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Chapter 218 Yanmenguan Battle of the Huns

Cao Cao surrendered very simply.

Including Xu Chu, who had been waiting all night in the Taiwei Mansion, they all laid down their weapons under Cao Cao's order.

Three days later.

The entire civil servants and generals under Cao Cao, including Cao Cao himself, as well as Guo Jia and others who were captured on the same night, were all secretly sent to Jizhou, and then sent to the Ming Dynasty through the space channel for ideological reform.

Suddenly, the entire city of Luoyang became much quieter.

Those who were lucky enough to escape and did not encounter Zhu Yuanzhang's murderous hands were really frightened.

They truly saw Zhu Yuanzhang's super control over Luoyang City.

With such control, it would be extremely difficult for them to overthrow Zhu Yuanzhang's rule over the Han Dynasty.

This immediately made many people who did not recognize Zhu Yuanzhang's rule feel discouraged, and they left Luoyang in disguise.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not react at all to this. Most of the people he liked were arrested by the Jin Yiwei on the night of Cao Cao's rebellion and secretly sent to the Ming Dynasty.

The rest are basically guys in name only. For these guys, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't bother to care about their stay.

For Zhu Yuanzhang, there are two most important things now.

The continued excavation of the first large canal.

The second battle between the northern states and Liangzhou and the Xiongnu.

The excavation of the Grand Canal was an important means for Zhu Yuanzhang to implement work-for-relief. The fundamental reason why Cao Cao, Guo Jia and others were not optimistic about this policy was that previous large projects like this in history were all about collecting corvees and letting the people work for free.

Yes, even sometimes, they don’t even care about meals and have to bring their own dry food.

If the people cannot survive, they will naturally have no choice but to rebel.

But this time the excavation of the Grand Canal was completely different from the previous ones. All the people involved in the excavation were not only provided with food and shelter, but also paid.

In addition, the people who managed these people and were responsible for logistics work were officials mobilized directly from the Ming Dynasty by Zhu Yuanzhang, which eliminated the risk of corruption and bribery among most of them.

If the people can have enough food and clothing and get real benefits, they will naturally not rebel.

Moreover, during the implementation of this large-scale project, Zhu Yuanzhang also quietly spread the officials from the Ming Dynasty from Sili and Jizhou to the whole country, and began to truly shake the foundation of the gentry's local rule.

In addition, the state-owned enterprises of the Ming Dynasty also followed the excavation of the Grand Canal and took deep roots in various state capitals and blossomed everywhere.

With the strong backing of the Ming Dynasty, these state-owned enterprises had an absolute upper hand in the competition with the local gentry and wealthy families, and had begun to influence and even control the local economy.

The result of this is that a large number of businesses run by the gentry and wealthy families have begun to be squeezed, and the foundation of their local rule is being shaken.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang has taken control of the court.

After seizing the gentry's basis for local rule, Zhu Yuanzhang would not be so polite to these gentry and wealthy families.

At that time, he can begin drastic reforms of the entire Han Dynasty and synchronize it with the Ming Dynasty.

If the gentry and gentry who occupied most of the land and mineral resources of the Han Dynasty dare to resist, Zhu Yuanzhang would not mind inviting them all overseas to expand territory for the Han Dynasty, or the Ming Dynasty.

After all, after years of investigation by Jinyiwei, Zhu Yuanzhang has learned that in this world, it is not just the civil servants and generals of the Han Dynasty who possess extraordinary power, but there are also extremely powerful extraordinary beings in various countries around the world.

After all, the extraordinary power of this plane is not about Confucianism, Taoism, and talent. Only the Han people can benefit from it. The extraordinary system of Sui Xing's Coming affects all mankind. If a super strong man like Lu Bu can appear in the Han Dynasty, other human countries will also have it.


Zhang Liao knew this very clearly.

Because he has already met such a guy.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was laying the foundation for the upcoming reforms of the Han Dynasty, Yanmen Pass in the northernmost part of Bingzhou was experiencing the most difficult battle.

The Huns have raised 200,000 troops and are storming Yanmen Pass.

The fighting has lasted for three days and three nights.

People died every day in Yanmen Pass. The intensity of this war far exceeded the understanding of Zhu Di who came with Zhang Liao.

Another day of darkness falls.

The Huns army, which had been attacking fiercely for a day, finally began to retreat slowly.

