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Chapter 419 A Hundred Years

Above the moon.

In Zhu Biao's retreat place, he was looking at the fire phoenix in the banana fan.

"Human, what do you mean?"

"Why haven't you let me out yet?" Huo Fenghuang said with an expressionless expression on his face.

"Brother Huo, just practice peacefully here. When Brother Huo needs to come out, you can come out naturally!" Zhu Biao said calmly with a smile on his face.

"Give up, I am the son of the sun, you are just a congenital creature, how dare you imprison me here, what are you two going to do?"

"You think you can become the master of the solar system just like this. Let me tell you humans, in your dreams, someone will avenge me!"

"There will be another member of my race born in the depths of the sun, and then it will be your death!" Fire Phoenix stared at Zhu Biao and said through gritted teeth.

Being imprisoned in a magic weapon by an acquired creature really made him feel a great shame and humiliation.

"Haha, I'll just wait!" Zhu Biao said with a smile.

At this time, the relationship between the two was already known to each other, so there was no need to continue to hide it. He only needed to prevent the Fire Phoenix from committing suicide.

And to do this is actually very simple, just refine his origin from the sun and integrate it into your own magic weapon.

In this way, even if this guy really wants to escape from his control, he will be reborn in his magic weapon after he reaches nirvana.

This is the only way to deal with the Phoenix clan, and of course it is also the most effective way.

And this matter is the only reason why Zhu Biao still stays in the solar system.

Once the original power of Fire Phoenix is ​​refined, he can leave here immediately.

Looking at the fire phoenix that wanted to eat him alive, Zhu Biao did not continue to pester him, but put away the banana fan with a wave of his hand.

At the same time, he also began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

The matter of refining the origin of the Fire Phoenix is ​​currently in progress. There are three innate beings from the Celestial Realm in charge of this matter, and preparations for the Earth's great formation are also in full swing.

Nowadays, he no longer needs to do these things personally. Now that he is in the True Immortal Realm, the only thing he has to do is to keep practicing hard and let his cultivation continue to overwhelm the entire earth.

During his wandering journey on earth in the future, when he encounters a crisis, he can directly turn the tide and save mankind from crisis.

Time passed quietly, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, everything is ready, and Zhu Biao is finally going to take the earth on a real journey of wandering.

He stood on the moon with the black hole, looking at the sun in the distance.

The sun is still bright, shining on the entire solar system.

After the spiritual surge began, the sun was not only the source of life that illuminated the earth and brought light and heat to living beings, but it was also the source of unrest.

Because various types of innate beings are beginning to appear on the sun, and most of these innate beings are hot-tempered people. If something happens to such a guy, it will basically be the result of ruin.

In fact, this has nothing to do with the sun itself, but Zhu Biao and Black Hole still look at this huge star with complicated eyes.

They may never see this star that brought them life and light again.

"Let's go!" Black Hole said in a deep voice.

Compared with Zhu Biao, his mood is much calmer, because he does not rely on the energy of the sun to live. He is the darling of darkness and the controller of time and space. His home is in the deep universe.


To be honest, the solar system is actually a small stage for black holes.

This was also the reason why he finally agreed to Zhu Biao.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will leave the solar system and enter the universe after advancing to the True Fairy Realm.

And now that Zhu Biao is with him, this is a huge surprise for the black hole.

This will make him safer and less lonely.

"Let's go!" Zhu Biao waved his hand and at the same time sent a message to the monk in charge of the entire earth formation.

The earth, which has been orbiting the sun for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly shook violently, then slowly deviated from its established orbit and began to move slowly outside the solar system.

Zhu Biao reached out and waved, and suddenly a huge illusory array was opened by him, covering the entire earth.

On the earth at this moment, except for the monks above the alchemy realm, mortals and low-level monks know nothing about the changes that have taken place on the earth they live on.

Those who should go to the market to buy groceries still go to the market to buy groceries, those who should do aerobics still do aerobics, there are still many vehicles on the streets, and there are still people rushing on the pedestrian streets.

The whole world seems to have not changed at all, but in fact everything has been quietly changing.

"You are too kind to these fellow tribesmen!"

"I don't think it's good for them to keep living in a cradle like a baby!" Black Hole naturally saw Zhu Biao's actions and couldn't help but shook his head.

Such a human race, if it loses its leader Zhu Biao, may fall apart in an instant and become extinct in a short period of time.

For such a group of people, Hei Dong really doesn't understand why Zhu Biao still goes out of his way to help.

"Haha, babies naturally need to grow up in the cradle. When one day they grow into big trees, they can protect me from the wind and rain!" Zhu Biao smiled, not paying much attention to the reminder of the black hole.

He doesn't understand human beings, let alone how bright their future will be.

Of course, Zhu Biao had no intention of talking about these things with black holes.

Although the two of them are working well together now, there is no guarantee of what will happen in the future. In the final analysis, the two of them are just a cooperative relationship. He knows what to say and what not to say very accurately.

The two of them laughed and talked while watching the earth deviate little by little from its own course.

His speed does not seem to be fast, but in fact this is seen in the universe, but in fact the speed of the earth is not slow, and its speed will become faster and faster in the future. Finally, driven by the magic circle, his speed

It will remain constant at one-tenth of a light year and keep moving forward.

"It's too slow. At this speed, if you want to sail to Neptune and then pass through the outer asteroid belt, it will take almost a hundred years!" Zhu Biao felt the speed of the earth and shook his head.

The solar system is actually a very vast space. It is very large. Nowadays, the locations that all innate creatures can explore are only one-tenth of its total volume. There are still even wider spaces that no innate creatures have set foot on.

