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Chapter 412 Night Race

Speaking of which, this is the first time such a large-scale gathering of innate beings has occurred in the solar system since the emergence of spiritual emergence.

Of course, it is somewhat inaccurate to say that all of them are congenital beings. After all, Zhu Biao is not an innate being.

He is the only acquired creature entering the sun this time.

But he had to come.

This fire phoenix is ​​too powerful. In such a world where the strong are respected, if he does not come, he will directly provoke the fire phoenix, and it is very likely that the entire human race will be besieged by all the innate creatures.

The reason why those innate creatures did not dare to touch Zhu Biao before was because Zhu Biao was strong enough.

But now if there is a powerful innate being taking the lead, Zhu Biao feels that those innate beings in the solar system may not have any mercy on him.

After all, he is actually an alien in their eyes.

After Zhu Biao and the black hole entered the sun, they immediately felt the fire spiritual power coming towards them.

This place is indeed the center of the entire solar system, and the fire spiritual power is indeed extremely rich.

It’s no wonder that nine golden crows and powerful beings like the fire phoenix were born one after another.

I am afraid that such a powerful existence is the best in the entire solar system.

"Human?" Suddenly, the moment Zhu Biao stepped onto the surface of the sun, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Zhu Biao couldn't help but shudder, but he didn't expect Fire Phoenix to talk to him.

"It's me!" Zhu Biao raised his hands toward the void. Although his attitude was very respectful, he didn't really grovel. He just didn't want to irritate the fire phoenix.

"Did you shoot those seven Golden Crows?" Suddenly, in front of Zhu Biao, the flames suddenly condensed, and a man with a flame mark between his eyebrows appeared.

This man looked a little feminine. To be precise, it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman. His hair was blue, but his eyes were burning with blazing flames, and his clothes were also bright yellow flame robes.

This combination of clothes makes him look extremely charming.

When Zhu Biao heard this, he couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

He was thinking about the reason why the Fire Phoenix suddenly asked himself this question.

"I killed him!" Zhu Biao finally chose to tell the truth.

He raised his head and looked at the strong man in front of him.

"Interesting, you are interesting!"

"Humans are interesting too!"

Huo Fenghuang looked at Zhu Biao condescendingly and said with a smile: "To be honest, I didn't expect that you dared to come to the sun. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

After all, the two golden crows who had a deep hatred against Zhu Biao have been tossing around the sun and brought many disasters to the earth. However, Zhu Biao has not been to the sun even once in the past hundred years.

But he didn't expect that this time he would actually come because of his summons.

"Huang Zun will not kill me!"

Zhu Biao also had a smile on his face: "If you kill me and there are no humans, then the solar system will become a little too boring. I think although humans are not innate creatures, they still have their role."

In fact, these are just some remarks.

For Zhu Biao, there is only one reason why he dares to come here, and that is that he is confident that even if Huofeng really wants to kill him, he can escape.

After all, he now has an innate spiritual treasure, the banana fan.

Of course, this banana fan is still different from the banana fan from the Three Realms.

This is an innate spiritual treasure made by Zhu Biao using the fire feathers of the seven-headed golden crow he shot.

With this treasure protecting him, it can be said that he will not die above the sun.

"Haha, interesting, you are indeed interesting!" In the end, Fire Phoenix did not embarrass Zhu Biao too much, but turned around and disappeared.

Zhu Biao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

He felt a little relieved at the moment.

Since this fire phoenix is ​​willing to talk to him, and even met him in advance, the possibility of attacking him and killing him is much smaller. Maybe this time is also an opportunity for human beings to continue to develop and grow.

Zhu Biao thought.

To be honest, of course he is not willing to completely break up with Huo Phoenix now.

Although he is confident that he can escape from the Fire Phoenix even if there is a conflict, he knows very well that even if he can escape, humans on the earth cannot escape. By then, the Fire Phoenix will most likely become angry.

They will take it out on the people on Earth, and may even directly exterminate humanity.

This is also what Zhu Biao is worried about.

If he didn't have to break it, he really wouldn't do it.

He still prefers to cooperate with this phoenix on some things first.

Zhu Biao and the black hole arrived early. After they arrived, they didn't move around too much. They just found a place above the sun to practice. At the same time, they waited quietly.

Time passed day by day, and soon more and more innate powerful people came to the sun. Most of them were from the earthly immortal realm, but there were also heavenly immortals.

Although Zhu Biao has been closing his eyes to rest, he has also been paying attention to these guys.

Because the solar system is too vast, Zhu Biao has never explored the universe beyond Mars.

He only had a rough idea of ​​what kind of innate beings there were.

But today, these things hidden deep in the universe finally crawled out at once.

This also allowed him to finally have a deeper, in vitro understanding of these guys.

Half a month later, there were as many as sixty-two innate beings gathered above the sun, and half of them were from the heavenly realm.

Seeing this scene, to be honest, Zhu Biao was a little emotional.

The current era is indeed the era of innate beings. In such an era, those innate beings are born with Qi and possess some at birth, just like the flaming phoenix of the Supreme Being.

He was born with innate talent, and it would take at least a hundred years for Zhu Biao to reach the heavenly realm.

This is because Zhu Biao understands these realms and can naturally make optimal solutions for himself.

But those ordinary mortals do not have such luck and talent. If they want to be strong in the heavenly realm, it will probably take at least a hundred years in such an era.

Such a world is so unfair to human beings.

But there is nothing he can do, because this is the general trend of heaven and earth.

Fire Phoenix naturally didn't know what Zhu Biao was thinking. He was still in a good mood now. After all, as soon as he said hello, all the innate experts in the entire solar system came over.

This is so honorable to me!

But his ambitions don't stop there.

Moreover, he did not really call these innate beings here for his own vanity.

