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Chapter 165 Lin Baici’s authority cannot be challenged!

 Some people didn't care about the conflict between Lin Baici and the fighting man. They just wanted to survive, so they moved quietly, but as soon as they left the crowd, they were targeted by a huge boulder.


The boulder rolled over, and the faces on it were so ferocious and miserable that they were frightened and hurried back to the crowd.

As long as a person doesn't want to leave here, the boulders will not attack him.

Lin Baici smiled when he heard the fighting man's words. He didn't say anything but moved his body.


Lin Baici appeared in front of the fighting man, clenching his right fist and hitting him in the head.

"So fast!"

The fighting man's heart trembled. Relying on experience and instinct, he knew he couldn't dodge, so he blocked with his left arm and punched with his right arm.

Let you know, kid, I am not a vegetarian...ah!

Before the thought of fighting man could fully come to mind, Lin Baici's heavy punch had already hit his right face.


The fighting man felt like he was being hammered by a giant. Because the force he received was too great, he was turned upside down, his head facing down, and hit the ground with a bang. His legs were raised high at first, and then fell down.

, fell to the floor.

He fainted and turned into a puddle of mud.

"It doesn't matter if you win all the fighting competition championships in the world!"

Lin Baici bent down and picked up the coins dropped by the fighting man.

The entire audience was silent. No one expected that this muscular man with a strong back and strong muscles could not take a punch from this boy.

Cai Wenqi and her friends looked at Lin Baici, their mouths opened into an 'O' shape, their faces full of shock.

Isn’t this too powerful?

It feels easier than a boxing champion beating a kindergartener.

Cai Wenqi swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but look at Lin Baici's fist.

She was a good student and hated fighting, smoking and drinking. But now, she suddenly felt that Li Wei's punch was full of violent beauty.



Why was it Li Wei who was admitted to Shanghai Normal University and not Lin Baici?


Jin Yingzhen felt that Lin Baici had become stronger again. Now she just wanted to quickly absorb divine grace, become a divine hunter as soon as possible, and improve her physical fitness.

Otherwise, Oppa will definitely be satisfied!

If that doesn't work, let Hua Yueyu come along.

Lin Baici looked at the crying girl who issued the card and flicked the coin with his right thumb.


The coin flew over a distance of more than thirty meters and landed steadily in front of the girl who issued the card.

"Take it!"

Lin Baici sighed in his heart, in this kind of rule pollution, good luck is important, but if you don't have the strength to hold on to the spoils, you will end up being eaten by the weak.

Everyone looked at the coin in front of the girl who issued the card, and then at Lin Baici.


I really want to grab it!

But I dare not!


The girl who issued the card screamed in surprise, like a hungry dog ​​pouncing on its food. She quickly grabbed the coin in her hand, and then looked around nervously.

"thanks, thanks!"

The girl who issued the card kept thanking her and cried with joy. Then she had an idea and quickly stood up and ran towards Lin Baici.

Cai Wenqi looked at Lin Baici eagerly, trying to find some excuse to get this coin.

"Handsome guy, can you give me this coin?"

The girl with the pointed chin begged.

"Oh my god, you coquettish bitch, you actually stole my things!"

Cai Wenqi cursed in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to argue because after all, we were roommates and we got along quite well before.

"Sorry, there's only one!"

Lin Baici handed the coin to Cai Wenqi: "When you get back, take more care of Li Wei!"

He felt that Cai Wenqi's character and emotional intelligence would definitely lead to good development in the future. If he could help Li Wei, join the student union, join the party, etc., maybe his resume would be brighter and it would be easier to find a job in the future.

"I will! I will!"

Cai Wenqi took the coin and was overjoyed, but her expression quickly calmed down.

Be reserved,

Don't let Lin Baici think that I am a frivolous woman.

The seven boulders, which were staring at the crowd like sheepdogs, suddenly started to roll towards the crowd.

"for how long?"

Lin Baici asked, it was really inconvenient not to have a watch.

"ten minutes!"

