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Chapter 357 Start pest control!

Chapter 357 of the main text volume begins to eliminate pests! In the corridor, tens of thousands of cockroaches are crawling, surging like a tide.

As the black figure rushed out, a roar resounded throughout the entire corridor.


It was like a bomb exploded. Not only did everyone feel tinnitus, but even the cockroaches went crazy and started flying around like wild cats with fried hair.

Phew! Phew!

Cockroaches covered the sky and swarmed around the world, making Lin Baici and his party almost unable to see their surroundings. Everything in front of their eyes was

Densely flying black spots.

The most terrifying thing is that these bugs will hit the body, and some will simply fall down and climb on the body wantonly.

Although he was not bitten, the touch left when crawling was really chilling. Lin Baici felt that he had seen a lot of horrific rule pollution, and his mental endurance was already very strong, but today, his mentality was still a little bit...


There is no fear, the main reason is that these bugs are so dirty and disgusting.

Hua Yueyu didn't want to be looked down upon by Lin Baici, so she tried not to cry, but she felt that she had a shadow in her heart all her life.

"The monster is coming!"

Xia Hongyao covered her mouth with her left hand and shouted, and pulled Gu Qingqiu with her right hand to make way for the black figure, otherwise she would definitely be beaten.

On the other side, Lin Baici pulled away Jin Yingzhen and Hua Yueyu. The black shadow roared, like a Ferrari racing on the track, and rushed past everyone with a roar.

The airflow it brought out directly blew away the cockroaches, causing them to scatter randomly, like minced meat being stirred by a meat grinder.


The black shadow chased Akunye and punched him in the head. Phew!

Another large group of cockroaches were blown away.

Akunye caught a glimpse of this thing from the corner of his eye, but before he could raise his arm, the monster's fist had already hit his head.

King Kong Body Sculpting! Whoosh!

Akunye's divine power surged and he activated divine grace. A layer of golden light immediately appeared on his skin. The next moment, he was hit on the left side of his forehead.


Akunye hit the wall like a cannonball, crushing many cockroaches to death. Before they could fall down, the black shadow raised his left leg and kicked him violently again, hitting him in the stomach.


Click! Click!

Spider-web-like cracks immediately spread on the wall, and wall paint and cockroach corpses fell down.

Basong shouted, looking panicked. This monster is so strong! It actually beat the leader to the point where he was unable to fight back.

Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao also vaguely saw the monster through the flying cockroaches.

It's a cockroach man.

He is about 2.5 meters tall. His body is dark, as if painted with a layer of black paint, and his muscles are taut. Although he is not as muscular as a Buddha, he is still almost the same.

Its head is oval, like a cantaloupe standing on its body, and it has an ugly insect face. The corners of its eyes are like black beans, dark and small, with no pupils visible at all.

There are also two one-foot-long tentacles on its head. Squeak!

The cockroach man let out an angry roar, stretched out its legs, and rushed towards Basong.

Basong wanted to retreat, but the cockroach man was already in front of him, and his right hand was rounded, like a big pendulum, hitting Basong's head from left to right.


Basong also flew out, his head hitting the wall first, and then his body. Whoops! Whoops!

A large number of cockroaches were crushed to death, and bodily fluids and pulp burst out, splashing on the walls.

When the cockroach man saw this, he became even more angry. Zhizhi!

It yelled, bent its right knee, and slammed into Basong like a heavy cannon.


Basong's ribs were directly flattened, and blood and minced meat spattered.


Basong spurted out a mouthful of blood. Squeak!

The cockroach man clapped his hands and clamped Basong's head, then twisted it hard.


Basong's cervical vertebrae were broken and his head was twisted 360 degrees.

Instant kill! The cockroach man grabbed Basong's hair and threw him towards Akunye who had just gotten up.

"Lin Shen, come together!"

After Akunye shouted, three cockroaches took the opportunity to get into his mouth. He didn't care about spitting it out. He simply became fierce, endured nausea, chewed hard a few times, and faced the cockroach man.

Crunch! Crunch!

The cockroach was chewed to pieces and exploded in the mouth, and a sticky, hot and smelly smell filled the mouth.


The machete came down on the head. The cockroach man raised his hand. Snap!

It grabbed Akunye's wrist firmly and accurately, and while pulling hard, it kicked Akunye in the stomach.

Go up.


Because Akunye was pulled by his arm, he did not fly out, but his whole body flew up, parallel to the ground.

The cockroach man then turned around like a whip and threw Akunye to the ground.


Another large group of cockroaches were smashed until they burst into pulp. Squeak!

The cockroach man roared angrily, raised his foot and stomped on Akunye's head.


