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Chapter 93 Frontal Collision 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

On the river directly in front of the Pearl River Estuary, two large ships were floating quietly at the moment.

These are two giant treasure ships built by the Ming Dynasty Treasure Ship Bureau with 5,000 materials. They are 70 meters long, 15 meters wide, 6 meters deep, and have a displacement of 2,500 tons.

This huge treasure ship is comparable to the largest treasure ship recorded by Zheng He in his voyages to the West.

These two treasure ships were originally built by Zhu Yuanzhang to be used in ocean-going trade. However, with the opening of the plane in the late Qing Dynasty, the introduction of steam engines and various advanced technologies, these huge wooden warships will definitely be eliminated.


So Zhu Yuanzhang brought them into the late Qing Dynasty.

There is only one purpose for staying here at this moment, which is to block the way forward of the British naval fleet.

To be honest, it is not easy to achieve this goal.

Because if you just drove past like this, you would probably be blown to pieces before you even got close.

Moreover, the British warships cannot easily block your way. Their ships are faster and can easily get rid of such slow big guys.

So Zhu Yuanzhang used some special means.

An invisibility talisman researched and produced by the deputy director of the Institute of Psychic Power under the Royal Academy of Sciences, Shi Yong.

Of course, it is impossible to make such a large treasure ship disappear out of thin air with just one invisibility charm. There are a total of 1,087 invisibility charms affixed to the two treasure ships.

In order to achieve this achievement, Jin Yiwei began to collect several extraordinary materials used to make the invisibility talisman throughout the Ming Dynasty starting half a year ago.

At the same time, all the Taoist priests in the Sanshan Taoist sect who were able to draw talismans worked day and night in the Xumi Illusion Realm for almost four months, which would take a full year in the outside world.

It is said that on the day after the painting was completed, Director Siyong vomited on the spot and said that he would never draw talisman again in his life.

Originally, Lao Zhu's request was to draw an invisibility talisman that could hide the entire fleet, but seeing this, he had to lower his request, and now he has to hide these two treasure ships.

At this moment, Zhu Biao was standing on the bow of one of the treasure ships. All the people on this ship were his eight hundred personal guards, including Zhu Ping, Zhu Fan, and Zhu Di, his three biological brothers.

Looking at the British Royal Navy fleet slowly approaching the Pearl River Estuary from a distance, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Set sail!" he said softly.

Countless guardsmen on the Fu ship began to get busy. The Fu ship moved forward slowly, and the whole process was silent. However, the British Royal Navy warships on the opposite side were still unaware of the head-on collision.

Mu Ying, another lucky boat, was also standing on the bow. The number of people on the boat was also 800. These people were 120 people from the Tiger Camp, plus 680 elite guards.

"Something's wrong!" Pu Dingcha on the steel battleship suddenly said, and for no reason he felt himself suddenly panicking.

Of course he is not a supernatural being, this is just the intuition of a naval commander who has commanded battleships for a lifetime.

He raised his telescope and looked carefully at the river banks on both sides.

The Pearl River Estuary is the narrowest place in the entire waterway. For a huge fleet of naval warships, such terrain is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Such narrow terrain is most vulnerable to fire attack.

The British Royal Navy once suffered countless hardships on this land.

Although the equipment is not as good as theirs, the pirates from the Far East who are as numerous as locusts like to use fire attacks the most.

If you are unfortunate enough to be surrounded by them, countless fire ships will bite you like ants and besiege you. The scene will be like hell.

His seniors had described the horror of this scene to him countless times.

But since steamships were commissioned, this kind of thing has rarely happened, because steamships are not affected by sea winds, and if the ship speed is fast enough, it is impossible for those small fireboats of yellow-skinned monkeys to surround them.

This is also the reason why in the past twenty or thirty years, there has never been a giant pirate group dominating the sea in this area.

It was only after the commissioning of steam ships that the British Royal Navy truly began to gain the upper hand in this area of ​​the sea.

But today he inexplicably remembered the pirates' fire attack tactics.

"They won't come up with this idea, right?" There was a trace of ridicule on the corner of Pu Dingcha's mouth.

If this is the case, then they have really lost their minds.

Relying on the speed of today's steamships, it is impossible for them to surround their fleet even in such a narrow terrain.

He would rush over directly, leaving behind them a trail of steam engine exhaust and countless cannon shells.

"Unless something suddenly appears and blocks the channel ahead." Pu Dingcha glanced at the empty river in front of him and suddenly said to himself as if joking.

Then just at this glance, his pupils dilated instantly.

Because suddenly two large boats that he had never seen in his life appeared on the river in front of him.

"Oh, God!"

"what is this?"

"A miracle?" Pu Dingcha muttered to himself.

The next moment he suddenly reacted.

A shrill roar instantly echoed on the steel battleship: "Turn the rudder quickly...!"

However, there was still no time. The moment the two huge ships emerged from stealth, they were actually less than 200 meters away from their warships.

The distance of his shot is three thousand meters. For the huge warship, the distance of two hundred meters is like facing each other.


"Burn the boat!"

Zhu Biao opened his mouth.

Following his instructions, the torches in the hands of the soldiers behind him were thrown out without hesitation. The ground was already filled with countless fuels. When the torches came into contact, the entire ship burst into flames with a bang.

"Everyone, we have no way to retreat today. If we don't kill the British Japanese fleet, we will have no choice but to perish together in a sea of ​​fire!" Zhu Biao said loudly.

"I am willing to accompany His Highness to death!" came the uniform response from behind.

"Haha, it's better not to die if you can!"

"So... punch through them!"

"Kill!" Zhu Biao pulled out the dragon-patterned black gold sword and jumped from the tall fortune ship.

Directly in front of him was the British Royal Navy flagship HMS Courage, which had collided with the lucky ship.

At the same time, countless small boats emerged from their hiding places on both sides of the Pearl River Estuary, lit fires on them, and quickly moved towards the British fleet that had been blocked there in the center of the Pearl River Estuary. They looked like a colony of ants.

Wai Xiang.

"The British Empire's invincible fleet is over!" Pu Ding looked at this picture, cold sweat broke out, and his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

"It's done!" Xu Da, who saw this scene from a telescope in the distance, silently withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the British Army who had just occupied the front fort in Humen.

"Finally... I can take care of you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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