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Chapter 178 Beautiful Mind

 "This is an ancient Egyptian style sun boat!"

Jin Yingzhen walked to the side of the ship and looked down.

This wooden ship is more than seventy meters long, more than thirty meters wide, and has two floors.

At the back of the upper level, there is a cabin and a useless sail, because the power of this solar boat is a slave.

There is a narrow and cramped cabin on the lower level, and slaves with shackles sit in rows inside, paddling hard.

There are so many oars protruding from both sides of the solar boat that they look like centipede legs, which is quite disgusting.

This kind of boat can no longer be described as simple, it can only be described as primitive.

Compared with the sailing ships of the Age of Discovery, this kind of solar ship is like a leprosy dwarf to a beautiful woman who conquered the country.

too ugly.

The oars were rowing, and it seemed that the slaves' chanting could still be heard.

"Everyone, go search the whole ship to see if there are any important clues?"

Xia Hongyao made arrangements and looked at Lin Baici: "I have a hunch that a 'lone ship murder incident' may be going on?"

If so, this is closed.

With myself, Lin Baici, and Gu Qingqiu, the three detectives were present, and no murder case could stump our side!

"Have you seen too much Sherlock Holmes?"

Hua Yueyu thinks Sister Hongyao is so funny and wants to play the role of a great detective.

"Humanity stop!"

A powerful voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone's nerves immediately tightened and they turned to look at the cabin at the rear.

The hatch opened and a monster came out.

It is about two meters tall and has a burly build. Judging from its physical characteristics, it should be male, but its head is that of a jackal.

It has sharp teeth and high erect ears.

Its eyes were like emeralds, shining with a ferocious and bloody light.

"Looking at its shape, it should be Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of death!"

Popular science about Jin Yingzhen.

This Anubis wore a white linen skirt, bare feet, and several gold rings on his ankles and wrists.

It has no clothes on its upper body, only complicated gold ornaments, and a gold crown on its head.

Lin Baici's eyes fell on its hand.

This monster with a jackal's head holds a seven-foot-long golden scepter.

On the top of the scepter is a golden circle, with a fist-sized ball of light in the middle, emitting light. Around the golden circle, there are seven radioactive metal thorns as long as the middle finger.

"This is a solar ship sailing away from the land of death!"

Anubis's indifferent gaze swept over everyone: "It can bring you new life, but if you want to ride on it, you need a pure body and a beautiful mind!"

When Hua Yueyu heard this, she whispered: "Then I am qualified!"

I am still single. As for my soul, I have donated 200,000 yuan worth of winter clothes and books to children in impoverished mountainous areas. Should I be considered beautiful?

Among the crowd, there were a few people who had done some obscene or shameful things, and now their faces turned pale.


Jin Yingzhen cursed lowly.

She has a pure body, but this mind...

Growing up in a chaebol family, Kim Young-jin learned from an early age how to scheming and using money and power.

Occasionally bully a school bully, force them to drop out of school, make them obey the teacher's instructions, and turn a blind eye to their own truancy...

Jin Yingzhen did many of these not-so-good things.

"It can't be that simple, right?"

Xia Hongyao was confused, she thought she was a good person, and according to the monster's request, she was safe in this situation.

"Come on, show your beautiful hearts!"

Anubis urged.

Everyone looked left and right and found that no one was moving, and finally they all looked at Lin Baici.

Master Lin, you should come first!

But almost everyone felt that Lin Baici was not qualified.

With so many people looking at Lin Baici, Anubis naturally caught the attention of Anubis, who looked at Lin Baici: "Human, do you want to be the first to come?"

[The god of death is at the helm of the solar boat traveling on the River Styx. If the passengers cannot pay the fare, they will be thrown into the river!]

[The two banks of this river seem to be not far apart, but a person who falls into the water will never reach the shore!]

[When you get on a pirate ship, be prepared to be beaten by the pirates!]

The God's comments made Lin Baici's heart sink. It seemed that this God's game was not going to be easy.

"I'll prepare some more!"

Lin Baici smiled slightly, "showing a beautiful soul" was obviously a euphemism for asking for shipping money.

