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Chapter 101 Who dares to go to Lutai and fight against ten thousand enemies?

 In the Star Reaching Palace, the atmosphere on the platform was frozen, as if a huge boulder was pressing down on everyone, making everyone suffocated.

Wang Mingfu felt that this king was seriously ill.

You just want my wife!

I will definitely not refuse, but my heart...

Each person only has one of these things. If I give them to you, how can you still live?

"It's this kind of instant-death rule pollution again!"

Guo Zheng was very worried, because this kind of sacred game is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die immediately.


Lu Yingxi didn't know how to answer. If she offered her heart, the person would die. If it were her hands and feet, she would definitely chop it off and give it to the king.

She felt that as long as she lived, there was hope, so she was ready to be disabled, but she didn't expect that the other party wanted more than she could give.

The king sitting on the high platform in the attic had an irritable character and was impatient. He no longer waited for Lu Yingxi's reply, and started roaring with a ferocious expression.

"I am sick, so you should prove it to yourself and offer it up to show your loyalty. This is the supreme honor!"!

After the king finished shouting, the soldiers standing around the platform immediately held their bronze spears and knocked on the ground while shouting.

"How disrespectful!" "How disrespectful!" "How disrespectful!"

"Give death!" "Give death!" "Give death!"

The murderous aura boiled on the platform.

"Lin Shen, lend me your royal sword, and I will kill the king!"

Lv Yingxi risked her life. Anyway, she would die, so it would be better to kill the king.

"Feel sorry!"

Lin Baici shook his head.

Wang Jian is his trump card. He will not use it easily until the critical moment, let alone give it to Lu Yingxi. Otherwise, if she dies, Wang Jian will definitely be taken away by Wang.

"Lin Shen, please forgive me!"

Lu Yingxi pleaded: "Otherwise, a torch will do. I will pretend to agree to the king's request, and then take the opportunity to get close and assassinate him!"

[Too naive, this little dessert has no chance of contacting Wang. Once she agrees, she will be slaughtered by others. 】

In order to prove her determination, Lu Yingxi shouted to the king: "Please allow me to take the heart with my own hands and offer it to the king!"

"Humph, you know what's going on!"

Wang's face brightened slightly.

"Lin Shen, I..."

Just when Lu Yingxi was about to beg Lin Baici again, her heart suddenly jumped.


The heart palpitations and pain at that moment made Lu Yingxi's whole face distorted, her whole body twitched, she lost her balance, and with a thud, her head fell on the table.

Plop! Plop!

Lu Yingxi's heart was beating violently, like a silver carp struggling after being hooked, or like a wild dog trying to catch and bite whomever it wanted!


Lu Yingxi grabbed her left breast with her right hand and fell to the ground in pain, twitching and twisting around.

Her chest suddenly bulged into a big lump, and then quickly shrank. After a few times, it exploded with a bang.


Lu Yingxi fell to the ground, and there was a pool of blood under her body, which quickly spread away.

Everyone was as silent as cicadas.

Lu Yingxi's body was squirming. After a few seconds, her mouth was opened and a heart with four legs crawled out from it. After a slight pause, she recognized the direction and quickly crawled towards the north attic.


Gu Rongjie's whole body went numb and she cursed.

Everyone else also looked frightened.

The limbs of this heart were similar to the legs of a scorpion. Although it was not long, it climbed up quickly. It rushed across the steps and jumped onto Wang's desk, leaving a trail of blood behind it that changed from thick to light.

Dazzling! Bloody!


Wang grabbed the heart, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing it raw.

Crunch! Crunch!

Dark red minced meat leaked out from between the teeth, slid across the corners of his mouth, and fell on Wang's chest, the table, and the ground.


Hua Yueyu covered her mouth and wanted to vomit.

Many people looked away and did not dare to look again!

My legs are so scared!

Tang Zhiqian held the tribute wine, glanced at Lu Yingxi's body, and closed his eyes in pain.

This powerlessness made him feel frustrated and uncomfortable.

"Throw it down and feed it to the dogs!"

The king, whose mouth was full of blood, gave orders casually.

Two nearby soldiers came over quickly. One pulled her head and the other grabbed her feet. They picked up Lu Yingxi's body, walked to the edge of the platform, and threw her down.


Du Xin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked around him.

Almost everyone in Tang Zhiqian's circle is dying.

She was scared, terrified, but suddenly she felt somewhat balanced.

