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Chapter 268 Shushan Sword Tomb Trial 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

It can be said that war in the supernatural world is completely different from war in the mortal world.

If mortal wars focus more on territory and logistics, then wars in the extraordinary world focus more on individual powerful individuals and resources.

This time, the Six Realms War in Liaozhai World has profoundly revealed this point.

There are no big legion battles where you come and go, there are no armies, and there is no mutual attack on cities and territories. There are just ghosts, demons invading the world unscrupulously, and powerful human extraordinary beings walking out of the paradise of cave heaven, walking around the world and killing them non-stop.

Demons and monsters.

Both sides had a tacit understanding not to attack each other's base, perhaps knowing that they would never be able to attack it.

So the human world has become a battlefield where both sides come and go.

As for the ordinary humans who fell victim to this battlefield, obviously no one cared about it.

To be honest, such a six-realm war greatly exceeded the expectations of Zhu Biao and the countless staff members of the Ming Empire behind him.

Is this really called a war?

This is simply playing house!

But since you plan to completely take root in this world, you must naturally follow the rules of this world.

So soon, Ming's general staff adjusted their mentality and began to study the underlying logic of this so-called Six Realms War.

And learn from their experiences and lessons.

Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Ming Dynasty's observation and participation in this war lasted for thirty years.

In the past thirty years, Wu Sheng Pavilion, with the endorsement of Ming Dynasty, began to develop rapidly in the entire human world. More and more warriors joined it, and Wu Sheng Pavilion also began to squeeze the original sphere of influence of Immortal Buddha and expand itself in the Song Empire.

of influence.

Although the Buddhist and Taoist sects were very dissatisfied with this, in view of the ongoing Six Realms War, in the end those Buddhist and Taoist immortals who were firmly seated in the immortal world did not interfere too much in the development of Wusheng Pavilion. After all, Wusheng Pavilion still appeared on the battlefield of the middle and lower levels.

With great effort.

In other words, although these warriors don't like to use their brains when doing things, they are really easy to use, so naturally they use it first. As for the territory they occupy in the human world, in the eyes of the strong men in the fairy world, this is simply

It's not worth mentioning that Wusheng Pavilion, which does not have top-level combat power, wants to destroy it, which is just a matter of moving a finger.

"I don't think this so-called immortal is anything special!"

At the same time, in the Ming Xumi Fantasy World, an academician raised his head from the vast research materials, exhaled a long breath and spoke with a smile.

"After studying several immortal battle scenes transmitted from the front line, it can now be basically concluded that immortals are not immortal. They just have their bodies and souls completely integrated into one, and their bodies have become perfect. This is why they can

The reason for rebirth by dripping blood."

"But as long as our firepower is strong enough and we can find ways to increase the firepower level and suppress the firepower within a very small range, theoretically we can destroy the immortal body in an instant."

Hearing this, many researchers around him nodded, agreeing with the academician's point of view.

As the understanding of the world of Liaozhai becomes deeper and deeper, especially as the War of the Six Realms continues, immortals also begin to fight each other from time to time. The mysterious veil shrouding this world finally begins to be unveiled bit by bit by the Ming Dynasty.


Then everyone discovered that the immortal, who was previously considered extremely mysterious and unpredictable by everyone, did not seem to be completely invincible.

Even, after precise calculations and deductions, if some special means are used, Ming Dynasty is capable of completely killing the immortals.

The results of this deduction made everyone a little excited for a while.

There were even voices in the court that declared a complete war with the Liaozhai World.

Of course, such voices were quickly suppressed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Even if immortals are not as mysterious as everyone thought before, immortals are still extremely difficult to kill. It is extremely unwise to rashly make enemies of the entire Liaozhai world.

The current infiltration policy will continue unswervingly.

"There are two most important things for us now!"

In the Fengtian Hall of the Ming Dynasty, there was another plenary meeting of the second-rank officials of the Ming Dynasty and above.

Zhu Biao is making a systematic report to Zhu Yuanzhang and these noble people of the Ming Dynasty on the ongoing work in Liaozhai World at this stage.

Such reports are necessary. At the very least, these senior officials who control the actual operation of Ming Dynasty can understand what they are doing, and if they need the cooperation of these departments, what should they do so as not to delay.

