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Chapter 231 Dawning Research Institute 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

"These guys can actually sense the outside."

Zhu Biao was shocked. To be honest, he hadn't even noticed this before.

However, he reacted quickly. With a wave of his hand, more than thirty explosive symbols appeared out of thin air and stuck to the nearby petri dish with a bang.

He might not have brought much else with him this time, but he had enough talismans, especially the explosive talisman, which he used instead of grenades.

An explosive charm is more than twice as powerful as a grenade, but it is easier to activate and lighter to use than a grenade.

This is also the reason why Zhu Biao brought almost no firearms except mechas this time.

When one's cultivation reaches a certain level, the convenience brought by using firearms can also be brought to him by cultivation methods, which are even more durable and useful than firearms.

"Wait a minute, don't do anything, they don't mean any harm!"

Suddenly, the skull that Zhu Biao had just knocked out suddenly jumped up and stood in front of Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao couldn't help but stopped when he saw this scene. It wasn't because he was blocked by the skull. For him, it was just a thought that inspired these talismans. He just suddenly wanted to hear what the skull wanted to say.


It stands to reason that this guy was knocked unconscious by himself and couldn't wake up for a while, but the fact is that he was unconscious for not even a quarter of an hour before he was alive and kicking again.

If he said he had no secrets, Zhu Biao would never believe it.

"Then please explain!"

"What the hell is going on here!" Zhu Biao pointed to the petri dish behind the skull, and with a thought in his mind, the light on all the explosive symbols suddenly began to converge.

The skeleton quickly smiled at Zhu Biao, but it looked weird for a skull to smile at people.

Seeing his smiling face, Luo Yun and Luo Meng raised the guns in their hands almost reflexively.

Obviously this person realized this quickly, and quickly put away his smile, raised his hands and explained: "We really don't have any malicious intentions, we are just a group of researchers."

"My name is Chen Guang. I am carrying my wife Yue Hua on my back. The people in these petri dishes are all my former colleagues. We belong to the Shuguang Research Institute of the ancient Donghuang Kingdom before the disaster."

"Everything we do is to crack the zombie virus and save mankind."

"The current appearance of my colleagues is only due to an experimental accident. They accidentally inhaled some zombie virus vaccines, which caused the cell mutations in the body to intensify. I had no choice but to seal them in these petri dishes and let their bodies fall into a deep sleep.

, use these inhibitory solutions to inhibit cell regeneration in their bodies.”

"But don't worry, they all still retain human consciousness. Strictly speaking, they are still alive."

"You have been hiding here doing research all these years?" Luo Yun couldn't help but ask.

She just walked around here and discovered the cameras monitoring all aspects of the fortress above.

And she and her sister have been using this place as a safe house for the past few years.

Luo Yun couldn't help but get goosebumps whenever he thought about how their every move in the past few years had been watched by the so-called "researchers" below.

"No, for some reason I have been sleeping before. I just woke up three hours ago, and they...you also saw it, because of that accident, it has always been like this!"

"Their actions just now are similar to conditioned reflexes in sleep. They don't even have the most basic consciousness now, and they definitely have no intention of attacking you!" Chen Guang explained again.

"You said that the research you did was to crack the zombie virus, so... have you found a way to crack it?" Luo Meng asked.

Hearing this, Chen Guang couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "If we really find it, then we won't be like this now."

At this point, Chen Guang paused, and then said: "Although we have not found it completely, we have determined the research direction, and when I wake up this time, I am different."

"I have a hunch that it won't be long before the unsolvable side effects of the zombie virus vaccine will be completely resolved. By then, my colleagues will be able to be saved, and the vaccine can be widely promoted."

"And the most important thing is that this vaccine can also improve the physical fitness of soldiers on a large scale. If this vaccine is widely promoted in our ancient country of Donghuang, then the elimination of these zombies will be just around the corner."

Having said this, Chen Guang said expectantly: "By the way, you are from outside. Can you tell me what is going on outside and how is our Donghuang situation now?"