Akunye's head was crushed, his body twitched a few times and became motionless.

The cockroach man sniffed and looked at Lin Baici and the others.


Huang Jinxiang shouted.

Xia Hongyao held the short knife behind his back and placed it across his chest:

Lin Baici tightened his grip on the affair pipe wrench.

He is a grown man, how dare he let Xia Hongyao be used as a human shield?

I have to say that although Tall Ponytail’s intelligence is D, her sense of responsibility is definitely S, and she really takes matters into her own hands!

"I am the leader, listen to me!"

Xia Hongyao finally found a chance to perform, otherwise he would not be able to retain Lin Baici and Gu Qingqiu if he continued to be so useless.

Seeing that the cockroach man on the opposite side did not attack, Gu Qingqiu quickly persuaded him, "Don't be impatient, wait and see."


The cockroach man barked twice, and the cockroaches crawling around in the corridor immediately retreated to both sides like a tide, revealing a distance of more than thirty meters.

[Nourished by the divine energy in the meteor stone, the cockroach evolved two hundred years ahead of its time.]

[High endurance! High resistance to impact! High recovery power! And super learning ability!]

[If tamed, it is the best choice for slave labor! 】

[There is no weakness, it must be completely smashed, otherwise even if the head is decapitated, it can be restored! 】

Comments from Nagami. [Its meat is firm and chewy, and its protein content is as high as 70%. Although no matter how you cook it, you cannot completely remove the bacteria and odor on the meat, but if you are short of food and clothing, you can

Think of it as life-saving food!]

[The secret cooking method is to grind it into a meat sauce, add chopped olives and basil, freeze it into jelly and eat it, it can change the smell into a taste similar to coriander, stinky tofu, and ice cream!]

[When you find a cockroach, your house is already full of its brothers and sisters!]

【Start pest control!】

The bronze sword has high lethality and can be thrown to kill enemies. However, if the pipe wrench is kept indoors, it can double the combat effectiveness. Lin Baici was still wondering which one to use when he heard the comment from the god.

He immediately took the pipe wrench in his right hand and left his left hand free, mainly because he was not used to using weapons with both hands, and he could also use Divine Grace with his left hand free.

The cockroach man took two steps forward and scanned these humans with his small black bean-shaped eyes.

The cockroach man stretched out his index finger and pointed at Xia Hongyao and Jin Yingzhen. He originally also pointed at Duo Lishan, but after seeing the blisters all over her body, he gave up.

"Put down your arms and I allow you to become the spouses of our royal family!"

The cockroach man's condescending tone was full of alms.

Tao, as if becoming their spouse is an honor.

Li Yintong raised his middle finger and cursed, "What's wrong with having small breasts and a small butt?"

My job is good!

If you can't even look down on me as a cockroach, what will Lin Baici think of me?


There must be a name for me! Hua Yueyu was equally depressed.

The cockroach man snapped his fingers, and many cockroaches immediately crawled over and instantly submerged the bodies of Basong and Akunye.

Click! Click! There was a chewing sound.

Cockroach man can quickly repair himself by swallowing cockroaches

Lin Baici was about to attack, but when he heard this, he raised his eyebrows. He took out the black alms bowl from his backpack, and then took it

He took out the pine torch and said, "Hong Yao, come on!"


Xia Hongyao sprang out and appeared in front of the cockroach man in the blink of an eye.

Lin Baici turned around and rushed behind. He held the pine torch in his left hand and rubbed it against the wall, lighting it up like a match.


The orange-red flame was burning, as if it had warmed the whole world. Huang Huangxiang and Li Yintong only took one look at it and couldn't help but want to rush towards it and hug it.

Huang Huangxiang was shocked, immediately turned his head, closed his eyes, and even covered Taimei's eyes: "Don't look!"

Gu Qingqiu and Jin Yingzhen also reminded. "Haha!"

The cockroach man laughed, it was really a dream to burn my heirs to death!

That tiny human has no idea how many descendants I have!

Lin Baici rushed to a place ten meters in front of those cockroaches in two strides, then activated the zombie step, and the whole person stood up

Shake instantly.

In the corridor, cockroaches were densely packed, covering the ground in a thick layer, more than two meters high. When they saw Lin Baici rushing over, they were about to attack, but the next moment, they realized that this was a rotten dead man.


The stench of decay is not dangerous, and the rotten meat cannot be eaten, so they abide by the cockroach man's orders.

Stay where you are.

Lin Baici walked up to them on zombie steps and pushed the burning pine torch forward.

