falcon Battalion, took advantage of the Ming Dynasty's superior air superiority and almost destroyed the Kingdom of the God of Light before the large forces arrived.

This made the subsequent advancement of large forces extremely smooth and greatly reduced casualties.

Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The new army of the Ming Dynasty has completely wiped out the kingdom of the God of Light and has begun to conquer the barbarian gods in Africa.

In the past few years, Zhu Biao has lived a very comfortable life.

Because he was finally freed from the huge government affairs.

In the past few years, he had almost stopped paying attention to government affairs. Instead, he and Zhang Sanfeng devoted themselves to studying martial arts and the seventy-two techniques of Disha.

His martial arts cultivation level officially advanced to the sixth level half a year ago, and the number of stars in the Qi Sea has reached more than three hundred.

Because he hasn't done anything for a long time, even Zhu Biao himself doesn't know how strong he is now.

Of course, he was not really blind to what was going on outside the window. Almost every once in a while, he would use his global perspective to check on the Ming Dynasty's foreign campaigns.

To ensure that no surprises occur.

After finishing his discussion with Zhang Sanfeng that day, Zhu Biao went on another consciousness tour as usual.

The task of educating all nations was completed five years ago. Now the Jiajing plane has completely become a sub-plane of the main world, and the immigration work is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the main world, Europe, Central Asia and other places have successively established development points, turning forests into farmland, factories and cities bit by bit.

Zhu Biao...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 2/7), click on the next page to continue reading.

awareness swept across Europe and Asia.

Finally landed in Africa.

The battle here is still going on.

Because of the characteristics of the Barbarian God, the individual strength of the Barbarian God's believers and divine envoys is relatively strong, which caused the previous invincible beheading operations of the Ming Dynasty's new army to encounter setbacks here.

The progress of the African conquest has slowed somewhat.

But it only slowed down the progress a little, and Zhu Biao was not worried at all about the final result.

Because the foundation of Ming Dynasty is still profound.

Today, the second industrial revolution has been completed, and even computers have been developed. The third industrial revolution is underway.

At the same time, due to the Ming Dynasty's continuous foreign wars over the years, the Ming Dynasty's military industry has developed extremely rapidly. Coupled with the time effect of the Xumi Illusion World, various aircraft, tanks, and warships can be updated almost every three to four years.


In terms of hard power, those divine envoys and exotic beasts have all lagged behind the Ming Dynasty.

The twenty-year plan formulated by Lao Zhu to cleanse the world of alien beasts and divine kingdoms will not be difficult to complete.

Seeing that the war in the African battlefield was proceeding in an orderly manner, Zhu Biao turned his attention to America.

There is also the last kingdom of God here.

It is also the largest and most difficult kingdom of God to conquer.

"Eh...!" The moment Zhu Biao's eyes fell on this place, he noticed something was wrong. After a month, there was a huge statue here.

More than 30 divine envoys in white robes were leading more than 100,000 believers to perform sacrifices.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Biao was startled.

You know, when alien beasts plundered the world, nearly 80% of the world's population died. Now, except for China, it is already very difficult to gather 10,000 people, let alone 100,000 people.

He never expected that he would see this scene in America.

What surprised him even more was the statue they were worshiping.

This is a sculpture of a woman. She holds a blazing flame high, her eyes are as bright as stars. Zhu Biao drew her sight closer, and suddenly...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 3/7), click on the next page to continue reading.

Some even more incredible discoveries were made, this woman was actually turning into flesh and blood. She was just a stone statue at first, but now she was turning into flesh and blood.

"Is it true that as Lao Zhu said, this so-called Statue of Liberty is coming?" Zhu Biao suddenly felt a little heavy in his heart.

At this moment, the statue of the Statue of Liberty suddenly turned and looked in the direction of Zhu Biao's consciousness.

"Chosen humans?" She spoke slowly,

"Can you see me?" A trace of surprise flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes.

This was the first time he met someone who could see himself after gaining a global perspective.

"You have the potential to become a god. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can help you light the divine fire and become a god." The Statue of Liberty spoke slowly.

Her voice is very gentle, making people unconsciously have the urge to worship her.

Zhu Biao suppressed the discomfort in his heart and smiled calmly: "Can you tell me in detail?"

"Spread free thoughts within the Ming Dynasty, let mortals believe in me, and give me the ability to come to this world as soon as possible.

"Where is your true identity?" Zhu Biao asked in confusion.

"Human, you want to spy on God?" The voice of the Statue of Liberty became majestic.


"I'm just curious, why did you suddenly come to our world?" Zhu Biao asked again.


"It's not for you to know!"

The Statue of Liberty's eyes suddenly became majestic, and it was obvious that she understood that Zhu Biao did not mean to talk to her.

"A mortal like an ant actually tries to resist God."

"Just wait, you will understand what true divine power is."

There was a hint of ridicule at the corner of her mouth, and she softly uttered two words.

Zhu Biao didn't understand what these two words meant.

But he had heard the same syllables spoken by those divine messengers.

This is divine sound.

A powerful force derived from the gods.

The moment this sacred sound sounded, the 100,000 believers under the Statue of Liberty below suddenly became even more fanatical.

Groups of people started lining up to leave voluntarily...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 4/7), click the next page to continue reading.

Get on the altar, and then commit suicide directly on it as a blood sacrifice to yourself.

