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Chapter 114 Mad Dog Eats People

 The owners of these barbecue stalls are most afraid of someone getting into a fight and causing trouble after drinking too much. If they are seriously injured and hospitalized, it will be very troublesome.

"He's not dead. He was drunk. If you don't believe me, come here and see!"

Lin Baici kicked the shoulder next to his right foot.

Gu Qingxiang squatted next to the two sleeping men, checked, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there was indeed nothing wrong.

"You are both still young. If you win, you will go to jail, if you lose, you will be hospitalized. What are you doing?"

The boss wants to cry but has no tears.

In fact, he was very grateful to Lin Baici. If he hadn't knocked down two people with one punch and shocked the two gangs, otherwise the big man would definitely have been exposed to others because of his urine.

But the question now is, are these two people who were fucked okay?

The boss squatted next to the two people. It looked fine on the outside, with no scratches, but he didn't know if there were any internal injuries.

Lin Baici looked at the big man who was the first to carry a chair and make a move: "Are you sober?"

There were stains from vomiting on the corners of the big man's mouth. He stood there, swaying, and even Lin Baici was shaking slightly, but his mind had calmed down a lot.

Damn it!

This is a tough one.

The big man was a thorn in his side when he was in junior high school and high school. In addition, he had some connections in the family and could solve subsequent troubles, so he got into many fights.

But that's it. When fighting, he didn't dare to attack other people's important parts. If he really wanted to kill someone, he would go to jail, but this guy in front of him.

Damn it!

It came up with two punches, knocking the person over.

The moment he saw his companion falling straight to the ground, the big man broke out in a cold sweat. A punch like this that caused him to freeze up and pass out was basically not life-threatening, but it was also a severe concussion.

Generally speaking, when the person who attacks the opponent sees the other person fainted, he will take a second look. After all, killing someone is really no joke.

Who is not afraid?

But the man in front of him didn't even glance at the two people, his posture seemed like he casually crushed two ants to death without caring.

Look at his eyes, he's so calm and terrifying.


Why do I feel that he has killed people, or at least seen many dead people?

The big man is scared!

He used to be arrogant because he could beat others, but now, he is the one being beaten, and he feels that the other person is so calm, so he must be a strong person in the family.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The big man wanted to nod, but he drank too much and his head was a little unruly.

no way,

Don't be cowardly. If someone can kill a strong man with one punch, if you do it yourself, you will be humiliating yourself.

"Go check out when you wake up and get out!"

Lin Baici scolded.

"I'll pay! I'll pay!"

The big man is very obedient,

"Hel these two people back, my name is..."

Lin Baici gave the order.

The effect of the Drunken Immortal Boxing in wine is like drinking too much and getting drunk. You can just sleep and be fine. It won't do any harm to your body.

Lin Baici knew that there would be no sequelae, but these people didn't know, so Lin Baici gave his name to reassure them that even if something happened to his friend, he would be able to find someone.

In fact, even if Lin Baici didn't give his name, he wouldn't be able to run away if someone wanted to find him, because the streets were full of surveillance cameras.

But before Lin Baici could say his name, Gu Qingxiang interrupted.

"My name is Gu Qingxiang, and I am a counselor majoring in software engineering. If they have any questions, please come to me."

Gu Qingxiang also left her phone number.

Lin Baici took action because she came to stop these people, so she couldn't involve Lin Baici. If the other party wanted to cause trouble, she would resist.

Among the group of people, the smart one secretly dialed the number, and was relieved when he heard Gu Qingxiang's cell phone ringing.

Lin Baici heard the ringtone of his cell phone and raised his eyebrows: "Counsellor Gu, show me your cell phone and I'll write down the number. If they drink and cause trouble outside the school, they will get a big demerit."

"With a number, people can't escape. Even if I give a false name now, I can still trace it by following the number!"

Lin Baici's voice was stern.

The boy who called Gu Qingxiang originally thought he was smart, but now he regretted it and wanted to hit the wall.


It left traces.

The big man had fought a lot and had experience. When he saw that Gu Qingxiang and Lin Baici didn't ask for everyone's names, he knew that they didn't mean to make things worse, so he quickly called to his companions and helped the two drunken companions to leave.