Seeing that everyone was listening very carefully, Zhu Biao continued: "The first one is of course Bai Suzhen's immortal calamity!"

"Just two days ago, news came from Bai Suzhen that Xu Xian's lifespan may be coming to an end due to the tightening curse!"

"If nothing goes wrong, Bai Suzhen will complete the final test of the love tribulation after Xu Xian's death and try to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal."

"Although she is not an aborigine of our Ming Dynasty, since she chose to overcome the tribulation in the Ming Dynasty and become an immortal, she is the first immortal in our Ming Dynasty. We must do a good job in protecting and rescuing her to ensure that she successfully overcomes the tribulation.

And when they go through the tribulation, they should record all the data of the immortal tribulation as much as possible to provide detailed experience and guidance for those who come after."

"The second is the contact work with Shushan, the largest sect in the human world. After the staff department invested a lot of manpower and material resources to produce a research report, we finally decided to choose the Shushan Sword Sect as the first big force to contact or even make friends with."

"The true foundation of this great force is not weaker than that of Taoism and Buddhism. It even has a better reputation in the mortal world than the first two, but its real scope of influence is not large. In other words, Shushan does not care too much.

As for the territory of the human world, they have been guarding the Shushan realm where they are and a radius of 100,000 miles since the founding of the sect until now, and will not expand it. Of course, Shushan will not be polite to those who dare to invade."

"As for the reason, it is also very simple. Swordsmanship is difficult to practice. The number of disciples in Shushan has not been large in the past generations. At least there are only two or three people. Just like this generation, there seem to be only two true disciples."

"It is precisely because there are few people that we don't need many resources, and we don't need a large territory to maintain the normal operation of the sect."

"Of course, don't underestimate Shushan just because it has a small number of people. As long as you can be ranked as a true disciple of Shushan, you have a 30% chance of surviving the immortal calamity and becoming a generation of sword immortals."

"This kind of success rate is difficult for any force to match."

"According to our research, the reason why it has such a high immortality rate is related to its core inheritance sword tomb trial."

"If you want to become a true disciple of Shushan, the only requirement is to enter the Sword Tomb and obtain the recognition of the master of an immortal sword."

"And this sword tomb trial is not limited to Shushan disciples, anyone can go and try it."

"This is also the reason why we want to contact Shushan first, because in seven years there will be another Shushan Sword Tomb trial. At that time, I will go to Shushan in person to participate in this Sword Tomb trial. Not only me, I

Daming will go with twenty-six people this time."

"In addition, according to the information we have received, Taoist sects, Buddhist sects, and even demons and ghosts will send their talented juniors to participate."

"The purpose is also very clear. He wants to bring Shushan to his side."

"Even if it doesn't work, we must ensure that Shushan is absolutely neutral and will not get involved in this Six Realms War."

"And our purpose is actually the same. We want to completely bind Shushan and Wusheng Pavilion on a warship. Only in this way can Wusheng Pavilion truly gain a foothold in the Liaozhai world without using the true heritage of the Ming Dynasty."

After the meeting was over, Zhu Biao first went to take a look at the current residences of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian.

At this moment, Bai Suzhen has completely changed from what she was thirty years ago. Not only does her appearance change into that of an old woman, but even her aura has deteriorated terribly.

Her original peak cultivation level of God Transformation has declined to the Foundation Establishment Realm. Zhu Biao asked Bai Suzhen that this is not an illusion. Her current cultivation level is really only the Foundation Establishment Realm, and her appearance has not changed, but

This is what it really looks like.

Now, if she meets any minor foundation-building cultivator, she can easily kill her.

This is the real horror of love disaster.

In other words, the so-called love disaster is not about fighting and killing. The most dangerous thing is actually the tempering of the human heart. If you cannot survive it, you will probably be trapped in it for the rest of your life, and the final result will be death.

This is because Bai Suzhen is now in Ming Dynasty and Nanjing City, and her own safety can be perfectly guaranteed.

If Bai Suzhen is still in the world of Liaozhai at this moment, then she will not only have to go through the test of refining her heart in the world of mortals, but she will also have to worry about dangers from the outside world that appear all the time.

That is the most terrifying and unreasonable thing.