Blood quickly pooled on the altar.

Then she was absorbed by the statue of the god, making her body more flesh-and-blood.

"What a crazy god!" A trace of solemnity flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes.

Although he didn't know what the consequences would be if the Statue of Liberty really came to this world, but as Zhu Yuanzhang said, the best way to deal with such a guy is to nip the danger in the cradle.

Instead of waiting for her to really arrive, and then sending troops to fight to the death.

Thinking of this, Zhu Biao's consciousness returned to Nanjing city in an instant.

He opened his eyes and directly answered the call from the Academy of Sciences.

"Dean Wanhu, where is the progress of Zhengyi No. 1 that you have been developing?" Zhu Biao asked.

"The first actual explosion has been completed. The effect is pretty good, but the stability needs further adjustment." Wanhu was stunned for a moment, but finally reported truthfully.

"Get ready as soon as possible, maybe we will use it in actual combat soon," Zhu Biao said.

Wanhu was shocked when he heard this.

But soon, his tone became a bit awkward: "Your Highness, the Justice series is of great importance. Even His Highness the Crown Prince cannot make the decision. I want you to ask His Majesty for instructions first!"

"Of course I know this. I will go to my father and the cabinet to explain the situation right away."

"Just prepare!"

"The situation is somewhat critical, and we must race against time."

Hearing Zhu Biao speak so seriously, Wanhu's face suddenly became serious and he couldn't help but become serious.

After Zhu Biao finished his conversation with Wanhu, he went directly to the palace to see Zhu Yuanzhang.

The two talked secretly for half an hour, and then convened an emergency cabinet meeting.

Two hours later, at an airport near Nanjing, a group of six bombers quietly took off and rushed into the sky.

"No. 1, our mission this time seems a little unusual!"

Number Three's question came from the earphones.

Li Jinglong licked his lips when he heard this, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes: "It is indeed very unusual, maybe...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 5/7), click on the next page to continue reading.

Our actions today will go down in history."

Number 4: “It sounds very interesting!”

No. 5: “Really or fake?”

"Just obey my orders!"

"We went over this time to bring peace to the Kingdom of Liberty." Li Jinglong said with a smile. The group of six people flew across half of the Pacific Ocean, landed at the airport in the Hawaiian Islands, took a short rest, refueled and set sail again.

And this time they were joined by two aircraft carrier battle groups.

"I'll go, this salary is full!" No. 4 looked at the aircraft carrier battle group following them in the distance, and couldn't help but be speechless. He still doesn't understand what this mission is.

North America looked extremely quiet under the night. Under the statue of the Statue of Liberty that Zhu Biao had seen using his global perspective, all the 100,000 believers who were kneeling on the ground to pray devoutly had disappeared.

There was no one next to the entire statue of the goddess, and the statue itself was wrapped in a huge blood cocoon, and the faint sound of heart beating could be heard from inside.

It was quiet all around, no matter what kind of strange beast it was, no one dared to approach this place within a hundred miles radius.

"Buzz.!" High in the distant sky, six bombers were slowly flying in from the horizon.

Perhaps sensing a threat, the heartbeat of the blood cocoon suddenly began to beat violently.

An extremely strong divine power emanated from the period and spread crazily in all directions.

Countless strange beasts around felt the power of the god, boiling immediately, and then began to rush towards the statue.

"Bang!" A giant beast that was three times bigger than an elephant roared from a distance, and then hit the stone statue with its head.

Blood, flesh and blood exploded instantly and scattered all over the ground.

The strange thing is that after the flesh and blood fell around the statue, they disappeared in a very short period of time, as if the giant beast had never appeared at all.

"Boom!" Immediately after the giant beast, more than 20 strange beasts rushed over. Like the previous giant beast, they chose to hit one head to death, and then...

Chapter 186 "Nuclear" Peace Era (page 6/7), click on the next page to continue reading.

The meat disappears in a very short period of time.

More and more strange beasts are gathering here, crashing into the statue crazily, and then being swallowed by the statue! That's right!

At this moment, under Zhu Biao's field of vision, the statue seemed to have really turned into a giant mouth emitting a strange red light, swallowing up all the strange beasts that came within the range of her divine power.

Do you think you still have a chance?" Zhu Biao asked.

He knew that the Statue of Liberty could hear what he said.


"How can you understand the power of God!"

"Just wait, when my projection comes to this world, I will let you know how small the power of human beings is!"

The woman's voice sounded again. Unlike before, which was full of holiness and made people want to worship her, this time her voice seemed a little angry and even a little bit resentful.

"It seems that the gods are not omnipotent and don't have any mood swings!" Zhu Biao said with a smile.

"About to enter the planned bombing position."

"No. 2, follow my order and prepare to drop bombs." Li Jinglong's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"What the hell, what the hell is this thing down there?" The pilot of the No. 3 bomber, who was serving as the escort this time, finally saw the giant cocoon bathed in a strange red light below, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This thing was really bigger than he imagined.

"It's God!" Li Jinglong said.

"Then what are we going to do here this time...?" No. 4 couldn't help but ask the question.

"Of course it's God-killing!"

After Li Jinglong said this calmly, he suddenly pressed the bomb release button the next second.

"No. 2, drop the bomb!"

"Let the gods from another world feel our justice."



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