"Classmate Lin, I'm sorry for causing you trouble!"

Gu Qingxiang apologized.

"If you encounter something like this in the future, don't rush forward and just call the police!"

Lin Baici was speechless. Do you really think that his status as a counselor is a deterrent?

That is to say, to scare those good and obedient students.


Gu Qingxiang nodded,

Are students concerned?

Her cheeks were a little red and hot, and her heart was beating like a little rabbit.

"Let's go."

Lin Baici looked at his boss's relieved expression, and thinking about how worried he was about the dead man just now, Lin Baici suddenly realized that if he really hit someone too hard and killed someone, he would really be in trouble.

It's different if you become a god hunter of the Kyushu Security Bureau. Those security officers have a killing license. Of course, they can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, but with this license, they have room to operate.

Why are the god hunters willing to join the Kyushu Security Bureau?

The salary is only one aspect, the main thing is the status of this official, which represents a kind of status and power. At least if something is committed, it is an internal investigation and interrogation of the Security Bureau, and the police department is not qualified to intervene.

The two of them walked slowly in the night breeze. When they returned to the school gate, it was already past 9 o'clock.

"You go back!"

Gu Qingxiang is not from Haijing and stayed in this city to work after graduation, so she does not have a house. Now she rents a house in Boshuo Community, more than 300 meters away from Haijing Institute of Technology.

The place is not big, one bedroom and one living room, 40 square meters, but it costs 4,500 yuan a month.

"I send you."

Lin Baici was fine anyway.

Gu Qingxiang was a little embarrassed, but she did not refuse Lin Baici's kindness.

"You just went to college, are you still used to it?"

Gu Qingxiang asked.


Lin Baici thought that going to college couldn't be more dangerous than exploring the Shenxu, right?

Moreover, I now have money and a job. When it comes to study, I just read books and make sure I don’t fail the exam at the end of the term. It’s really easy.


The only problem should be the lack of a girlfriend. After all, there are wine pools and meat forests. Without a girlfriend, I always feel like something is missing.

The two people were chatting, and when they were not far from an alley, a scream suddenly came from inside.

"You wait here!"

Lin Baici left a word and immediately ran over.


Gu Qingxiang didn't listen to Lin Baici and ran after him.

Boshuo is an old community with more than 20 years of history. Most of the residents there are tenants, who are basically college students from Haijing Institute of Technology.

Some people have graduated and don't want to go back to their hometowns, so they stay here to find jobs, while others have moved out to live during their college years.

That alley is a shortcut from the community back to school.

I heard that in the early years, some people robbed female college students who were passing by. However, since the popularity of mobile payment, people don’t carry cash much. In addition, there are cameras all over the street, and the security is much better.

"Hopefully it's just a robbery!"

Gu Qingxiang was very worried.

If her mobile phone and jewelry were robbed, she would lose a little money at most. If the girl was in trouble, she would be haunted for the rest of her life. However, when she saw Lin Baici rushed into the alley after taking a few breaths, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Baici's tall figure, as well as her attitude of not being afraid of punching in the face of more than a dozen people just now, made her full of confidence in this boy.

The street lights in the alleys are either in disrepair or because they are installed with low-power bulbs to save energy, but they are very dim anyway.

The light of dusk only intensified the scary atmosphere. If the weather was bad and there was no moon at night, no girls would dare to leave.


A girl is crying.


Lin Baici drank loudly and ran all the way. He thought someone was robbing or playing hooligan, but what he didn't expect was a dirty golden retriever biting a girl.

"Mad dog?"

Lin Baici frowned.

This dog kept biting the girl. It hadn't taken a bath for an unknown amount of time. The hair on its body was all tangled, clumps and stained.

Even in dim light, Lin Baici could see the dog's bloodshot eyes and the saliva constantly flowing from its mouth.

When the golden retriever saw a person rushing over, he immediately gave up biting the girl and pounced on Lin Baici.

The battle can be solved instantly with the Muscle Buddha, but if someone sees this thing, it will be a lot of trouble, so it is better to use the red clay figurine.

