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Chapter 282 Xiba, this divine grace is so powerful!


Hua Yueyu was coughing lightly. When he heard this, he was so frightened that he stopped coughing and did not dare to breathe. However, after stopping for a few seconds, he started coughing again, and it became more serious.

"Xiaobai, cough!"

Hua Yueyu was very nervous and her face turned red.

Following Lin Baici into the Shenxu, she was mentally prepared to experience horrific rule contamination, then serious injury, or even death, but died of the plague?

What a mess!

Hua Yueyu felt it was not worth it.

"Don't panic!"

Lin Baici touched Hua Yueyu's head and looked at the bearded man opposite: "There's nothing you can do anyway, why not let me give it a try?"

These officers and soldiers had a piece of cloth covering their mouths, which smelled sour. It must have been boiled in vinegar to prevent the plague.

The bearded man hesitated.

The plague started seven days ago. Although it didn't last long, many people died. I heard that some villages were completely wiped out.

There was also a plague in the doctor's hometown the day before yesterday. He rushed back overnight and there is still no news. The situation must be bad.

"Do you really have a way?"

Bearded man is ready to kill a horse and become a living horse doctor.


Lin Baici's answer was decisive.

"Let's go, come with me to see the envoy!"

The bearded man led the way first, and the officers and soldiers put away their weapons, but separated before and after to ensure that when these people escaped, they could intercept and kill them as soon as possible.

The envoy's surname is Zhao and his given name is Decheng. He is the highest official of Shangqing Mansion.

When Big Beard came to report, Mr. Zhao was instructing the servants to pack their luggage, which made Big Beard's expression change: "Sir, what are you doing..."

"Ahem, my mother is seriously ill. I want to go back and take a look!"

Mr. Zhao pretended to be calm and explained that in fact he wanted to run away. The plague in Shangqing Mansion was too serious. If he didn't leave, he was worried that he would die.

"Sir, if you leave, what will happen to the people of Shangqing Mansion?"

There was anger in the bearded voice.

"Bold, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Mr. Zhao scolded: "Do you want my son to be unable to even see his mother for the last time before she dies? This is extremely unfilial!"

The bearded man knew that he could not convince Mr. Zhao, so he sighed secretly and hurriedly reported to Mr. Zhao what happened to Lin Baici and his party.

"What? Someone said they could cure this plague?"

Mr. Zhao was excited: "Go and find someone quickly...invite them!"

If the plague can be eliminated, then Master Zhao will not have to run away, but it will still be a great achievement.

After a while, Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao, and Gu Qingqiu walked into the lobby. Quan Xiangren took Jin Zhenzhu with him, and the others were waiting outside.

Zhao Decheng put on his official uniform and was still thinking whether he should be polite to Corporal Xian or show off his official authority and give the other party a showdown when he saw a tall and fit man and two women walking in.

The man in front had a handsome face, broad shoulders and narrow waist, and wore an obviously weird outfit that perfectly complemented his temperament.

Is this one too high?

When the other party looked over, Zhao Decheng felt a great sense of oppression, as if facing heavenly soldiers and generals!

The next second, Zhao Decheng looked at Xia Hongyao and Jin Yingzhen next to Lin Baici, and then he didn't know which one he was looking at!

Because I want to watch it all, and I don’t even want to waste the time of blinking.

So beautiful!

In the end, Mr. Zhao chose Jin Yingzhen.

Xia Hongyao, who is wearing loose sportswear, has big breasts, which does not fit Mr. Zhao's taste. Kim Young-jin is more beautiful.

Tight jeans wrap her long legs tightly, revealing her curves. She has long boots on her feet and a blue open-chested sweater on her upper body.

"It's so immoral!"

Mr. Zhao cursed secretly, but he couldn't move his eyes away at all, and immediately made a decision to dress all the dancers in such clothes.

"Where are the three immortals?"

Mr. Zhao couldn't help but stood up, mainly because the other party's image was so amazing. Although he was not a worldly expert with an immortal demeanor, he should not be underestimated.

"I came from heaven!"

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

Mr. Zhao didn't believe it. This man's face looked like a Ming Dynasty man, but his figure was too tall. As for the Japanese, there were no such heroic men and beautiful women among the dwarfs.

"Everyone, take your seats!"

Zhao Decheng greeted: "Come here, serve tea!"


Kwon Sang-in was unhappy because he and Kim Jin-soo were ignored.

However, he also admitted that in terms of personal image, Lin Baici and others are really good at fighting.

Forget it, bear with it!

The two parties sat down and exchanged names.

Hearing the names of Jin Yingzhen and the other two people, Zhao Decheng was a little stunned: "My countrymen?"

Jin Yingzhen nodded perfunctorily. She didn't like this envoy.