The orange-red flame came into contact with more than a dozen cockroaches, instantly igniting them. Then, because they were stacked together, the flames began to spread.

Boom! Swish! Just like the willow catkins covering the ground in spring being ignited, the fire spread instantly and swept into the distance.

Zhizhi! Zhizhi!

The cockroaches sensed the danger, screamed in terror and began to flee in fear, but their speed was too slow.

The flame of a pine torch can ignite anything and burn it to ashes in a very short time.

Lin Baici once saw that an adult of that size could be burned to ashes in five seconds, let alone these little cockroaches.

They were burned to ashes almost as soon as they were lit, so even if they flew around, there was no way for the flames to spread to Lin Baici.

The cockroach man, who was originally full of confidence and wanted to capture Xia Hongyao alive and take back his spouse, was dumbfounded when he saw his offspring suddenly burned to pieces.

Xia Hongyao took the opportunity to chop the cockroach man in the neck.


A line of blood exploded.

"Holy shit, what kind of taboo thing is this? It's too scary."

Huang Huangxiang was horrified to see half a corridor, dozens of meters long, crowded with cockroaches, like a two-meter-thick insect sponge. But a fire dragon passed by,

Burned out

"Dirty and cruel human being, I'm going to kill you!" The cockroach man pounced on Lin Baici.

Huang Jinxiang stepped aside, but Li Yintong gritted his teeth and held a butterfly knife to stop him.

I have small breasts, but I'm not a coward!

She wanted to make friends with Lin Baici, so she couldn't hide, otherwise she would never have a chance in her life.

The cockroach man was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Li Yintong at all, so he just punched her.

Taimei dodged and stabbed the cockroach man's shoulder blade with a knife, making a gash downward.


Light yellow body fluid gushed out.

Yi Jisheng turned around and swept across the cockroach man with one of his long legs. Jin Yingzhen also held the dog-leg knife and slashed at its neck. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"I'm such a waste!"

Hua Yueyu, who was hiding to the side, was so depressed that she wanted to cry, but she knew that even the two Siamese were killed instantly. If she went up, she would die and would cause trouble to Lin Baici.

"Get out of the way!"

Xia Hongyao shouted: "You are no match!" Bang!

The cockroach man was kicked in the head by Yijisheng and flew backwards.

Taimei was lucky to dodge quickly, otherwise she would have been hit by the cockroach man.

Xia Hongyao didn't hide, he just hit the cockroach man with a knife. Lunar eclipse! Whoa!

The dagger disappeared in a flash, as if the blade didn't exist. When everyone looked again, only the handle remained in the cockroach.

The outside of the person's neck squeaked! The cockroach man with his back turned to the high ponytail was furious, and his two arms suddenly swung back, without being restrained by the bones and joints, he twisted them 80 degrees and slapped Xia Hongyao.

It doesn't want to live anymore!

Xia Hongyao kicked his feet on the cockroach man's back, then turned upwards and did a 360-degree somersault. When he pulled out the short knife, he also landed in front of the cockroach man, making eye contact with it!



Xia Hongyao slashed out with his knife, bursting out with several rays of blade light, all falling on the cockroach man's face, cutting his skin and flesh to pieces.

Both eyeballs were also destroyed.

Xia Hongyao landed on the ground, and before the Cockroach Man's arms could come back, he jumped up again, turned around, swung his legs, and was about to step on the Cockroach Man's chest and blast him out of the crowd.

"don't want!"

Lin Baici shouted that if he kicked the cockroach man out, he would fall into those cockroaches and eat them to repair his injuries.

Xia Hongyao's ears twitched, and it looked like a thunderous strike, but it landed lightly on the cockroach man's chest. She didn't know

Why did Lin Baici yell like that? But he was right.

In fact, if you don't push the cockroach man away, it will be a great threat to everyone, especially Xia Hongyao who hastily changed his tactics, but Gao Ma

The tail is still done.

Because of trust!

The cockroach man flew up and kicked Xia Hongyao.

Lin Baici rushed in like a raging hurricane, holding the affair pipe wrench, and smashed the cockroach man's calf.

Colossus Power Gloves activate! Flesh Strike! Bang!


With just one blow, the cockroach man's calf was broken and twisted backwards, parallel to his thigh.

Lin Baici succeeded and did not continue the attack. Instead, he passed by the cockroach man and pounced on the cockroaches.

Because Lin Baici ran, the torch dragged a dazzling trajectory in the corridor, just like a comet streaking across the night sky in the crisp autumn season!

The fear that hung in everyone's minds was dispelled!

Li Yintong didn't know why, but he had to be sure!

Cockroach people must die!

This chapter has been completed!
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