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Chapter 99: Believe in Lin Shen and gain eternal life [Please subscribe]

 In the forest of strange dead trees, man-eating crows are raging. There are so many of them that they are like locusts during a locust plague. One foot can crush seven or eight of them to death.

"Help! Help!"

Zhou Ya held her head in her left hand and held a torch in her right hand, waving it vigorously in an attempt to drive away these man-eating crows.

Cha! Cha! Cha!

The crows were not afraid of ordinary torches like this. They flapped their wings, dodged the torch, and rushed toward Zhou Ya, grabbing her with their claws.

Tear! Tear!

Zhou Ya's linen robe was quickly torn, and her body was covered with scratches and blood stains.

Some bold man-eating crows even approached her head and kept pecking at her head with their beaks. Some wanted to peck out her brains and some wanted to eat her eyeballs.

In an instant, Zhou Ya's head was covered with scars and blood flowed freely.

Du Xin saw Zhou Ya in such misery and hurriedly ran away. Gu Rongjie secretly cursed that Zhou Ya was too stupid for not even knowing how to run to Xia Hongyao.

Based on the relationship between Zhou Ya and Lin Baici, as long as she runs over, Xia Hongyao will definitely help.

Of course, it could also be that Zhou Ya couldn't save face and didn't want to trouble others.

Gu Rongjie originally wanted to remind her to run to Xia Hongyao, but hesitated and gave up.

Everyone still doesn’t know what rule contamination they will encounter next. If he and Zhou Ya are in danger at the same time, Lin Baici will definitely save Zhou Ya first, after all, they know each other.

If Zhou Ya dies, then besides Xia Hongyao and Hua Yueyu, she will be the highest ranked, even higher than Guo Zheng.

If only I were ten years younger!

Gu Rongjie was depressed. It was a pity that Lin Baici didn't like her little aunt, otherwise her appearance and temperament would not work.

Instant kill.

"Zhou Ya, come here, come here quickly!"

Xia Hongyao was hunting bird monsters. When he saw Zhou Ya attracting so many man-eating crows, he immediately shouted to her and ran towards her.

"I'll go!"

Guo Zheng took big steps and rushed towards Zhou Ya.

Anyway, they are all killing bird monsters, so what is killing is not killing? Saving Zhou Ya can also give Lin Baici a good impression.

The other girls who were besieged did not receive such preferential treatment.


A girl who was a junior in Haixi Theater screamed, and blood flowed out from between the fingers of her right hand covering her right eye: "Go away!"

As soon as the girl finished shouting, a man-eating crow pecked at her left eye again, pecked out the eyeball, raised her neck, and swallowed it.


The girl let out a shrill scream and stumbled, trying to run to a crowded place.


She is very beautiful, with long black hair and an oval face. She has a quiet and elegant aura, like a literary girl. But at this time, she should be sitting on the grass, reading a copy of Rabindranath Tagore's "Birds"

His eyes were pecked out.

Only two big bloody holes were left.


The girl tripped with her right foot and fell.

The cannibal crows swarmed down, their beaks like pile drivers, pecking at her head and flesh.

The girl rolled and struggled, but soon stopped moving because a man-eating crow pecked the back of her head.

The girl is dead!

The crows pecked her even more excitedly, like a ferocious maned dog, tearing her apart and ravaging her crazily, and began to enjoy this sumptuous meal.

The other three girls were even more unlucky. Each of them was picked up by a group of cannibal crows and dragged up into the sky. They flew to a place more than thirty meters before being thrown down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two girls fell directly to the ground and died on the spot. Another one fell on a tree first and was scratched all over by branches before falling to the ground.

She didn't die, but she suffered a broken bone and was very uncomfortable.

"Get out of the way!"

Guo Zheng waved a torch, and after approaching Zhou Ya, he grabbed her arm and swung her far away.


Zhou Ya fell to the ground and rolled out.

Guo Zheng ran a few more steps, adjusted his position, and then released the divine grace!


The lizard head opened fire, and the flames swept across.

Cha! Cha! Cha!

Burnt corpses everywhere!