Zhu Di, who had been standing at the forefront for a whole day, leaned on the city wall in exhaustion and pursed his lips tightly.

"General Zhang, do you have to go through such a war every year?" he asked.

Zhang Liao, who was also covered in blood, was using his telescope to look at the endless Huns army on the horizon in the distance, with an extremely solemn expression on his face.


"The Huns' attack this year was much more intense than in previous years."

"If the imperial court does not support us, it will be difficult for us to fight this battle this year!" Zhang Liao sighed and couldn't help but speak.

In fact, the Huns are just a general term. In the past, the Huns were divided into many tribes, and even included many different ethnic groups.

There are still feuds between some ethnic groups.

It's just that the Han Dynasty didn't know much about these frontier peoples before, so they collectively called them Xiongnu.

Over the years, the policy that the Bingzhou Army has been implementing is to win over some Huns who are more sinicized, and then help them attack those Huns who are more hostile to the Han.

Always keep them in balance.

In previous years, this policy was very effective.

This is also the reason why Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry can rely on the power of one state to stop the Huns.

But this year, things started to go a little wrong.

Just when Zhang Liao followed Ding Yuan and led the army to station in Sili, the situation of the Xiongnu on the northern prairie was also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

A powerful Xiongnu king rose up among the various Xiongnu tribes.

His name is Ke Bineng.

Legend has it that he had earth-shattering power, rising like a comet in just a few months, and then powerfully united most of the Xiongnu tribes, uniting the scattered Xiongnu into a whole.

Zhang Liao only learned about this after returning to Bingzhou.

By the time he wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

Kebineng has completed the integration of various tribes, and even 200,000 troops have gathered, have made a blood alliance, and are preparing to go south.

In response to this, Zhang Liao could only actively prepare for war while asking Zhu Di, who had come with him, to quickly write a letter asking for help.

He deeply realized that relying only on himself and the Bingzhou Army could not stop the 200,000 Xiongnu army that had completed the integration.

What's more, the current Bingzhou Army has just changed its coach, and even the most powerful Lu Bu is no longer there.

The combat effectiveness of the Bingzhou Army was directly reduced by half.

Zhang Liao simply couldn't believe that such a Bingzhou army could withstand for several days when faced with the wolf-like Huns.

However, he came to whatever he feared. Just half a month ago, Kebineng suddenly led 200,000 cavalry southward, approaching Yanmen Pass.

This pass is the northwest gateway of the Han Dynasty. If it is breached, the Huns can march straight in, and millions of people in the entire Bingzhou will be directly exposed to the iron hoof of the Huns.

Zhang Liao understood this, and he believed Ke Bineng also understood it.

So now Yanmen Pass has become the focus of competition between the two sides.

"The Huns will take action tonight!"

"We have to be careful!" Zhang Liao suddenly said after observing the enemy camp with a telescope for a while.


"What do you say?" Zhu Di also stood up, picked up the telescope and looked at the enemy camp.

"Today the enemy retreated half an hour earlier than two days ago!"

"And according to the report from Tanma, Kebi will be able to arrive at the Chinese army camp today."

"I know this person a little bit, and he likes night attacks, so I think there is a high possibility that they will break through the barrier tonight!" Zhang Liao said.

"According to the news from Luoyang, reinforcements will not arrive for another two days!"

"We can only rely on ourselves tonight!" Zhu Di said silently.

"So...tonight is crucial, we have to work hard!" Zhang Liao sighed again.

He looked back at Zhu Di and didn't say much. Although Zhu Di was the person personally assigned by the Taiwei to supervise him, although in the two days of battle, General Zhu Di also showed extremely strong military qualities and abilities.


But the most cruel thing about war is that everyone will be treated equally in front of him.

He will not leave Yanmen Pass, nor will he persuade Zhu Di to leave.

He needed Zhu Di and his men to help him block the Huns, because his fellow villagers lived behind Yanmen Pass, and he had to protect the safety of his fellow villagers.


Sure enough, as Zhang Liao predicted, around early in the morning, there was a sudden commotion in the Huns camp that had been silent, and shouts of killing were everywhere. Like a tide, the Huns suddenly launched a fierce attack on Yanmen Pass again.

Although Yanmenguan City is high and deep, the elites of the Huns basically have the strength of ninth-grade warriors. Such a strong city wall cannot form an obstacle at all in front of them.