Anyway, Lin Baici didn't think of doing it himself. Although he had been vaccinated, if he was scratched by a mad dog, he would have to get a rabies vaccine.

"With my physique, I shouldn't get rabies, right?"

Divine grace activated, red rolling stone.

A red clay figure appeared in the shadow of the alley corner, slinging a sling.


The golden retriever barked wildly and rushed over. With sudden force on its limbs, it pounced on Lin Baici.

But it jumped into the air with its whole body, and before it could bite Lin Baici, a flying stone hit it in the left eye.



The golden retriever screamed and immediately lost its balance.

Lin Baici jumped up, turned around, swung his leg, and kicked the mad dog in the head.



The mad dog screamed again and was kicked sideways, hitting the wall.


The mad dog fell to the ground and struggled to get up.

Lin Baici rushed over with two strides and kicked it hard on the head.


The mad dog fainted.

Lin Baici wanted to pick up a brick and smash the mad dog's head, but the sanitation workers had cleaned the environment fairly well. Except for a few empty milk tea cups and fast food boxes, no weapons could be found to commit the crime.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Baici ran to the girl and saw that her arms, thighs, and clothes were torn, with bite marks and blood stains.


The girl is crying.

"Don't be afraid, that mad dog has already knelt down, and you are not disfigured. Find a good doctor and there will be no scars on your body!"

Lin Baici comforted him.

"Classmate Lin, what's going on?"

Gu Qingxiang ran over, breathing heavily.

"There's a mad dog!"

Lin Baici confessed and dialed 120 at the same time: "I fainted, but I'm not dead yet."

"Oh, I'm going to call the school's security department and ask them to bring tools to deal with it. How is this girl's condition?"

Gu Qingxiang called.

"I was bitten, but my life should be fine!"

Lin Baici wanted to let go of the girl, but she kept holding on to him. She had no other intention, she was just scared.

"Are you a student of Haijing Institute of Technology? Which major are you in? What's the counselor's name?"

Gu Qingxiang was about to call the girl's counselor, but she was emotionally unstable and kept crying, unable to communicate normally.

Within three minutes, people from the security department arrived with tools.

Because there have been mad dogs near the school during this time, and more than 40 students have been injured, so the principal has issued a death order. If another student gets into trouble, the security section chief will not do it, so they are very active.

The ambulance also arrived. Lin Baici and Gu Qingxiang took the girl to the hospital. After disinfection and sutures, the girl's mood stabilized.

The next step is to ask the girl about her basic situation and call her counselor.

By the time counselor Zhao arrived from home and took over everything, it was already past 2 o'clock in the evening.

Lin Baici and Gu Qingxiang stood in front of the gate of the Third City Hospital, waiting for a taxi.

"The dormitory building is closed!"

Gu Qingxiang was confused, it was so late, where could Lin Baici go? He couldn't sleep on the street, right?


At this hour, there are still people coming in and out,


The hospital never seems to be deserted.

"How about...you go to my place and stay one night?"

A man and a woman were alone in the same room, and they were still his students. It would not be good if others saw it, but Lin Baici couldn't do it alone.

"No, it won't have a good impact on you!"

Lin Baici refused.

Hearing what Lin Baici said, Gu Qingxiang felt embarrassed. She felt that she was too selfish. Looking at others, she first cared about her own reputation.

"It's okay, otherwise where would you go so late?"

Gu Qingxiang invited her, but she did not doubt Lin Baici's character and would not be able to help but do something to her.


In the past, Lin Baici would definitely have found an Internet cafe to spend the night, but now that Hilton has arrived, Jin Yingzhen has booked a luxury suite for a year anyway, so he can't afford to waste it.

"That'll cost you too much!"

Gu Qingxiang disagreed.

The taxi came and the two of them got in.

"Go to Boshuo Community!"

Lin Baici fastened his seat belt. He did not sit in the back seat, but the passenger seat.

This behavior made Gu Qingxiang have a good impression of Lin Baici. In the past, when carpooling, someone would deliberately sit next to her and bump into each other.

After sending Gu Qingxiang back to Boshuo Community first, Lin Bai asked the driver to go straight to the Hilton Hotel.