You must know that these people are from well-off families and have no worries about food and clothing, especially Tang Zhiqian, Xue Zhao, and Lu Yingxi. Even if they waste money and buy and buy, the inheritance they inherit will not be spent in three lifetimes, but now, it is still the same

Gotta die.

Oh, Brother Tang is not dead, he just became a eunuch.

Du Xin suddenly calmed down and tried his best to survive. If he really couldn't survive, it wouldn't matter. They would lose more than him anyway.

After Wang finished dealing with Lu Yingxi, he took a few gulps of wine and looked over at Wang Mingfu.

"I am sick, would you be willing to offer your heart as medicine to relieve my pain?"


Wang Mingfu and his group were so frightened that their hair stood on end, and goosebumps instantly covered their bodies.

Soon, they discovered that the person Wang asked was Zhao Tong.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it...is it me...me?"

Zhao Tong's one-step skirt and uniform were messy, her high heels were gone, her feet were covered in dirt, her stockings were completely threadbare and had many tears, and sweat stuck her hair to her cheeks, making her look haggard and tired.


When everyone arrived here just now, when Wang said that those dirty and dirty people would be executed, Zhao Tong thought she was going to die, but unexpectedly, the soldiers did not touch her.

Zhao Tong was still lucky that he was lucky today, but now he was in trouble.

After seeing Lu Yingxi's horrific death, Zhao Tong felt that it would be better to be beheaded by those soldiers, at least the death method would not be so painful.

"Reply, I ask you, would you be willing to offer your heart to alleviate the pain of my head disease?"

Wang Huo asked.

Zhao Tong lowered his head and muttered: "No...I don't want to!"

She had an ostrich mentality. She didn't dare to reject the king loudly, and she didn't want to offer her heart, so she muttered quietly, but the king still heard her.

"You are unfaithful!"

Wang stared at Zhao Tong indifferently: "Death!"

Tang Zhiqian shivered when he heard these two words. The young man with earrings walked up to the chief chamberlain carrying a plate.

On the plate, there is a beautifully crafted bronze wine jug.

The chief chamberlain picked up the wine bottle and walked towards Zhao Tong.

Zhao Tong's face turned pale, and he suddenly stood up and rushed towards the steps, trying to escape, but within ten meters, he was held down by a soldier.

"Is this a drug bar?"

Gu Rongjie took a deep breath.

"God Lin, we have to think of a way quickly, otherwise everyone will die if this continues!"

Guo Zheng urged in a low voice.

"Why don't we kill the king together while there are still many of us?"

Xia Hongyao suggested.

While everyone was talking, the chief chamberlain pinched Zhao Tong's cheeks, poured poisonous wine into her mouth, and then threw her away.

Ugh! Ugh!

Zhao Tong grabbed her throat hard and tried to spit out what she had swallowed, but it was useless. After a few seconds, she began to twitch, her skin turned green and ulcerated, and her consciousness gradually faded.

"If I had known this, why would I go to Palm Harbor and stand in the elevator for eight hours a day, laughing with all kinds of people? Wouldn't it be better for me to go shopping, travel, and enjoy life?"

Zhao Tong stopped moving and looked at the bright moon in the sky. Before closing his eyes, he wanted to live a dull life.

"My dear friends, don't be idle. Raise your glass and have a drink!"

Wang laughed.

"I'm drunk!"

Guo Zheng cursed in his heart, this is really a dead end. If you offer your heart, you will die. If you don't offer your heart, you will die. How can you play this?

There is no way for people to survive at all.

Wang continued to call names.

The unlucky guy refused. He knew he couldn't escape from the steps, so he simply jumped off the platform and fell into a puddle of mud on the spot.

The smell of death became stronger.

The mummy singers in the middle of the platform were still dancing in an orderly manner without being affected at all.

Ten minutes have passed.

Three more people were selected, and without exception, they all refused because the scene of the heart crawling out of Lu Yingxi's mouth was too scary.

Even if everyone dies, they don’t want to do it this way.

Among these three people, except for one who had a mental breakdown and was waiting for death, the other two did not give up and tried to escape, but they all failed.

"God, aren't you going to say something?"

In his mind, Lin Baici carefully reviewed all the situations that everyone encountered after entering the Star Picking Palace three times, but could not find any clues.

[A top predator must be patient and observe carefully. There will always be a moment when the prey shows its weakness, and then you bite it and kill it with one blow!]