"Xia Hongyao, don't save people, protect the game first!"

When Guo Zheng saw Xia Hongyao starting to save people, he was so angry that he vomited blood.

These people will die if they die, and it will not affect their ability to pass the level. But if the game is gone, everyone will die.

Xia Hongyao ignored Guo Zheng, and danced a short knife very fast, like a black lightning. Every time it appeared, it would cut off the neck of a man-eating crow, and the blood that spattered was like a bunch of flowers blooming.

There are just too many cannibal crows.

Xia Hongyao couldn't kill him for a while, but because he was saving people, he was targeted by a large group of man-eating crows.

"come over!"

Lin Baici's voice sounded in the distance.

Xia Hongyao immediately ran away. Because she ran so fast, even the flying man-eating crow was left behind.

Lin Baici took a deep breath, and after crossing Xia Hongyao, released the divine grace!

The night rain is floating, and the wild Buddha blows the lamp!

Another group killing, another ultimate display of God-given power!

The crows plopped and fell.

Cha! Cha! Cha!

The remaining ones seemed to be frightened, or it was time to attack. They took off and circled twice over the meat forest before flying away.

The crisis was over and everyone sat down on the ground.

In addition to being tired, I was also nervous and scared.

"Forest God, torches and smoke are useless!"

Du Xin has a big head.

"Lin Shen, this won't work. Your Buddha shadow and Guo Zheng's lizard head will definitely not be able to be used frequently, right? If you misfire, we won't be able to stop those bird monsters!"

Gu Rongjie analyzed: "This should be a solution to them once and for all!"

"Did you find anything?"

Guo Zheng was too lazy to think and asked Lin Baici directly.

Lin Baici didn't answer him, and frowned as he looked at the messy scene.

Five people died and three were injured?


Hua Yueyu was protected by summer red medicine, and he was very smart. He was responsible for lighting the bonfire and fanning the smoke, so he didn't provoke too many cannibals. Therefore, although he was embarrassed, he didn't know whether he was tired or frightened. He was sweating profusely.

Pretty safe.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Baici asked and ran to Zhou Ya.

Xia Hongyao was applying medicine and bandaging her.

"Junior Lin!"

Zhou Ya's voice is hoarse.

"Hold on, it will be over soon!"

Lin Baici comforted him.

This senior had scratches on her head, face, and neck, and her robe was in tatters. She looked extremely miserable.

"I... is my face ruined?"

Zhou Ya cried. After the tears came out, the sting hurt.

She comes from an ordinary family. When she graduates and looks for a job, her parents cannot help her, so she has to rely on herself. Her academic performance is above average, but her major is not very good. It is not difficult to find a job, but she wants to find a good job with a high monthly salary.

Basically no hope.

Zhou Ya's only hope was that this picture would give her a perfect score of seven, but that's gone now.


Zhou Ya felt that her life was over.

Didn't I come to Palm Harbor just to find an opportunity to live a better life in the future?

Is this wrong?

Why do I have to suffer this?

"Senior, stop crying!"

Lin Baici sighed, there is no way to persuade this kind of thing, everyone has everyone's suffering, everyone also has everyone's difficulties!

Fang Wen looked at Zhou Ya with envy.

What is disfigurement?

Living is the first priority.

Looking at the unlucky ones who died, the only difference between this girl and them was that she was closer to Lin Baici, so she was rescued by the two god hunters when she was in danger.

"Lin Shen, have you discovered anything?"

Guo Zheng asked, he didn't care about the life or death of these people, he just wanted to know if Lin Baici had found a way out of this rule pollution.

"The injured one stays and rests, while the others and I go to pick leaves!"

Lin Baici gave the order.


Du Xin was overjoyed: "Lin Shen, have you found a way to kill those man-eating crows?"

Everyone also looked at Lin Baici with anticipation.

"Stop wasting time and leave quickly!"

Lin Baici led the way and ran about seventy meters to the foot of a tree: "I'll go up and cut the branches, and you'll be responsible for carrying them!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he climbed up a tree with great agility, took the dragon's tooth, and began to chop down the tree.