Gu Qingxiang watched the taxi drive away and stood there for a few more minutes. Then he went home. After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered.

Lin Baici paid for the ambulance in advance, 130 yuan, but he never mentioned it from the beginning to the end.

This is a generous and generous boy.

Gu Qingxiang quickly called counselor Zhao and told him not to forget to ask the girl to pay back the money.

"What taboo thing contaminates so many mad dogs?"

Lin Baici frowned and decided to deal with this problem.

When I have nothing to do these days, I walk around the school and use the hunger radar to look for it.

The hotel has arrived.

The girl at the front desk is not the same as last time, but she is still very enthusiastic.

"Mr. Lin, go this way, watch your step!"

[A girl with a relatively open concept can play a friendly match for a night as long as she gives a gift worth about 3,000 yuan.]

[Twenty-four years old, healthy, good skin, although the flexibility is a little worse, but the skills are very good!]

Lin Baici's eyes fell on the legs of the receptionist lady.

The black stockings were a little shiny under the light.

"Three thousand dollars!"

For Lin Baici today, this little money was no different than a few cents. Spending it could exchange for a fun night, but he still held back.

Early the next morning, Lin Baici had a buffet breakfast in the restaurant on the first floor and was about to go back to school when the hotel manager came.

"How was your stay last night, Mr. Lin? Are you satisfied?"

The manager, who was in his forties, presented a business card with both hands.


Lin Baici took the name: "I don't have this!"

Don't let others misunderstand you and think you look down on him by not giving him your business card.

"Where will Mr. Lin go next?"

Lin Baici thought too much. Even if he didn't give him a business card, the manager wouldn't think anything of it. After all, the manager had come into contact with too many second-generation people like them, and they had all kinds of things.

Lin Baici didn't say that he didn't want to reveal his identity as a student.

"Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong. You also have a Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot. It hasn't been driven for many days. Leaving it there all the time is not good for the engine."

The manager smiled and explained that he had no intention of inquiring into Lin Baici's privacy. It was only because he was a big customer that he was so concerned.

I have booked a luxury suite for a year. If the service is not good, I will suffer a big loss if I choose another hotel next year.

Lin Baici frowned slightly, this was indeed a problem.

"If you don't want to drive yourself, our hotel can arrange for someone to take you there, either in your car or the hotel's car."

The hotel also has a car, and with Lin Baici's money, it doesn't cost anything to take a ride.

"But I suggest you take your own car and let it run away if nothing happens. After all, the Daben is so expensive, it would be a pity to leave it alone!"

The manager is kind-looking and well-spoken.

"Then please arrange for a driver to drive the Mercedes-Benz to me. Thank you."

You have to spend money to take a taxi, so it’s better to take your own. As for my student identity, it’s probably fine if someone finds out.

"Wow, Mercedes-Benz AMG, Sister Hong, what's the origin of that boy?"

The front desk lady who had sent Lin Baici off yesterday couldn't help but scream when she saw the hotel driver picking up Lin Baici in a Mercedes-Benz AMG.

"What? Do you feel that you were at a loss because you didn't seize the opportunity yesterday?"

Sister Hong joked, she is the front office manager and is familiar with the information of these guests.

"Even if he has no money and only has that face, it won't be a loss for me to be his girlfriend!"

The lady at the front desk chuckled: "But for someone like me, I am definitely just playing for fun and won't be a girlfriend, so why bother?"

"It's good that you know!" Sister Hong warned: "Anyway, don't hook up with that young man!"

Sister Hong has not forgotten the Korean girl who came to book a room. Lin Baici might be her little wolfdog. If she is touched by a female employee of her hotel, she will never let it go.

Lin Baici returned to the dormitory, but Qian Jiahui was still sleeping in.

"You're not going to class again?"

Lin Baici took advanced mathematics and prepared to go to the classroom.

"You've been playing all night and you're getting ready for class? You're really energetic!"

Qian Jiahui looked at Lin Baici.

"No, what did I do?"

Lin Baici didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Qian Jiahui must have thought wrongly. He wanted to explain a few words, but Gu Qingxiang just called.

The next chapter will be very late, everyone should get up and read it tomorrow morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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