Lin Baici pouted, what's the difference between saying this and not saying it?

But you really should start from the monster's weaknesses.

Lin Baici looked at the king and then at the beauty mummy. Is this its weakness?


The king dropped the gold bottle in his hand on the steps.

"Aren't you willing to share your worries for others?"

The king roared: "What's the use of you? Come here, come here, drag them all down and execute them!"

The soldiers moved, armed with long swords, and ran over.

"Lin Shen!"

Gu Rongjie shouted urgently.

Everyone was pale and sweating.

"Lin Shen, let's fight out!"

Guo Zheng stood up and wanted to kick him to overturn the case.

"Don't move! Don't even move!"

Lin Baici shouted, first appeasing everyone, and then reported to the king on the high platform: "My king is above, and I have a plan that can cure the king's head disease!"


Wang stopped the soldiers and stared at Lin Baici: "Ai Qing, what's your best plan?"

Gu Rongjie and the others also looked at Lin Baici with uneasy expressions.

"Hmph, if you dare to deceive me, I will cut you into pieces!"

Wang stared at Lin Baici and licked the corners of his mouth.

Of course, you have to keep your heart and soul,


Lin Baici did not reply, but activated the Sanskrit Buddha sound and began to sing the Heart Sutra.

Don't you have a headache?

Then I will recite sutras for you.

Lin Baici remembered that the chief chamberlain asked everyone for money, and he sang a Buddhist sutra to make him temporarily lose his greed.

So it should also work for Wang, right?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,

Seeing that all five aggregates are empty,

The melodious sound of chanting resounded on the platform, then soared upwards and floated over the Star-Zhaing Palace.

Du Xin and others, who had been fearful and nervous, became quiet.

In this palace, it seems that there are eminent monks burning sandalwood, singing Sanskrit music, and conducting water and land dojos.

"It seems useful?"

Hua Yueyu is delighted.

Wang Mingfu looked at Lin Baici with surprise on his face. Is this the power of the divine hunter?

After Lin Baici finished singing the first time, he saw that Wang had no reaction and continued singing, but his expression became a little solemn.

Because he had been observing the king, although it calmed down, its brows were furrowed, showing a sign of displeasure.


Wang Nong raised his eyebrows, raised his big hand, and overturned the table in front of him.

Boom! Boom!

The table, the bronze dinner plates, fruits and pastries rolled down the steps.

"What are you making such noise about?"

Wang Bao shouted: "It's ugly!"

In fact, the sound of chanting had turned Wang's severe headache into a dull pain, which made him feel much better. However, Wang wanted to eat the man's heart and solve his headache once and for all.

"It's over!"

Tang Zhiqian and Xiao Li were shocked.

Lin Baici is going to die, what should I do?

You can't be a eunuch in this sacred ruins for the rest of your life, right?

"Gan, no?"

Wang Mingfu gritted his teeth and prepared to fight.

"Kill out!"

Guo Zheng was about to take action.

"Kill the king!"

Xia Hongyao already had a dagger in her hand and stepped on the table with one foot, like a muscular female leopard about to pounce on her prey.

"Everyone sit down!"

Lin Baici shouted loudly and then changed the scripture.

It was a song he had heard and sung in the Mahavira Hall of Longchan Temple.

The king was about to burst into thunderous rage and order the execution of these people, but now he sat down and listened quietly.

The captain of the chamberlain, the soldiers, and even the dancing singers all stopped and looked at Lin Baici in confusion.

The original sound of bells, chimes, silk and bamboo also stopped abruptly.

This passage is a complete version, sung by the monks on the wall of the Main Hall. Lin Baici recited it by listening to it, and he still clearly remembers it.

However, since I have hardly sung since then, my enunciation is a bit stumbling, but it doesn’t matter, the effect is surprisingly good.

The entire platform fell silent.

Buddhism is boundless and can save all sentient beings.

Lin Bai finished reciting the poem and put his hands together.


"Good, good, good!"

Wang Zheng looked at Lin Baici blankly and found that his head no longer hurt.

This chanting sound is so effective!


I still want to eat your heart and soul.

"Come here, serve the food and wine, let's start the banquet again!"

Wang laughed and said, "Let's play music and then dance!"

The soldiers returned to their positions, their swords and guns were sheathed, the sound of strings and bamboos sounded, and the singers began to dance again, immediately giving the Star Reaching Palace a peaceful atmosphere of singing and dancing.

