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Chapter 172 Offering to the Cat God

 The black cat stretched out its little paw, licked it, and then dialed the golden scale.

"The fifth question, are you willing to dance with me?"

When everyone heard Black Cat continue to ask questions, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then became excited.

Very good!

The girl who seemed to have an abnormal brain circuit answered correctly.

In the eyes of these people, asking a black cat how many cats are around is like a beheading question. As long as it asks, it will die.

Because I have no clue at all, even the son of Goddess Luck would not be able to get the right answer.

But now, this girl got the answer right.

Everyone looked at Gu Qingqiu with surprised and curious faces, wondering how she deduced this number?

A small group of people thought of Lin Baici's cough and looked at him. Was it related to him?


Gu Qingqiu blinked his big moist eyes and looked at the black cat excitedly: "Do you want to dance with me like this? Or turn into the form of a cat person?"

Black Cat originally stood up, took a step, and was about to jump off the platform, but Gu Qingqiu's words and her expression made her steps freeze.

Isn't this a lunatic?


The couple said in unison, with anxious expressions on their faces.

They had already made plans to live and die together, but now they rushed to the last question and began to worry about gains and losses, which caused a psychological burden.

"Come and dance!"

Gu Qingqiu urged, taking out a wet wipe from the bag he was carrying, wiped his hands carefully, and then sprayed some alcohol on it.

This is her habitual preparation before petting the cat.


Seeing this, the black cat turned around and lay back down in front of the golden scale.

"You have passed the test, you can leave now!"

Black Cat announced, making the couple immediately overjoyed and hugged each other on the spot.

"Aren't you going to dance?"

Gu Qingqiu looked at the black cat with disappointment in his eyes.

Such fine fur must be very pleasant to touch.

Black Cat didn't want to talk to Gu Qingqiu, and even wanted to smash the golden scale on her head.

"Classmate Lin, if he asks me how many cats I want around me, can you please help me?"

Cai Wenqi begged in a low voice.

When people around Lin Baici heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned. Is that crazy girl's ability to pass the test related to Master Lin?

Cai Wenqi is not sure whether she has anything to do with Lin Baici, but I beg you, it's definitely true.

Gu Qingqiu came back, stood in front of Lin Baici, looked into his eyes, his red lips were slightly white due to year-round anemia, and moved: "Thank you!"

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

Fortunately, Gu Qingqiu was quick-witted and understood his gestures in an instant. If he had been replaced by a high ponytail with D intelligence, he might have been disappointed.

"How did you count 53 cats?"

After the sales man saw Gu Qingqiu's mouth shape, he understood that it was Lin Baici's hand. But how did he do it? Then his eyes looked at the oil lamp in Lin Baici's hand. Could it be related to this thing?


Gu Qingqiu also glanced at the oil lamp in Lin Baici's hand, but even though she desperately wanted to know the answer, she still held back.

Not urgent!

Anyway, I can observe secretly.

Gu Qingqiu's lips couldn't help but reveal a smile, and she happily hummed a ditty because she had found another interesting entertainment activity.

"As expected of my deputy captain!"

Gu Qingqiu survived, Xia Hongyao excitedly stretched out his right hand and hugged Lin Baici's neck.

"Haha, how do you say that? You can always trust Lin Shen!"

Hua Yueyu didn't panic, standing together with Lin Baici, feeling full of security.

"That's right!"

Xia Hongyao nodded heavily, and reached out to rub Lin Baici's hair vigorously.

Song Huizhi and Bai Hegu looked at the oil lamp in Lin Baici's hand.

Oh shit!

There are so many good things in this kid.

He didn't run away, he must be Xia Hongmian's little wolfdog.

The black cat looked at Lin Baici. It wanted to say, you coughed so loudly just now, you can answer the question this time. But for some reason, when it met this human's eyes, it suddenly felt a palpitation in its heart.

never mind!

Ignore him.

The black cat ignored Lin Baici, waved his little paw, and nodded at seven more people: "You! You! You!"

