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Chapter 502 False God Number 156


Li Chenguang fell from the sky and crashed into the forest.

The dense branches and leaves scratched his red down jacket, causing the white down to fly around like the feathers of a duck after being beaten.

Although there were branches blocking him, Li Chenguang's falling speed was still too fast, and it didn't stop at all, so he hit the ground with his head.


Li Chenguang was like a balloon filled with water that hit the concrete floor from a building more than ten stories high. His whole body exploded, falling to pieces and falling into pieces.


Blood and meat sauce spattered in a radial pattern, even breaking through his down jacket, and his body was shattered like a rotten tomato that had been stepped on by a giant's big foot.

"Did this guy jump before the bell rang?"

Zhang Hao shuddered. Although she was used to seeing killings, this kind of death was still very scary because it was so close.

Mainly because the visual impact is terrible.

"Get around here!"

Lin Baici shouted urgently, telling Zhang Hao to leave quickly.

Zhang Hao felt that Lin Baici was too cautious. Although the young man in the down jacket behaved very strangely when he was on the top of the tower, but now that he had fallen to pieces and his bones were all protruding, he could no longer die. What else could he do?


The crow that flew towards it suddenly stopped on a big tree, either sensing the crisis or being frightened by Li Chenguang.

The golden flames on its body faded and returned to black feathers. It pecked its wings with its beak, and then looked at Li Chenguang on the ground.

Zhang Hao ran and jumped, trying to pass over Li Chenguang, but when he was halfway through the jump, the body on the ground suddenly bounced up, and his bloody arms stretched out.


Li Chenguang grabbed Zhang Hao's ankle and then smashed her to the ground like a whip.


Zhang was so surprised.

What's going on with this guy?

Contaminated by the divine corpse and turned into a dead flesh man?

But that’s not the case with dead meat people, either?

Zhang Hao was thinking about this in his mind. The moment he landed, he exerted force on his waist and twisted his body quickly, like a crocodile doing a death roll while hunting.

An ordinary god hunter would either lose his hand or have his arm twisted off, but Li Chenguang's right hand, which had lost all flesh and flesh, was twisted three times and still did not loosen Zhang Hao's hand.

He pulled Zhang Hao to his side and punched him with his left fist.


Because the punch was too fast, the air was torn apart, making a harsh popping sound.

"I'm going to suffer!"

Zhang Hao's face was solemn. Because her ankle was caught, she had no way to fight back. She could only cross her hands and prepare to take the blow.

She was mentally prepared to break a hand bone, but at this moment, a green light struck, shot from the back of Li Chenguang's neck, and pierced his throat.


Lin Baici teleported and appeared next to Li Chenguang, holding a plumber's pipe wrench and hitting it on the head.


Li Chenguang fell to the ground.


Lin Baici grabbed Zhang Hao and rushed out. At the same time, he grabbed it with his backhand, and a big hand condensed with divine power shot out and grabbed the affair pipe wrench around Li Chenguang's neck.

Death Grip!


Lin Baici pulled the pipe wrench back.

"What is that thing?"

Zhang Hao looks back.

Li Chenguang stood up when he saw his throat pierced. One of his eyeballs exploded, while the other was pulled by nerves and muscles and drooped at the corner of his mouth.

Muscle fascia and broken bones can be seen in many parts of its body.

Zhang Hao didn't see what it did. The flesh scraps and blood splashed on the soil, leaves, and weeds began to flow towards Li Chenguang, and grew back on his body repeatedly.

In less than half a minute, Li Chenguang's body had recovered more than half.

It stuffed its eyeballs back into its sockets, and instead of chasing Zhang Hao and Lin Baici, it stared at the crow.

Li Xiang put his hands in his pockets, stood upright and fell from the sky, and suddenly stopped when he was one foot closer to the ground.


Li Xiang landed, looked around, and shook his head helplessly.

"Can you be obedient?"

Carrying this thing is like carrying a stupid dog, it is too troublesome.

But here we are, finally coming to an end.

"After this mission is over, I must take a good vacation!"

Li Xiang looked at the crow sitting on the branch and snapped his fingers.


let's start!

Li Chenguang, who had a dull look on his face, suddenly pounced on the crow, as if he had received some kind of order.


The crow flew out, and golden flames instantly burned his whole body from feet to head, like a meteor, hitting Li Chenguang.


The crow penetrated Li Chenguang's chest, but Li Chenguang did not die. It turned around and grabbed it with its big hand.