"Lin Shen, awesome!"

Du Xin cheered.

Everyone else also looked excited.

Live! Live!

With Lin Shen here, everyone will definitely be able to get out of this ruins.

"Well done!"

Xia Hongyao patted Lin Baici on the shoulder.

"Lin Shen, what should we do next?"

Wang Mingfu took the initiative to chat. He was thinking about how to get Lin Baici to help him more.

"Kill the king!"

Xia Hongyao stared at Wang: "This guy has such a strong sense of self, he must have some divine bones in him!"

"you sure?"

Guo Zheng originally wanted to run away, but now that he heard about the corpse, he immediately changed his mind.

This thing is worth fighting for.

Lin Baici touched his belly and looked at the singer who was leading the dance. This mummy made him feel hungry.

[A beautiful lady who was buried with her was worthy of the words “national beauty and heavenly fragrance” in their time.]

【It has meteor stones on its body!】

Nagami review.

"Haha, there are delicious food, fine wine, and dancing ladies, how can there be no singing?"

The king laughed loudly: "Come on, let's start the war song!"

A strong singing voice came from the attic on the right side of the platform.

There was no technique, no melody, just shouting at the top of his lungs, but everyone seemed to see an invincible general calling out to the enemy commander on the battlefield.

When it finished singing, it roared.

"Who dares to wrestle with me?"

Following a word, a fierce general over two meters tall appeared on the edge of the attic. His bare upper body was tattooed with a dragon and a tiger.

The flames in the brazier shed orange-red light on it, and the pair of lifelike dragon and tiger tattoos actually moved.

"Who dares to wrestle with me?"

The fierce general will drink again.

Its sound was so loud that it made everyone's ears buzz.

"I knew it wouldn't end that easily!"

Guo Zheng was depressed.

With such a fierce general who seems to be difficult to deal with, it would be too difficult to kill the king.

"Who dares to climb the deer platform and fight against ten thousand enemies?"

The king no longer sat on his knees, but sat on the mat with his right leg on the mat and his right hand on his knee, showing a majestic posture.

The eyes of thousands of enemies swept across and fell on Fang Wen, because this fighting coach looked the strongest and could fight!

"You, come on stage quickly and compete with me!"

Thousands of enemies invite a battle.

"Lin Shen, what should I do?"

Fang Wen didn't want to go up, he obviously couldn't beat him.

“Cold salad!”

Guo Zheng urged: "If you can't hide, go ahead!"

Just use Fang Wen to confront the enemy and collect information about the ten thousand enemy.

"How about we all come together?"

Fang Wen suggested.

"Whoever can kill my ten thousand enemies, I will satisfy one of their demands: a beautiful woman, a car, a BMW, gold? As long as you can open an exit, I will give it to you!"

The king wants a big reward.

Fang Wen stood up, but was stalling, trying to persuade Lin Baici and the others to go to Lutai together and defeat the ten thousand enemy.

Tens of thousands of enemies were impatient to wait, so it took a spear from the weapon rack, without taking a running start, it twisted its waist and swung its arms, and fired downwards.


Lin Baici shouted, but as soon as he finished speaking, the spear had already made a sound like breaking the wind, and with a whoosh, it pierced into Fang Wen's head, and then the huge inertia pulled his body, flew more than ten meters, and fell



The red blood was spilled all the way.


After the ten thousand enemies finished cursing, they stared at a man in his thirties.

In fact, Lin Baici looked very strong, but he was relatively weak in age. He didn't want people to think that he was bullying the younger ones, so he invited the older ones to fight first.

"Mr. Wang?"

The man who was chosen looked panicked.

"Hurry up to that deer platform or you will be shot to death!"

Guo Zheng urged, he was going to be so angry that Fang Wen looked so strong, but ended up dying so worthlessly.


"But I will die if I go up there!"

The man cried in fright.

That monster can throw a spear from such a distance and kill a person. Who has ever beaten it?

"You will die immediately if you don't go up!"

Just as Guo Zheng finished speaking, another spear came.


The man was shot dead, but this time his body was still carried with a spear and fell off the high platform.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wang laughed, took a sip of wine, and looked at Lin Baici and others.

"Is this brave general brave?"

This sacred ruins is coming to an end. How many people do you think can survive? In other words, who do you want to survive?

This chapter has been completed!
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