She had just seen it. In addition to the plague, the whole city was dilapidated and impoverished. The people on the streets were all sallow and thin. Even the officers and soldiers were not in good spirits and were obviously malnourished. But the envoy was a fat man, and

Looking at it like this, nine times out of ten, he is stupid and incompetent.

"Can you eliminate this plague?"

Mr. Zhao stared into Lin Baici's eyes and asked aloud. This man seemed to be the boss of these people.

"Seven points sure!"

Lin Baici didn't finish what he said.

"how long?"

Zhao Decheng glanced at Jin Yingzhen and said to himself that if they couldn't do it, he would put them in jail. I will keep this woman and dedicate the other one to the king.

Thinking of this, Zhao Decheng felt a little depressed, because he was only about 1.6 meters tall, and even standing on tiptoes, he couldn't kiss Jin Yingzhen's mouth.

"After some research, I found out that the first goal is to find Divine Doctor Li. I need his current known situation!"

There was no prompt at all in this divine game, and Lin Baici didn't know what to do, so he would first find a miracle doctor to find a way to eliminate this plague.

He had asked about Dr. Li, who was a great official doctor, also known as the royal physician, and his medical skills were quite exquisite.

"Like This……"

Zhao Decheng thought, this reason seemed impeccable, but what if it was an excuse for these people to escape?

You have to keep a few hostages.

"Don't worry, my friends are also infected with the plague. We will do our best to save them!"

After Xia Hongyao finished speaking, Zhao Decheng screamed, startled, and quickly retreated. In his haste, he even knocked over the tea bowl.

"grown ups!"

The bearded man felt that Zhao Decheng was so embarrassed.

"I'll give you three days. If there's no result within three days, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Zhao Decheng kept a straight face and displayed his official power.

In three days, he just arranged the luggage and the boat.


Lin Baici felt that three days was enough to understand the current situation.

"Your friends are infected... and are sick. I have arranged official accommodation for them to rest. Don't worry, you can go find a great doctor for treatment!"

Zhao Decheng chuckled.

"what do you mean?"

Jin Yingzhen frowned.

"Taking patients on the road is such a waste of time!"

Zhao Decheng decided that if these people disagreed, they would be captured on the spot, the men would be beheaded, and the women would be given to the king.

By the way, by presenting such a peerless beauty, your guilt for leaving your post without permission should be wiped away, right?

"Time is running out, I want ten horses!"

Lin Baici originally planned to leave Hua Yueyu and the others behind, but they fell ill and were not suitable for the journey.

Zhao Decheng was confused.

Ten horses are a huge fortune.

"You won't have any, right?"

As a Korean, Kwon Sang-in knew how poor people were in ancient times.

"I'll collect it for you, but my people will also follow!"

Zhao Decheng talks about the conditions.


Lin Baici didn't care.

"Then it's settled, you can leave early tomorrow morning!"

Zhao Decheng breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to serve tea to see the guests off.

"Wait a minute, let me show you something!"

As Lin Baici spoke, he slapped his palm towards Zhao Decheng's tea bowl.

Hands of great impression!


The teacup placed on the table was printed directly on the table, as if it were a painting originally painted on the table.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Zhao Decheng was stunned, and before he could understand what was going on, the bearded man standing aside let out a cry of surprise and pulled out his saber.

He looked at Lin Baici with shock.

This person,

Does it really come from heaven?

When Quan Xiangren saw this scene, he was filled with emotion, Xiba, this divine grace is so powerful!

If I had it, I would dare to speak loudly to the leader of the Statue of Liberty.


Lin Baici chuckled, leaned forward, and suddenly took action, slapping Zhao Decheng's hat.


Under the effect of divine grace, Mr. Zhao's hat was blown away, fell to the ground, and was imprinted directly on it.

"what are you doing?"

Zhao Decheng yelled, his voice was so frightened that it was out of tune, as if an iron rod had been stabbed into the chrysanthemum.

"I just want to tell you that I sincerely want to cooperate. Take good care of my friends and don't cause trouble for me."

By the end of Lin Baici's words, his voice was already very stern.

Zhao Decheng nodded subconsciously.

"Be sure to have your horses ready tomorrow!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, he stood up and left.

After all these people went out, Zhao Decheng breathed a sigh of relief and cursed the bearded man: "Are you a dead dog? Can't you see that I am being threatened?"

"Sir, do you think I can beat him?"

The bearded man looked at the hat pattern on the ground. This was definitely not a magic trick, but the divine way technique of the Taoist priests from the Kingdom of Heaven!

"If you can't beat me, why don't you fight?"

Zhao Decheng squatted on the ground and touched the rubbing of the hat, which looked like it was painted on the ground. This made him feel cold.


