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Chapter 194 Zhang Jiao Daming's knowledge

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hands towards everyone and said with a smile: "There is no need to be polite. From now on, we are all our own people, and we deserve all these treatments."

"As long as you work honestly for our Ming Dynasty from now on, your treatment will only be better!"

"In the future, when we take over the kingdom of this world, it will be no problem for you to become princes and ministers."

"Da Ming?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"My dear, the Han Dynasty is still doing well. My lord has even thought of the name of the country?"

"I don't know if I should say that this lord is a country bumpkin who has never seen the market, or if I should say that he has lofty ambitions."

Even Zhang Jue couldn't help but frown. He had always had a good impression of Zhu Yuanzhang, but now he felt that the lord was suddenly too ambitious.

He admitted that this valley was well built, but he really didn't think that the Yellow Turban Army had a chance to take over the world now, especially after just experiencing a huge defeat.

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense or talking big words?" Zhu Yuanzhang looked around with a smile on his face.

No one spoke, but what they wanted to express was very obvious.

It’s better for you, old man, to wake up a little!

"Very good, I will prove it to you and let you understand that choosing me as your lord is the right choice!"

“What you say is unfounded!”

"Since everyone has eaten, come with us to a place!"

"It's time for you to understand our true origins."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, turned around and led everyone towards the back of the valley.

Everyone followed behind him without knowing why.

Then they saw more and more guards with live ammunition. The auras of these people were shining brightly, and each one of them was carrying a black weapon.

This weapon is not a sword or gun, but it is obviously made of metal. Although I don't know how to use this thing, I know that it must be very powerful without even thinking about it.

Moreover, none of these people are weak, and the weakest one is also an eighth-grade martial artist.

"It looks so powerful!" Zhang Liang muttered in a low voice.

"Have you noticed? I have never seen such bright armor on these people. I don't know what it is made of. It would be great if I could have one!" Guan Hai also murmured in a low voice.

Zhang Jiao is also observing these people. He has spiritual power that transcends ordinary people, so he naturally observes them more carefully than others. He does not pay too much attention to the external equipment of these people, he is observing the inner temperament of these people.

Under his gaze, each of these people carried a strong blood-evil aura.

"This is the elite of a hundred battles!" Zhang Jiao quickly came to a conclusion.

Along the way, he saw at least more than a thousand such veterans.


Zhang Jiao, who had commanded the Yellow Turban Army and fought against the imperial army, knew the meaning of a veteran of hundreds of battles, because when he fought Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, they led about 30,000 elites of the imperial court.

The reason why they failed in that battle was because Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun's talents were too strong, but if they relied solely on their powerful talents, they could have stabilized their position.

The key is that along with the powerful natural power, the imperial court also has 30,000 elite warriors.

It was those 30,000 elite warriors who were the last straw that broke the camel's back, overwhelming hundreds of thousands of his men.

And as far as he knew, in the continuous annihilation battles against the Yellow Turban Army in various places, the imperial army basically defeated the greater number with less, and often hundreds or even thousands of people could overwhelm tens of thousands of Yellow Turban armies.

Some elite cavalrymen even dared to charge directly into the Yellow Turban army of tens of thousands with less than a hundred men.

The elite soldiers from hundreds of battles are really useful when fighting in the wild.

"Who is the lord?" Zhang Jiao couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart again.

Such doubts have been bothering him for a long time.

If Zhu Yuanzhang was an ordinary person, how could he have so much food and grass, such magical meat from exotic animals, plus the thousands of elites he sees now.

If the lord is a powerful person or a nobleman, that is even more impossible.

He knew all the powerful men in Jizhou, but none of them had the surname Zhu.

This lord seems to have appeared out of thin air!

Zhang Jiao secretly sighed, and he was increasingly looking forward to where Zhu Yuanzhang would take him.

He had a hunch that all the doubts in his heart would soon be answered.

"We're here!" Zhu Yuanzhang finally spoke again.

Zhang Jiao came back to his senses and found that everyone had unknowingly appeared in front of a gate again.

This is a huge door embedded in the rock. There are more than 300 fierce soldiers guarding the door.

