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Chapter 389 Believers

Huge spiritual consciousness swept past.

Tathagata Buddha quickly and quietly let his consciousness circle around the entire Sun City.

Countless people's conversations, dialogues, and even the memories in consciousness all entered the mind of Tathagata Buddha in categories.

His consciousness was like a high-speed running host computer. In the blink of an eye, he completely classified and organized this information, and selected the parts that were more beneficial to him.

Although he has not entered this city yet, he is already completely familiar with it.

A warm smile appeared on his face, he clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, and walked into the big city step by step.

The rise of Buddhism again started from this great city.

"Eh...!" Wu Shan, who was on duty at the door, couldn't help but be startled when he saw the man coming towards him.

He is thirty-two years old this year. Because he has no spiritual roots, he cannot take the path of cultivating immortals. However, he is very talented in martial arts. He has practiced martial arts for twenty years and is now a fourth-level martial artist.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to join the guard of this big city and become a guard of Sun City.

He thought he was well-informed, but he was still very surprised today because a legendary monk actually appeared in front of him.

Yes, monks with no hair on their heads are now considered a rare breed in Hezhou, Xiniu.

After all, nearly a hundred years have passed since Tathagata Buddha disappeared with the entire Lingshan Mountain. For immortals, especially top golden immortals like Tathagata Buddha, a hundred years is just a retreat, but for mortals, this is already

Three or four generations have passed.

Just like Wu Shan, he has been in this Sun City since he was born, and the same is true for his father. When he was a child, he heard his grandfather mention that this was the Great Leiyin Temple of Buddhism.

But even so, he still had no feeling for the huge force that was once popular in Hezhou, Xiniu. He really couldn't imagine what the so-called paradise would be like.

In his opinion, Sun City is already an excellent place here.

Here he can not only have enough food and clothing, but also live a good life. He feels that this is his paradise. He does not miss Buddhism and has no yearning for the so-called paradise without pain or hunger.

"My friend, are you... a monk?" Although countless thoughts flashed through his mind at this moment, Wu Shan still asked politely.

"That's right, the poor monk, whose name is Tathagata, came here specially to preach. I wonder if it is allowed?" Tathagata Buddha said with a smile.

"Of course, Sun City's laws do not prohibit anyone from spreading religious beliefs!"

"We generally have no restrictions on religion!"

"Of course, I would also like to remind you that it is okay to spread religion in Sun City, but it is forbidden to use any temptations, or transcendent spells and magical powers. The formations in the entire Sun City are aware of this. If someone is found using magic

If you use the law to deal with ordinary people, or fight privately, don't blame our law enforcement team for being ruthless!" Wu Shan said solemnly.

"Of course, the poor monk must abide by the laws here!" Tathagata Buddha had already learned all about this city just now, so naturally he had no reaction to Wu Shan's warning.

He quietly bowed to Wu Shan and entered the city directly.

Before, I just browsed through it quietly with my consciousness, but now that I really walked into this city, Tathagata Buddha still noticed the difference between this city and the usual cities in the Three Realms.

The people here are very wealthy, with big smiles on their faces. There is not a single beggar or a hungry person on the road. I am always in a hurry, as if I have endless things to do.

The Tathagata Buddha's eyes flashed with golden light, and he wanted to use his magical power to take a closer look at the city.

But as soon as he used his magical power, he noticed ripples flickering around him.

This is an early warning type of magic circle, and its sensitivity is extremely high. Now that he is the master of the world, he casts a detection spell, but it is still detected. This immediately made Tathagata Buddha frown slightly.

He couldn't help but stop using the spell.

After all, he came here secretly, and he didn't want to attract the attention of the entire Ming Empire just yet.

"Since you can't use your magical powers, let's take a good look at this city with your eyes!"

Tathagata Buddha did not have any disappointed expression, he walked step by step in the city.

He believes that even the perfect system must have flaws, and what he has to do is to find this flaw and then disintegrate the city's cohesion bit by bit.

He can feel that this city is already producing the power of human destiny, which means that this city has been recognized by the laws of heaven, and what he has to do is to let this recognition dissipate, and then reveal miracles to let those

Mortals, whether they are cultivators or immortals, must once again show reverence for Buddhism.

Soon he found a target, an old man who was walking hard.

The old man was wearing coarse linen clothes and was guarding a stall. On the stall were some first-level spiritual herbs, which he probably grew himself.

But from the looks of it, business probably isn't very good.

The reason why Tathagata Buddha noticed him was because she had a Bodhisattva jade pendant hanging around her neck, and this jade pendant had been enlightened by Buddhism and was blessed with magical power. Although this blessing had already

Extremely weak. After all, this jade pendant has some thoughts at first glance. I am afraid it is at least a hundred years old.

Tathagata Buddha watched for a while and finally walked up on his own initiative.

"Old lady, what are you selling?" Tathagata Buddha asked with a smile.


"Does this master need it?" Luan Hongyu asked with hope.

"I want all these grasses. Grandma, can you talk to me for a while?" Tathagata Buddha waved his robe, and several spiritual stones appeared in front of the old woman. He asked with a smile.

"Okay, master, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask!" Luan Hongyu put the spirit stone away with surprise on her face, and then asked with a happy face.

"I wonder, mother-in-law, have you ever heard of Buddhism?" Tathagata Buddha asked.

"Buddhism?" Luan Hongyu was stunned when she heard this, and a trace of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

"Of course I have heard of it. I was a devout Buddhist believer when I was a child!"

Luan Hongyu sighed and said.

In the Three Realms, due to the aura of heaven and earth, mortals here generally live a long life. As long as they do not encounter any harm that shortens their lifespan, it is very easy to live over one hundred and twenty years old.

