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Chapter 408 Nine Golden Crows


If there is no spiritual surge, its surface temperature can reach 6,000 degrees. Not to mention humans, even the hardest alloy metal that humans can create will instantly melt if placed on it.

But after the spiritual surge occurred, the temperature on it not only did not increase, but actually dropped.

The temperature in some places even dropped by thousands of degrees.

And these places are basically the places where spiritual surges occur.

Of course, most areas on the sun's surface are still hot, but because the sun's area is huge enough, only one ten thousandth or even one hundred thousandth of the place's temperature decreases, and its apparent area is already very large, even larger than

Getting up from the moon is no less difficult.

In such a huge spiritual surge area, powerful innate beings will naturally be born.

And because the sun itself is emitting flames all the time, the innate creatures here have innate fire spiritual power, and their strength grows extremely fast.

In just a few decades, some innate beings have advanced from the realm of divine transformation to earthly immortals.

And he is also an extremely powerful Earth Immortal.

And now on the sun, there are nine innate beings from the Earthly Immortal Realm who are the most powerful.

This is a nine-headed firebird, each head is burning with fierce flames, and each has only one foot. It looks very much like the legendary Golden Crow.

At first, these firebirds only moved within the sun, but after they advanced to the Earth Fairy Realm, they began to be dissatisfied with the sun and began to fly out of the sun toward the starry sky farther away.

And as soon as they flew out from the sun, scientists on the earth immediately made a discovery.

In their most advanced radio telescopes, these extremely dazzling fireballs were quickly discovered.

Although these fireballs are not large, the light they emit is extremely dazzling. Viewed from a radio telescope, it is as if there are nine more suns suddenly appearing in the universe.

Such a myth-like scene instantly shocked all humans in the world.

The most important thing is that they observed through radio telescopes that these nine suns are actually moving slowly towards the earth.

This discovery immediately made everyone panic.

Especially in China, the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun is widely circulated. Now, the sudden appearance of nine suns is to recreate the scene of nine suns shining in the sky in ancient mythology.

But the most important thing now is that although the nine suns have appeared, there is still no shadow of Hou Yi!

On the earth today, although there have been many extraordinary beings, most of them are still practicing Qi and building foundations, and the strongest person in the country is only at the Dan Formation stage.

And such existence is still rare.

But how could such an existence be able to withstand the nine suns that can be called the reappearance of myths?

"What should I do?" This is the question and panic that arises in the hearts of all humans on the entire planet.

Then they set their sights on the moon again.

Nowadays, all the major countries on the earth and the top leaders of the major forces know that a powerful immortal is living on the moon. He is also a human being, and he ascended from the earth.

After knowing that such an immortal gave up the earth and instead regarded the moon as his dojo, the major countries and forces breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if such a person with such a sense of oppression remains on Earth, he will be a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all major countries and forces.

Although everyone knows that such a sharp sword will never fall, it still makes everyone feel terrified.

And when this immortal left the earth and ran to the moon, everyone immediately felt a sense of security.

Of course, everyone is still in awe of this immortal. Even the current situation of peaceful coexistence and common development of all countries is due to the tacit approval of this immortal. The political structure before the emergence of the spirit surge still remains on the earth, and even some countries still have ordinary people.

Governance is also a pressure put on by this immortal.

These pressures, if there is no danger, will naturally make people feel a little unhappy.

But now that the crisis is imminent, it makes people feel that it is their only life-saving straw.

Some people have even begun to call for countries to quickly launch moon landing spacecraft, go to the moon to pay homage to the immortal, and tell the current situation.

But such calls are obviously nonsense.

After all, today's space is no longer the realm of nothingness it once was. There are many kinds of innate beings in space now. A spaceship may not even be able to fly to the moon before it will be destroyed by those innate beings.

The living beings were directly destroyed.

And soon, everyone placed their hopes on the few strong men in the Dan Formation Realm on earth.

After all, a strong person in the Dan Formation Realm can theoretically leave the atmosphere and walk in space with his own body.

But it is even more unreliable to rely on a strong person in the Dan Formation Realm to cross the void to the moon. Zhu Biao was able to do this back then, but not all strong people in the Dan Formation Realm can do it.

The major forces on Earth, and even the common people, spent seven days in noisy and heated discussions.

For seven days, various forces on earth have been trying hard to contact Zhu Biao, but Zhu Biao did not respond to them.

In fact, he discovered the movements of the nine Golden Crows earlier than those people. The fact that there has been no movement these days is not because he has a plan in mind, nor is it because he is not prepared to take care of this matter, but because he has been sitting and preparing.

The nine Golden Crows, and the nine Earthly Immortal-level Golden Crows, can be said to be the most powerful opponents Zhu Biao has encountered since returning to the real world.

Although he had killed the innate creatures in the Earthly Immortal Realm before, he met nine of them at once, and they were nine Golden Crows, which he had never encountered before.

To be honest, Zhu Biao was not sure of defeating these nine guys.

So he has been preparing these days.

In an original crater on the moon, a huge ice lake has been formed here due to the spiritual surge. The ice lake is the name given to it by Zhu Biao. In fact, there is not a drop of water in it, and there is endless water.

The extremely negative atmosphere.

These extremely yin auras are formed by the gathering of extremely yin auras produced after the death of the innate beings born in spiritual surges on the moon.

The temperature of these extremely yin gases is extremely low, even reaching thousands of degrees below zero. In such an environment, even Zhu Biao cannot stay in it for much longer.

The moment he discovered those golden crows, or even before he discovered them, Zhu Biao was already paying attention to this extremely yin atmosphere.

And after discovering those golden crows, he made up his mind even more.

He has been here these days.

He used the knowledge from his previous life to build a huge formation here.