Jin Yingzhen took off the million-dollar watch from Patek Philippe on his wrist and handed it to Lin Baici: "You put it on first!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Lin Baici took it.


The boulder rolled, and the game of "Eagle and Chicken" began again. Everyone focused on staring at the boulder and dodging.

Some people ran ahead of time and away from the boulders, while others stayed where they were and waited for the boulders to roll towards them before starting to dodge.

Everyone's response will highlight their personal character.

Lin Baici took the coin and stared at the boulder while paying attention to the people present. If there were any guys with bad personalities, he would send them out to be cannon fodder.

Then Lin Baici saw two people.

A woman in a red windbreaker, about thirty-five or six years old, with burgundy wavy hair, wearing red high heels.

There was no trace of panic on her not-so-pretty face, and she was very calm in the face of the rolling boulders.

Besides her, there was another young man who was relatively stable. Although he took the initiative to mix in the crowd and was very inconspicuous, he was still noticed by Lin Baici.

"There's something wrong with these two people!"

Lin Baici was worried about attracting their attention, so he immediately withdrew his gaze.


A huge boulder rolled, and people on the path in front of it scattered like a school of tuna being targeted by sharks.

A man saw the right moment and ducked aside.

It felt like dodging an oncoming car on the highway, but before he could feel relieved, the boulder suddenly changed direction without warning.


The man who had slowed down changed his expression drastically. He wanted to dodge again, but it was already too late.


The boulder rolled over him.

Amidst the splatters of blood and flesh, a piece of shriveled human skin was left behind, and the man's face appeared on the boulder.

"Be careful, the way the boulder rolls has changed!"

Lin Baici shouted.

This time, the rolling of the boulder is no longer in a straight line, but will suddenly change direction during the rolling. This time, it becomes more difficult for everyone to dodge.

Bah! Bah!

A dozen unlucky people were crushed to death.

The hook-nosed man who was knocked unconscious by a group of people just woke up and when he opened his eyes, he saw a huge boulder rolling past him.

"Do not do this!"

Hooknose rolled sideways, and then the boulder crushed his legs.


Hook-nosed screamed.

After a period of chaos, the boulder stopped again, staying on the outside and staring at the crowd.

Lin Baici lowered his head and looked at his watch.

three minutes.

It's time for the boulder to roll.

Wow! Wow!

There was a cracking sound on the ceiling again, and then gravel fell down.

Everyone ignored the pain and covered their heads with their hands, raising their heads and looking for coins.

Cai Wenqi already had the coins, but she still took the initiative to find them. This behavior made Lin Baici feel a lot better about her.


The hook-nosed howl.

His legs were pressed directly to the ground like stickers. Because there were no wounds, there was no major bleeding, but he himself seemed to be stuck to the ground, unable to move.

"Xiaobai, how long will this rule pollution last?"

Hua Yueyu asked in a low voice: "Can the person who gets the coin be free to leave?"

"I'll try it!"

Lin Baici was about to leave the crowd, but was held back by Jin Yingzhen.

"I go!"

Jin Yingzhen doesn't want to be a vase. He can do this kind of cannon fodder job by himself.

After she finished speaking, she ran towards the outside of the crowd without giving Lin Baici a chance to refuse.


Lin Baici followed, ready to rescue at any time.


Jin Yingzhen felt warm in her heart.

The moment the Korean girl left the crowd, the two boulders closest to her immediately rolled in this direction.

"Stop it!"

Lin Baici shouted urgently.

"It doesn't seem possible!"

Jin Yingzhen frowned.

"That's what I saw first!"

"It's obviously me!"

"Let go!"

Someone got into a fight over the coins, and then they started fighting and got into a fight.

Lin Baici glanced at it. He would not uphold justice in this kind of dispute without clear ownership. It depends on personal force!

"Handsome guy, he stole my coins!"

A girl cried and shouted at Lin Baici,

Lin Baici looked over.

The young man in a sweatshirt standing next to her looked like a student being targeted by a school bully, his skin tightened all over his body.