When everyone saw that even the powerful Lin Baici was so cautious, they all became vigilant. The dozen or so people who were confident that they met the conditions also gave up the idea of ​​passing the level immediately.

Just wait a little longer!

Together with Master Lin.

They had a beautiful idea, but Anubis didn't give them this time.

"My ship will only carry a hundred passengers, and the rest will be thrown into the River Styx!"

After Anubis finished speaking, he crossed his legs and magically floated in the air.

When everyone heard this, they were shocked.

They looked around and found that although many people had died since the appearance of Shenxu until now, there were still nearly 200 people present.

This means that about half will be eliminated.

"Hiss, one-half mortality rate!"

Xia Hongyao came close to Lin Baici's ear: "Why don't you just do something reckless?"

"I advise you to be careful!"

Gu Qingqiu interjected: "There is also something about a pure body and a beautiful mind. Have you overlooked a question? Is the evaluation of this monster the same as that of humans?"

"What if for it, the most useless bitch and the most evil bandit king meet the criteria?"

Lin Baici glanced at the girl.

Her thinking is so detailed.

Because of Nagami's comments, Lin Baici knew that the condition for passing the customs was to pay the ship fare, so he didn't forget to think about it.

According to the normal process, Gu Qingqiu's reasoning is necessary.

"No way?"

Hua Yue said with a big head: "If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that no one is qualified?"

"Haha, do you think this monster belongs to the good and lawful camp?"

Gu Qingqiu asked back.


Hua Yueyu couldn't answer, but the monsters in Shenxu didn't seem to be good things. Even the Golden Scorpion Queen, who could communicate, would eat people.

"Queen, what do you think?"

Gu Qingqiu looked at the scorpion monster.

"No comment!"

The Scorpion Queen will not say it. This is a tacit understanding between neighbors. Anyone who breaks it and helps outsiders will be attacked by the group.

"Master Lin, what do you think we should do?"

"Have you got an idea?"

"How about letting someone agree to the conditions give it a try?"

Everyone gathered around Lin Baici, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"I think it's asking for shipping fare!"

Lin Baici revealed: "Everyone, please prepare some valuable things!"

"Boat fare?"

Everyone looked confused, and there were a few people with dark minds. They wondered if Lin Baici was hinting that everyone should pay filial piety to him?

"You've been on the boat for free for five minutes!"

Anubis spoke with an angry expression: "If you don't show your beautiful heart, I will throw you away!"

Everyone still didn't move and looked at Lin Baici.

"Don't look at Xiaobai!"

Hua Yueyu stopped her. She was worried that these people's behavior would draw the monster's attention to Lin Baici.

"That's right, stop looking!"

Kim Young Jin warns.

Unfortunately, Anubis was afraid of what would happen, so he focused on Lin Baici: "You prove it first, or I will throw you away!"

Lin Baici was calculating the bottom line of the monster's shipping fare. Before he could speak, the Golden Scorpion Queen had already spoken for him.

"He is the father of my child."

This sentence is enough, which means that Lin Baici and the monsters are in the same camp.

"So what? Don't say it, even if it's you, you have to prove it!"

Anubis sneered.

"you sure?"

The Scorpion Queen stared back without any weakness, the golden scorpion hook on its tail shining brilliantly in the afternoon sun.

Anubis's face darkened because he saw that the neighbor was not joking: "You want to fight against me for a human being?"

The subtext of this sentence is that if Queen Scorpion abandons Lin Baici, it can carry Queen Scorpion across the River Styx to meet the Pharaoh without charging a boat fee.

"I want a strong group of kids!"

The Golden Scorpion Queen is also a BOSS, so don’t look down on this jackal head.

"Okay, for the sake of my neighbors, I'll spare this human being!"

Jackal head compromised.

"Fuck, is this okay?"

Everyone was envious.

Could it be that Master Lin ‘slept’ and conquered this scorpion monster?

Otherwise, why would it speak for him?

But with this girlfriend, Lin Dashen probably won’t dare to cheat on her, right?


Although Lin Baici did not need the Scorpion Queen's help, she still accepted the favor.