"Very good, I'm very happy that you can come to Sun Star!"

"I called everyone here today. Actually, I only have one thing to do, and that is to establish rules, rules for our entire solar system!" Fire Phoenix said in a deep voice.

No one below spoke, they were all listening carefully to what the Phoenix had to say.

But to be honest, everyone, including Zhu Biao, disagreed. No matter how powerful the Fire Phoenix was, it was only one person after all. It was simply impossible for him to set rules for the entire solar system just by himself.


Perhaps these things can still be achieved on a few planets close to the sun, but as long as they are farther away, no one will really care about the rules of Fire Phoenix.

Even though he hasn't disclosed what his rules are yet.

Huo Fenghuang above was still talking in an orderly manner, while Zhu Biao below was also standing there expressionless and listening.

Suddenly, an innate creature shrouded in black robes below abruptly interrupted Huo Fenghuang's words.

"Of course it's okay for you, Emperor, to set rules for the entire solar system. My ancient tribe is the first to agree with this, but now there are more important things to deal with. If this matter is not dealt with, then the innate creatures of our entire solar system will suffer.

No matter what happens, all the creatures born after tomorrow will suffer disaster." The black shadow spoke with a sonorous and powerful voice.


"What do you mean?" Phoenix asked.

"It's because in the outermost ring of the solar system, a kind of innate lifeform, the Night Clan, was born. This is a very powerful race, and every individual is very powerful. Wherever they go, they will be affected by this wave of heaven and earth, and the entire space.

Everything will turn into darkness, and although they are also innate creatures like us, they are completely different. They like to live in darkness."

"Just ten years ago, they had already launched attacks on our planets that are relatively far away from the sun. At least two planets in the outer reaches of the solar system have been completely occupied by the night tribe, and they have been completely shrouded in darkness."

Speaking of this, the black figure was silent for a moment and continued: "And they are still coming deep into the solar system. Obviously they want to occupy the entire solar system."

After hearing this, many of the innate beings present couldn't help but fell silent.

To be honest, Zhu Biao had heard about the Night Clan, but after all, the distance between the two parties was far enough. Zhu Biao had never seen these things before, so he didn't pay much attention to them, but he didn't expect that the situation had changed.

It became like this.

"What's your name?" Phoenix asked in a deep voice.


"Emperor of the Solar System, I think you should call on us innate creatures, or even humans on the third planet, as soon as possible to contend with the Night Clan and destroy them. Only in this way can we have a chance to continue to exist in the Solar System."

Gu Yi continued to speak.

Phoenix couldn't help but narrow his eyes after hearing his words.

Phoenix still believed this guy's words. He had also felt that the dark spiritual power in the outer reaches of the solar system was growing rapidly, and there was nothingness outside the solar system. The nearest galaxy to the solar system was only a few light years away.

And such a distance is impossible for these innate creatures today to cross no matter what.

In the void, although there are also spiritual surges, there are not many. In such an environment, even the most powerful true immortals, let alone immortals, cannot cross to other galaxies.

I'm afraid only Golden Wonderland can do this.

And this also leads to the fact that the innate creatures in the solar system actually have a competitive living environment.

This was not obvious before. After all, the previous solar system was quite empty and the territory was too large, but the number of innate beings was not large. There were even only a few solitary innate beings on some satellites.

Naturally, there is no need to compete with each other.

This situation is supposed to last for a long time, and the long time needs to be converted into units of thousands of years.

But now apparently this situation has changed.

That Night Clan is different from most extraordinary races in the solar system today. They like to live in darkness, and what they need is a dark solar system.

The sun naturally became a thorn in their side.

Natural war just happens.

And their purpose is very clear, it is the sun.

Phoenix is ​​naturally very aware of this, which is why Gu Yi and others came here.

Thinking of this, Phoenix suddenly felt a sense of crisis, a sense of crisis for those Night Clan.

Strictly speaking, those people are his real natural enemies.

"I see!"

Fenghuang spoke in a deep voice, and when she said this, she immediately disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, her voice reached everyone's ears.

"In that case, let's rush to the outer Pluto immediately. I want to see if those Night Clan are really irresistible!" Phoenix stood up, his body burning with blazing fire, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


After hearing his words, Gu Yi and more than 30 innate creatures suddenly beamed with joy.

To be honest, at least half of the reason why they rushed over to attend the Phoenix Conference was because the pressure placed on them by the Night Clan was too great.

They couldn't hold on under such great pressure, so they had no choice but to send in reinforcements and look for Phoenix.

It just so happens that the phoenix is ​​an innate creature born from the sun.

Such innate creatures are naturally capable of restraining those Night Clan.

If we go back this time, we will definitely give those guys something good to eat.

"Let's go, let's follow, everyone!"

Gu Yi shouted sharply and followed him with a sway of his body.

Zhu Biao and the black hole looked at each other. They really didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

But now that the situation has become what it is now, naturally there is no other choice but to keep up.

As a result, more than sixty innate powerful men galloped toward the outer reaches of the solar system.

At this speed, it would take them at least three months to travel.

Of course, to everyone nowadays, longevity is just a number, so there is no need to worry about these three months.

Everyone was an Earth Immortal or a Celestial Immortal Realm expert, and they exchanged some cultivation experiences along the way. Although these experiences were only applicable to innate beings, they actually benefited Zhu Biao a lot.

This allowed him to learn a lot and even improve his cultivation a lot.

When they walked to the earth, many innate creatures also looked inside curiously.

After all, the earth is the only place in the solar system where inborn creatures survive.

This kind of place is indeed quite curious to everyone.

Even among the many innate beings present, many have quietly come to Earth and lived there.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many innate creatures choosing to transform into humans.

In fact, the human form is more convenient for many innate creatures.

(End of chapter)

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