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Chapter 260 Dark Eclipse, Red Moon Thunder!

 A gentle breeze blew from the artificial lake in the distance, ruffling Jin Yingzhen's hair.

"Have you heard of this organization?"

Lin Baici was curious. Judging from the prisoner's attitude, it seemed as if this terrorist organization was great.

"A very mysterious and powerful dark force. Every core member has the ability to easily destroy a city!"

Jin Yingzhen looked at Zheng Daqing: "I also heard from my cousin that the members of Dark Eclipse can be called human-shaped nuclear bombs in terms of their destructive power."


Lin Baici thought this was a force similar to Lost Coast.

"The most terrifying thing about them is that they have no concept of good and evil and no moral bottom line. The goal they pursue is to evolve into gods, and they can sacrifice everything for this!"

Jin Yingzhen heard from Jin Xian that the members of Dark Eclipse no longer have a sense of identity and belonging to the human race and consider themselves to be a higher species.

"Xiaobai is my god!"

Hua Yueyu curled her lips. If she could become Lin Baici's girlfriend, get married to him, and live happily for the rest of her life, she wouldn't even want her to be a god.

"Are you scared?"

Zheng Daqing sneered.

"Who is your boss?"

Lin Baici took out a new mobile phone, changed the phone card, and squatted next to Zheng Daqing: "I'll dial the number for you and ask him to come over!"

"You are joking?"

Zheng Daqing looked stunned, and then realized that Lin Baici was serious, which shocked him: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of hunger."

Lin Baixin said to me, someone who has even eaten gods, will he be afraid of you, the Eclipse of Darkness? Are you so powerful that you can eat gods? "Call your boss!"

Lin Baici was not a reckless man. He ruined this man's assassination plan and earned two sacred objects. He took the revenge.

They are expected to retaliate, so instead of waiting passively, it is better to strike first. Besides, this is Goryeo, and if something goes wrong, the upright people of Sejong will be the first to resist.

But Zheng Daqing didn't say the number.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Baici laughed, with a strong sense of sarcasm: "You really lied to me?"

"My boss and I have a one-way connection."

Zheng Daqing sighed, to put it bluntly, he is the boss's dog, and this mission was also suddenly ordered by the boss.

Otherwise, how could he, a native who knew the power of the Sansen Group and the Daxian Consortium, assassinate a family member?

"What's your boss's nickname?"

Jin Ying was really curious.

"Red Moon Thunder!"

Zheng Daqing's eyes left Lin Baici and looked into the distance.

Three Mercedes-Benz cars drove directly off the road. After rushing onto the runway, they braked suddenly, making a screeching sound as the tires rubbed against the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The car door opened, and seven men and women in white gauze robes hurried out and ran towards this side. Each of them was wearing a black hat.

This is a traditional costume of Goryeo. The brim of this hat is very wide, and the top is a cylinder nearly one foot high, which looks like a "convex" character. The clothes on the body are embroidered with osmanthus and birds.

The pattern is both gorgeous and clean, giving it an air of independence.

"Oppa, they are Sejong's true god hunters!"

Jin Yingzhen came close to Lin Baici's ear and whispered a reminder.

Seven people rushed here. After seeing Zheng Daqing's condition, they frowned. Then their eyes passed over Lin Bai and the others, their eyes full of scrutiny.

"Help him stop bleeding!"

Among the seven people, the oldest one is a middle-aged man, about forty years old. He has a small goatee and looks like an ancient official.

"I am of Dark Eclipse!"

Zheng Daqing yelled, fearing that Shi Zongzheng's people would abuse him and not give him the best treatment.

After going through Lin Baici's 'torture', Zheng Daqing has learned well.

As soon as these four words came out, these seven people were immediately stunned. The subordinates looked at the leader, waiting for an instruction.

"Give him the best treatment!"

The middle-aged man ordered.


Zheng Daqing breathed a sigh of relief. This was right. He wanted to tell the Kyushu man that this was the correct reaction after hearing the words "Eclipse of Darkness", but looking at Lin Baici's stern face, he didn't want to


Afraid of being beaten!

"I am Sejong Zheng Cao Daxun. May I ask your surname?"

Cao Daxun glanced at Jin Yingzhen, but he was asking about Lin Baici.

Gao Limei is not the heir to the Daxian Consortium, so she will naturally not receive Cao Daxun's attention. All he needs to do is ensure that she does not die.

"Lin Baici!"

[An old-fashioned and conservative man likes to drink alone after get off work, a few small drinks, and thinks he is noble. He feels that if he was born in ancient times, he must be a great sage. 】

【A predator with some abilities!】


Lin Baici's stomach growled again, and he felt hungry. Needless to say, this Cao Daxun must have something worth eating.

"What's the point of coming to Korea?"

Cao Daxun made a routine inquiry.

"they are my friends!"

Jin Yingzhen interrupted.

"I didn't ask you!"

Cao Daxun pushed back.


A young man shouted. When Cao Daxun turned around to look at him, he immediately shook his head and then looked at Lin Baici.

The subtext is very simple. The sacred objects on the target have been looted.

"Mr. Lin, this guy created rule pollution and killed many people, some of whom were distinguished. I must give some explanation to their families. Please hand over this guy's murder weapon to us!"