Luan Hongyu is one hundred and thirty-three years old this year. Although he is just an ordinary person from beginning to end, his body is still very strong.

"When you were a kid?"

Tathagata Buddha was keenly aware of the meaning of Luan Hongyu's words.

"Mother-in-law is saying that you no longer believe in Buddhism, right?" Tathagata Buddha said with a smile.

He actually expected this result because he had been in seclusion for nearly a hundred years.

For such a long time, he basically would not respond to believers, and those former Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats were all refined by him and became part of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. Naturally, it was impossible for him to respond to believers, and

Naturally, no one will believe in Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats who cannot respond.

"Of course I believe it!"

"But that's all. Faith is no longer everything in my life. I have a granddaughter who is very talented. Although she has just started school, she has already shown some talents in cultivation. I want to take good care of her.

Earning spiritual stones means that she won't have to worry about food and clothing in the early stages, and naturally won't have much time to worship the Buddha!" ​​Luan Hongyu said.

"I see!"

Tathagata Buddha smiled confidently. As long as people have greed, obsession and needs, there will be soil for the existence of Buddha. This kind of thing is unavoidable. This was the same even in the Ming Empire.

"Grandma, which Buddha do you believe in?" Tathagata Buddha asked.

Although he has refined all Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas so far, and he can establish contact with followers of other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, he is still very curious about this one who has not received feedback from the Buddha for a hundred years.

But who does my mother-in-law believe in Buddhism?

"Of course it's Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Luan Hongyu smiled, said nothing more, turned around and walked away hobblingly.

Tathagata Buddha didn't say anything. When he knew that Luan Hongyu was about to disappear, he finally spoke.

"Mother-in-law, maybe the Tathagata Buddha has returned now. You can try to pray again. Maybe you just need to worship sincerely, and all the difficulties that plague your life will completely disappear?"

When Luan Hongyu heard this, she couldn't help but be startled. She slowly turned around, wanting to take another look at this strange monk, but when he looked back, he found that the monk had disappeared.

This made her feel a little confused.

When he was a child, the place where she lived was still called Tianzhu. At that time, she would often hear legends about people who were given various spiritual objects by the Buddha because of their pious faith.

When her life was most difficult, she also tried it devoutly, but unfortunately, she did not get any response from the Buddha.

Gradually this kind of prayer came to nothing.

After all, there are not many people who believe in Buddhism in this city, and there is no atmosphere of belief.

People in this city are very busy, busy earning spiritual stones, busy practicing, and doing all kinds of things. In this city, people believe that what you pay will be rewarded, instead of kneeling before the statue of the god.

A humble prayer.

However, Luan Hongyu had no scruples about this, after all, she was originally a Buddhist believer.

At this moment, hearing Tathagata Buddha's reminder and thinking of his miracles, Luan Hongyu was a little excited. She felt that she might have become the person chosen by the Buddha.

Such people were extremely powerful a hundred years ago. It could even be said that such people were the spokespersons of Buddha in the human world.

This is a huge temptation for her.

After returning home, she excitedly took out a statue of Tathagata Buddha and began to pray devoutly.

She is praying to the Buddha for a miracle so that her child can show more talents and be favored by more people. She prays that she can be free from illness and disaster, and can help her granddaughter grow up more.

And the moment she started to pray, Tathagata Buddha in Sun City immediately felt something.

As soon as he thought about it, a force of faith was fed back to Luan Hongyu through the mysterious connection.

If the power of faith generated by Luan Hongyu's prayer this time is one, then the power of faith fed back by Tathagata Buddha is ten thousand.

This is of course a loss-making business, but after all, it is no longer the time when Buddhism was the dominant family in Xiniu Hezhou a hundred years ago. Now Xiniu Hezhou Buddhism has even become a symbol, and has no meaning other than that.


Naturally, this is the first believer to whom he prays, and he wants to give him better and more rewards.

In an instant, Luan Hongyu sensed the changes in her body. His dark spiritual roots that had not been activated were automatically activated with the blessing of these powers of faith. In an instant, she changed from a mortal to an immortal cultivator.

"This... this is simply unbelievable!" Luan Hongyu couldn't believe it when she felt the power in her body and the top-quality spiritual stone that slowly emerged in front of her, but she soon became excited.

"It turns out it's true. This is a gift from the Buddha!" ​​Luan Hongyu's excited face turned red in an instant.

This was nothing short of a miracle for her.

"Your Majesty, are we really looking at him like this?" In the sky above Sun City, ever since Tathagata Buddha came and used his spiritual consciousness to explore Sun City, Zhu Yuanzhang had actually noticed it. He directly called Sun Wukong up and they came together.

He arrived at Sun City and quietly observed his every move.

Although Tathagata Buddha is now the Lord of the world, there is a secret magic circle above Sun City. Zhu Yuanzhang and Sun Wukong are hiding in it and completely restraining their aura. Even Tathagata Buddha cannot find it at all.

After all, even though his life level has improved now, his strength is still the same, and it has not caused any qualitative changes.

Hearing Sun Wukong's culture at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help laughing: "It doesn't matter, we can't prevent this kind of thing. Even if we drive this Buddha away this time, we now have more than a thousand in the four major continents."

The city is simply unable to prevent him from going to other cities. If he had not used a wide range of spiritual consciousness to explore Sun City beforehand, we would not have been able to discover him this time. Knowing where he is is more disappointing than not being able to find him.

Peace of mind."

Having said this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but smile: "Besides, I also believe that my people, after a hundred years of subtle education, are no longer the ignorant people they once were, and they are not so easily fooled by this Buddha.


"Then what if he uses Buddhism?"

Sun Wukong blinked and asked.

He knew how terrifying Buddhism's Buddhist teachings were. If Tathagata Buddha really did not dare to ignore the practice of Buddhism, then this big city would become his devout believer in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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