"If you want to thank me, try your best to make me pregnant with some powerful offspring!"

The Scorpion Queen is looking forward to it.

When the time comes, the children can conquer the east and west and build a big Golden Scorpion empire for themselves.


Lin Baici felt a little worried, this was really difficult to handle.

"You, come and prove it!"

The jackal was very unhappy when his head was deflated by the Scorpion Queen, so he stretched out his scepter and pointed at a short girl.

Persimmon is too picky, no one will stand up for her this time, right?

"I...I'm still a girl. I...I picked up a mobile phone, found the money, and returned it to the owner."

The girl stammered and was so frightened that she cried.

She is a student of Haijing Normal University and is a sophomore this year.

She is now very happy that when her boyfriend wanted to take the relationship further, she did not agree, otherwise she would not be pure now.

"What is all this mess?"

Anubis looked gloomy: "You are unqualified!"

After it finished speaking, it took the scepter and slapped it on the ground.


A golden halo of light exploded, forming a magic circle, and four jackals the size of calves emerged from the deck of the wooden ship, then barked wildly and headed straight for the girls.

"Master Lin, help!"

The girl cried in fright and hurriedly ran to Lin Baici.

"Give it money!"

Lin Baici made a point.


The girl was stunned, what does this mean?

"I said give it money and give it all the valuable things you have on you!"

Lin Baici repeated.

"oh oh!"

The girl understood, and quickly took off her small satchel and begged Anubis: "Give it all to you, my wallet, mobile phone, and bank card, all for you!"


Everyone looked confused.

Give money?

What is this operation?

Isn’t it about whether the body is pure and whether the mind is beautiful?

They felt that Lin Baici might be acting as a doctor on a dead horse.

But what surprised them was that after Anubis heard the girl's words, he took the scepter and knocked on the deck.


Four jackals rushed in front of the girl, stopped, and circled around her. One of them opened its mouth and bit the small satchel in the girl's hand, and then ran back to Anubis.

The girl looked at the three jackals in golden armor, her legs became weak, and she sat down on the ground with a thud.

Anubis opened the small satchel and looked through the contents.

"Poor guy!"

Anubis muttered, but still put away his satchel, and then looked at the other young man.

"Does it say the word 'poor man'?"

Hua Yueyu was stunned. This way of clearing the level was very different from what she thought!

"Is this a passing test?"

Jin Yingzhen was overjoyed and gave him money?

I'm good at this!

We don’t have anything else, we just have a lot of money.

Jin Yingzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"I...am I okay?"

The girl asked, looking at Lin Baici pitifully.


Lin Baici nodded and looked at the young man who was stared at by Jackal Head.

"This is my phone!"

Since mobile phones can be used for payment, this young man always takes only one mobile phone with him when he goes out, so this is the most valuable thing on his body.

"are you kidding me?"

Anubis roared, looking at the phone in disgust.

The young man has been using the phone for too long, and the phone is full of scratches, and the screen is still a little bit broken. I probably don't want to accept the broken ones.


Seeing that there was no way to pass the customs, the young man became anxious and looked at everyone: "Who will lend me some money? I will pay it back as soon as I get out!"

No one spoke. First of all, everyone didn't know if lending money to this young man would result in the monster targeting him. Furthermore, who could guarantee that he had enough money?

It should be said that most people don’t have the habit of carrying wallets anymore.

I am worried now.

Fuck you!

What is needed for a pure body and a beautiful mind?

It's all bullshit!

It's all an excuse to ask for money.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Lin Baici. Unexpectedly, he guessed correctly again.

The divine hunter is so terrifying.

"Please lend me some money?"

The young man was panicking to death.

"Looking at the way it is dressed, and the fact that this thing called a mobile phone is so shabby, it must be very poor, right?"

The Scorpion Queen advised Lin Baici: "Don't lend it to me, I'm sure it won't be repaid."


Jin Yingzhen felt that this young man was so miserable that even monsters thought he was no good.

[Don’t give too little for the boat fare. At the last minute, the ten people who pay the least for the boat fare will be thrown off the solar boat!]

