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Chapter 57 The Daming Iron Horse has entered the gate

"Hero, I am also a Mingren!"

"I was forced to do things for the Tatars. If you spared my life, I will be rewarded in the future!"

"Wait a minute!" Mu Ying raised her hand to stop the two big men who were about to execute him.

Under Fan Wencai's hopeful gaze, he grinned: "It's too obvious to cut off your ears. It's not easy to see people, so cut off your fingers!"

"First cut off his left thumb and feed it to the dogs...!"

Seeing the two big men pressing forward again, with the sharp blades in their hands, Fan Wencai finally couldn't take it any longer.

"I have a way. Guys, please tell them to stop. I suddenly remembered that I have a way to open the city gate..."

"Let me tell you, as a traitor, how can you have the backbone?" Mu Ying chuckled, walked over and patted Fan Wencai's old face.

"Don't play tricks with me, or else I will destroy your whole family..."

Half a month later, the Henan front line.

Dorgon, who was carrying out a continuous fierce attack on Luoyang, finally received the news from outside the customs.

"Shengjing is broken?"

"Are you kidding me?" He pulled the messenger over and asked with a ferocious look on his face.

"Prince Regent, I don't know the content of the letter at all. I am just a messenger!"

"Get out!" Dorgon kicked the guy in front of him over and read the contents of the letter again with a gloomy expression.

"Daze, you return to Peiping immediately and take control of Fan Wencheng first...!"

Dorgon handed the letter in his hand to Doze behind him with a gloomy face, and spoke in a deep voice.

Duo Ze didn't understand the reason at first, but after reading the contents of the letter, he suddenly became furious.

"Fan Wencai, that son of a bitch, I will definitely fuck all his wives when I go back."

"In addition, remember to keep this matter secret. We and I were the ones who pushed for the capital move. Now that Shengjing has been defeated, it is very detrimental to us. If you and I can't defeat Luoyang, we will definitely be subject to counterattack by the Hauge group when we go back." ."

"We must break through the city as soon as possible and try to capture everything south of the Yangtze River, otherwise things will be in trouble!" Dorgon said with a solemn expression.

The current situation of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is different from the original history.

In the original history, the Manchus entered the country after Emperor Chongzhen was hanged, and the banner they used was to avenge Chongzhen, which won the favor of a considerable portion of the scholar-bureaucrat class.

Compared to the Li Zicheng Group, which had produced more than 20 million taels of silver in Peking City and was quite unfriendly to scholar-bureaucrats, the Manchu Qing Dynasty was indeed more popular with scholar-bureaucrats.

Even the strategy set by the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty at that time was to unite with the captives to defeat the invaders.

This shows how good their political environment was at that time.

But things are different now. Chongzhen, as the Ming Dynasty's orthodoxy, went south first and took hundreds of thousands of people from Beizhili with him. In addition, those gentry who were interested in the Manchus were killed by Zhu Yuanzhang first, and they were cut into pieces. 's clean.

The city of Beiping today is more deserted than in history.

What was left to the Manchus was just an empty shell.

There are also warlords and bandits of all levels in the north who have never been wiped out. It can be said that in this dimension, Dorgon's strategy of moving the capital to Peking was much more difficult than in the original history.

Naturally, if something goes wrong, he will suffer even more backlash.

Dorgon understood this very well, so he had to do everything he could to break through Luoyang before the news spread.

Only if he has enough military exploits, and when the news spreads, can he avoid being counterattacked to death by Hauge's group.

The first person to notice something strange about the Qing army was Xu Da.

During the siege on the second day, he clearly felt that the Qing army's offensive on the opposite side was beginning to become fierce.

This made him feel refreshed.

"Send the order. From today on, I will personally guard the Yongding Gate. If the Tatars do not retreat, I will not go down to the tower. If the Yongding Gate is destroyed, I will accompany you all to death!"

This city wall faced the largest number of Qing troops, and most of the Manchu and Qing red cannons were deployed in this direction. The pressure in this direction was undoubtedly the greatest.

However, as Xu Da's military order was passed down, the morale of the entire Yongding Gate garrison was instantly boosted, and the defense became more stable than the remaining walls.

Time continues to pass day by day.

Half a month later, Luoyang City was still as stable as Mount Tai, showing no signs of being breached.

According to Xu Da's estimation, with the current supply of food and grass, Luoyang City can hold on for at least another year...

But it is obvious that the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not have a year left.

On September 16, the 21st year of Chongzhen, a piece of news came from the north, shocking most of China.

Ten thousand Ming Dynasty cavalry entered the pass through Xifengkou, fought all the way to the gates of Beiping City, massacred twelve thousand Tatars, and then marched away.

"Damn it, is this news wrong?" Li Zicheng, who had been driven into the mountains by the Qing Dynasty again in Shanxi, was stunned when he heard the news.

Just as stunned as him were the Manchu and Qing kings in Beiping City and the young Emperor Fulin.

Since the Chongzhen Dynasty, they have always been the only ones to enter the pass and plunder.

What does this news mean? What does it mean that the Ming cavalry entered the pass to plunder?

No matter how I hear this sentence, I feel something is wrong.

Where did these Ming cavalry come from?

Isn’t Guanwai my home base?

Dorgon naturally got the news as soon as possible.

His face instantly turned pale, knowing that Luoyang City could not be defeated.

"Retreat!" He waved his hand weakly and ordered his personal guards to spread the news to the three armies.

On top of Luoyang City, looking at the Tatars retreating slowly in the distance, Xu Da couldn't help but smile.

Just like in the early Ming Dynasty, the strategic deductions Zhu Yuanzhang had done with them beforehand had all been completed. Except for some minor differences, they were basically the same.

I have to say that it was really unlucky for the Manchu Qing Dynasty to meet such a superb chess player like Zhu Yuanzhang!

"Commander, do we want to pursue the victory?" A general asked with anticipation.

"exploit a victory?"

"Did we win?"

"I just defended it!" Xu Da glanced at this general speechlessly and silently removed him from the list of subordinates to be trained in the future.

Such a guy with a unclear mind has absolutely no value in cultivating him.

Nowadays, the Tatars have not lost their organizational structure, and their retreat is in an orderly manner. There is no possibility of pursuit and meritorious deeds.

It is even possible that Dorgon is looking forward to leading his men to chase him out of the city!

At that time, his 100,000 cavalry will immediately be put to use, and they are guaranteed to turn around and strike back.

At that time, it is even possible that Luoyang will be directly attacked.

How could Xu Da make such a stupid mistake?

Now he only needs to watch Dorgon leave, and then push forward to the north steadily and step by step.

All he had to do was put pressure on the Manchus and contain some of their troops. What really played a decisive role was the 10,000 elite cavalry led by Li Wenzhong outside the pass.

This chapter has been completed!
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