Cao Daxun asked.

"Oh, are you so shameless?"

Hua Yueyu was speechless. The official organization of Goryeo didn't seem to be doing very well, either?

Do you even want to rob God's taboo objects?

This Zheng Daqing was caught by Lin Baici. If it weren't for Xiaobai, I don't know how many people would have died, and this guy would have run away long ago.

Logically speaking, Shi Zongzheng still has to give some bonuses to Xiaobai, right?

"You just heard that he is a member of the Eclipse of Darkness. If you take his sacred object, you will attract revenge!"

Cao Daxun knew that it was not easy for the other party to spit out what he had got, so he acted rationally.


Lin Baici grunted: "I'm afraid that the eclipse of darkness will come too slowly!"

"Cao Daxun, Lin Oba is a distinguished guest invited by my cousin. Please pay attention to your attitude."

Jin Yingzhen was both angry and embarrassed.

"Who is your cousin!"

A young man sneered. He wanted to tell this girl that she was not a divine hunter, so the weight was not enough.

"Jin Xian!"

As soon as Gao Limei said this name, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet.

Jin Xian was not very old, but during his lifetime Zongzheng was already a mountaintop, representing a faction and very powerful.

"Why did Jin Xian invite him to Goryeo?"

Cao Daxun was curious.

“Exploring the Busan Shrine.”

Before Jin Yingzhen finished speaking, there was an exclamation of surprise.

"What? Impossible!"

"Why should a native of Kyushu enter our sacred ruins?"

"If Jin Xian allows it, then there will be no problem!"

Everyone was chattering, and even Zheng Daqing, who was drowsy after receiving treatment, was stunned when he heard the news.

As a Korean, every god hunter knows the meaning of the Busan God Ruins.

Cao Daxun turned around and looked at Zheng Daqing's miserable state. Perhaps this young man really had the strength to win over Jin Xian.

Jin Yingzhen didn't want to have a stalemate here: "Oppa, please lend me your phone."

The Korean girl wants to call Jin Xian.

"Li Tai, aren't you going to come out and say a few words?"

Lin Baici shouted towards a Mercedes-Benz on the runway. He could smell the scent of the heir to the Sansen Group.

Li Tai got out of the car and looked embarrassed: "I promise that your US dollars will arrive within seven days, and I can't make any other decisions!"

"When this happens, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Li Tai didn't think about it, but bowed to Lin Baici: "Kang Sang Mi Da!"

Bang! Bang!

Inside a car, there was a sudden sound of glass being smashed. Li Duohui heard the sound and looked over, trembling with fright.

Inside was Cui Shixiao, banging his head against the car window. Looking at his facial expression, it was obvious that he had turned into a zombie.

"You...why don't you kill her?"

Li Dahui is worried.

"What to kill? This is an important specimen!"

A young man complained angrily.


Li Duohui took a breath and couldn't help but leaned closer to Lin Baici. Fortunately, I followed him, otherwise I would have ended up like this now, right?

Turning into a monster is scary enough, but the result has to be studied?

It’s so miserable!

The call was connected. After Jin Yingzhen briefly explained the situation, he handed the phone to Cao Daxun: "My cousin wants to talk to you!"

Cao Daxun hesitated for a moment, took the phone, and then walked more than ten meters away, obviously not wanting Lin Baici to eavesdrop.

But with Lin Baici's hearing, even if Cao Daxun went further, he could still miss every word.

A few minutes later, Cao Daxun came back. After taking a deep look at Lin Baici, he handed the phone back to him: "I wish you a smooth trip to Busan!"

"Let's go!"

Cao Daxun led people to leave.

"Your cousin is so powerful!"

Hua Yueyu marveled that Jin Xian could make these people leave with just a phone call. It seemed that Jin Xian had a high status in Shizong Zhengli.

"Let's go back and rest!"

Jin Yingzhen didn't expect that attending Li Tae-moo's birthday party would also lead to rule pollution. Who has the worse luck?

The Mercedes-Benz carried everyone back to the villa area. While searching for the aftermath, everyone discussed Lin Baici through their headsets.

"Why did Jin Xian allow that person to enter the Busan Shrine?"

"He can capture a peripheral member of the Eclipse of Darkness without any injuries. His strength is definitely not bad. This time he may take away some sacred objects from the Busan Divine Ruins!"

"Xiba, I feel so bad!"

Everyone is unhappy and worried that their treasure will be poached.

Looking at the scattered corpses in this villa, everyone can outline the rule pollution that occurred before, so they recognize Lin Baici's strength.

From the time they received the alarm to the time they arrived, it only took twenty minutes, which can be said to be very fast. But that Lin Baici not only passed this taboo game, but also caught the culprit. What kind of efficiency is this?

"What's there to worry about? He can go in alive, but he may not come out alive."

Cao Daxun chuckled: "I heard that more than half a month ago, the level of pollution in Busan Divine Ruins increased, and multiple new pollution sources were detected. If he goes in now, he will die!"

"I hope he will meet the gods and be polluted into a dead flesh man."

Someone cursed.

There are gods in the Busan God Market, and anyone who sees them will die!

This chapter has been completed!
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