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Chapter 237 Death Hatching

 There were dark clouds in the sky, and it seemed like it was going to rain.

Everyone rushed to the altar.

This altar is not a common stone building, but made of wood and straw. It looks extremely simple, just surrounded by three concentric circles.

There were solidified dark red blood stains on the wood, forming a strange symbol.

In the middle of the concentric circles, there stood a wooden stake as thick as an arm, with a birdman made of straw impaled on it.

The feathers on this bird-man's body are exactly the same as those on the giant birds we encountered just now, but because they have not been repaired for a long time and are exposed to wind and rain, they look very miserable, like a drowned rat.

"What should we do now?"

The light and luxurious man looked at the straw bird: "Pray to it?"

Everyone stared at the altar warily, with some disappointment on their faces. In fact, they wanted to see a portal through which they could exit.

"Don't touch it!"

Lin Baici warned.

The wind picked up, and light rain fell from the sky. It hit my face, making it feel cool.

"Lin Shen, it's moving!"

Li Junsheng suddenly roared, startling everyone.

"What moved?"

The Qingshe man stiffened and looked nervous.

"The birdman's eyelids seem to be moving?"

Li Junsheng is not sure either.

"Its eyelids are sewn shut, how can it move?"

Zeng Guoxue acted as if Li Junsheng was a coward and scorned him to reflect his boldness.

This is a scarecrow bird. Its torso and limbs are human-like, but its feet are in the shape of bird claws, and there are a pair of wings on its ribs.

It has a round bird head, a small beak that is very long, and a large hook shaped like a crow's beak. Its upper and lower eyelids are roughly sewn together with hemp thread.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with being careful, so everyone focused on the straw bird.


"I saw it too!"

"Fuck, it feels so evil!"

Everyone became nervous instantly.

"Lin Shen, why don't you... leave here?"

Little Fairy Ya is very scared.

Lin Baici shouted a bird's egg in her mouth, which made it easier to talk. The same was true for Xia Hongyao, so she got annoyed and put her right hand in front of her mouth, preparing to spit out the bird's egg first.


Lin Baici muttered, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he covered his mouth with a high ponytail. He was worried that once he spit out the eggs, he would be considered a failure by the rules, or be eliminated.

Gu Qingqiu immediately squatted down, took the dagger Lin Baici gave her, and wrote on the ground.

"Don't spit out the eggs, wait and see first!"

Gu Qingqiu didn't let Xia Hongyao write down her findings because she felt that with her high IQ, there shouldn't be any major discoveries.

Everyone followed the direction indicated by the fat bird monster and found this altar. It should be of some use.

Gu Qingqiu circled around the altar, then bent down, got through the railing, and walked towards the straw bird, preparing to take a closer look.

Her action immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"How brave!"

The Qingshe Man lamented that he wouldn't dare to let him go anyway.

Xia Hongyao was worried about Gu Qingqiu's comfort and immediately followed him.

The two people stood in front of the straw bird and looked at it. Suddenly, when Gu Qingqiu looked into the straw bird's eyes, its pair of sutured eyelids snapped, breaking the thick threads, and opened it, revealing a pair of

There were even maggots crawling slowly inside the rotting eyeballs.


Xia Hongyao stretched out her hand instantly, trying to pull Gu Qingqiu behind her, but Gu Qingqiu was steady and was not frightened.



The straw bird's rotten eyeballs turned irregularly a few times before staring at Gu Qingqiu.



A bird-man with a translucent body, as if his soul had shed its shell, suddenly walked out of the bird-man made of straw, floated in front of Gu Qingqiu, and came face to face with her.

"Do not fight!"

Gu Qingqiu's upper body leaned back slightly, not because he was afraid, but because he was not used to being approached.

Xia Hongyao was about to take action, but when she heard Gu Qingqiu's words, she quickly stopped.


"What the hell is this?"


Others were not as bold as Gu Qingqiu. The moment they saw the birdman ghost appear, they turned around and ran, but stopped again after running more than ten meters.

The main reason is that Lin Baici Lin's thigh did not run away.

When the birdman ghost saw these uninvited guests escaping, it immediately opened its mouth and emitted an ultrasonic wave.

Just like the ripples created by a stone thrown into the lake, a circle of ripples appeared in the air, growing in size and quickly spreading to all directions, sweeping everyone away.

Obviously no sound was heard, but everyone's heads were shaken, as if they had been hit by a violent sonic boom. Each of them showed expressions of pain, could not stand still, and fell to the ground screaming.

Little Xianya's legs were so frightened that she went weak and immediately came to Lin Baici's side, hugging his arm tightly.

Many people's eardrums seemed to be broken, and blood flowed from the ears.

However, a small number of people were okay. Lin Baici took a look and found that they all had bird eggs in their mouths and escaped this sonic attack.

"Thank God!"

The young and luxurious man was so excited that he cried. Sure enough, he believed in Lin Shen and had eternal life.

The birdman ghost looked around, his eyes passing over the people who had not fallen to the ground, and then continued to stare at Gu Qingqiu, reaching out and pinching her cheek.

Gu Qingqiu guessed what this monster was going to do and opened his mouth directly.