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen were both selected, plus the man in the sweatshirt, and four young people.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they are single.


Gao Limei was a little worried.

"Xiaobai, it's up to you!"

Hua Yueyu has never cheated since she was a child. Unexpectedly, the first time was just for survival.

The pressure is quite high!

Lin Baici opened his backpack, took out four cans of dace with black bean sauce and a bag of ham sausage, and handed them to Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen.

"Go quickly and make an offering to the black cat first!"

Lin Baici urged.

"Brother Lin!"

The man in the sweatshirt looked at Lin Baici pitifully, like a stray dog ​​begging for food.

Lin Baici doesn't have a lot of canned fish because he doesn't like eating it very much. He buys it purely for balanced nutrition and adding some seafood.

After all, the space for the black alms bowl is too big, so if it is not filled with white, it will not be filled with white.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen took their things and immediately ran to the stone platform.

The black cat stood up and stared at them carefully.

"This is an offering!"

Hua Yueyu gesticulated. She had raised cats and had the experience of being a shit shovel, so she tore open the ham sausage with both hands, opened the can of fish, and placed it respectfully in front of the black cat.

Jin Yingzhen followed suit.

The black cat looked at Hua Yueyu and the two, then at the food in front of him, and sniffed it vigorously.

It smells pretty good!

The black cat walked up to the canned fish, stuck out its tongue, licked it, and then started eating.

Seeing this, the other four people also ran over.

"Lin Shen, okay?"

"I beg you!"

"I'll give you one!"

A boy actually knelt down.

There is no way, if you can't answer the question, you will really turn into a statue.

He doesn't want to die.

Anyway, don’t worry about whether it’s useful or not, just ask for it first.

Lin Baici couldn't bear to watch these people die, so he took out five offerings and prepared to give them to them.

"Classmate Lin..."

Cai Wenqi was anxious, worried that she would no longer have a share.

"Don't panic, I'll leave it for you!"

Lin Baici comforted her, saying that for Fa Xiao's sake, she would help Cai Wenqi no matter what.


Cai Wenqi raised her arms and wiped away her tears. She was both happy and regretful now.

She was glad that she met Lin Baici through Li Wei, but regretted that she was not a student of Haijing Institute of Technology.

If I had known that I would have studied harder in high school.

"Thank you Lin Shen."

The five people were overjoyed, but at this moment, Song Huizhi walked over quickly.


Song Huizhi grabbed Lin Baici's wrist.

"What are you doing?"

The five people looked very fierce.

Song Huizhi didn't even glance at them. She looked into Lin Baici's eyes and said solemnly: "Things are rare and valuable. The black cat has got so much food. If you try to offer it later, the effect will not be great."

When the five men in sweatshirts heard this, their whole bodies were ignited with anger.

"What do you mean? Are you going to watch us die?"

"Does Lin Shen's stuff have any of your business?"

"God of the Forest, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

The five people started squirting, wanting to tear the woman in the red trench coat apart.

"You are not my family, why can't I watch you die?"

Song Huizhi was speechless. Are these people mentally ill?

Save you?

Do others owe you anything?



"Lin Shen, you are a good person, don't listen to her!"

The five young people looked at Lin Baici in panic, worried that the boy would listen to her words and not give anything to everyone.

Lin Baici frowned. To be honest, the attitudes displayed by these five people now made him a little unhappy.

As for the possibility that Song Huizhi offered too many tributes and might not be effective, he has also considered it.

[Except for the man in the sweatshirt, the other four people are all ungrateful people!]

When Lin Baici heard this comment, he immediately made a decision. He gave the man in the sweatshirt a can and ham, and let the others forget it.

"Master Lin, where is mine?"

"Master, I don't want to die, please help me!"

"Master, we trust you and that's why we follow you. Are you so cold-blooded?"

A man accused Lin Baici.

Lin Baici frowned, and just as he was about to speak, Cai Wenqi sprayed him.

"Classmate Lin has said it several times that it will be dangerous to follow him, so you must follow him!"