This bronze sword was worthy of being the king's sword forged by a master. It cut through iron like clay and was extremely sharp. Lin Baici didn't need to use much force. With just a casual cut, a tree branch as thick as a bowl for an adult was cut off.

Wow! Wow!

The branch fell to the ground.

Fang Wen picked up a branch and looked at it, which was about the size of a thumb cap, like the leaves of an elm tree. He compared it with the leaves on the surrounding trees, but he couldn't see the difference.

He wanted to ask if this would work, so as not to waste his efforts, but when he saw that the others did not ask Lin Baici, but were excitedly carrying branches, he wisely kept his mouth shut.


We don’t know anything, and we don’t dare to ask anything!

Since these people all trust Lin Shen, then I will follow the crowd!

After cutting down several large branches with leaves on the tree, Lin Baici led everyone to move to another place, found another tree, and continued to cut down.


Fang Wen endured it, but finally couldn't hold it back: "Lin Shen, you didn't choose this tree randomly, right?"

"Where did all this nonsense come from? Move it quickly!"

Guo Zheng scolded.

“Believe in Lin Shen and gain eternal life!”

Du Xin seizes the opportunity and flatters him.

"Move it, no problem!"

Lin Baici was very confident. He was worried that there would not be enough leaves and planned to cut down more leaves.

More than ten minutes passed, and Lin Baici wanted to continue, but a man-eating crow appeared in the western sky, which was completely dark.

"Forest God, the man-eating crow is coming!"

Gu Rongjie shouted.

"I saw!"

Lin Baici jumped down from the five-meter-high tree, grabbed a big branch, put it on his shoulders, and ran back: "Run!"

Everyone grabbed a branch and followed behind.

Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao and Guo Zheng were very fast. In a few breaths, they were able to throw these people away by more than 20 meters.

"Lin Shen, wait for us!"

Du Xin cried anxiously.

"Hongyao, Guo Zheng, you go back first, light all the branches and spread them under each tree, then grab the largest one and use it as a torch, go to the wind outlet, let the smoke drift over, and try to cover as much as possible

Maximum range!”

Lin Baici explained.


Guo Zheng immediately accelerated.


Xia Hongyao made an OK gesture with his left hand. There was no need to wait for others, and the two of them moved very quickly.

"Is this the physique of a divine hunter?"

Fang Wen was shocked. Although he had retired in the past few years, he had not stopped exercising. He thought he had good physical fitness, but now he was compared with that female bear and was crushed!

Because Fang Wen is engaged in sports, he can better understand how huge the gap between the two people is.

If I also become a divine hunter...

Fang Wen was suddenly full of expectations. He wanted to play poker with two women all night and still be full of energy the next day.

How cool that would be!

The man-eating crows were flying over, and the dozen or so at the front began to swoop down, preparing to peck at Lin Baici and the others, but midway through, another emergency brake came on.

"what happened?"

Fang Wen was stunned. Are these leaves really useful?

"it works!"

Du Xin was overjoyed: "Lin Shen, it's useful!"

"Don't be stunned, come here quickly and light all the branches on fire!"

Lin Baici didn't dare to light a fire with a pine torch, because anything it lit would quickly burn to ashes.

The branches held by everyone caught fire, crackling and burning, and a plume of thick smoke rose.

Cha! Cha!

The cries of the man-eating crows became urgent and tense.

Thick smoke surged upwards and spread with the light breeze.

The crows dispersed, as if the smoke was poisonous.

Gu Rongjie and her party were refreshed and followed Lin Baici back to the meat forest where they were responsible.

Xia Hongyao and Guo Zheng were very efficient. They had placed burning branches under most of the trees. The thick smoke they emitted drove away the cannibal crows.

"Lin Shen, it's successful!"

When Guo Zheng saw Lin Baici coming back, he immediately shouted.

He was a rough guy, with a happy face and a smile that made it hard to see his teeth.

"Xiao Linzi!"

Xia Hongyao gave a thumbs up gesture.

She could no longer find words to praise Lin Baici.

In short, two words.

Cow O!

“Believe in Lin Shen and gain eternal life!”