In other words, there are also innate beings living there, but it is too far away from Zhu Biao and the center of the solar system. Even real fairyland experts like Zhu Biao and Hei Dong do not have the ability to hang out in those places.

Especially deep in some asteroid belts where sunlight cannot reach, there may be dark creatures as powerful as the Fire Phoenix. Even if Zhu Biao encounters such a being, he must be wary of it.


"I think we should not be anxious. The route we are taking this time is through the land of the Night Clan and the asteroid belt. It is basically safe. We can use this time to try to adapt to the rhythm of space navigation, plus that

We need to continue to tame the Phoenix of Fire!" Black Hole was not in a hurry.

Innate beings have an extremely long lifespan. For him, it is only a hundred years. He can even take a nap and this period of time will pass.

"Okay, then let's do it!"

"Then I will choose to retreat for a hundred years!" Zhu Biao waved his hand, and the banana fan in his hand immediately flew into the sky. He flew higher and higher, and finally began to revolve around the earth.

This innate spiritual treasure is a fire-attributed spiritual treasure, and its origin is in the sun. This was originally Zhu Biao's alternative plan. If the fire phoenix really cannot be conquered, then this banana fan will become their sun.

But now that the initial payment for conquering the Fire Phoenix is ​​going smoothly, this innate spiritual treasure can only temporarily play the role of the sun.

A hundred years later, when it truly leaves the solar system, the completely tamed Fire Phoenix will take over its place and become the sun above the earth, continuing to shine and heat Zhu Biao.

The earth is still sailing slowly, and time passes year after year.

The environment on the moon remains the same. Although strong humans continue to enter and live in this once holy land of mankind, it is still the same as before, as if it has not changed at all in the past many years.

But relatively speaking, the earth is undergoing rapid changes every day.

In the twenty-seventh year of Zhu Biao's retreat, small-scale nuclear fusion on the earth was finally developed. This means that from now on, human beings will no longer be constrained by energy. Human beings will completely get rid of the use of chemical energy and enter an energy surplus.


With the advent of nuclear fusion technology, space navigation has become more civilian-friendly. Things that only monks could do before can now be done by ordinary people.

But until this time, many people were shocked to find that they were moving away from the sun, and the earth had broken away from its original bond and began to silently drive away from the solar system.

As soon as this discovery came out, many people immediately exploded.

All of a sudden, there was everything on the Internet, conspiracy theories and speculations.

The managers on the earth quickly reported the news to Zhu Biao on the moon.

Zhu Biao was actually very surprised. This kind of thing was actually nothing special to him. He created an illusion on the earth not to really conceal mankind's current plan to wander the earth. What he wanted to do was

A buffer time for those humans who are not ready yet.

Now, apparently the buffering time has passed.

It’s time for humans to know what they really think about this universe.

So Zhu Biao also removed the illusion that shrouded the earth.

He only made such a simple move and continued to enter seclusion. As for how to explain to all mankind and how to face the next space voyage, this is not his business.

Although he is the strongest among human beings, he is not a nanny. The future development of human beings naturally requires human beings to make their own choices.

After the illusion was evacuated, everyone was immediately stunned.

First of all, those astronomy enthusiasts were shocked to find that the starry sky above their heads had changed dramatically, and a huge star even appeared in the sky.

This is Saturn, a giant gas planet.

Its volume is ten times that of the Earth, so if you look at Saturn in the night sky at this moment, you will find a large moon hanging brightly high in the sky.

Of course, the original moon is still there, but it looks much dimmer.

Such a strange scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The entire earth began to fall into an uproar.

But any strange thing will become commonplace in the face of time.

A year later, humans have become completely accustomed to the existence of Saturn, and there are even special reports on TV about the Earth's current orbit and where it will sail in the next ten or even twenty years.

People were curious and even crazy at the beginning, but gradually became numb and even became accustomed to it.

And ten years later, when a new generation of humans is born, they have already forgotten what the sky originally looked like, and the sky now is what they remember.

People began to no longer pay attention to the starry sky above their heads, and everyone only focused on two things.

The development of science and technology, and the practice of martial arts.

Technology changes the world, and martial arts strengthens itself. These are two paths, both correct paths.

Nowadays, martial arts practice is prevalent on the earth, and the reason is very simple. Everyone wants to become a powerful transcendent.

Even in some countries, some immortal sects have begun to appear.

For such things, countries around the world have not blocked it, and are even vigorously supporting it, because only in this way can the overall strength of mankind progress and become stronger.

Many people are aware of the current situation in the universe. The situation of the entire human race is not good. If we continue to fight among ourselves and hinder the development of immortality, then the entire human race may not be far away from extinction.

Time continued to move forward, and sixty years passed in the blink of an eye.

A period of time is three generations.

If a mortal had been born when the earth began to move, he would now be sixty years old.

And a thirty-year-old man has never seen the real sun.

After all, it is his Lingbao banana fan that replaces the sun and shines and heats the earth.

But today is a special day.

The fire phoenix finally relented and was willing to serve as the sun to shine and heat the earth.

Of course, Zhu Biao was also prepared for all kinds of things. He even carved nearly a hundred restrictions and formations on this guy. With these restrictions and formations, even someone as powerful as a phoenix could not help himself.

He couldn't even commit suicide.

"Brother Huo, let me tell you again, as long as you obey the arrangement and illuminate the earth for me for ten thousand years, I will definitely set you free after ten thousand years!"

"Ten thousand years may seem like a long time, but for an innate creature like you, it's just a blink of an eye!"

"I hope Brother Huo will stop playing tricks that will make both you and me look bad!" Zhu Biao said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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