Cai Wenqi uttered sweet words: "Do you think I don't know your little thoughts of wanting to hug your thighs? Don't engage in moral kidnapping here!"

"Cold-blooded? Have you forgotten that it's all thanks to God Lin that you can survive until now?"

The sales man also started fighting for Lin Baici's favor.

The man in the sweatshirt hurriedly ran to the black cat, opened the things and presented them: "Cat God, this is my offering!"

The black cat glanced at it and pulled it forward with its paws.

It's all mine!


The man in the sweatshirt quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The first question is, if this young man dies, you can survive. Do you want him to die?"

While eating the canned fish, the black cat stretched out a paw and pointed at Lin Baici.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen immediately gave the answer: "No!"

The man in the sweatshirt hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

Three of the other four people were confused. They wanted to answer "yes", but that would definitely offend Lin Baici. With his strength, everyone would die even if they escaped this level.

The person who morally kidnapped Lin Baici and said he was cold-blooded said directly: "Yes."

Lin Baici looked at this guy.

His face, with a pointed mouth and a narrow forehead, gave him an aura of meanness and unkindness.

[In the face of death, some people’s lower limit will be very low!]

God Haha: [As the king at the top of the food chain, you are full and bored. You can sympathize with these weaklings, but don’t forget your hunting instinct.]

【The law of the jungle has been eaten by the strong since ancient times!】

The black cat looked at Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu, and then at the man in the sweatshirt: "Although I am very dissatisfied with your three answers, for the sake of your offerings, I have decided to forgive you!"

The man in the sweatshirt was overjoyed.

The black cat ignored the other four people and stared at Lin Baici: "Aren't you afraid of death? Why don't you get out all the delicious food quickly!"


Everyone looked at each other, feeling that your question was to threaten him and ask for food!

"If you make an offering, I will allow you to leave!"

The black cat took a bite of the fish,


"Xiao Linzi, hurry up and give it canned food."

Summer red medicine urges.

"I'll give you all the food, can I take them away?"

Lin Bai's speech conditions.

"It depends on how much food there is. If there is enough, I allow you to take your friends away!"

The black cat wasn't stupid either. He licked his paw and said, "Only for your friends!"

"I should be considered his friend, right?"

Cai Wenqi was nervous.

"Master Lin, when we get out, I will definitely treat you to a good drink!"

The sales man is smiling.

"Master, give me a chance!"

"I still have a family to support, I can't die!"

"Then why don't you go to work and still have time to come to the museum to see the exhibition?"

Everyone was shouting.

"Shut up, everyone!"

Lin Baici scolded.

"No rush, you think about it first!"

The black cat's little paws were fumbling with a box of cans, and looked at the three people who had not answered yet: "Where are your answers?"

Two are willing and one is not.

"You actually thought about it for so long, you're not sincere!"

The black cat despised: "Accept the punishment."

Signs of petrification quickly appeared on the three people.

"I answered quickly and sincerely!"

The narrow-foreheaded man no longer cared about offending Lin Baici. It would be nice if he could live just one more second.

"Next question, how many black cats are there around me?"

Black Cat asked.

The man with a narrow forehead was desperate. He looked around,

Who knows?

So he held on to his last hope and looked at Gu Qingqiu: "Please, help me."

"You've turned to the wrong person for help!"

Gu Qingqiu's expression was cold.

The man with a narrow forehead looked at Lin Baici, hehehe, and cursed: "I curse you, you will all die in this museum!"

After saying that, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the black cat.

Since you can't answer the question, kill it.

But he only took three steps before his whole body was petrified.

Everyone was as silent as cicadas.

Lin Baici thought about whether he could kill it with a single blow from a distance using a bronze sword or a champion dart.

The black cat had the canned fish, and his temper improved a lot. He lay lazily on the stone platform, and his tone became lazy: "Next batch, you! You! You!"

The sales man and the white puffer fish were spotted, along with three other couples.


White River Dolphin was very annoyed when he was chosen. In order to maximize his benefits, he pointed at Lin Baici and asked Black Cat: "Why not choose him?"