[Don’t pay too much for the shipping fee, otherwise you will be targeted by this greedy monster, and it will kill people to get the money!]

Nagami review.

Lin Baici originally wanted to help this boy, since he had a lot of supplies in the black alms bowl, but after hearing this, he gave up.

It will set you on fire.

Xia Hongyao opened his backpack and prepared to lend the young man some money.

"Don't help!"

Lin Baici stopped him.

"Yeah, we don't know if it's enough!"

Hua Yueyu was depressed. If he had known that he would encounter such a money-grubbing monster, he should have brought out more valuable goods today.

"That's not the reason. Helping others will cause problems!"

Lin Baici explained in a low voice: "When you give it something, look at the amount of others and keep it in the middle. Don't give too much!"

Anubis had no time to wait for the young man to borrow money. He wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys anyway, so this was just right, so he knocked his scepter.


The four-limbed jackal immediately rushed towards the young man.

When the young man saw this, he turned around and ran away, but there was no way he could outrun the four-legged jackal. He was overtaken within ten meters.

Four jackals began to bite him.

"Help! Help!"

The young man shouted a few times, then his throat was bitten, and no sound came out.

In less than a minute, his body was bitten to pieces by four jackals, and blood was sprinkled on the ground.

Anubis looked at a middle-aged man wearing glasses again.

He immediately gave everything he could give.

"My belt is from Hermès, it's very valuable!"

Introduction to middle-aged people.

In fact, it was fake, but at that time he felt that this monster should not understand.

Anubis was very satisfied with this human's attitude. After the jackal brought the boat fare, he specifically picked up the belt, looked at it carefully, and then tied it around his waist.


No one knew what to say.

Now it was obvious that if you gave money you could live, so everyone took off their belongings and dedicated them to the monster.

Moreover, some people have more delicate thoughts and are worried that if they give too little, they will be targeted, so they even take off their clothes without leaving any clothes on.

There were several women among them who also took off all their clothes, leaving only their underwear.

"It's really a shame. Do you want to curl up like this?"

Cai Wenqi cursed, how much money can a girl from an ordinary family have?

Apart from the mobile phone, which I just bought during the holidays, the most expensive thing among other things was a lipstick, which cost 150 yuan and was given as a gift from someone else.

"I wonder if it can satisfy that monster's appetite?"

Cai Wenqi was still worried when she noticed someone stuffing something into his hand.

She quickly looked down.

It was Lin Baici, handing her a mobile phone.


Cai Wenqi was moved.


Lin Baici signaled Cai Wenqi not to talk too much.

Everyone paid the boat fee, and Hua Yueyu gave them a mobile phone, a bunch of cosmetics, a GoPro action camera, and an IPAD.

Jin Yingzhen didn't have so many odds and ends. One of her necklaces was worth several million, and her famous watch was still on Lin Baici's wrist.

Lin Baici was worried that Jin Yingzhen was too rich and would be targeted by Anubis, but the problem was that Jin Yingzhen really had no bargains.

The things given by Xia Hongyao are average and unremarkable.

Anubis looked at the pile of things piled in front of him and nodded: "I see your beautiful hearts, but..."

Anubis raised his head and scanned the crowd: "There are a few people who disrespect me very much. They have flaws in their souls!"

Everyone was panicking, what does this mean?

Didn't pass?

Anubis began to call names: "You, you, you..., you are not qualified to sit on my ship!"

A total of ten people were called.

Gu Qingqiu's memory and observation skills are very good, and she knows that the things offered by these ten people are of the lowest value.

"Will you jump ship yourself? Or will the jackals tear you apart?"

Anubis asked.

The ten unlucky people who were spotted looked desperate and were bitten by jackals. They would definitely die. So why not jump into the river and give it a try?

The river is calm and the waves are calm, and the sun boat is not very far from the shore, so you can swim across it.

"It seems that it said it would only take a hundred people, which is just to scare people. As long as you pay them, you can take this boat!"

Xia Hongyao sighed, she couldn't save these ten people: "Jump off the ship!"

Try to update earlier tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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