Zhao Decheng put away those dirty thoughts, but soon became excited again. Those strange people might really be able to solve the plague.

When the time comes, you can be promoted!

In the evening, Lin Baici and his party rested in the official residence prepared by Zhao Decheng.

Hua Yueyu and Li Zaicheng were not in good condition. Their coughs became more serious and they were both covered with bloodshot eyes. At Quan Xiangren's side, there was a man named Pei Douwen who also started coughing and had a fever.

After everyone discussed it, they decided to keep half of the people, Lin Baici, Xia Hongyao and Yi Jisheng, so that if Zhao Decheng wanted to cause trouble, we would have the ability to fight back.

Gu Qingqiu was in poor health, and Lin Baici wanted her to stay, but Gu Qingqiu refused.

"In this situation of uncertainty, IQ is more important than combat effectiveness!"

Gu Qingqiu wanted to find clues to solve this rule pollution and prove to Lin Baici that she was also very powerful.

Early the next morning, Big Beard came with his horses.

"That's it?"

Quan Xiangren looked at these thin and small horses and couldn't complain. He was really afraid that the horses would be exhausted halfway through the ride.

"Just make do with it!"

Lin Baici took the time to get on the road, and then trotted not far away. He found that there were more than 30 officers and soldiers following him: "What's going on? Are they going too?"

"Master Zhao sent us to protect you!"

Big Beard explained that it was actually surveillance.

"Can they keep up?"

Gu Qingqiu was shocked, people in ancient times really didn't treat people as human beings.

"Let's just slow down!"

In the bearded man’s opinion, riding a horse is not to save time, but to save effort and be comfortable!


Lin Baici was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he whipped the horse's butt with a riding crop. As a result, the horse felt pain and kicked hard, almost throwing him off. Fortunately, he was in good physical condition, and his waist and legs were strong and stable.

The ground caught the horse.

"Relax your body, straighten your back, and rise and fall with the running of the horse!"

Gu Qingqiu explains the essentials of horse riding.

"Oppa, how about you ride with me?"

Jin Yingzhen's family has a horse farm, and horse riding, an aristocratic sport, is a required course for them.

"I'm learning now!"

Lin Baici decided to buy a helicopter and put it in the black altar bowl when he got rich.

horse riding?

That's rough work!

Quan Xiangren and his companions couldn't ride horses either, so they couldn't go fast even if they wanted to.

The cold wind in winter is biting and makes my cheeks hurt.

Along the way, Lin Baici saw several villages. There was only a little smoke, and some villagers were ragged and skinny, begging on the roadside.

"Is this a famine? Or does it happen every year?"

Lin Baici put down some bread and ham.

"Last year there was a severe drought in Shangqing Mansion, and this year there was an insect infestation, and recently there was a plague!"

The bearded man sighed, God will not let anyone survive at all.

In the afternoon, everyone finally arrived at Woniu Village. Lin Baici's inner thighs were a little painful from the saddle, but compared to those officers and soldiers who were almost exhausted, it was already very comfortable.

"Bai Ci, the situation is not good!"

Outside the village, Gu Qingqiu looked at the poor village with a solemn expression because he could not hear the barking of dogs and the crow of roosters.

“You’re here, even if something doesn’t feel right, you have to go in!”

Quan Xiangren took the lead.

He was annoyed to death now because Sejongzheng had no information about Hanyang Station, so he had to make his own decision on this rule pollution.

This put him under great pressure.

If we lose staff here, what will happen in the next Shenji game?

There is another possibility that Quan Xiangren doesn't dare to think about, that is, he can't handle it himself and will die from this rule pollution!


Quan Xiangren cursed and rushed into the village. After walking more than ten meters, he slowed down.

The village was eerily quiet, like a haunted cemetery late at night.

Quan Xiangren was just about to turn around and ask Lin Baici for his opinion when he saw him walking by.

A brave one.

When he arrived, Lin Baici had already inquired in detail. The doctor's home was also the only medical clinic in several nearby villages, called Jiminxuan.

Soon, Lin Baici found this medical clinic.

It is surrounded by earthen walls more than two meters high, and densely packed bamboos are planted on the walls, similar to measures to prevent thieves from climbing over.

"This bamboo is to prevent thieves and robbers? But why is the top of the bamboo pointed toward the courtyard?"

Quan Xiangren didn't understand. What was even more shocking was that some of the bamboo tips were still hung with minced meat and dried blood stains, which had obviously been stabbed with something.

It can't be a beast, right?

"Hey, take your soldiers in and take a look!"

Quan Xiangren shouted to the bearded man that he didn't want to take any chances.

Lin Baici looked at the scene in front of him and frowned. Isn't that miracle doctor dead?

This chapter has been completed!
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