The crow was caught, and in the next moment, Li Chenguang's right hand was set on fire, and then the flames spread along his arm and swept through his body.


Li Chenguang was like a lit torch, extremely dazzling in the dim forest where sunlight could not shine in.


Li Xiang whistled.

This crow is so fierce!

But Li Xiang doesn't panic at all, number 156 should be able to handle it.

Li Chenguang is not the name of this young man in a down jacket, but a cousin of Li Xiang. As for the young man in front of him, he is called 156 within the organization.

It likes to be in a daze and to be alone.

Number 156, whose whole body was on fire, was not burned to death. Although the flesh on its body gave off a very unpleasant smell of burning, it did not even scream or howl.

Under the flames, its expression remained dull.

No. 156 waited for the hole in its chest to be repaired. It opened its mouth, stuffed the crow in, and started chewing.

Crunch! Crunch!

Number 156 swallowed the crow into its stomach, and after a few seconds, it made a cooing sound and burped.

A ball of flame burst out from its mouth.

"With two more, the mission is complete!"

Li Xiang smiled slightly, but frowned when he saw that No. 156 was still burning.

This look is so eye-catching.

We have to find a way to extinguish these flames.

But before that, a little mouse needs to be dealt with.

"Come out, I see you!"

Li Xiang turned his head and looked at a bush in the distance on the right.


An Yixian from the Haijing Security Bureau ran away.

She heard the sound of fighting and came over, but she didn't expect to see such a horrific scene.

That candidate named Li Xiang is most likely a member of Dark Eclipse.


Li wanted to order number 156, but this guy stood there and kept hiccupping, and every time, he would spit out a ring of fire.

"Sure enough, inferior products beyond 100 are not easy to use!"

Li Xiang curled his lips, his face full of disgust. He was not worried about An Yixian running away and leaking the things here, because as long as everyone in the seven towns of Luoyang was killed, there would be no leaks.



Dragon level is very powerful?

It’s just dinner number 156!

"Xiao Linzi!"

Xia Hongyao was waiting on a tree. When he saw Lin Baici and Zhang Hao coming, he jumped down immediately: "What's wrong? That crow is so strong?"

"It's not just crows!"

Zhang Hao gasped for air.

"We'll talk later, run away first!"

Lin Baici looked solemn: "Run as far as you can!"


Xia Hongyao led the way, and the three of them quickly caught up with Gu Qingqiu and his party, and continued to move without exchanging pleasantries.


Gu Qingqiu asked, it was really rare for Lin Baici to be so nervous.


Lin Baici estimated that the young man in the down jacket was coming for the corpse of the Seven Towns of Luoyang, and there was a high chance that there were enemies hiding in the dark.

After running for more than half an hour, Fang Mingyuan couldn't hold on any longer, his feet gave way and he fell to the ground.

His tongue stuck out like a hound that was about to run to death.

Oh shit,

God hunters are all physical monsters!

It doesn’t matter that I can’t outrun Ai Xuyue, but I’m actually not as good as novices like Hua Yueyu and Little Fat Girl.

As for people like Lin Baici who didn't even break a sweat, Fang Mingyuan didn't even dare to compare!

"Ten minutes of rest!"

Lin Baici ordered, took out the mineral water and distributed it to everyone.

Everyone stopped, thanked them, took the water bottle and drank it.

"Uuuuuuu, Brother Lin, my brother is dead!"

Ai Xuyue hugged Lin Baici and cried so hard that she was heartbroken.


Xia Hongyao advised: "That's what being a hunter of the gods is like, always walking on the edge of the cliff of death."

"Ahem, but the gains are huge, a strong body, powerful divine grace, and a longer lifespan..."

Gu Qingqiu smiled faintly: "Just think about it, others are in their fifties, their body functions are aging, and their faces are wrinkled, but you are still twenty-seven or eight years old, with seven thorns a night, and your face is radiant..."

"Who dares to say that this kind of risking one's life is not worth it!"

For Gu Qingqiu, things like slowing down aging are just incidental. She likes this kind of adventure and excitement, and wishes to make death more violent.

Fang Mingyuan was originally very sad and scared because of Ai Xuri's death, and was ready to give up the assessment and become an ordinary person, but after hearing Gu Qingqiu's words, he felt reluctant to give up.

"Miaomiao, what do you think?"

Fang Mingyuan looked at the little fat girl.

"Brother Lin, do you have any snacks?"

Long Miaomiao licked her lips: "A bird is about to come out of your mouth?"

Around her neck, hanging like a necklace, was the venomous snake whose gall she had taken.

