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Chapter 248: The Giant Wall Project, Lao Zhu takes genetic medicine

"Next, we have to implement two plans at the same time, go hand in hand, and they must be completed in the shortest possible time."

"The first plan is called the Giant Wall Plan!"

"In order to resist the zombie siege that may come in five days, we need to build a giant wall within ten kilometers of Donghai City with the Crescent Building as the center. This giant wall must be high enough and thick enough, and it must be engraved with "

There are enough magic circles, and their defense must be able to withstand continuous attacks from large-scale thermal weapons."

"The second plan is also to resist the zombie siege in five days."

"It's not enough for us to remain passively defensive. We have to go out."

"According to reliable information, there are eight towns of various sizes around Donghai City. These towns will become our bridgehead and frontline against zombies!"

"The construction of the giant wall cannot be completed overnight. We must create enough time for the construction of the giant wall. We must keep the zombies out of Donghai City for enough time."

"I call this plan the enemy plan."

"The Ming Dynasty's new army coming with His Majesty this time has a total of 30,000 people. In the next three days, the number of the army will increase tenfold."

"I don't care how we fight, but the military must keep the zombies out of Donghai City for a month to buy us time to build the giant wall."

In a large conference room in the Crescent Building, the first memory of the Ming Dynasty's new army after they entered the zombie world is being held.

As the leader of this meeting, Li Ru did his part and was the first to make the opening remarks.

As a civil servant who surrendered in the Three Kingdoms plane, and was captured as the defeated party, Li Ru did not have much prestige among the new Ming army today, or it should be said that he had no prestige at all.

His current identity is that of one of the heads of the staff department next to Zhu Yuanzhang.

After hearing his words, neither Juzheng, the leader of civil servants, nor Xu Da, the leader of military generals, spoke.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Seeing no reaction from everyone, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but knock the table lightly.

"Don't you understand?"

"Or are you deaf?"

"Do you need me to tell you one by one?" Zhu Yuanzhang said in a low voice.

"Understood, Your Majesty!" Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang speak, and his tone sounded a little angry, for a moment, a group of civil servants and generals who were sitting indifferently below quickly stood up and responded respectfully.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Biao, who was standing behind Zhu Yuanzhang, couldn't help laughing.

Today's Ming Empire can be said to be full of talents, with many civil servants and military generals, and they are all figures who have dominated the country in history, or have been the leading figures in the past.

To be honest, no one like this is willing to be inferior to others.

If another person were to be the emperor, it would be absolutely impossible to suppress these people. If these people were to be forcibly gathered into the court, not only would it be a bad thing, it might even become the source of trouble.

But after all, the current Ming Emperor is Zhu Yuanzhang.

In Lao Zhu's hands, no matter how powerful the civil servants and generals are, they must be tamed.

Including the rebellious Lu Bu, the wily Li Ru, and the naturally arrogant Zhang Juzheng, no one dared to quarrel with Lao Zhu.

Of course, there is a reason for this that Lao Zhu is really ruthless, but more importantly, it is because he has top-notch power and tactics, but he can also lead by example.

As an emperor, Lao Zhu is definitely the most qualified.

Throughout the thousands of years of Chinese history, looking at the emperors of all dynasties, there is almost no one more powerful than Lao Zhu.

For such a character, it is not that his ability can only be the emperor of a feudal dynasty, but that the times have limited him. In that era, he can only be the emperor of a feudal dynasty.

But things are different now. The World Tree game gave Ming Dynasty and Lao Zhu a bigger stage and a broader world. In such a world, the powerful strength and means displayed by Lao Zhu are still overwhelming to everyone.


"Now that you understand, let's do something!"

"Chief Assistant, resource allocation and construction of the giant wall will be coordinated by you. My request will be completed within a month. It will be completed!"

"Xu Da, I'll leave the battlefield outside Donghai City to you. The requirements are the same. Within a month, we don't want to see a zombie break through your defenses. Do you understand?"

"Report to Your Majesty, I understand!"

The two of them agreed respectfully at the same time.

Then it’s time to discuss the details.