"If you want delicious food, I can also get it for you. The best caviar, truffles, foie gras, whatever you want to eat!"

The black cat listened to the food and seemed to swallow it, but his voice was sharp and angry, and he slapped the stone platform with his little paws.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Black Cat questioned.

"No, I just want to answer the questions with him!"

White river dolphin quibbles.

"Master Lin, it seems that your reputation has spread far and wide!"

Sales man compliments.


Lin Baici said in his heart that spreading far and wide is a fart, this guy wants to drag me to death with him.

The black cat didn't want to ask Lin Baici questions, but it was unreasonable for this human being to not take the initiative to offer an offering. He had to be taught a lesson.

"You!" Black Cat pointed at Lin Baici: "Come out and answer the question!"


Human being, if you are smart, just offer all the cans and I will let you go!

"Oppa, hurry up and make an offering!"

Jin Yingzhen was worried.

"That guy is so annoying!"

Hua Yueyu hated that young man so much that she found an opportunity to beat him severely with the Drunken Immortal Fist in wine.

[Present your offerings and you can leave safely!]

[Or try your best to catch this black cat. There are several divine favors on this golden scale, which is a great harvest, but if you fail, you will become a statue.]

Nagami review.

【There are always cats and mice visiting the kitchen.】


When Lin Baici heard this, he raised his eyebrows. What did the God mean when he said this?

Can anything related to the kitchen kill this cat?

Lin Baici immediately thought of the Gluttony Apron and the Butcher Mask. Could it be that he had caught the cat and dissected it?

Can it be frightened into submission?

It doesn’t seem to make sense!

The black cat waited for a few seconds and saw that Lin Baici was indifferent.


Human, I will let you know the consequences of offending the Cat God.

"First question, how many black cats are there around me?"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Lin Baici, like a group of poor students taking the final exam, eagerly waiting for Lin Baici, the top student, to hand them a note.

"Oppa, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Yingzhen didn’t understand, why didn’t he offer the sacrifice quickly?


Hua Yueyu was also confused.

"Master, please answer quickly!"

The sales man was anxious as hell.

"Could it be said that Xiao Linzi has found the key to purifying this rule pollution?"

Xia Hongyao was excited.

Gu Qingqiu looked at Lin Baici, and his heart was filled with joy.


Take the wrong side of the sword and face the difficulties!

Lin Baici did not offer an offering, hoping for a safe passage, which made Gu Qingqiu's favorable impression of him suddenly explode.

Because she likes this type of man!

Lin Baici looked indifferent, took a few steps forward, and glanced around the black cat.

In his left hand, he held an oil lamp. Its light was not very strong, but it was enough to cover the stone platform.

In other people's view, there was only a black cat and a golden scale on the stone platform, but Lin Baici could see that there were many cats lying on the stone platform.

Available in various colors.

They seemed to realize that Lin Baici could see them, and they all looked at him.

Lin Baici did not look at them and pretended not to see them.

"This oil lamp is really a good thing!"

Lin Baici squeezed the handle of the oil lamp hard.

It's called the 'Ghost Oil Lamp'. When a person holds it, he can see things that the human eye cannot see.

Lin Baici didn't answer immediately, he looked at the white river dolphin.


White River Dolphin cursed secretly. He did not dare to hesitate, because the situation was obvious now. Lin Baici could live as long as he offered sacrifices.

He can't.


Lin Baici immediately gave the answer, his brows slightly furrowed. This young man seemed to have the divine treasure or favor to be able to see those black cats.

After hearing Lin Baici's answer, the sales man and the other three couples responded immediately.

"second question……"

Before the black cat could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the white river dolphin.

"That's not fair, they're stealing my answers!"

White river dolphin accuses.

"Who stole your answer!"

"Yes, we saw it ourselves!"

"You really know how to put gold in your own face!"

Everyone yelled and cursed.

"Shut up!"

The black cat roared: "Second question, how many black cats are there around you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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