Lin Baici took out a few packages of crispy noodles and threw them over.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!"

The little chubby girl smiled brightly, and with a hiss, she tore open a pack of crispy noodles, put the kacha kacha in her mouth, and finished most of it in three mouthfuls: "Brother Lin, you will be my brother from now on, and I will cook for you from now on."


"By the way, brother, are you tired? Do you want to sit on my back?"

The little fat girl lay on the ground as she spoke.


Lin Baici was speechless, you must be too greedy, you would do anything just for a bite to eat!

"Stop playing tricks. If you want to get out of the Divine Ruins, you probably need to kill the giant and the crow. Think about how to do it?"

Zhang Hao thought of the resurrected Li Chenguang and felt that he was in great trouble.

"Wait for Pan Yunxiang and others to kill him!"

Ai Xuyue suggested.

"No matter who we kill, we must have a plan to avoid being blinded if we encounter him!"

Gu Qingqiu played with the scabbard: "It seems difficult to attack by force, so let's outwit it!"

"Get the giant first!"

Lin Baici pondered.

The God of Cookery said that only a giant could kill the crow, and it was inferred that after the giant died, some kind of divine grace should be dropped.

"What about using poison? Put poison in its food?"

Long Miaomiao sat cross-legged on the ground and came up with an idea: "When it eats, find someone to lure it away and poison its food, or we can make a pot of delicious dishes to lure it to eat!"

"Hehe, let me tell you a secret. I am actually very good at cooking."

Everyone thought it was unreliable.

"How good is it?"

Fang Mingyuan didn't want Long Miaomiao to be embarrassed, so he tried to smooth things over.

"Whenever I cook, my kitchen is full of rats that come to eat!"

Long Miaomiao thought for a while and decided to reveal something: "My divine grace can make food delicious, or it can turn food into highly poisonous."


Zhang Hao frowned, poison sounded uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you can poison it?"

Gu Qingqiu needs to be aware of the effects of toxins.

"I don't know, but being stunned by poison should be no problem!"

Long Miaomiao analyzed: "Besides, as long as it is poisoned, its combat effectiveness will definitely decrease. By then, Brother Lin, Sister Hongyao, and Sister Hao will be able to kill it, right?"

【Can try.】

[It cannot be killed by normal methods.]

"What if it doesn't eat?"

The eldest aunt frowned: "And the digestive system of monsters is different from that of humans, right?"

"I can whet its appetite!"

Long Miaomiao patted her chest: "Wrap it around me!"

"But I have to state first that the better the ingredients, the more it will stimulate the giant's appetite, but I don't!"

The little fat girl took a look at her pockets, but they were empty.

"I have!"

Lin Baici took out a piece of beef from the black alms bowl. Before he could ask Long Miaomiao if it was okay, the little fat girl sniffed hard and screamed excitedly.

"Wow, what kind of beef is this? It tastes so good!"

Long Miaomiao took the beef, stretched out her big tongue, and took a lick.

So tender!


Long Miaomiao couldn't hold back and bit into it.


Lin Baici was startled and quickly stopped him: "Don't eat it, this is crazy beef. After eating it, you will go crazy!"


Fang Mingyuan looked at the piece of meat curiously.

Others are not surprised. In the divine ruins, anything can appear.


Long Miaomiao spat out the beef in her mouth regretfully.

"Is this okay? I also have a few pufferfish, a jar of honey, and some crow's eyeballs!"

Lin Baici thought for a while and did not mention the beauty's mummy, as that thing was more precious.

"Xiao Bai, you have a lot of good things!"

Zhang is so funny and very envious.

It is so convenient to have the Space Divine Taboo. Everything you see in the Divine Ruins can be put back.

"Okay! That's great!"

Long Miaomiao's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Brother Lin, shall I be your chef in the future?"

"You just need to give me some of the leftover ingredients!"

“We’ll talk about this later!”

Lin Baici signaled to Gu Qingqiu: "Can you come up with a plan?"

While everyone was discussing countermeasures, the giant discovered that a foreigner had entered the forest. He took a stone hammer and started hunting.

This is the home of a giant, and it is extremely familiar with every plant and tree here. After a while, it found some footprints.

The temporary team headed by Pan Yunxiang carefully searched forward.

"This town is about fighting giants!"

Xie Yangchun said: "But the pollution should have changed!"

Everyone is not panic at all because Pan Yunxiang is here!

That's dragon level!


Pan Yunxiang, who was silent, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the 3 o'clock direction.

This chapter has been completed!
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