Saw Zhu Yuanzhang arriving.

These three hundred people half-knelt on the ground in uniform movements.

"Join Your Majesty!"

His Majesty's voice startled everyone including Zhang Jiao.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and finally their eyes fell on Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Open the door!" Zhu Yuanzhang didn't pay much attention to their looks.

At his command, the door in front of him slowly opened, revealing a deep space passage.

"This is...!" Zhang Jiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

His spiritual power was swallowed up directly after encountering the space channel in front of him. He had never encountered such a situation before, and his intuition told him that he would see something that subverted his cognition next.

"This is the space passage, I came from the opposite side!"

"To be precise, I am not from this world, but from another world."

"I am the emperor of that world!"

"Now you can come with me to see the empire that belongs to me!" Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at everyone with a smile, and stepped into the space channel first with a wave of his hand.

"Brother, let's...!" Zhang Bao next to him looked at Zhang Jiao with hesitation.

"I'll settle for you once you've come. I believe in your lord, not to mention it doesn't hurt to see the scenery of another world." Zhang Jiao took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and followed Zhu Yuanzhang in the same step.

With Zhang Jiao taking the lead, the remaining seven Yellow Turban troops, Qu Shuai, did not stay too long and followed closely into the world of the Ming Dynasty.


The first reaction of Zhang Jiao and others who had just arrived in Daming was to take a deep breath and feel the rich spiritual energy permeating the air. Everyone felt that their whole bodies could not help but feel alert, as if their whole bodies had become relaxed.

"This world is so strange. Why do I feel like I am getting stronger just by breathing?" Zhang Liang said with confusion on his face.

"It's because of spiritual energy. The extraordinary attribute of our world is called spiritual energy recovery!"

"Our research shows that in a spiritual environment, people who have experienced the tempering of the stars will be more likely to gain powerful power."

Zhu Biao, who had already been prepared here, explained something to a few people.

"However, now is not the time to talk about this. Come with me, and let me show you the scenery of my Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Biao pointed not far away.

There is an antique tall ship parked there.

This is a sixth-grade flying magic weapon.

In other words, after advancing from the seventh level to the sixth level, it can no longer be called a magic weapon. The Academy of Sciences named it a spiritual weapon.

This flying boat was refined less than three days ago and is the first spiritual weapon of the Ming Dynasty.

The power source of the core is the ice crystals in the ice field.

This is the first and most intuitive benefit that ice crystals brought to Ming Dynasty.

Soon, the flying magical vessel carried everyone silently into the sky, and gradually a beautiful picture was slowly revealed in front of everyone.

Since it is now close to dusk, the wide avenues in Nanjing are already filled with a lot of traffic, and colorful neon lights are also lit up on both sides of the streets.

Coupled with the fact that a city protection formation covering the entire Nanjing has gradually lit up in the sky, the current Nanjing city looks extremely beautiful.

"Is this... a fairyland?" All the generals from the Three Kingdoms, including Zhang Jiao, were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Everything here is completely beyond their imagination.

Those lights that stay on all night, those iron boxes that keep running on the streets, those ordinary people in bright clothes.

Everything was completely incomprehensible to them.

"Are all people living in this city mortals?" Zhang Jiao asked curiously.

"Seventy percent of them are!"

Zhu Biao nodded and explained: "Because this is the capital of the Ming Dynasty, there are more extraordinary people gathered here. In comparison, other cities are still dominated by mortals."

As Zhu Biao spoke, he drove the spiritual ship out of Nanjing with a thought. Now he was also curious about the top speed of this thing.

"Where are we going?" Ma Yuanyi asked curiously.

"Since you want to appreciate the scenery of the Ming Dynasty, you can't just stay in one place. I plan to take you all the way from north to south to see the entire country of the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Biao said with a smile.

Two hours later, Feizhou had appeared on top of the city of Beijing.

After three rounds of spiritual energy recovery, the straight-line distance between the two places is now more than 5,000 miles, and it has arrived in two hours, which means that the speed of the flying boat has reached more than 1,000 miles per hour.