The whole meeting lasted for an hour. After the meeting ended, everyone started to take action in a hurry.

To be honest, this meeting can only be regarded as a short meeting. Because the time is too tight, many things have only been briefly discussed. They have only drawn up a brief charter, and how to do it in detail.

Let's discuss it again.

After everyone left, Zhu Yuanzhang took a sip of the tea on the table, pondered for a moment and then said: "Biao'er, call that friend out to meet me!"

"Dear Your Majesty the Emperor!"

"You can call me "Yuan"."

The moment Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, a figure condensed with blue light slowly appeared on the conference table in front of him.

"Is this your original appearance?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked curiously.

"of course not!"

"I am the collective will of the zombie virus. I have no specific form. The reason why I look like this is just to express my respect for His Majesty the Emperor."

Yuan bowed to Zhu Biao politely, while speaking the words he had rehearsed countless times.

"Haha, thank you very much!"

Zhu Yuanzhang continued with an amiable smile on his face: "I heard from Biao'er that it will take you three years to cultivate high-level zombies and have the ability to compete with "One" for control of the zombie virus, right?"

"That's right!"

"I hope that His Majesty the Emperor can help me block the attack of "One". As a condition, I am willing to continuously provide high-quality magic cores for your empire."

"This is far from enough!" Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head.

"You have also seen how much I, Ming, paid in order to stop those zombies."

"Even though the zombies haven't attacked yet, I can already imagine how huge the resources we have to consume are."

"I'm afraid just some magic cores are not enough."

"What does Your Majesty mean?" Yuan asked cautiously.

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "There are millions of zombies in Donghai City. You can control all of them now, right?"


"To be precise, we are a whole, and I am the collective of millions of zombies in Donghai City." Yuan answered extremely seriously.

"very good!"

"The construction plan of the giant wall will require a lot of manpower and material resources. I hope you can command the zombies to help with the construction. If you have one million zombies to help, the construction of the giant wall will definitely be a success."

After hearing these words, Yuan couldn't help but become lighter and smiled: "This is what it should be. Mr. Zhu has mentioned this matter to me before, and I have already agreed and agreed!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in agreement.

"Father, I have prepared all the genetic medicines to unlock the gene lock for you. While the source is here, why not just inject the genetic medicines directly!"

"In this way, he can also take care of you!" Zhu Biao couldn't help but said when he saw that the conversation between Zhu Yuanzhang and Yuan had come to an end.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang's cultivation level is that of a seventh-grade martial artist, and he has also opened the Qi Sea. However, because he is not diligent in cultivation, his cultivation level has not exceeded that of a sixth-grade extraordinary person.

Originally, this matter made Zhu Biao very worried.

After all, the lifespan of a seventh-grade extraordinary person is not much higher than that of ordinary people. Even if Lao Zhu has eaten the life-extending fruit, after so many years, his lifespan has almost come to an end.

But genetic medicine is different. After the injection of six genetic medicines, the six gene locks are opened directly without the need for any further training by Bala. The research of scientific personnel also shows that after the fourth gene lock is opened, the human lifespan will be reduced.

There will be a round of significant improvement in yuan.

For Lao Zhu, the improvement of force is secondary, the most important thing is that the improvement of longevity is real.

This is very important to Lao Zhuke.

As the founder of the Ming Empire, Lao Zhu's existence was of great significance to the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Biao was absolutely unwilling to watch Lao Zhu grow old.

Even if after Lao Zhu dies, the throne can be passed to him and he can become the Ming Emperor in the true sense, he is still unwilling.

The Ming Dynasty can be without itself, but it absolutely cannot be without Zhu Yuanzhang.

Lao Zhu is the soul of the Ming Dynasty today. If Lao Zhu were gone, the Ming Dynasty would never be like it is now, with everyone working together to conquer other worlds.

By then, you don't need to think about it to know that there will definitely be many different voices in the court.

There will definitely be people who are constraining him overtly or covertly.

"Okay!" Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment and nodded directly in agreement.

It's not that he is greedy for the emperor's position, but because the current situation of the Ming Empire cannot be separated from him.

