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Chapter 80: Guangzhou City, we have the final say

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month of the thirtieth year of Daoguang, Emperor Daoguang finally died after living for sixty-eight years.

The whole country mourns, and all the people (Tatars) mourn together.

But the way someone mourned the incident was unusual.

In June, Hong Xiuquan gathered more than 20,000 Catholic believers in Jintian, Guangxi, and launched an armed uprising.

In August, Zhang Xingle of Anhui gathered eighteen groups of twisters in Bozhou to revolt against the Qing Dynasty.

On September 9th, the Hongqi Gang, who had been dormant for twenty years, landed in Humen at night, with thousands of men on warships, and launched a surprise attack on Guangzhou City. The city was destroyed, and Ye Mingchen, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, was beheaded and his head was hung directly on the top of Guangzhou City for public display.

And what surprised everyone was that this time the Red Flag Gang pirates did not plunder after they captured Guangzhou. After slaughtering all the Qing soldiers, they instead began to perform official functions and punish those bullies and bandits who took the opportunity to cause trouble.

This is really the first time I have seen this kind of thing!

"This is so cool!"

"I have been a pirate for twenty years, and I have never fought such a smooth battle!"

"When I arrived at the gate of Guangzhou City, can you believe it? The gate was actually open!"

"Haha, it's the same for me. The dignified Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi is unguarded. When we broke in, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Ye Mingchen, was still sleeping with his little wife in his arms!"

Mu Ying, who was standing behind Zhu Yuanzhang, couldn't help but stretched out her hand and touched her nose after hearing this. She felt quite relieved that the work was done and she had saved her life.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat high on the throne and looked at the excited pirate leaders below. After they all said enough, he said: "Everyone, it is not difficult to clear out the soldiers left behind by the government, but what is difficult is governance.


"Today our big event has come true. It's a happy day, but we have to say something ugly first!"

"Liu Bang made a three-part agreement when he entered Xianyang. Today we must set the rules first. You must act carefully in the future. If anyone violates the rules we have set, don't blame us for not being brotherly."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand as he spoke, and Mu Ying behind him immediately read out all the rules set by Zhu Yuanzhang one by one.

There are more than twenty of them, large and small.

The faces of the pirate leaders below became uglier as they listened.

"Third Master, we are pirates, not officers and soldiers!"

"Before, you said that this battle must be fought quickly and no looting was allowed. We all listened to you and went straight to the government office and the Governor's Office of Guangdong and Guangxi after entering the city."

"But now that the city has entered, we are still not allowed to do anything. We even have to pay for a meal. So what are we doing in Guangzhou?"

"You go to the city to enjoy the glory and wealth, not to be happy for a while!"

"If you think the rules we have set are harsh, I won't embarrass you. If you want to leave, each of you will be given one hundred taels of silver. You can go back to Blackstone Island first."

What was promised before was a hundred acres of fine farmland, but now it turned into a hundred taels of silver in the blink of an eye. We are not fools, so we naturally know which one is better.

So I didn't speak for a while.

"very good!"

"Since you are willing to stay, you must abide by these rules!"

"If you violate it, we will not show mercy to you."

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, his expression couldn't help but soften a little, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, this rule is only temporary. It won't be long before we make everyone's pockets bulge!"

When everyone heard Zhu Yuanzhang's promise, the resentment in their expressions could not help but diminish a little.

After beating these pirate leaders, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately summoned representatives from more than a dozen wealthy families inside and outside Guangzhou.

The energy of these clan leaders is also huge. When Zhu Yuanzhang came through the portal, he saw Shang Wanxiang Yong fighting against the British devils in Humen. It was these people who secretly organized it.

That is to say, this surprise attack on Guangzhou is fast enough. If it is delayed for a day or two, these people will be able to summon tens of thousands of people to defend the city in an instant. By then, it will be difficult to attack Guangzhou City.

"Everyone, you are all famous local villagers!"

"We know that the people of Guangzhou have suffered a lot from the British. The Manchu and Qing Tatars will not let you make the decision and have always supported the Manchu. But today we are here. From now on, we will have the final say in Guangzhou City. If the British devils dare to come again,

We must make sure they never come back!"

"We invite you here today just to show you our determination!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand as he spoke, and more than sixty British Japs were immediately escorted in.

"These are British businessmen and sailors who have been bullying and dominating the city of Guangzhou for the past year. I will kill them all today in front of you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand as he spoke, and more than sixty British Japs immediately fell to the ground with their heads.

There were constant screams in the lobby, and some old guys even turned pale with fear.

"Everything in Guangzhou will be business as usual from now on!"

"We will restrain our subordinates and do no harm to you and your business."

"We don't care about the import and export of goods, and the commercial taxes at the customs points are also subject to the old regulations."

"If the British devils come to encircle and rent land again, I will help you block it!"

"But accordingly, you must jointly submit a letter to the court and inform the surrounding Qing troops that Ye Mingchen was killed by the British devils after he was robbed by the Red Flag Gang."

"After the Red Flag Gang robbed Guangzhou, they tried to escape, but were wiped out by the British devils who happened to arrive. Now the British devils' warships are still wandering around Guangzhou, blocking the port. Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, wondering what kind of medicine this person was selling in the gourd.

"Haha, we don't have any big ambitions. Now that we don't want to be a pirate, we just want to live a peaceful life like the other folks in Guangzhou."

"However, we heard that Hong Xiuquan has become king in the west and is making a fuss. I wonder if Guangzhou City would be as peaceful as it is now if he attacks!"

Hearing this, many squires felt their hearts tighten.

Each of these people has a big business. If Guangdong is really occupied by Hong Xiuquan, even if they are not liquidated, they will probably bleed a lot.

Thinking of this, these people suddenly felt that although the man in front of them was a pirate, he became more and more handsome.

"I hope he can block the attack of the British for everyone!" Everyone silently wished in their hearts and made up their minds to support Zhu Yuanzhang for the time being.

"He Gui, Hua Pengyi, Yi Kaixin, Du Jugang, you guys stay here for a while, we have something to say!" Seeing that everyone was about to say goodbye and leave, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately spoke again.

The people whose names were called couldn't help but feel nervous when they heard this.

These families have one thing in common: they are all families with high-ranking officials in the court.

The rest of the people knew with their eyes and noses that these families were going to be in trouble, but no one spoke to help. Everyone walked out one after another, and soon they were all gone.

If Zhu Yuanzhang did not say hello and just killed people, they would feel fear, anger, and lack of security, and would mobilize their forces to resist, covertly and openly, against Zhu Yuanzhang.

But now, after Zhu Yuanzhang laid out the facts, reasoned, and established rules, everyone understood that although this man had guns, men, and was a pirate, he was not someone who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

As for these unlucky families, they can't control so much. In today's troubled times, who can care about whom?

Besides, who allowed them to have a high-ranking Manchu official in their family?

Usually there are people in the court who are very arrogant and domineering, but now they are unlucky!

Deserve it!

This chapter has been completed!
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