The only function of the city wall was to block the Huns' cavalry so that they could not run rampant.

So the leading troops of the Huns quickly rushed to the city wall and fought bloody battles with the defenders.

Although Zhang Liao had been prepared, the Huns were obviously determined to take Yanmen Pass this time, and they refused to retreat even if they suffered heavy casualties.

And this time the Huns sent out more strong men.

Some are even comparable to sixth-grade warriors.

Even Zhu Di had a hard time fighting such a strong man, and the entire Yanmen Pass city gradually showed signs of collapse.

"This is not the way to go!"

"General Zhu, I will lead a wave of elite wolf cavalry to charge them... The city wall is on you. If we can stop the Huns in this battle, my life, Zhang Liao, will belong to the Taiwei from now on. I will not give up until I die." Zhang Liao fiercely held the spear in his hand.

He swung on the ground and stabbed to death the two strong Huns who were entangled with him. Suddenly he turned around and rode the strong wind, turning into an afterimage and jumping off the city wall. At the same time, his voice echoed in Zhu Di's ears.

"Where is the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry!" Zhang Liao's roar sounded from below.

"Here!" A neat roar sounded.

"Would you like to follow me and fight out, so that the bastard Huns can see the majesty of my Bingzhou man?" Zhang Liao continued to ask.

"Only the general's orders." No one hesitated at all.

These are the two thousand most elite soldiers in Bingzhou.

They have not been involved in the war since the war three days ago. This is the trump card of the Bingzhou Army, and it is the most powerful wolf cavalry.

But now, it's time to use them.

Zhu Di couldn't help but pursed his lips when he heard the roars. He knew that Zhang Liao was going to fight for his life.

"Brothers, stop me!"

"Don't let a Huns break through the defense line." Zhu Di killed a Huns with one sword, his eyes were red, and his roar also echoed on the Yanmen Pass city wall.

Emotions are truly contagious.

If someone had told him when he first came to Bingzhou that he would risk his life for these people from another world, Zhu Di would have thought that person was a fool.

But now he had to admit that he was indeed stupid.

He was moved by these soldiers and the soldiers in Yanmen Pass behind who devoted all their money to provide them with military pay.

The firearms and ammunition he carried with him have been used up, and the next batch of supplies has not arrived yet, but he still has a knife, and he can still fight.

Fight to the death and never retreat!

He has never had such an experience since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

He didn't expect that the first time he would experience such a thing would be in a different world.

The gate on the other side of the city, which was already crumbling and about to be breached by the Huns, suddenly burst open from the inside, and Zhang Liao rushed out like a gust of wind with two thousand elite wolf cavalry.

He led the wolf cavalry in charging at an extremely fast speed, and there were really strong winds blowing around them. The strong winds condensed into wind blades that continued to scatter in all directions.

Countless Huns on the opposite side were caught off guard and were killed by the wind blade. They were actually killed by Zhang Liao with two thousand people.


He turned the horse's head, shouted loudly, and carried the boundless wind with him, and came back to kill again.

But this time the Huns were prepared. More than 3,000 elite cavalrymen, armed with sabers and sabers, led by a three-meter-tall man on horseback, collided head-on with Zhang Liao.

Compared to the cavalry, the Huns feared no one.


The horses of both sides collided without any fancy.

Zhang Liao has a total of two talents.

One is called Wind Control, which can increase the speed of the cavalry, and the other is called Wind Blade, which can form a large wind blade to cause large-scale damage after the strong wind reaches a certain intensity.

The first talent is a very common legion-level talent, and the second talent is special.

The faster the cavalry he leads, the higher the damage it can cause to the enemy.

Zhang Liao has never used this talent before, and today is the first time.

Although there were more than 3,000 people on the opposite side, they were still overwhelmed by this large-scale celestial-like wind blade attack.

After Zhang Liao led two thousand wolf cavalry to break through the blockade of more than three thousand Xiongnu cavalry, they rushed towards the Xiongnu siege army again.

He wanted to completely disrupt the Huns' offensive.

"court death!"

Suddenly, at this moment, an angry shout came from the Huns' camp.

Then I saw a giant that was ten feet tall and covered the sky and the sun suddenly appeared in the Huns camp.

The giant held a big sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and suddenly slashed with the sword, and a bright sword light suddenly fell and struck the wolf rider.

This chapter has been completed!
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