Luo Meng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Donghuang is gone a long time ago. The entire territory of Donghuang was already occupied by zombies six years ago, and you don't have to work hard to research vaccines anymore. The survivors who are still alive are basically

They have all opened the genetic lock on their own and are immune to the zombie virus."

"Those who cannot unlock the genetic lock have long since died..."

Chen Guang: “……!”


In the bathroom of the fortress above, two brothers, Luo Meng and Luo Yun, were taking a shower.

The moment the hot water fell, the two women couldn't help but moan at the same time. The feeling was so wonderful that they had even forgotten the last time they took a bath with water.

"Sister, since Brother Zhu broke into our lives, it seems that our luck has suddenly changed for the better!"

"In the past, could you imagine that one day we would be able to take a happy bath with hot water like this?" Luo Yun leaned against the wall behind him, letting the hot water flow through his body, with a slight tone of voice.

Opened his mouth strangely.

"This is not luck, it is brought about by strength!"

Luo Meng and his sister were leaning there side by side, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Little sister, I have decided to absorb the three magic cores tomorrow and try to open the fourth gene lock."


"How about we wait a few more days!"

"There is no danger in the fortress now, and Brother Zhu will not go out to hunt zombies in the past few days. Now we have food, red wine, and electricity. How about we enjoy it for a few days before trying to turn it on!" Luo Yun

There was some hesitation in his eyes.

Unlocking the genetic lock is not a simple matter.

It can even be said that every time the gene lock is opened, it is a narrow escape for them, an experience they never want to recall.

Both Luo Meng and Luo Yun had opened the gene lock three times before. Except for the first time when they opened the gene lock unconsciously because they were scratched by zombies, the last two times they opened the gene lock by swallowing the magic core.

They know a lot about the experience of unlocking genetic locks.

That is simply not something humans can bear.

It's too painful and too dangerous.

The magic core is not only the key to unlock the genetic lock, but also the zombie virus itself.

It's just that it's a little milder than the zombie virus carried by zombies.

Devouring the demonic core is actually equivalent to experiencing cell mutations in the body while awake, and experiencing one's own zombie transformation.

In such a situation, it is tantamount to risking one's life to survive.

If they cannot open the genetic lock and allow their bodies to fully adapt to the zombie virus in the magic core, their cells will become completely diseased and they will become irrational zombies.

It can be said that if they did not have special physiques and could adapt to the cellular changes in the body caused by the zombie virus more quickly, plus a little bit of luck, they would have died long ago.


"It's only tomorrow!"

A trace of determination flashed in Luo Meng's eyes: "We can't wait any longer. If I wait any longer, I'm afraid I will lose the courage to open the gene lock."

"Have you really decided?"

When Luo Meng told Zhu Biao the decision the next day, Zhu Biao was also a little surprised.

After spending the past two days together, Zhu Biao already understood the risks involved in unlocking the gene lock, especially the fourth gene lock, which was even more dangerous.

Because just opening this gene lock is equivalent to having the strength of an ordinary tyrant, which is far different from the power they had by opening the three gene locks before.

According to them, after unlocking the fourth gene lock, you may even have some special abilities.

They had previously encountered a human who had unlocked four genetic locks and had the ability to control metal.

Although the ways to advance to the extraordinary are different, they are actually the same when stepping from the seventh level to the sixth level. This is a big bottleneck. No matter what extraordinary system you choose, this threshold can stop most people.

Even zombies are the same, otherwise there would be no difference between tyrants and ordinary zombies.

"It's decided!"

Luo Meng nodded firmly, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Brother Zhu, if I lose control, I have to trouble Brother Zhu to kill me and don't let me become one of those walking zombies outside.

"Okay!" Zhu Biao nodded.

Seeing that Luo Meng was about to return to his room and start trying to break through, Zhu Biao stopped her again, pondered for a while and said: "How about you try it in front of me, I will be able to help if there is any emergency.


