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Chapter VIII Unifying the Country Liu Bowen

Bodhisattva's heart, thunderous means.

This is Zhu Biao's overall evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang after seeing his series of tactics in the late Ming Dynasty.

He indeed killed a lot of people. He killed more officials, gentry and nobles in just a few months than Chongzhen did during his more than ten years as emperor.

But under his governance, refugees who died of cold and starvation were no longer everywhere in Peiping, and plagues no longer ravaged the city. He also saved countless people.

Zhu Biao felt that this was what a good emperor should do.

Of course, he would evaluate these things in his mind, and then silently cheer for Lao Zhu, hoping that he would complete the trial mission as soon as possible.

After all, he is still a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, and there is nothing he can do except cheer.

His current daily schedule is as follows.

Get up at seven o'clock every morning, run, exercise for an hour, and then have breakfast. In the morning, you learn cultural knowledge from Song Lian and other civil servants. You take a two-hour lunch break at noon. In the afternoon, you learn the art of war and strategy from the direct military generals sent by Zhu Yuanzhang.

At eight o'clock in the evening, you can lie down on the quilt that the maid has warmed and rest.

When you reach for clothes, you open your mouth for food. If you want to eat, someone will arrange it for you with just one word. If you want to play, someone will find it for you immediately with just a look.

It can be said that in the past few months, Zhu Biao has nothing to worry about except studying every day.

And he does not resist learning. Although he came from modern times, the wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated. He is only thirteen or fourteen years old now, and it is the time when he needs to learn, whether it is literature or military strategy.

As a prince of the Ming Empire, there is no harm in learning more.

In this kind of life, except for mobile phones and computer entertainment, there is nothing extravagant for him.

On this day, normal study was over. Zhu Biao had just had dinner when he suddenly heard that a minister came to see him.

This is something new. Since he was crowned the crown prince, due to some taboos, few ministers would come to the East Palace to visit him privately, especially at night.

"Your Highness, veteran Liu Ji pays his respects!"

When someone came in and announced his name, Zhu Biao's heart moved again.

Is this the Liu Bowen who dominates the world, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen who dominates the world?

He looked at Liu Ji carefully and found that this man was really strange. Liu Ji should be over fifty at this time, but he still looked like he was thirty or forty years old.

"Your Highness, this veteran is here to teach His Highness some internal exercises to strengthen your body, following His Majesty's imperial order."

"From today on, every day after dinner, the veteran will come to teach His Highness for an hour." Liu Ji directly explained the purpose of his visit without waiting for Zhu Biao to ask questions.

Zhu Biao's heart moved. According to the original historical trend, Zhu Yuanzhang would never do this.

The standard he set for his successor was Emperor Wen, who wanted to lead the country to recuperate.

People who practice martial arts inevitably like to use weapons rashly, so he never let Zhu Biao practice martial arts.

But now history has changed.

This should be the first decision that Lao Zhu made that affected the direction of history after he had read the history of the Ming Dynasty, especially after knowing that Prince Zhu Biao died of illness in the 25th year of Hongwu.

"It seems that Lao Zhu still cares about my health!" Zhu Biao felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

"But Lao Zhu actually asked Liu Ji to teach him kung fu. Isn't Liu Ji a civil servant?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhu Biao's heart.

"Master Liu knows Kung Fu?" Zhu Biao didn't bother to beat around the bush and asked directly.

Hearing this, Liu Ji's face flashed with pride, he stroked his beard at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Your Highness doesn't know something. When I was young, I practiced Taoism for ten years, and also worshiped famous martial arts masters. I can still see the kung fu, and I can be regarded as a national leader."

One of the three martial arts masters in the dynasty."

Martial arts masters are the first-class masters in the world. According to the information Zhu Biao obtained during this period, there were definitely no more than ten first-class masters in the entire Ming Dynasty.

He didn't expect Liu Ji to be one of them.

This somewhat challenges his three views.

No wonder later generations’ descriptions of Liu Ji were so mysterious. It turned out that he was really a divine man!

"It turns out that Mr. Liu is not only a rich scholar, but also a great master of martial arts. He is so awesome!" Zhu Biao gave his compliments without hesitation.

Then he asked with some curiosity: "Master Liu said that there are three martial arts masters in the country, but as far as I know, besides Master Liu, there is only General Chang Yuchunchang. Who is the other one?"

"Xu Da, Xu Tiande!"

"It's just that Xu Da is low-key and seldom takes action, so not many people know about it!" Liu Jidao.

Zhu Biao nodded suddenly.

Sure enough, Xu Da should be the most stubborn in the entire Ming Dynasty.

"But they are different from me!"

Liu Ji stroked his beard and continued to educate Zhu Biao: "What they practice is hard work, and they rely on fighting on the battlefield to increase their strength. Although the practice speed is fast, it can easily leave hidden injuries. If they don't take good care of their bodies, they will definitely suffer in their later years.

Lots of injuries.”

"But Lao Chen practices internal martial arts. As long as you master the techniques, not only will you not harm your body, but it will even have the effect of prolonging your life."

"Just like Zhenren Zhang of Wudang Mountain, his internal martial arts reached its peak. Now it is said that he is more than a hundred years old and is still built."

"Oh...!" Zhu Biao was indeed interested.

Traveling back to ancient times, how could he not be interested in Kung Fu?

He had asked for advice from his two second-rate guards before, and had practiced randomly a few times, but the basic skills practiced by his guards were hard skills, which were obtained from the battlefield with swords and guns. Zhu Biao couldn't learn them at all.


As Liu Ji said, practicing hard kung fu hurts the body, especially for Zhu Biao who is still growing, so he endured it.

He is waiting for Lao Zhu to help him complete the qualification trial task. When the time comes, he will be rewarded with both martial arts and martial arts qualifications. In addition, as the prince, he can mobilize huge resources. Are he afraid that he will not be able to become a martial arts master?

But now that a great master of the inner family is around, and Zhu Yuanzhang specially sent him to teach him martial arts, he doesn't have to wait.

"Then how do you know you've mastered it?"

"Does Mr. Liu have any unique skills that he wants to teach me?" Zhu Biao looked at Liu Ji expectantly and asked.


When Liu Ji saw Zhu Biao's expression, he suddenly woke up and couldn't help but secretly complain.

Although he is a great master of martial arts, in comparison, he is more of a civil servant, and he identifies more with his identity as a civil servant.

As a civil servant, especially one who hopes to display his ambitions, he does not want the emperor who succeeds Zhu Yuanzhang to be a man who likes to practice martial arts and is obsessed with Taoism!

Therefore, although he took over Zhu Yuanzhang's job of teaching the prince to practice martial arts, he was actually preparing to convince Zhu Biao that there was no future in practicing martial arts and that reading and writing was the right way.

At that time, when Zhu Yuanzhang asked, he could just say that the prince did not want to, and the matter would be over.

But just now I received a few compliments from Zhu Biao, and my old habit suddenly returned. I was a little distracted, and I accidentally talked about the benefits of practicing martial arts, which aroused Zhu Biao's curiosity.

"But don't panic, His Royal Highness is just a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old child. It's not easy for me to change his mind and hate practicing martial arts!" Thinking of this, Liu Ji smiled slightly on his face and suddenly felt confident.

This chapter has been completed!
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