"I don't!"

The young man in the sweatshirt shook his head like a rattle, and before Lin Baici could say anything, he threw the coin to the girl, not forgetting to explain to Lin Baici.

"I did get it first!"

"Fart, I was the one who saw it first!"

When the crying girl saw that the other person was timid, she immediately became courageous.

"Yes, you saw it first, but I got it first!"

The man in the sweatshirt argued, looking at how miserable the guy who claimed to be a fighting champion was, he didn't want to be beaten up by Lin Baici.

In fact, he relied on running fast to be one step ahead of the crying woman, because he also felt that he was in the wrong, otherwise he would never give up the coins.

"Handsome guy, help me make the decision!"

"Little brother, I saw the coin first!"

There were two more people who had a disagreement about the coins. They did not take action, but wanted to make a decision through Lin Baici.

"I'm not a judge?"

Lin Bai was speechless.

He didn't see what happened, so he couldn't give a fair verdict in this conflict of different opinions. And to be honest, Lin Baici didn't have time to worry about this kind of thing. He still had to think about how to get out of trouble.

The woman and the young man in the red trench coat also found the coins and came down safely.

"They should be god hunters!"

Lin Baici guessed.

Five minutes later, the boulders started rolling again, and this time, they didn't just suddenly change direction while rolling in a straight line, but began to roll irregularly.

It's like a billiard ball being hit with full force.

There are no rules, just go as you please.

This is going to be troublesome.

People have no way to predict the trajectory of the rolling boulders and can only rely on instantaneous reactions.

When a pair of middle-aged women saw the boulder rolling towards them, their legs weakened with fright and they stumbled forward.

One of them had clumsy legs and feet and fell down. The other one ignored her and changed direction and ran to the side.

"Don't leave me!"

The fallen middle-aged woman cried out to her best friend. Just when she thought she was going to die, the boulder suddenly changed direction, caught up with her best friend, and crushed her over.


The human skin was left behind, and some flesh and blood was spattered on the face of the middle-aged woman.

Her whole body was sluggish.

So is my best friend’s blood so hot and sticky?

A boulder rolled past Hook Nose. He was not dead. I don't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky. After all, he would definitely not survive with such an injury.

If you live for one more second now, you will suffer one more sin.

The seven huge rocks rolled irregularly and made an astonishing noise.

"Can you guys stop crowding around me?"

Cai Wenqi wanted to cry but had no tears.

Several of her friends gathered around her, obviously wanting to take advantage of the anti-collision effect of the coin. Not only them, there were also several people standing around other people who had coins.

Cai Wenqi wanted them to keep some distance, but was too embarrassed to speak.

[What a death wish. Only one person is allowed to use a coin, otherwise he will be attacked by a boulder!]

When Lin Baici heard Nagami's comment, he immediately shouted.

"Be careful, one coin should only be used by one person!"

When Cai Wenqi heard this, she lost her reserve and ran to the side to throw them away: "Please, don't come over!"

Friends are embarrassed.

"Wen Qi, how could you do this?"

Girls with pointed chins accuse.

Cai Wenqi was a little ashamed, but she soon stopped because the seven rolling stones changed direction and rolled towards the people holding the coins and a group of people gathered around them.

"Honey, take it and run!"

A man gave a coin to his wife and gave the people gathered around them a push.


The rock is coming.

"Gan, you all get out!"

"Don't touch me!"

"Fuck, get out of here!"

The people holding the coins didn't expect to be hit by the young man's words. They all yelled and hurriedly ran for their lives.

"Thank you!"

Cai Wenqi kept thanking Lin Baici. Because she got rid of her friends in time, she was not chased by the rolling stones, but her friends looked at her with very cold eyes.

This friend, there is absolutely nothing he can do.

Lin Baici looked at his watch. In addition to the original three minutes of this wave of crushing, because many people shared the same coin, the rolling stones chased them for an additional two minutes.

Some unlucky ones didn't last until the stone stopped,


Wow! Wow!