Du Xin cheered.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Pay attention to the flames. Where they are about to go out, add branches!"

Lin Baici did not dare to be careless and kept observing the cannibal crows.

The man-eating crows circled and chirped in the sky. After seeing the thick smoke billowing below, they flew to the meat forest where Wang Mingfu was defending.

"Oh yeah, it's over!"

Guo Zheng cheered.

Everyone was smiling, Xia Hongyao and Hua Yueyu even raised their right hands and gave a high-five.

Everyone was relieved.


Fang Wen felt relaxed, sat on the ground, and let out a sigh of relief. He was able to survive, and finally got through it. But for some reason, he suddenly felt so uncomfortable!

three times!

Only three times!

The forest god found a way to drive away the man-eating crows.

This is too fast!

Doesn't he know that using a living person as a scarecrow can attract the attention of the cannibals and protect the game?

he knows!

But he never thought of using such a cruel method from beginning to end.

To be honest, when Fang Wen first joined the team, he was worried about being selected as a scarecrow.

It turns out that I used my villain’s heart to judge the gentleman’s heart.

Looking at what I experienced with Wang Mingfu, it was simply hell.

Every time a swarm of cannibal crows attacks, one or two scarecrows must be sacrificed to survive.

Fang Wen was not a pervert who liked killing people. Every time he nailed someone to a wooden frame, he felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

Everyone wants to live.


If everyone had been followed by Lin Shen instead of Wang Mingfu as soon as they entered here, so many people wouldn't have died.

"Hongyao, you stay here, Guo Zheng, and the rest of you, take the branch torches and go with me to rescue people and protect the game."

Lin Baici urged and ran towards Wang Mingfu at the lead.

Wang Mingfu's side has become a mess.

"Mr. Wang, no, I can't stop you. Why don't you get on the scarecrow?"

Zeng Chuan urged. His bloody words were almost ironic compared with the jade Guanyin statue he wore around his neck.

Others are also urging.

This wave of cannibal crows is too numerous.

"Zhao Tong, I'm sorry!"

After Wang Mingfu finished speaking, he asked people to take action.

"No, Mr. Wang, please, there must be other ways to drive away the cannibals. Think again, please!"

Zhao Tong cried and shouted, but it was no use.

Several men rushed over, grabbed her, and dragged her to the prepared wooden frame.

"Everyone has drawn lots, accept your fate!"

Persuasion was given.

When death was imminent, Zhao Tong could not bear the huge pressure and began to struggle and wanted to run away, but Zeng Chuan would not let her do so.

Several people grabbed her and dragged her to the wooden frame as quickly as possible. Just when Zeng Chuan and another man were about to insert sharpened wooden wedges into her wrists and fix them to the wooden frame, Zhao Tong suddenly


"The bird monster has run away! Look, the bird monster has run away!"

"Your lies are useless!"

Zeng Chuan didn’t believe it, but some people were so shocked that they blurted out.

"Damn it, did you really run away?"

Zeng Chuan turned around and saw the forest god running over with some people. They were holding burning branches in their hands, and thick smoke was rising.

Wherever the thick smoke drifted, the bird monsters fled one after another, as if the smoke was highly poisonous.

When Wang Mingfu saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why are you so dazed? Come here, grab the branches, run around this meat forest, and try to spread the smoke to every place!"

Lin Baici shouted, looking at Zhao Tong who was being held by several men: "Let her go!"

The elevator girl looked even worse than the embarrassed one just now. Her clothes were scratched to pieces, the stockings on her legs were completely torn, and there were scars all over her.

It is said that they did not dare to delay, so they left Zhao Tong behind, ran over to grab the branches, and then started running around the forest.

Thick smoke billowed and drifted everywhere.

A minute later, the last man-eating crow left, and the forest of strange dead trees became quiet.

Zeng Chuan, these people were stunned for a moment, and then they started cheering, one voice louder than the other.

They are excited!

They are ecstatic!

They also cried bitterly!