"Okay!" Luo Meng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

Although the breakthrough process will be painful and she will become very ugly, as a person who has lived in the apocalypse for ten years, she no longer cares about this.

All she cared about was whether she could survive the attempt.

But now that there is Protector Zhu Biao with mysterious origins and many methods, it is obviously much safer than breaking through alone.

Of course she was very happy.

After receiving the news that Luo Meng was going to try to open the fourth gene lock, Chen Guang, who was still conducting crazy experiments in the next two days, also caught up.

After learning that the ancient Donghuang Kingdom had disappeared, the researcher only felt depressed for half an hour, and then devoted himself to his research project again.

In his words, a guy like Luo Yun who has independently acquired the ability to be immune to zombie viruses can only be regarded as a genetic mutation and does not have universal applicability. What he wants to research is a product that is suitable for the general public so that ordinary humans can also successfully become immune to zombies.

Vaccine for virus.

Although there are probably no ordinary humans left in this world, he doesn't know what the use of such a vaccine would be.

But at least his colleagues who are forced to lie dormant in bottles need this vaccine.

Zhu Biao is quite supportive of Chenguang's idea.

Because his research on zombie virus vaccines made Zhu Biao aware of a possibility.

Maybe this will be a brand new way of cultivation.

Of course, it's still early to say how. After all, this vaccine is actually a zombie virus, but it only suppresses part of its aggressiveness, making it applicable to the vast majority of ordinary people.

In other words, there is still a risk of infection.

After seeing the extremely powerful aggressiveness and contagiousness of this zombie virus, Zhu Biao absolutely did not want it to appear in the Ming Empire.

There is still an extremely long way to go before this vaccine becomes a harmless way of cultivation.

But you can still look forward to it.

After all, what if it succeeds?

Anyway, it wouldn't do him any harm to leave Chen Guang and others to continue their research.

Soon Luo Meng adjusted to the best condition.

Under the gazes of Chen Guang, Zhu Biao, and his sister Luo Yun, Luo Meng took a deep breath, took out a white magic core and swallowed it without hesitation.

"Is this... so simple and crude?" Chen Guang stared at this scene with wide eyes.

He didn't expect Luo Meng to unlock the gene lock in this way.

This was really too rough in his eyes.

He was naturally familiar with magic cores. He had seen them before he went into hibernation, and even owned a blue magic core that he cherished very much.

After all, the Shuguang Research Institute where they worked before was one of the top ten research institutions in the ancient Donghuang Kingdom. In fact, it was not uncommon for them to have extremely precious magic cores in the early days of the zombie plunder.

If not for this, he wouldn't have a blue magic core in his head.

But he really didn't expect that after seven or eight years, the survivors outside were still using the magic core so brutally. No wonder the mortality rate after opening the gene lock was so high.

"What else?"

"Stewed the magic core in soup?"

"Do you think everyone has a good life like you old officials?" Luo Yun has always been displeased with the morning light. At this moment, he was so impatient that he couldn't help but speak sarcastically.

When Chen Guang heard this, he immediately closed his mouth knowingly. He had seen this girl's violence before.

In this case, it is better to avoid the edge temporarily.


Soon Luo Meng had a reaction. The skin all over her body was festering rapidly, healing quickly, then festering again, and healing again.

This is only what can be seen from the outside. In fact, at this moment, the flesh, bones, and even internal organs all over her body are violently expanding, or mutating.

The direct consequence of this is endless pain.

This kind of pain cannot be expressed in words. She really wanted to faint, but now even fainting has become a luxury. She turned her head suddenly and looked at Zhu Biao, with a trace of pleading in her eyes.

"Kill me, Brother Zhu, quickly... kill me quickly!" She growled.

After Zhu Biao heard the words, he pondered for a moment, and his figure flashed directly in front of Luo Meng. The golden light on his palm was exposed for an instant, and then he pressed down suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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