On the ceiling, gravel began to fall again.

Everyone hurriedly looked for the coins.

Now everyone can see that coins are life-saving charms.

The trajectory of these boulders is becoming increasingly unpredictable, and the risk of death is greatly increased, so it is safest to find a coin.

Lin Baici asked the red clay man to continue looking for coins. Suddenly, he saw a dozen young and strong men rushing towards a woman, knocking her down to the ground and taking away the coins in her hand.

Then they go straight to the next target.

"Classmate Lin!"

Cai Wenqi was afraid, and the card-issuing girl who had been beaten once moved closer to Lin Baici.

In a crisis of death, there is always a shortage of smart people.

These young and strong men are united, and they are the strongest in terms of force value.

Instead of expending energy and relying on luck to find a coin, it's better to grab someone else's.


Turning someone else's into your own is always the fastest way to grow in the world.

Of course, being able to win over a group of people in such a short period of time is not something that just anyone can do.

At least you have to be eloquent.

In fact, there are still a few people who have this idea, but their ability to act and execute is far behind, and they have not been able to form a group until now.

[Although it is the struggle of a weak person, it is worthy of praise!]

[Even trash fish at the low end of the food chain will not be willing to be eaten!]

Nagami review.

"Handsome guy, help!"


Three unlucky guys who had their coins taken away by this group of people shouted at Lin Baici, asking him to help. Those who were holding coins and had not been attacked yet ran towards Lin Baici.

Hope to be sheltered.

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

A young man with dyed yellow hair looked at Lin Baici: "Let's not offend the river!"

The punch that Lin Baici punched the fighting man was so violent that Huang Hair was afraid. If there was even a chance, he did not want to conflict with Lin Baici.

But he was not afraid when it got up, after all, he had many people on his side.

In order to scare Lin Baici, Huangfa shouted: "Who wants to join us? Come here quickly, as long as there are many people, everyone can get a coin!"

When some people heard this, they ran over immediately.

Not everyone wants yellow hair, and in order to prove that the spot to join his team is precious, he pointed directly at a thin man wearing glasses and yelled: "Get out, you are not qualified!"

This sentence made some men who were still hesitant start running towards him.

"Oh, and using psychological warfare!"

Jin Yingzhen pouted, what's the point of having so many people?

As soon as Oppa's muscles come out, your heads will explode.

"Leave them alone!"

Cai Wenqi advised her that she was still counting on Lin Baici's protection, so she didn't want anything to happen to him.

She felt that Lin Baici should be able to beat so many people, but it would be terrible if he got injured, which would be detrimental to his subsequent escape from this sacred ruins.

"Give them back the coins and I'll pretend it never happened!"

Lin Baici stared at these people, his expression turning cold.

"none of your business?"

Huang-hair was the initiator of the team, and the first coin he grabbed belonged to him, so he didn't panic at all and was free to talk to Lin Bai.

"The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, no problem, but now that I'm here, I must follow my laws."

Lin Baici declared, because this is his hunting ground.

Most importantly, the yellow-haired man is challenging his authority.

Does he think that with more people, he has the right to speak?


"Silly O!"

The yellow-haired man cursed.

"Those who work hard to find coins, their achievements should not be taken away by you robbers who get something for nothing!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he threw himself at Huang Hair.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

"Fuck him! Grab their coins!"

The yellow-haired man shouted, trying to call more people to take action, but no one was stupid. Many people were waiting and watching, and only five of them gathered around him.

"Fuck, what a bunch of trash!"

The yellow-haired man was frightened when he saw these people and cursed angrily. However, he knew that it was useless to vent his emotions at this time, so he immediately calmed down and began to deal with it.

"You are stupid, go and grab those women's coins."

"With coins, you can live!"

"Otherwise, wait until you are crushed to death by a boulder!"

To be honest, some people are moved. If Lin Baici hadn't established his power by punching the fighting man, someone would definitely have trouble with Jin Yingzhen and the others.

This chapter has been completed!
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