"Miss Xiaoqing, why are you so depressed?" He glanced at the state of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen from a distance. Zhu Biao did not show up to disturb their peaceful life. He was about to leave when he suddenly glanced at the bored man in the distance.

Xiao Qing held her chin in a daze.

"It's boring, living is really boring!" Xiao Qing glanced at Zhu Biao, her expression and movements didn't change at all, and sighed.


"Miss Xiaoqing, aren't you planning to commit suicide?" Zhu Biao asked in surprise.

"How can it be!"

"I'm talking about my sister and Xu Xian. I don't understand, how can they endure the life they live like now?"

"Watching each other motionless all day long, what's the point of living like this? It's better to just die!" Xiao Qing said irritably.

"Everyone has his or her own way of living. We have not experienced what they have experienced, so naturally we will not understand their happiness. There is a saying that is like arsenic to others and medicine to me. This is the truth."

"But I was present for everything my sister and Xu Xian went through!"

"Isn't this just a love disaster? Why is it that I'm dying now?" Xiao Qing said very puzzled.

"This is the tribulation of immortality!"

"Is there any simple immortality tribulation?"

Seeing Xiao Qing's still angry look, Zhu Biao couldn't help but smile and said: "I think you are just free. I'm afraid your sister and Xu Xian will remain like this for a long time. How about you accompany me to Shushan in your world?"

How about having some fun?”

"Going to Shushan?"

"What to do?" Xiaoqing asked curiously.

"The Sword Tomb Trial in Shushan Mountain!"

"In a few years, the century-old Sword Tomb Trial will begin. By then, the strongest men from the six realms will gather in Shushan. This will be the biggest event in the past hundred years. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Yes, I have!"

Xiao Qing immediately became energetic: "But do you dare to go?"

"At that time, an immortal will definitely appear. Your Highness, the Crown Prince of another world, is not afraid that the immortal will discover your identity and eat you alive?" Xiao Qing said with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, if I don't make complete preparations, how could I dare to go!"

"You should understand that I am actually very afraid of death." Zhu Biao had a calm smile on his face.

"In that case, when will we set off?" Xiao Qing looked forward to it.

Even Zhu Biao, the crown prince of another world, dares to go. Why doesn't she, a peak-level pill-forming snake demon who was born and raised in the Liaozhai world, not dare to go?

"Now!" Zhu Biao waved his hand directly, and a white cloud slowly rose under the two people's feet, taking them to the distant space channel at an extremely fast speed.

Three days later, Zhu Biao and Xiao Qing appeared together in Luoyang City, the sacred capital of the Song Dynasty.

This is the first time Zhu Biao has come to Luoyang. The prosperity of the capital city in front of him is no less than that of Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty, and there are heavy traces of extraordinary power here. Extraordinary beings can be seen everywhere in the sky and on the ground moving magical weapons. Mortal people on the ground

I'm already used to this.

Zhu Biao was not surprised at how prosperous Luoyang was.

The ordinary extraordinary world is like this. Where extraordinary people live, its level of prosperity can even be comparable to modern society. What modern society can have, such an extraordinary world can also have.

For example, a phone or a communication jade slip can be easily handled. For example, a car or a flying magic weapon can not only run on the ground but even fly in the sky. Some high-quality flying magic weapons even have automatic navigation systems.

But such scenes only appear in some big cities where extraordinary people exist. In some towns where only mortals live, the living standards are the same as in ancient times.

In the extraordinary world, the gap between the rich and the poor is even greater, and it is so huge that it makes people desperate. For ordinary mortals, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback in such a world.

To be honest, civilizations like the Ming Dynasty that developed both civilized technology and extraordinary power are one of the few alternative civilizations.

Because the power of science and technology is the only way for ordinary people to master extraordinary power. Anyone in power with a clear enough mind knows that if they want to keep their rights from being eroded, the only way to cut off the power of science and technology and prevent ordinary people from resisting the extraordinary is to protect themselves.

The power in your hands is fundamental to being able to last for a long time.

But this common sense has no effect on Zhu Yuanzhang, especially after experiencing four or five extraordinary worlds.

It has the confidence and strength to make the Ming Dynasty prosper in an orderly manner no matter how the Ming Empire develops.

This chapter has been completed!
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