The bird-man ghost saw the drool-stained bird egg in Gu Qingqiu's mouth, let go of her, and floated towards a young man who fell to the ground.

"Why isn't it looking at me?"

Xia Hongyao was puzzled.


Gu Qingqiu signaled Xia Hongyao to stay quiet.

The birdman ghost floated in front of a short-haired young man, pinched his cheek, and gave it a squeeze.

The young man opened his mouth.

The birdman ghost didn't see the egg, frowned, then reached out and thrust it into the young man's mouth.


Like a red-hot iron rod driven into a piece of cheese, the bird-man ghost's arm easily penetrated the young man's esophagus, more than a foot deep.


When everyone saw this brutal scene, their whole bodies were numb from head to toe, and they broke out in a cold sweat.


The young man screamed, his mouth was split open, and blood spilled on the clothes on his chest. He struggled, but to no avail.

The birdman ghost took out his hand.

The young man immediately fell to the ground and climbed far away with a face full of pain, trying to escape.

The birdman ghost didn't see the egg and called out to the young man.


The young man's head exploded and blood flowed out, soaking the fallen leaves and soil.

The drizzle falling from the sky hit our faces, making everyone feel even colder.

Many people were trembling.

The birdman ghost floated towards Qingshe Man, and after seeing the bird eggs in his mouth, he let him go.

Everyone looked pale, some were thankful and some were regretful, because the situation was already obvious. As long as the bird eggs were held in the mouth, one would not be attacked by the bird-man ghost.

"Fortunately, I listened to Lin Shen!"

Brother Rocket's face was filled with the feeling of being lucky to have escaped. Not only him, but the other people who had taken the bird eggs also wanted to knock one to Lin Bai, the loud one.

"I am the best in the world in my little forest!"

Xia Hongyao shouted in his heart, not panicking at all.

Another unlucky guy fell to the ground, and the birdman ghost put his hand into his throat to check whether there were any eggs.

After confirming that there was no such thing, the birdman ghost screamed, and the unlucky man's head immediately exploded, and the skull flew more than ten meters away.


Xia Hongyao shouted, she was also convinced, this made it clear that she was going to die, so what are you waiting for?

Run quickly and get the eggs.

Some people did not want to wait for death, so they endured the pain of ruptured eardrums, got up, and stumbled away.

The birdman ghost glanced at them and did not chase them, because no matter how far they ran, if they wanted to leave the forest alive, they would eventually come back. The atmosphere around the altar was very depressing.

It was like playing a real ghost game, everyone didn't dare to move at all, waiting for the birdman ghost to call his name.

The birdman ghost floated in front of Brother Rocket.

Brother Rocket didn't want this monster's arm to be lodged in his esophagus. He took the initiative to open his mouth and begged for mercy vaguely: "I have bird eggs!"


He spoke too hastily, and the shell of the bird's egg was too brittle, and a small dent was made by his teeth.

The blood on Brother Rocket's face faded in an instant, and his body was shivering like chaff. He looked at Lin Baici for help.

The birdman ghost saw the bird egg burst with his own eyes, became furious, and screamed at Brother Rocket.


Brother Rocket's head exploded like a rotten tomato, and blood shot up into the sky, mixed with drizzle, and sprinkled everywhere.


The headless body fell to the ground.

"It turns out that even if the egg is broken, it won't work!"

Everyone was panicked because they didn't know if there were any cracks on the eggs in their mouths.

The birdman ghost floated in front of Little Fairy Tooth.


Little Fairy Ya swallowed and hugged Lin Baici's arm tightly. Zeng Guoxue was so jealous that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to stand in front of Little Fairy Ya, but seeing dead people one after another made him panic inside.

I can't even move my legs.

Lin Baici patted Little Xianya on the shoulder, then hugged her again, giving her warmth and signaling her not to panic, but Little Xianya was still trembling.

Lin Baici reached out and patted Little Xianya's chin gently: "Open your mouth!"

Who knew how strong Birdman Ghost's hands were?

Let it pinch its cheeks. What if it breaks the egg? You might as well open your mouth and show it to it.

Little Fairy Ya opened her mouth cautiously, praying with all her heart that the bird egg would be fine.

The birdman ghost looked at it for a few seconds and then left.

Little Xianya's legs gave out and she fell to the ground. Lin Baici's quick eyesight and quick hands caught her.

The birdman ghost walked around in the crowd, checked, and confirmed that everyone had bird eggs in their mouths. After killing the three people with cracks on their eggs, he got back into the straw bird.

The big stone that was weighing on everyone's hearts was instantly released.

"What to do next?"

Xia Hongyao looked at Lin Baici, waiting for an answer.

Everyone else also looked at Lin Baici longingly. He was not dead, but he couldn't hold the egg in his mouth and waste it here, right?

Lin Baici didn't know what to do. Suddenly, the egg in his mouth seemed to move.

what's going on?

Could this be a baby bird about to hatch out of its shell?


Hua Yueyu tugged at Lin Baici twice, asking him to look quickly.

Lin Baici turned around and saw that the young man wearing Nike shoes was beginning to grow feathers.

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