This speed is not much slower than the speed of supersonic aircraft in previous generations.

"Not bad!" Zhu Biao nodded with satisfaction.

He has decided that this sixth-grade spaceship is his.

"I found a problem...!"

While cruising over the city of Beijing, Zhang Jiao looked at Zhu Biao and spoke again.

"What?" Zhu Biao was in a good mood at the moment and couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Are there no beggars in this world?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

If Nanjing was the only city without beggars, Zhang Jiao would not be too surprised. After all, it was the capital city, so it was normal that there were no beggars.

But along the way, he found that there were no beggars not only in Nanjing, but also in all the cities in the Ming Dynasty, and even in the rural towns he passed along the way.

This seems extremely incredible.

Zhang Jiao has no idea what kind of world can completely eliminate beggars.


Zhu Biao explained with a smile on his face: "Don't think that Ming Dynasty has extraordinary power, but in fact extraordinary power has only disadvantages and no benefits for ordinary people. And after our research, we found that the more powerful the plane is, the more powerful it is."

That’s true.”

"Because the more powerful the extraordinary plane is, the weaker the power that mortals can control, and the less able they are to resist, and they can only become vassals or even slaves of the extraordinary."

"That kind of world is like a stagnant water, without any vitality at all."

"The only chance for a mortal to change his destiny is to become one of the extraordinary."

"No one cares whether the mortal group is doing well or not."

"And if we want to make the lives of mortals as a whole better, what needs to be developed is scientific power."

"Science?" Zhang Jiao had a trace of doubt on his face.

"The various vehicles you see running on the ground and the aircraft flying in the sky are all products of science and technology. Most of them are mechanical creations without extraordinary power. They are basically made by mortals using ordinary things."

Zhu Biao said.

"How is this possible!" Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and others were stunned when they heard this.

Can a mere mortal create something so exquisite?

This simply subverted their three views.

On the contrary, Zhang Jiao was a little thoughtful.

"Is it similar to the Mohist machine technique?" Zhang Jiao asked.

"Hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin Dynasty also studied this. I heard that there was a famous scholar in Mianyang named Huang Chengyan who studied this way quite a lot."

"Huang Chengyan?"

Zhu Biao was moved when he heard this and asked: "Does he have a daughter named Huang Yueying?"


"Jiao doesn't know!" A strange look flashed in Zhang Jiao's eyes.

He felt that he could basically determine the hobbies of His Highness the Crown Prince of this world.


"Don't talk about this!"

Zhu Biao naturally noticed the strangeness in this guy's eyes, and he felt that he was a little wronged.

He knows that Huang Yueying is entirely because of Zhuge Liang. This is Zhuge Liang's wife after all!

Of course, he didn't bother to explain anything. After all, the more he explained this kind of thing, the more unclear it became.

"Your Highness, are the weapons held by the soldiers we saw before also made by mortals?" Ma Yuanyi suddenly remembered the firearms he had seen before in front of the space passage.

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Biao took out the pistol that had been on his waist.

"This is indeed made by mortals!"

"Do you want to try his power?" Zhu Biao asked with a smile on his lips.

"Okay!" Ma Yuanyi shouted, and a layer of golden light suddenly appeared all over his body.

This is the effect of his talent, Man of Steel.

"Pah, pah, pah!" Zhu Biao fired three shots in succession, hitting Ma Yuanyi in the chest and causing his body to shake three times.

"It's nothing special, I can take it easily!" Ma Yuanyi said with a smile.

"Really?" The smile on Zhu Biao's face remained unchanged. He waved to a soldier next to him and took the repeating assault rifle from his hand.

"Watch it!"

Zhu Biao aimed at Ma Yuanyi's chest again and pulled the trigger directly.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah!"

A batch of forty bullets from an assault rifle was fired in less than two breaths.

Ma Yuanyi looked down at his steel body with a pale face. The golden light on it had become extremely dim, and it looked like it might collapse at any time.

At this moment, Zhu Biao had skillfully changed a magazine again, shook the assault rifle in his hand and said with a smile: "Are you here yet?"

This chapter has been completed!
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