Because using these burning branches to drive away those bird monsters not only means that everyone has survived this time, but also means that in the next time, everyone no longer has to be afraid of the bird monsters coming back, and they have to be made

The scarecrow is used to attract them to stop pecking and destroying the wild game.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Lin Baici, and some impatient ones had already ran over to say thank you.

Wang Mingfu stood there blankly, his face full of disappointment.

He was very ruthless today and issued many orders for people to die. He had the final say when to use the scarecrow.

Listening to the screams and wails of some people being pecked by cannibals, Wang Mingfu was also palpitating, scared, and trembling, but he told himself that this was to save people.

Yes, a few people died, but many more survived.

I have saved many people, I am their hero!

Wang Mingfu comforted himself in this way to alleviate the guilt caused by killing. He was looking forward to taking everyone out of this meat forest and getting them to express their heartfelt thanks.

But no more!

The forest god came and drove away the monsters with the thick smoke from some burning branches. He made all his previous responses and strategies look like fools.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Mingfu raised his hand and slapped himself four times.

It’s not self-blame, but unwillingness!


Wang Mingfu took a deep breath and walked towards Lin Baici.

"Forest God, what's going on with this branch?"

Wang Mingfu looked at the almost burned branch in Lin Baici's hand: "I also cut down the branches and tried to use smoke to drive away these bird monsters, but it didn't work!"

"Where did you cut the branch?"

Lin Baici could actually guess: "Is it from around here?"


Wang Mingfu nodded, then was stunned: "Are you going to cut it somewhere else?"


Lin Baici looked at these embarrassed people: "Keep on holding on and rest later. While the bird monster is gone, let's quickly get some branches back, just in case!"

Lin Baici turned around and left, and everyone quickly followed.

"Where do you want to cut it?"

Wang Mingfu did not give up and continued to ask questions.

“You’ll know just by following over and taking a look!”

There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

"Goddess Lin!" Zhao Tong limped over: "Thank you, woo woo, thank you!"

Zhao Tong's tears flowed out like a dam, scratching the scratches left by the cannibal crows on her face, which made her grit her teeth in pain.

"never mind!"

Lin Baici comforted him.

Back in the forest, Lin Baici looked at Zhou Ya's condition, called Xia Hongyao and the others, and went to cut branches more than a hundred meters away.

Wang Mingfu stood under the tree with a blank look on his face.

“Are these trees different?”

Zeng Chuan raised his head and looked left and right, but he couldn't tell the difference. It felt like the leaves were all the same.

"It shouldn't be visible to the naked eye, but there should be some smell or other places!"

Lin Baici explained.

"Then how did you find it?"

Fang Wen was curious.

"I just checked this woodland and found a few trees. When the bird monsters fly by, they will avoid them. There are also two trees hanging on the game that the bird monsters will not touch at all!"

Lin Baici's words shocked everyone.

"It's that simple?"

Wang Mingfu didn't believe it.

"if not?"

Lin Baici shrugged his shoulders


Wang Mingfu fell silent.

Indeed, this thing seems simple, but who has the courage to run through the forest alone when those terrifying bird monsters attack?

And even if you dare, you don't have time, because you still have to protect the wild animals. When the bird monsters leave, you have to seize the time to rest and choose to be the unlucky scarecrow.

In fact, Wang Mingfu did nothing wrong. Being a scarecrow is also a way to overcome this level of rule pollution, but it will cost some people death.

Everyone went back carrying a large number of branches.

A quarter of an hour later, the man-eating crows attacked again, but this time everyone was well prepared and dealt with it with ease.

Wang Mingfu had been harassed by man-eating crows nine times in total. This time, no one was killed and he got through easily.

Those who will be the scarecrow next are all happy.

Fortunately, Lin Shen is here.

While Zhao Tong was scared, she also felt sorry for the previous unlucky guy who died. If she had endured a little longer, she would have waited for Lin Shen to come and she would not have to die.

After more than twenty minutes, Lin Baici and his party did not wait for the man-eating crow, but saw the white-faced and feminine dead eunuch arriving with a group of soldiers.

After five hours without leaving the computer, I finally finished writing 6,000 words. I hope you won’t be too late and go to bed early after reading!

This chapter has been completed!
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