He wants to refine all the extremely yin energy here into a set of bows and arrows.

The legendary ice bow and arrow.

Then he recreated the mythical Hou Yi and shot the nine golden crows directly into the void.

As time passed day by day, watching the nine suns getting closer and closer through the radio telescope, the humans on the earth suddenly became more and more confused. Some people even calculated the arrival of these nine golden crows based on their previous traveling speed.

It only takes two months on earth.

That is to say, if there is no way to stop them, the earth will be destroyed in two months.

This suddenly caused chaos on the entire earth.

Zhu Biao ignored this at all. He had been in seclusion on the moon to build ice bows and mysterious arrows. The Nine-Headed Golden Crow on the other side also had no idea that their whim actions would affect people hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Those congenital beings on the earth have caused such a huge oppression.

In fact, their first target was not aimed at the Earth, they were aimed at Mercury.

Because Mercury is the closest to the sun, and the temperature on it is also quite high, so most of the innate beings living here are also innate beings with the fire attribute.

As the supreme powerhouses born from the fire attribute, these Golden Crows are naturally the most sensitive to fire attribute creatures, so naturally Mars becomes the first place they want to conquer.

In fact, these Golden Crows are still extremely simple. Although their cultivation is already in the Earthly Immortal Realm, they are actually born only a few years ago. What's more, they have been living on the sun since they were born, and they have nothing else to do except practice and fight.

, naturally there are not so many twists and turns in my heart.

For them, the weak must be conquered by the strong.

And this time they flew out of the sun to conquer the weak and make themselves stronger at the same time.

This is the instinct of living beings, especially extraordinary beings.

Although Mercury is not big, there are also strong people at the Earth Immortal level on it. There are two such strong people in total.

These are two huge innate creatures that are similar to dogs, with their whole bodies burning with flames.

After discovering that the nine-headed golden crow had broken into their territory, the two fire dogs immediately burst out with fighting intent and fought with the nine-headed golden crow.

The battle between the two sides lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the two fire dogs were devoured by the nine golden crows, and the entire Mercury was plundered by the nine golden crows.

All innate creatures above the Nascent Soul level were swallowed by the Golden Crow, while some extraordinary creatures below the Nascent Soul escaped.

Of course, on Mercury, which has a harsh living environment, there are almost no extraordinary beings below the Nascent Soul level.

Naturally, the Golden Crows didn't care about this, and they chattered to each other to show off the various magic treasures they had obtained from Mercury.

Obviously, although they still seem a little naive at the moment, they still have the instinct to strengthen themselves. For this kind of law spirit treasure left behind by the roar of the innate beings in the God Transformation Realm, they naturally know that it can enhance their own combat effectiveness.

Nowadays, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has a lot of magical treasures of various laws in its hands.

These legal treasures are all artifacts of various shapes created by them according to their own preferences.

Of course, as innate beings born from the sun, their favorite thing is flames, and most of those law spirit treasures also contain the law of fire. Naturally, there are all kinds of flames around them.

After the nine guys swept through Mercury, they didn't stay long before they started heading towards Venus.

They have now gradually developed a sense of territory, and the entire solar system has become their territory by default.

At least this is the case for the planets closest to the sun.

If Zhu Biao had not appeared, the earth would definitely become their territory. Regardless of whether humans had been enslaved by the innate creatures on the earth before, they would definitely be enslaved by these Golden Crows at this time.

Even the modernization of the entire earth will be destroyed in one day, and human beings will even be in danger of extinction. After all, there is no doubt about the powerful mother of the Golden Crow. The sudden arrival of nine such powerful guys on the earth will cause a devastating blow to the ecological balance of the earth.

At the very least, when they come to the earth, all the food and trees on the earth will probably become natural immediately, except of course the extraordinary beings.

Perhaps by then, even if humanity on earth does not perish, it will completely transform into a new ecological environment ruled by extraordinary beings.

But things are different now.

Because Zhu Biao is back.

Time passed quietly, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

The Golden Crows have arrived at Venus and carried out a bloodbath on the innate creatures on it.

This time, because a powerful innate creature on it injured a Golden Crow, the Golden Crows became furious and directly killed all the creatures on Venus. Originally, a simple ecological environment was forming on Venus, but now it has changed in the blink of an eye.

It became a death star.

Because Venus is relatively close to the earth, this scene was captured by the powerful forces on the earth using radio telescopes. They even captured the scene of nine golden crows fighting with the innate creatures of the Earth Fairyland above Venus.

Such an explosion of power, to be honest, makes everyone who sees it feel a little desperate.

Such power cannot be dealt with even by atomic bombs.

Although it is possible to hurt the Golden Crow, those big forces have lost their courage now.

After all, they had witnessed the scenes on Venus with their own eyes. If the Golden Crow was hurt and those guys became furious, it would be possible to wash away the earth with blood.

Humanity will really perish by then.

Such huge pressure makes everyone on the planet feel unable to breathe.

Some countries have even surrendered to the Golden Crow in advance and held sacrifices on the ground in the hope that the Golden Crow can raise their noble hands and free the earth.

Zhu Biao naturally saw this. He had now returned to the earth, but instead of landing on the ground, he was in outer space, closing his eyes and recharging his energy, waiting for the arrival of the nine Golden Crows.

He is ready, just waiting for a fight.

The reason why he chooses the battlefield here is actually very simple. This is the earth, his root, and with the blessing of the fate of all humans on the earth, he will become stronger, at least his strength will be improved.


This will be his greatest support.

We cannot wait any longer and must give hope to all human beings.

Zhu Biao murmured to himself, and with a thought, a huge amount of spiritual consciousness suddenly burst out, covering the entire earth in one fell swoop.

This chapter has been completed!
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