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Chapter 97 Senggelinqin mistaken me

The distance between the two sides is 1,500 meters.

Start bombarding each other.

However, an embarrassing scene occurred. The Manchurian Hongyi cannon could not even touch the clothes of the Ming soldiers.

On the contrary, every shot of the field artillery in the Ming army can cause heavy casualties to the opponent.

"The firearms battalion continues to cover the advance of the artillery troops."

"The enemy has no heavy infantry, so I will lead the cavalry to rush towards the flank of the enemy's formation. When I disperse the enemy's formation, it will be time for our army to launch a general attack."

Seng Gelinqin felt that something was wrong, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string, and there was no possibility of retreating.

So he gritted his teeth and prepared to activate the ancestral skills of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and charge the cavalry into battle.

It's a pity that the Ming infantry did not wear heavy armor because they are now equipped with Minie rifles purchased from the Germans.

This is the most advanced muzzle-loading rifle in the world today.

The traditional shotgun attack range is only 150 meters, but the longest range of this rifle is nearly 1,000 meters, and the effective attack range is 600 meters.

And because of improved bullets, the loading speed has been greatly accelerated. Well-trained soldiers can even fire one round in five to six seconds.

So when he saw that the Manchu and Qing dynasties on the opposite side began to gather large-scale cavalry to attack their own military formation, Deng Yu almost smiled crookedly.

"These people are really ignorant!"

"Do you think it's still two hundred years ago?" Deng Yu vomited speechlessly.

Although it makes people feel weird to say this as an old man who traveled from five hundred years ago.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The moment the enemy cavalry rushed into range, Deng Yu gave an order, and thousands of guns were fired in an instant.

In just one round, he directly defeated thousands of his opponents.

"Stay steady, don't panic, as long as we rush over, they are still lambs to be slaughtered!" Seng Gelinqin roared to cheer up the Manchu cavalry behind him.

But in fact, he was already panicking inside.

Because the opponent actually started shooting when they were seven hundred steps away from me, and killed thousands of cavalry in just one round.

What does this mean?

If I want to lead my cavalry to charge at the enemy and kill them, how many rounds of volleys will I have to endure?

And the answer Deng Yu gave him was: "Countless rounds!"

The gunfire in the Ming army formation never stopped, and the Manchu and Qing cavalry fell one after another.

When the two sides were still 400 meters apart, the Manchu and Qing cavalry troops had already been reduced by half.

And there's still half the distance left.

This is undoubtedly a road to death.

Finally, some Manchu and Qing cavalrymen began to be unable to suppress the fear in their hearts, and turned their horses' heads and fled wildly into the distance.

And this moment caused a chain reaction.

The Manchu and Qing cavalry were instantly routed.

Seng Gelinqin, known as the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty, also ran away.

And he was the first to run.

"Press up and attack the infantry targets on the opposite side!" Deng Yu gave the order!

Suddenly the entire military formation began to advance forward, and then the enemy infantry also collapsed.

In this battle, 19,000 Ming troops faced off against 50,000 Qing troops.

There were zero casualties among the Ming army. Only three unlucky men injured their feet during the pursuit. The Qing Dynasty opposite had 9,000 killed out of 50,000, 20,000 escaped, and 20,000 were captured by the Ming.

To be honest, this was the first time this new Ming army fought since its formation, and the results were so fruitful that even Deng Yu himself found it incredible.

It turns out that after the gap in weapons and equipment is widened to a certain extent, it is really possible to defeat an enemy several times larger than oneself without hurting anyone.

But to be honest, this victory did not make Deng Yu too happy. Even if he didn't use new equipment and brought 10,000 elites from the early Ming Dynasty that he once commanded, he could still defeat these local chickens and dogs.

On the contrary, he was keenly aware of the sense of crisis contained in it.

You must know that all these equipment were purchased from the Xiyi people by His Highness the Prince.

According to the information he knew, the West has always been in chaos and war, which has given rise to continuous updates and iterations of science and technology.

Especially in recent decades, weapons have been updated at an increasingly faster pace.

The entire Western society is changing rapidly. New inventions are born almost every day, and new weapons and equipment are constantly being installed and used in wars.

For example, this Minie rifle seems to be a new rifle now, but it is said that the Westerners already have rifles that are more advanced than this rifle.

If we are just complacent because we defeated the British navy and defeated the Manchu Qing Dynasty without any damage, I'm afraid it won't be long before those Westerners come back with more advanced weapons.

Do they still want to buy it?

What if they don’t sell it to Daming by then?

Living in such an era, Deng Yu deeply felt what it means that the torrent of the times is rolling forward.

This is an era in which if you don’t move forward, you will fall behind.

Anyway, before coming to this world, he really could not have imagined a war in which cavalry could be so easily crushed by infantry.

What’s more, it’s unbelievable that at the end of a war, we haven’t even touched the enemy’s face.

If someone had said this to him before he came here, he would have told him to calm down.

But now, Deng Yu feels that he needs to calm down.

As a general, he is keenly aware that the pattern of war is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

And this will definitely bring about endless changes in strategy and tactics.

The old experience of marching and fighting in the past may no longer be trusted.

Deng Yu looked at the new Ming army gathering prisoners and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

A sense of crisis that cannot keep up with the times.

As one of the six founding Dukes of the Ming Dynasty, he hated this feeling.

In the Huangji Hall of Beiping City, Emperor Xianfeng was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he received the news that all the 50,000 troops on the front line had been defeated.

In the morning of the next day, he cursed Seng Gelinqin angrily in the court hall for a whole hour, and his anger almost overturned the entire Huangji Palace.

"Seng Gelinqin mistook me!"

"I want to fight with Zhu Hongwu to the death!" Emperor Xianfeng finally used these words as his concluding remarks.

However, the ministers below who were supposed to cooperate with his performance were as quiet as chickens, and no one spoke a word.

This immediately made Emperor Xianfeng a little embarrassed.

"Don't any of you ministers come out to persuade me?"

"What do I need from you?" He was filled with anger.

In the end, Qishan couldn't stand it anymore, and he himself was guilty. This was a good opportunity to curry favor with the emperor.

So he knelt down directly and said: "Your Majesty's safety is the top priority, so I ask your Majesty to accompany the Queen Mother, Empress, and several empresses to the Autumn Festival."

"As for the capital, the city is high and the pond is deep. Even Zhu Hongwu can't attack it!"

"And as long as we delay for a while, our army, King Qin, will definitely arrive from all directions and kill Zhu Hongwu's rebellious army."

"Well, seeing as you are so sincere in your persuasion, I reluctantly agreed!"

"This place will be left to Prince Yi Zaiyuan and Qishan."

"Be sure to guard the capital and don't let bandits plunder!"

Emperor Xianfeng did not dare to say anything more, so he got off the slope and announced that the tide was low, and then hurried back to the Old Summer Palace to pack up his things and prepare to run away.

It was too dangerous here, too close to Zhu Hongwu's army, and he didn't want to stay any longer.

The ministers in the main hall: "...!"

Seeing His Majesty the Emperor fleeing in a hurry, many officials couldn't help but think of Chongzhen, the last emperor of the previous dynasty.

Although my mind was a little unclear, at least I fulfilled my duty as an emperor and persisted until the last moment!

"Alas...!" Someone in the hall let out an extremely slight sigh.

This chapter has been completed!
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