Conquests from different worlds one after another prevented the Ming Empire from resting for a moment.

And starting from the Three Kingdoms plane, conquests in these other worlds have become increasingly difficult.

Just like the Three Kingdoms plane, the war there is still not over yet. If you want to completely turn that plane into a sub-plane of the Ming Dynasty, I'm afraid it won't be possible without hundreds of years of planning and cannibalization step by step.

No one can do these things except yourself.

In other words, no one will do these things for Ming Dynasty wholeheartedly.

There is also the zombie plane that is currently going on. This plane is even more difficult to deal with. Even though he has not yet started to fight against that "one" on a large scale, Zhu Yuanzhang already has a hunch that this plane is not so easy to fight, and it may even be impossible to fight at all.

You can't win.

Judging from his hundreds of years of experience and perspective, the best outcome in this zombie plane is a stalemate, followed by negotiations, and each side gets what they want.

It is probably not realistic to completely conquer this plane and turn it into a sub-plane of the Ming Dynasty.

In such a complicated situation, if he really died, Zhu Biao would probably be unable to survive alone.

The most important thing is that his son will continue to play the World Tree game in the future. It is impossible for him to let Zhu Biao play the dangerous World Tree game while worrying about trivial matters such as the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty, and even scheming with the ministers of the DPRK and China.


That way, no matter how powerful or talented a person is, they will still be unable to bear it.

After all, one person cannot do things in two.

He and Zhu Biao had discussed it privately many times.

Zhu Biao's position in the future is to be the strongest in martial arts, suppressing the Ming Dynasty with force, and focusing all his attention on improving his martial arts cultivation and combat effectiveness.

As for the government affairs of the Ming Dynasty, foreign campaigns, alliances, and even intrigues and intrigues with the ministers in the DPRK, I would do it for Zhu Biao.

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was fully prepared, sat cross-legged in a secret room. Zhu Biao gently injected the first genetic medicine into Zhu Yuanzhang's body.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly and noticed something strange began to appear in his body.

However, this abnormality lasted only for a short time. A few minutes later, Zhu Yuanzhang's aura suddenly condensed, and he quietly opened the first gene lock.

Zhu Biao was not surprised by this. As a seventh-grade warrior, there should be no problem in opening the first three gene locks.

Soon, the first three genetic medicines were all injected into Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Biao didn't stop and took out the fourth gene potion.

"Yuan, I'm counting on you from now on!"

"I want to make sure that my father is safe, do you understand?" Zhu Biao said with a solemn expression.

He and Yuan had done many experiments before, especially people with the same cultivation level as Zhu Yuanzhang. There were no accidents, and even with Yuan's help, there was very little pain.

Only then did Zhu Biao dare to inject the fourth genetic medicine into Zhu Yuanzhang.

And even if an accident occurs, Zhu Biao is not afraid. He has prepared many healing elixirs. As long as he does not die immediately, those elixirs can save the person.

Time passed slowly, and with Yuan's help, the accident did not happen. Zhu Yuanzhang successfully opened the fourth genetic potion.

"Longevity increases by fifty years."

Seeing Lao Zhu slowly opening his eyes, Zhu Biao couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, Biao'er, then you will be a prince for a hundred and fifty years!" Lao Zhu was in a good mood at the moment. He stood up and moved around to adapt to his body, and said with a smile.

"What's wrong with being a prince?"

"Just lie down and practice. Dad will help with everything. It's not too late for me to be happy!"

"You kid!"

Lao Zhu smiled and shook his head. He knew that Zhu Biao was telling the truth.

For a while, Zhu Biao even entertained the idea of ​​giving up the position of prince directly to Zhu Xiongying.

Xiao Zhu was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"After we have blocked the first wave of zombies from attacking the city, we will take your mother over and unlock her genetic lock."

"She has complained to us several times about the white hair growing on her head."

"I don't even think about how old I am. Isn't it normal to have a few gray hairs?"

Hearing Lao Zhu complain about his mother, Zhu Biao laughed and said nothing.

As a son, he couldn't accept this.

This chapter has been completed!
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