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Chapter 74 Guns PK Martial Arts

Mu Ying had already heard the sound of gunfire and shouts of death from the shore in the distance.

He knew it was time to take action on his own.

He held the knife in his mouth, and the muscles on his hands bulged, crawling silently on the ship wall like a gecko.

Speaking of which, he learned this unique skill when he was at sea with Zheng Chenggong. Unexpectedly, now that he has left that plane, it will come in handy again.

Behind him were more than twenty subordinates dressed in black, including himself, a total of seven Huajin masters and sixteen Rongjin peak masters.

After five years of spiritual energy recovery, coupled with the powerful effects of the thirty-six physical exercises, the number of Huajin masters in the army finally began to increase.

Because he saw the strength of this kind of extraordinary and powerful man in the establishment, after returning to the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang gave Mu Ying a task to form the Tiger Camp.

The establishment of the Tiger Battalion is very small and will always be maintained at 120 people.

But we must select the best from the best, choose the strong from the strong, and maintain a very high level of survival.

If the mission of the Jin Yiwei is to spy on intelligence and protect Zhu Yuanzhang's safety, then the mission of the Tiger Battalion is to attack fortresses, assassinate, sneak attack, and take the heads of enemy generals from the rebellious army.

In short, we must always be at the forefront of the most dangerous war.

To be honest, even Mu Ying couldn't figure out why her original ambition was to be a general who charged into battle, but now she had become an assassin inexplicably.

By the way, if things continue like this, can I continue to live in Yunnan forever, as in the original history, and be posthumously named King of Qianning after my death?

When these thoughts flashed through his mind, he had quietly climbed onto the side of the warship.

Opposite, two British guys were facing away from themselves, using binoculars to observe the battle situation on the opposite shore, and they were chattering without knowing what they were talking about.

Of course, Mu Ying doesn't care what they say, because they are already dead.

"Fake!" Suddenly there was an angry shout from high above.

It was only then that the lookout above the warship finally spotted Mu Ying boarding the ship's side.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Behind Mu Ying, a strong man carrying a bow and arrows quickly set up his bow and shot an arrow. He took action one step faster than the lookout hand, and shot his sword through his throat.

"Come on, kill everyone who has a gun in their hand!" Mu Ying knew how powerful these fire sticks were, and he didn't want to get shot.

As he gave the order, the Tiger Camp soldiers behind him immediately turned into black shadows and scattered.

When it comes to guns versus martial arts, who can have the upper hand? This is a big question.

But according to Muying's personal experience, this problem depends on distance.

If they were in an open area several miles away, how many Huajin masters would rush into the military formation armed with guns and cannons to deliver food.

If it were ten meters away, a well-trained ordinary soldier holding a rifle would also have a chance to shoot Grandmaster Huajing.

If you only have one meter...or you are in a complex geographical environment, then sorry, guns are not as useful as a knife.

Unfortunately, this is the situation on today's warships.

The two warships have a total of more than 130 people, more than half of whom are ship-operating technicians on board, and there are less than 40 soldiers who actually hold guns.

The Tiger Battalion moved very quickly. The British soldiers often saw a figure and died before they could raise their guns and aim.

The two warships only experienced a quarter of an hour of fighting before changing hands directly. In the whole process, except for a Tiger Camp soldier who was injured by a black gun shot in a sneak attack, no one was killed.

Mu Ying led the people up and down the battleship and found no dangerous factors except for a smoking iron lump that he didn't know what it was.

There is no trace of extraordinary power.

This made Mu Ying completely relieved.

"Recuperate quickly. Leave thirty people on each ship to guard the remaining Japs. The remaining people will follow me to intercept and kill the British Japs on the shore!"

At this moment, Mu Ying could see through the telescope that after being caught off guard by the Jinyi guards at the beginning, the British devils had once again formed a defensive formation, joined forces with the Qing soldiers, and retreated this way while fighting.

They have realized the power of these people, and are obviously prepared to distance themselves first and solve the problem with guns and artillery.

But unfortunately, their cannon has been captured by Mu Ying...

Soon, sixty Tiger Battalion soldiers followed Mu Ying into the water quietly again and swam towards the shore.


"Where did these yellow-skinned monkeys come from!"

"You stupid pigs, you killed more than 80 of our brave soldiers this time. This matter will not end like this. I will make stern representations to your emperor. You have to pay the price for this and pay enough."


The British commander Angelou was very angry at this moment and punched and kicked a Qing commander next to him.

Although the commander looked mighty and powerful, he could only squat on the ground holding his head while being pointed at by a black gun, and kept begging for mercy.

"General, those people are approaching again!" Just then someone reported.

"A bunch of haunting devils!"

Angelou gritted his teeth and turned around: "Continue to retreat."

"Also, send a signal to that idiot Berger and ask him to use cannons to send those yellow-skinned monkeys to see God."

"There is such a big movement here, is he blind?"

"Your Majesty, those people are probably going to flee!" Mao Xiang came back covered in blood and reported to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Those Qing soldiers were easy to kill, but the key was the two hundred British devils.

The guns in their hands were really useless. Just now one of his guards was hit in the head by a gun and died on the spot.

In the face of such firearms, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, it is useless.

Although the surprise attack killed nearly half of the opponent's people before they could react, the remaining half's hands and feet were instantly restrained when they pulled away.

"It doesn't matter, they can't run away!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked coldly.

He never fought an uncertain battle, let alone a different world like this where ghosts, gods, and guns existed.

As early as when he discovered the powerful power of the cannons on the British Japanese warships, Zhu Yuanzhang secretly sent Mu Ying to lead the Tiger Camp to explore them.

Zhu Yuanzhang's order to him was to wait for the opportunity. If there was a fight here, he must control the opponent's warship as soon as possible and never give the opponent a chance to fire.

If there is no fighting here, then lurk on the ships, wait until the fight is over, then attack and kill the British devils and seize the two ships.

Anyway, Zhu Yuanzhang had already taken a liking to these two ships, and he was going to grab them no matter what.

And until now, the cannon over there hasn't fired yet, so it's obvious that Mu Ying has succeeded.

Now they just need to slowly force those people to retreat without giving them a chance to completely distance themselves.

Zhu Yuanzhang believed that soon Mu Ying would lead someone to penetrate the anus of these British ghosts from behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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